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BS: Gratitude

27 Jul 01 - 11:13 AM (#515930)
Subject: Gratitude
From: GUEST,BeauDangles

Last Fall I posted a notice that my mother had been diagnosed with lung cancer. I was really touched by the outpouring of good wishes, prayers, positive energy and encouragement from the Mudcat community. Over the next few months my mother underwent intensive radiation and chemotherapy. I know that she felt the benefits of all that positive energy, as she weathered the treatment with minimal ill-effects, although she did end up losing her hair towards the end of the treatment. But thru it all she maintained a really positive attitude, and said that she felt...uplifted somehow. I know that I too felt this way, and as sad and scared as I was I still felt buoyed up by a wellspring of prayer.

I wanted to extend to the Mudcat community my gratitude for all of your kind support. And to tell you all that on July 10th, mother was declared in remission! She has no active tumor in her body. No presence of cancer in her kidneys, liver, brain or heart. The treatment appears to have killed the tumor. We are taking things one day at a time for now, knowing that there is always a chance that the cancer can reappear. But let me tell you that I am one happy camper.

Thanks again, Mudcatters!


27 Jul 01 - 11:19 AM (#515936)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: mousethief

Wow, that's great news, BeauD! Thanks for letting us know! May your mother continue to grow healthier and happier.

Isn't this a wonderful place? So much love and goodwill. I'm glad I found it!


27 Jul 01 - 11:20 AM (#515938)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: katlaughing

WOW, Beau! That is GREAT news! Thanks so much for letting us know! Wonderful, wonderful!


27 Jul 01 - 11:21 AM (#515940)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: GUEST,Karen

Thank you for the update, BeauD. Stories like that make my heart glad. Best wishes for continued good health and spirits.

27 Jul 01 - 12:23 PM (#516000)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: sledge

How good it is to hear some realy positive news,

All the best


27 Jul 01 - 12:26 PM (#516003)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: catspaw49

Just nothing like it! Glad for both of you and your family too BD! Great news!


27 Jul 01 - 08:30 PM (#516416)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: khandu

Thanx for the update! This is excellent news and I am grateful that you returned to share it with us!


28 Jul 01 - 01:07 AM (#516502)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: Melani

Whoopee! Good luck and good health!

28 Jul 01 - 08:08 AM (#516583)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Good news indeed. Yours, Aye. Dave

28 Jul 01 - 10:22 AM (#516630)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: Peter T.

Thanks for sharing your good news. We share lots of things around here, and good news is the best!!! yours, Peter T.

28 Jul 01 - 02:22 PM (#516710)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: DancingMom

Wow, she really beat some tough odds.How wonderful. I like your thread title, "Gratitude", an attitude we can all learn to cultivate on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing. Sharon

28 Jul 01 - 06:10 PM (#516797)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: gnu

I barely drug myself in the door from a long, hard day. Didn't even think I would bother logging on to the Mudcat... glad I did. What a nice thread to read. Made my evening. Thanks for sharing BeauD.

28 Jul 01 - 06:27 PM (#516807)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Beau, that is fantastic! Thank you so much for letting us know. She must be a real trouper, your mom. And you, too. Hugs all around!

28 Jul 01 - 06:29 PM (#516810)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: Cobble

Bless her and Bless you, bloody brilliant.


28 Jul 01 - 06:37 PM (#516814)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude

Dancing in the street, Beau. Wonderful news!

28 Jul 01 - 07:01 PM (#516821)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: Sourdough

That's wonderful news, Beau. My congratulations to the both of you.

Now, with this rich experience, why don't you join up? Using the "Personal Message" feature,you'd be able to thank the people who wrote those wonderful messages of support, especially the ones who took the time to write the sentiments that meant the most to you.

Can you give any details about when you logged on (name of thread, perhaps)? I am curious about what these messages were like that were so effective in reaching you and your mother. Maybe we could learn something from them.


28 Jul 01 - 07:12 PM (#516825)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: katlaughing

BeauDangles is already a member, just needs to find a cookie.:-)

Here is the original thread for BD's mom: click here



28 Jul 01 - 07:34 PM (#516839)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude

I feared after recent events that threads like this one would disappear.......thank God they didn't.....

That's GREAT news BD, thanks for sharing....


29 Jul 01 - 02:01 PM (#517222)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: Sourdough


THanks for putting up the blicky. What is nice about the thread is that Beau put an effort into describing the problem and his feelings. It was an open, warm statement of feelings. The replies were just that, too. Many people shared their experience about important events and emotions in their own lives. Those kind of entries, in which the writer invests himself in the message, gives the thread a lot of impact. Not all such threads are like that. A thread of one sentence good wishes feels perfunctory, and powerless to me. Perhaps the effort and feelings that went int to many of the messages for Beau's mother are why it was so meaningful for Beau.


29 Jul 01 - 02:53 PM (#517247)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: katlaughing

You're welcome, SD. I don't know about the other, though. I agree it was really a wonderful thread and that it was important for folks to post so much, including their feelings and experiences. I also felt, in a recent thread of mine asking for help, that the single-liners were of great help, too. They let me know that someone else was thinking about me and sending me good thoughts. It was like a lifeline, at the time; every little weave, little piece of the thread was important and gratefully received.

I am grateful to see that we can still have this kind of thread on here and discuss it. Thanks, again, BD.


29 Jul 01 - 03:05 PM (#517255)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: Megan L

Beau you have relit some hope in what were dark hours as my friend discovered yet another lump, chemo hasn't worked for her but reading your post gave me some light, there is always radiotherapy.

Good news is like the sunshine always sweetest after rain

30 Jul 01 - 12:03 AM (#517479)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: Melani

I have just heard from a friend that his wife is responding amazingly well to chemotherapy. I hope that turns out as well as BD's mom.

30 Jul 01 - 01:10 AM (#517495)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: CarolC

BeauDangles, I'm so glad to hear about your mother being in remission.

Best wishes to both of you.


30 Jul 01 - 09:10 AM (#517615)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: jeffp

Beau, remission is such a wonderful word. My congratulations to both you and your mother. May she enjoy good health for a long time to come.


31 Jul 01 - 02:30 AM (#518193)
Subject: RE: BS: Gratitude
From: Peter Kasin

Great, great news!!!

All the best,
