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Towersey 2001

27 Aug 01 - 12:31 PM (#536118)
Subject: Towersey 2001
From: Herga Kitty

Having used the day after my arrival back from Whitby to join Mudcat and do the washing, I managed to get to Towersey on Sunday - the day the catters held a singaround after the big singaround in the 3 Horseshoes barn. We had some wonderful singing from King Brilliant, Daisy, Geordie broon, Morticia, Gervase, Micca, Noreen, JudeL, Liz the Squeak, Ickle Dorrit, Alanww and Matthew Edwards. There were some very squeaky moments when I sang Dennis Wheatley. It was great to meet catters I didn't know before, as well as to realise that there are many catters I've known for years and years from Towersey, Sidmouth and even my local folk clubs. The atmosphere in the barn was very emotional - we were walking on Rod Shearman's ashes, Rod's family were there, and the collection was going towards the project to publish Rod's songs, hopefully in time for the memorial day on 11 November. Don't ask me about the Steve Heap festival because I didn't manage to get to that bit. One of these days I will get away from the fringe and go to official events, honest, but the fringes seem to be getting better and better....

27 Aug 01 - 03:52 PM (#536256)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: lady penelope

I'm going down to something called the Wareham Wail on Friday, an ALL singing event. I've never been before but someone from my choir recommended it , so I thought , why not?

I'll let you know how it goes.

TTFN M'Lady P.

27 Aug 01 - 04:09 PM (#536272)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: GUEST,AliUk

I remember Towersey fondly, though it's been 9 years since I went ( due to moving out here to Brazil) I hoped that I would be able to get there this year but I had to return to Brazil in June and that was my one major regret. I spent many a drunken day singing in the village hall, and a few un-drunken ones when I was asked to do some spots. The best time I ever sang Burning Times was one Sunday lunchtime amd the church bells started to ring as I was getting to the bit where I sing "... they were bonded in their worship for a dead man on a cross." Still sends shivers down my spine.

27 Aug 01 - 04:09 PM (#536274)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Herga Kitty

I think you'll find several catters who've already been, including me - see you there. It's not all singing though - there's a mediaeval banquet and quite a lot of (optional)drinking involved as well.

27 Aug 01 - 05:11 PM (#536319)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: McGrath of Harlow

Wareham is one of the festivals that's managed to escape being included in the Folk Roots list. Which probably isn't a bad thing. (Buntingford in November is another such.)

The trouble around this time of year is all these festivals you want to get to coming on top of each other.

I nearly went to Towersey this year - I've never been yet - but it'd have been too much hassle going on to Fylde, and I missed that last year. I think. They start to blur a bit...

28 Aug 01 - 05:30 AM (#536616)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Madhatter

Towersey was great but the Wareham Wail will be better, (no concerts etc to distract you from drinking and singing)


28 Aug 01 - 06:30 AM (#536629)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: alanww

I agree with all Kitty's comments! The Towersey Three Horseshoes Barn was great - I too nearly didn't get to the festival! The only exception was a Coope, Boyes and Simpson concert - in which they sung Pleasant and Delightful! I thought it had got a bit like The Wild Rover but they sang it well and of course it does have a smashing chorus - perhaps it will find its way back into my repertoire!

Essentially it was Rod Shearman's weekend - Micca even made sure that there was an empty glass for him on the table in the barn all the weekend. Very emotional!

See some of you on Friday at the Wail!

"The boar's head in hand bear, I ... !" Alan

28 Aug 01 - 10:50 AM (#536750)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

Or should that be 'My poor head in hand bear I....'

I remember hearing you sing, AliUK - as the tame Christian, I was stunned at the song - never heard it before, and the bells got to me too......

It has been a splendid weekend. My car stinks, my tent stinks, I stink, Micca stinks, EVERYTHING stinks.... it got very hot yesterday!

The only thing that would have made it better would be if Sean Connery were sharing my tent!

It has spawned not only a new song, but a tune as well, which I daresay, if I publish here, 26 people will tell me it's an old tune that has been around for years and it's really called something like 'Napoleon's Farewell to his kidneys' or something.

