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Lower than a snake's belly

23 Jul 01 - 09:02 AM (#512504)
Subject: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Fiolar

Two news items over the weekend makes me wonder if some people are fit to be called human. In the first case a group of four or five youths attacked a 32 year man who is suffering from cerebral palsy and who was in a wheel chair on his way to do some shopping. Apparently they demanded money from him and when he refused, assaulted him. In the second case an 81 year old woman sustained a fractured skull when she was mugged by two youths and her handbag was stolen. There are really some brave characters out there folks. It must have been a great laugh for the little scum.

23 Jul 01 - 09:22 PM (#512995)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Uncle_DaveO

A friend of mine, a lady about 73 I'd say, with hip problems that make walking at least awkward, was robbed the other day. She drove into her drive, got out of the car, and a man ran around the corner of her house, shoved her, grabbed her purse and ran. She tried to follow him, but couldn't keep up, but saw him get into his car, whcih he had parked in the neighbors' drive. She couldn't get an I.D. on him or his car.

CAlled the police. After the interview they told her they knew just who it was; this was his regular method of operation. SHE WAS THE YOUNGEST OF HIS KNOWN VICTIMS, AT 73! He would hang around a bank, spot an old person coming from the bank (often with cash for the month, having cashed their Social Security), and follow them home, do a smash and grab at their house.

They know who it is, but haven't been able to get a sufficient identification to stand up in court. Whenever he's in jail(say for drugs or booze) the series of these crimes with this M.O. stops abruptly; as soon as he's out, it starts again.

My friend tells me she wasn't scared, but she WAS mad!

DAve Oesterreich

23 Jul 01 - 09:31 PM (#513000)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Amos

Dang! Enough to make you want to pack a Taser for assholes like that!! It is not fitten that such animals should be loose among the human species.


23 Jul 01 - 10:04 PM (#513014)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: RangerSteve

And in the NY newspapers today is the story of a young man who gave a ride to a couple because their car broke down. They killed him and dumped his body along the rode. They got caught when they tried to sell the car. They had a baby with them. Nice way to raise your kids. Another good samaritan, a trucker from the midwest gave a ride to some kids whose car broke down in PA. He also died for his troubles. Is Good Samaritanism a thing of the past?

23 Jul 01 - 10:07 PM (#513016)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Gypsy

As we as a society, stop raising our children, this is going to happen more, and more. Start comparing your own childhood to what is happening now. Pretty scary to comptemplate, eh?

23 Jul 01 - 10:11 PM (#513020)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Sourdough

Last year, an 80 year old woman up the street who lives in a second story unit of a frame house, with stairs in the back leading to her front door, found that a twenty year old had broken into her house. She suprised him and attacked. She bit and scratched until he ran downstairs and tried to make his getaway. She called 911 immediately and they found the guy, still bleeding from his superficial wounds, on a side street. Worse than being caught was having the police and everyone else in the Sonoma County Jail know that he had been beaten up by an 80 year old woman. Then, to rub salt in his still smarting wounds, the storycame out in the newspapers. And then in the courtroom.

As you may immagine, that little old lady with her tiny yipping dog, gets to walk tall around our neighborhood and we are proud she is one of us.


24 Jul 01 - 02:39 AM (#513156)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

IF a man asks you to carry his pack a mile...carry it two.

I a man asks for the shirt off you back...give him your underware also.

Where is the problem? It is in the individual who believes the have "property rights."

The car, the money, the life, the dog, should all be freely given....they are not "yours" to keep.

24 Jul 01 - 04:54 AM (#513191)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Banjer

Carry a Taser?? Then after stunning the scum the police could put him in jail where public monies would feed and house the creep. He would then go to court where public funds would help defend his rights, and if found guilty, would then go to prison where again, we would have to feed and cloth and provide him medical services. After prison he would get out, usually on a supervised probation again costing the taxpayer money that could be better sspent. Carry a Taser? Nah, a 357 or a 45 would better solve the problem in the long run. Only my opinion though....

24 Jul 01 - 06:17 AM (#513219)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Linda Kelly

er, don't disagree with you gargoyle, but take with violence? I think not.

24 Jul 01 - 06:19 AM (#513220)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Fiolar

I forgot to mention that a 92 year old woman was raped in a car park in my local town a few months ago. No one has been found yet by the police. Pity guns are not allowed to be carried by the old and the helpless. Perhaps one scumbag eating some hot lead might deter some of the low life crawling around.

24 Jul 01 - 09:54 AM (#513338)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: GUEST,Cretinous Yahoo

Where I live, you ARE allowed to carry a gun. Those scum bags are lucky.

24 Jul 01 - 01:35 PM (#513541)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Jim Krause

I think I might start carrying a weighted cane when I'm that old, conveniently forgetting that I'm a nonviolent person and smash the sob where he lives.

24 Jul 01 - 01:58 PM (#513568)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: mousethief

Then what was the old lady to live on for the rest of the month, Gargoyle? You can't eat humility.


24 Jul 01 - 04:02 PM (#513703)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Kim C

Gargoyle, the problem nowadays is that it's pretty much a given that the thugs are not going to be happy with just taking your stuff. They want to make you suffer too. There are more and more stories of robberies wherein the victim is killed and/or injured even after freely giving up their stuff.

A few years ago here in Nashville, a 19 year old kid broke into an 80-something woman's house. She surprised him and somehow got him down in the floor and pummelled his head mercilessly with a 6-pack of Sprite. He had to go to the hospital.

