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BS: Les from Hull -a new era

25 Jul 01 - 02:10 PM (#514408)
Subject: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Linda Kelly

I am sure he will not thank me-in fact entirely the opposite -but I think it is important to note that Les will be retiring tomorrow -and we wish him well. Those of us in Hull particularly wish him well because his salary alone has been responsible for the outrageous council tax that we have been paying over the last few years. Not looking a day over 75, Les will be taking things quietly from now on (yes we've removed all the strings from his bouzouki) and no doubt will be travelling from folk venue to folk venue with the aid of a bellow assisted zimmer frame and that smug look of complacency that people retiring early have. A health to you me old mucker, from John and I, and as I have thought all along -your a lucky lucky ba***rd!!

25 Jul 01 - 02:33 PM (#514431)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: katlaughing

Congratulations on your "new era," Les! Thanks for letting us know, Ickle!


25 Jul 01 - 05:52 PM (#514550)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: John J at home

Well done Les, I knew it was on the cards when we chatted at the do at the Jug. You must explain to me some time, just where is this Hull place? :-)

(Jealous) John

25 Jul 01 - 05:54 PM (#514551)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Les from Hull

Thanks Linda and Kat. Before all my so-called 'friends' get in on the act I might say that I'm a boyish fifty-three and I have to pay some of that Council Tax myself. Also that although I will have much more time for Mudcat I'll have much less money and I'll have to pay for my own access instead of ripping off the fine citizens of Kingston upon Hull.


25 Jul 01 - 05:57 PM (#514553)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Les from Hull

I've told you before, John my slightly older but much bigger brother lives in Manchester. You can run but you can't hide. He works for Customs and Excise so you particularly can't hide in luggage.


25 Jul 01 - 06:14 PM (#514560)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Linda Kelly

I wondered where you got all your cheap cigarettes from!

25 Jul 01 - 06:34 PM (#514567)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: GUEST,White Dove

Eeek Les!!! Now I know why Kingcom Shares went down :)

Congratulations....welcome aboard

Ros PS Do you want to buy a boat???

25 Jul 01 - 07:05 PM (#514588)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: GUEST,Willa

Congrats, Les from now on life just gets more fun1

25 Jul 01 - 08:13 PM (#514645)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Take it easy Les, good luck wth the folk train.

25 Jul 01 - 09:01 PM (#514661)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: 8_Pints

I am reliably informed that people get busier once they retire so you had better start taking the sanatogen regularly Les!

Good fortune attend your new ventures.

Bob vG

26 Jul 01 - 05:19 AM (#514753)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Les from Hull

Sanatogen? Do they do Guinness flavour?

26 Jul 01 - 05:23 AM (#514755)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: GUEST,Rogert the skiffler

Jealous, jealous, jealous! Lucky B*****r!
RtS (trying to arrange slightly early retiremnt at the moment!)

26 Jul 01 - 05:48 AM (#514760)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: KingBrilliant

Lucky boy!!
Keep us informed on how you use all that lovely time....


26 Jul 01 - 07:24 AM (#514784)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: GeorgeH

Congrats . .

Who was it asked where Hull is? It doesn't matter, 'cause

From Hull and Hell and Halifax
The good Lord deliver me . .


26 Jul 01 - 08:07 AM (#514797)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: catspaw49

What a great day Les!!! And now, with your advancing years, retirement can benefit you in many ways not always brought up.

For instance........You know how you tend to have that bit of drool from the corner of your mouth? Now it will be okay and people won't refer to you as "that disguting bastard." As a matter of fact, you can now pick your nose, burp outrageously, and punctuate your sentences with the occasional fart, and only be thought of as "quaint."

And you know how you kinda' nod off everyday for awhile? No problem now! No longer will you hear the phrase, "lazy freakin' asshole," and will now hear through your slumbers, "Isn't that cute? Let the old boy get his sleep."

Of course one of the best things is that although you'll still be waking up 14 times a night to take a piss, you won't have to worry about getting up to be at work.

Happy Retirement!


26 Jul 01 - 09:55 AM (#514870)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era

Is this thread Hullabaloo?

26 Jul 01 - 10:04 AM (#514878)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Jim the Bart


Retirement at 53? What a great idea; when I try to convince my wife and creditors that I should do it in a few years can I count on a testimonial?

Enjoy it
Bart, the extremely envious.

26 Jul 01 - 02:07 PM (#515072)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: lady penelope

My Dad retired a few years ago and apart from having a lot more time to practise his trumpet, he's complaining about all this work he's still doing. We've patiently explained to him, that it's his own fault for being a carpenter and joiner!