It needs polishing, and another verse, but I'll do it when I get chance.

And yes, I frightened Les Barker again.

Fantastic to meet lots of you in person, Pebbles the dog was perhaps the quietest, image of her with her head in a 'Babycham' ice bucket of water..... Alan - interesting dress sense..... Geordie - a true gentleman, plays the small pipes but didn't! Ickle - you and I will have to get very drunk together one night!!!! Matthew - lovely song, and well sung. Herga Kitty - welcome to the madhouse and please send me the words of Dennis Wheatley.

And for those of you interested in such things, I had a fantastic ride on a Yamaha XJR 1300... wheee!!!!


28 Aug 01 - 01:12 PM (#536804)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Matthew Edwards

Just arrived home from Towersey; what a wonderful weekend! Besides meeting fellow Catters I also ran into some old friends I hadn't seen for years. It was a treat to meet Catters in the flesh, and the singing in the barn was thoroughly enjoyable to share.
Daisy's Cragg Vale Gamelan was a real delight, and it was nice to catch some of the other performances in the main festival. Mark Bazeley and Jason Rice did an excellent job of carrying their familys' musical legacies forward. Chris Coe was in superb form. I can't decide what to make of Kathryn Tickell's Ensemble Mystical, but John Kenny's entrance into the Concert Tent playing the one and only Carynx was a truly memorable experience.
Can't make Wareham, and don't know about Fylde, but I will be at Linlithgow as my sister lives there (so I'll be able to sleep in a proper bed - and not have to cross a big field for toilets!)

29 Aug 01 - 04:51 AM (#537276)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Noreen

I had heard so much about Towersey and in particular, the singing in the barn, that I thought it couldn't all be true... but it was, and more!

Very friendly festival in general, and particularly the 'barn singers'. Thank you all for making me so welcome.

So many high points, but three in particular from the barn to mention here: Being present at Ickle Dorritt's Towersey premiere of Sparehand, and witnessing the effect her song had on all present; the personal satisfaction of working out harmonies with Ickle for The Bergen and singing it together; and hearing Andy Barnes sing The Last Leviathan, and share his powerful song with all.

And I wouldn't have ben there if it wasn't for the Mudcat Café! Roll on next year.


Like yonder river would I glide
To where my heart would be...

29 Aug 01 - 05:09 AM (#537282)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Cllr

Towersey was wonderful, and the mudcatters corner in the barn has finally persuaded me to sign up!

29 Aug 01 - 06:44 AM (#537316)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: JudeL

Fame at last .... this year it was even referred to as Mudcat Corner!

29 Aug 01 - 09:26 AM (#537402)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Noreen

Welcome, Cllr... tell us who you are?

Something I forgot to comment on earlier: I have never, in my whole long life so far, seen so many men in dresses as I did this weekend at Towersey.

And very fetching they looked too!


29 Aug 01 - 09:49 AM (#537419)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: alanww

Noreen: "... so many men in dresses ..."
You obviously weren't at the wimmins' night at the Middle Bar of the Anchor at Sidmouth [more's the pity! X]
Try this link for the truth about it:-
"Kind friends and companions come join me in rhyme ...!"
PS How do you get set up one of those nice direct live blue linky things?

29 Aug 01 - 10:07 AM (#537428)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Noreen

Ah, Alan, you mean you've not read the FAQ? :0) Basic Mudcat HTML will show you how, then you can practice here

(What do you bet I'll have messed these links up now I'm trying to be a knowall...)

29 Aug 01 - 10:35 AM (#537450)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: alanww

How remiss of me. Clearly my education is not complete! Its very clever, isn't it! Obviously what I meant to say was: see wimmins' night for the Sidmouth pictures.

"In Amsterdam there lived a maid ...!"


[PS My fingers are crossed ...]

29 Aug 01 - 10:44 AM (#537458)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Cllr

It was supposed to be evening wear at Towersey.