I'm surprised no one tried to outlaw canned sodas.

24 Jul 01 - 07:02 PM (#513837)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Uncle_DaveO

Guest(Gargoyle), where do you live? I need to replace my computer, which has been giving me fits.

Dave Oesterreich

25 Jul 01 - 12:54 PM (#514326)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Kim C

Yeah, and I need a new television.

25 Jul 01 - 01:31 PM (#514365)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Little Hawk

Better watch it, people...

This thread is blatantly offensive to snakes.

- LH

25 Jul 01 - 02:07 PM (#514405)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Kim C

Snakes are our friends. They keep the bugs and mice away.

25 Jul 01 - 02:21 PM (#514420)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: SDShad

Well, now, us folks of backwoods origin can tell ya, there's good snakes and there's bad snakes. Plain evil snakes, truth to tell: rattlers, water moccasins, and the like. Good snakes: bull snakes, because they'll eat rattlers, so even in rattler country if there are bull snakes around a particular spot, there won't be many rattlers there. Bull snakes, though, I am convinced, know that they can look a lot like rattlers, and use this knowledge to force humans to give 'em a wide berth.

Also good are garter snakes, which eat up bugs in your garden, if you're blessed with their presence. They're also so cute, in a creepy sort of way, when they get irate and threaten to strike--yeah, like that's going to do them any good.

Little Hawk, my good man, I know of few who can hijack a thread with such panache....


25 Jul 01 - 03:48 PM (#514485)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Banjer

Actually the term 'lower than a snakes belly' is giving some of these slimeballs too much credit. I think a better and more fitting description would be, 'lower than whaleshit, and that's at the bottom of the ocean'...

25 Jul 01 - 06:58 PM (#514581)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: NH Dave

About a week ago a local 35 year old yahoo, drunk and dumb, "pushed" a 61 year old Laotian neighbor, who was passing by on a late evening walk. Originally the lout claimed that this was payback for friends/relatives who had dien in Viet Nam, "You Asian @#%$$#! killed my relatives!"

The Laotian man had served in the Royaql Laotian Army, on the side of the American army, but thay did him little good when confronted with a 235# belligerant drunk, and g he fell back to the pavement, striking the rear of his head hard enough to produce a great pool of blood.

Three days later his grieving relatives turned off the life support and allowed him to leave life as peacefully as he had lived it the last 25 odd years, since migrating to the USA. The town and entire area turned out in mass to honor his memory, while his assailant, waits in jail for arraignment, failing to find anyone who will advance his $300,000 bail. The initial charges of assault will probably be upgraded to manslaughter, when he goes before a grand jury.

The complete story can be found at, and pages following.

26 Jul 01 - 04:03 PM (#515199)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Kim C

What a jerk. Not only that, but an Ignorant Jerk.

26 Jul 01 - 04:32 PM (#515236)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Little Hawk

Pathetic. Alcohol and stupidity are a dangerous combination.

- LH

26 Jul 01 - 04:43 PM (#515248)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: toadfrog

Maybe I miss the point of this thread. So what's new? There have been bad guys around for at least 5000 years; I believe the Laws of Hammurabi [sp?] mention them. I'm a litigator; I know about some hum-dingers. So?

26 Jul 01 - 04:46 PM (#515251)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Little Hawk

Exactly what I was thinking when I did the post about snakes.

- LH

26 Jul 01 - 05:07 PM (#515277)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Kim C

I think it's called conversation.

26 Jul 01 - 06:54 PM (#515376)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: DougR

I've never heard so many mudcatters advocating violence! Don't you realize that if that poor old lady who was attacked in her own driveway would have been reviled by the gun control folks had she tried to defend herself with a gun?

I do think that it is noteworthy, though, that the crime rate has dipped in those states that allow license to carry concealed. There must be some reason for that.


26 Jul 01 - 07:37 PM (#515411)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: GUEST,kendall

You bet there is a reason Doug. Now the bastards dont know if their intended victim is armed or not. Cowards always pick on the weak.

27 Jul 01 - 10:29 AM (#515890)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Kim C

That's RIGHT!!!

27 Jul 01 - 10:45 AM (#515905)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: Little Hawk

The crime rate is lower in Cuba too, and I saw virtually no one carrying a gun there...except for two cops, and a pair of soldiers on the north shore at the beach. This was in a whole week. On a similar week in Canada (where the crime rate is also lower than in the USA) I would have seen probably about 50 cops and probably no soldiers.

In Mexico, where the crime rate is pretty damn high, I would have seen more like 150 cops, some with machine guns, and more than a few soldiers, heavily armed.

I have never seen fewer cops per square mile than I saw in Cuba.

So...where are we going with this argument?

Paranoia is its own punishment.

If you create a greedy, ruthless society, full of hatred, fear, desperation, and gross will have violence. Plenty of it.

As for the old lady, I would have had no objection to her shooting the guy that attacked her in her driveway...and I also feel no need to personally own a gun. Okay?

- LH

27 Jul 01 - 01:56 PM (#516097)
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
From: rea

it's this whole philosophy of "mine" society has officialy turned two (sorry to two year olds). so many people believe that society "owes" them something, even if they've never given it anything. so they take what they want without asking. i dunno about other coutnires, but americans get so self centered that we have laws against being helpful. bah!