Good for you, I say! Now, when can I retire? What do you mean "I'm only 35?" What's that got to do with it? mumble, mumble..........

TTFN M'Lady P.

Oh and 'Guest', you really are clueless

26 Jul 01 - 02:31 PM (#515093)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Hawker

Happy retirement - only another 25 years to go!

26 Jul 01 - 03:29 PM (#515154)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era

Dear Les, Have've finally made it !!! Mike Strobel

26 Jul 01 - 04:40 PM (#515244)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Mr Red

Don't think 0f it as 53
tell em you just turned 35

for those who didn't spot it, it's a transposition thing.
as you retire don't go off tread.

26 Jul 01 - 07:23 PM (#515399)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Cobble

Heck Les

are you that old?:0)

have fun Les and do plenty pickin'

Mrs C

27 Jul 01 - 04:24 AM (#515730)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Joan from Wigan

Les, congratulations from an envious Wiganer! Not so very long ago the council I work for (not Wigan) were eager to let staff take early retirement once they were 50. But now I've reached 50, the goalposts have been moved and I probably won't be able to go until I'm 60 - if I last that long! So get out there and enjoy doing more music, and more of everything else you want to. Keeping busy is the secret of long (and enjoyable) life.


31 Jul 01 - 07:46 PM (#518719)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era

Thanks for all the messages - I've just got round to replying after being at the excellent Warwick Folk Festival all weekend, and trying to catch up on sleep. These late nights take it out of an old bloke you know!


31 Jul 01 - 10:28 PM (#518781)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: artbrooks

Congratulations from sunny Arizona...and I am 32 days behind you!

01 Aug 01 - 03:56 AM (#518864)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: mooman

Dear Les,

Retiring at 53? Sounds a good deal to me! When I retire (probably have to wait till 65 with my luck!) I will spend all my waking hours on music, which probably means I will be able to play as much as I do now (which is precious little!)

Have a great retirement!


01 Aug 01 - 05:42 AM (#518893)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Linda Kelly

Les had a good time at Warwick -we tucked him in a corner with his pipe and slippers and occasionally wiped the drool form the corner of his mouth. When he wasn't playing his melodeon, he flicked through a copy of People's Friend and talked about the War.

01 Aug 01 - 09:10 AM (#518986)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: MC Fat

He didn't hand out any Werthers Originals the miserable old git !!

13 Aug 01 - 08:29 PM (#527233)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Paul from Hull

Only just found this thread! I've got 27 years worth of gossip on owd Les, & the bidding starts at one pint of Black Sheep!

13 Aug 01 - 08:42 PM (#527248)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: DougR

What a great age to retire! I did it at 66, but sure wish I could have at 53!

I think I should warn you that for the first few months you may feel a little guilty because you are not at the office when you think you should be. Old habits and routines die slowly.

Good luck, Les.


13 Aug 01 - 08:58 PM (#527270)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Geoff the Duck

Congrats Les - You SOD!
You will not be allowed to use it as an excuse when the Scratch Band need your services (Matins and Evensong this year!). Badges are sorted!
See you at Whitby!

14 Aug 01 - 02:13 PM (#527870)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Les from Hull

Jim - I didn't want to spoil the taste of your beer so I'm saving the Werthers for the next time I see you and you aren't drinking. So if you could give us a date for that?

Paul - You don't think I could tell eveyone a thing or two about you, then. A pint of Guinness buys my silence, but only when my mouth is full of Guinness.

Thanks for the comments again, everyone - unfortunately most of them are only too true. See you all soon, I'm off now, my cocoa is getting cold.


14 Aug 01 - 06:00 PM (#528100)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Mrs.Duck

Les - about this new era you've got. What key is it in and do you pluck it or blow it?

15 Aug 01 - 04:06 PM (#528768)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era

Mrs Duck instead of sticking your finger in it you work it from your laptop.

16 Aug 01 - 01:42 PM (#529382)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: John Routledge

Les - It is 100% recommended!! John

16 Aug 01 - 03:26 PM (#529513)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Liz the Squeak

Hey, Les, about this brother of your in C & E.... The Inland Revenue have been told to work closely with our comrades in C & E.... does he want a little friend to play with?


16 Aug 01 - 05:05 PM (#529627)
Subject: RE: BS: Les from Hull -a new era
From: Les from Hull

LTS My brother's jealous 'cos he's two years older than me and he's still working! he may not want to play with anybody.

Jane - my new era is in the key of Bb. I'm not allowed anything sharp.