Thats why I was wearing my pajama style rippa's (or jimmy jams as Liz the squeek so elegantly put it)

It was wimmins night in sidmouth- yes I'm in one of the group photo's

And Noreen have you forgotten me already? I still have the mark on my forhead where you hit me with the tent pole. Cllr.

29 Aug 01 - 10:47 AM (#537462)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: GUEST,DaisyA

Yes, I had a great time at Towersey too, and it was really nice having faces to to put to all of the names here on mudcat. I also bought a shiny new accordion, mmmmm. I love informal singarounds, they are so much more fun than most concerts.

See you all next year no doubt! Daisy

29 Aug 01 - 10:55 AM (#537470)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Gervase

Ah, Mudcat Corner.
It's like a rite of passage. For ages, that corner has been known as "that place where the noisy reprobates sit" or worse. And now it's a got a name! Good to meet so many 'Catters there - a shame I couldn't stay longer, but the next big get-together I'll get to properly and fraternise etc (eek, tht probably comes across as more of a threat than a promise!)

29 Aug 01 - 11:50 AM (#537509)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

Aha! Cllr - I know who you are now!!!! And they were jarmies....

Gervase, you look fantastic in that dress, why didn't you bring it to Towersey??

For those who don't understand or never knew, the dress up night at Towersey is all my fault. I think I explained it somewhere but here goes.

I had my hen night there exactly 11 years ago last Sunday. As there were few females of my acquaintance actually there, I said men could come if they dressed appropriately.

Somewhere there is a picture of Micca in a lovely blue two piece Margaret Thatcher number, with handbag, court shoes and stripy hat.

It ended with 15 blokes and me doing a can can across the pub carpark.

The following year, we decided to have the Hen party anniversary Cocktail party, for which we dressed up formally. I wore the wedding dress, Micca wore his kilt, there were a couple of tail coats and some posh frocks around. We couldn't be bothered to change to go down to the pub so went as we were..... The following year was the same.... the year after that, Tony O'Neil (aka the Admiral) announced that it was posh frock night on Sundays, and it's gone downhill from there ever since....

And I don't care what people say, army boots go with anything. It was the argyle socks that were possibly a tad too much....


29 Aug 01 - 12:56 PM (#537547)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Morticia

I may go to Sidmouth next year, it looks like a lot of fun! Towersey was splendid, as usual, and it was amazing to meet so many new mudcatters, and oh my, how talented they are....I know I've said this before on here, but it is quite stunning to learn that the people here are hugely talented as well as nice....and of course, a tad odd....but then,I like that in a a person.

I'd like, please, to add a very heartfelt thank-you to those of you ( you know who you are) who showed Fiona and I such support and kindness over what was, for us, an emotional weekend.It's an honour to know you and count you as friends.

29 Aug 01 - 04:19 PM (#537677)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Noreen

Ah, Cllr... I get it now... (well, I understand your name anyway). You never said goodbye! *sniff*

And if you're daft enough to sit in the path of a tent pole, don't blame me... :0)

offto perusethesidmouthpicciesusingalanscleverlink

29 Aug 01 - 06:47 PM (#537762)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Micca

What a weekend!!! And so many memories…Scattering Rod Shearmans ashes on Saturday morning, with all his friends singing "Stormalong" as we processed and all taking turns at the scattering them on the path between the campsite and the pub. The empty Glass for him (after its contents had been poured where his scattered ashes were) that was on our table all weekend.
The wonderful singing of Pearl, Moira, Noreen, Gervase, Eleyna and many others. Ickle Dorritt singing "Sparehand".
Singing " Sing no sad songs for me" written in memory of Rod and sung in the presence of some of his Family and the wonderful choral support from the Barn, on the choruses, and I was very moved and almost broke down when Rods banner was taken down at the end of the last night...
The Mudcat gathering and all of us singing to each other…. I have never sung so often and been received so kindly, or complemented so much!! The warmth of Mudcatters, that we were meeting for the first time!!! also I echo Morticias words about the body of Talent!! It can't be beat anywhere,

29 Aug 01 - 07:00 PM (#537772)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: AliUK

All this talk about Towersey has made me cry. It was about the only festival that I went to regularly. And Liz I was pleasently suprised that you remembered that song. I'm glad that Towersey is getting the reputation of one of the best festivals around, I always found it friendlier than Cambridge or Sidmouth, but always with a top notch line up. Liz can you remember the name of the girl who used to sing The Rose?

29 Aug 01 - 07:16 PM (#537784)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: John Routledge

Just returned from my local singers club - what a great preparation Towersey was *BG*

Thanks to all for an amazing weekend!!

Roll on next year. John

29 Aug 01 - 08:17 PM (#537814)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Herga Kitty

Welcome Cllr - luckily for you you're not recognisable from the Wimmins' night pictures (even more luckily, neither is Ian Bruce unless you know which dress to look for. Or which tattoos).

I hope the beard grows back soon.


29 Aug 01 - 09:12 PM (#537834)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

Sorry Ali, I have an attack of CRS and can barely remember the song - trying to remember the singer is beyond me! It may even have BEEN me for all I know! (though I did do it years ago, I haven't done it since I got married....)


30 Aug 01 - 06:26 AM (#538011)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: GUEST,KingBrilliant

Hi all. Lovely to see you all. Didn't get to the barn much as it was too nice sitting in the sunshine listening to the concerts and the outside-the-bar singing.
See ya


30 Aug 01 - 06:28 AM (#538012)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: GUEST,Hammerite

Shush we're in a library


30 Aug 01 - 10:07 AM (#538078)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: alanww

Pity you hardly got to the Barn, KingBrilliant, as you missed some memorable sessions. Contrary to my prior intention of playing/practicing my concertina, I ended up almost entirely singing, hardly playing it at all.
After our long chat at the start I was hoping to see more of you ... You had asked about sessions after hours. Every night on Camp Site 1 there was a good get-together of the Mudcatters from 12 midnight onwards ...
"When I was a young man, my father did say ... !"

30 Aug 01 - 04:20 PM (#538382)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

'Stop doing that it'll make you blind'?

I managed to see some of King and Ammerite, whilst stewarding... even Mark looked pretty good at 8.00am! Shame we never got to party together, but campsite 1 really WAS supposed to be the quiet site!!!


30 Aug 01 - 04:22 PM (#538384)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

Noreen - I have those dots but the programme has developed a fault, so can't attach them to anything. PM me a snail mail address and I can make sure you get a copy. It's still in D.


30 Aug 01 - 05:42 PM (#538446)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Linda Kelly

Just to add my three pennorth we had a wonderful time. Positively knee deep in Mudcatters - and frankly, what a talented bunch of individuals they all are! Thanks to Noreen, Geordie Micca AlanWW Micca LtS Morticia and JudeL in particular for your friendship and humour. Particular thanks for not mentioning the 'dog' incident -because it would be terrible if people thought that I would actually have a panic attack thinking I had lost my dog, persuade the whole village to look for it, burst into tears and cry hysterically, only to find that she was asleep under a bench in the Barn two feet away from me -ot might blow my cool image!

02 Sep 01 - 07:46 AM (#540115)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Jenny H

Thank you to whoever in the Barn was wearing the T-shirt that gave me this URL! I had been wishing I knew where there was a song discussion and when Moira (here under another name?) told me about this one I thought I was going to have to trawl around for it. Now I've found it I daresay I'll be around.


02 Sep 01 - 10:34 AM (#540168)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

Not mention the dog incident?? Whoops.....

Check out the song challenge lost count thread.....

Er.... I hope she likes the songs.....

LTS (running and hiding for cover...)

03 Sep 01 - 05:06 AM (#540630)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: KingBrilliant

See I got it all horribly wrong. Thought site 2 was the noisy one - but the people we were camped with made it very clear that they were NOT up for any late night singing etc. Ha! I thought it was a folk festival!
Sulk? You should have seen me!
Never mind - next year we'll come & find the 'catters instead. Its a real pain when you've geared yourself up for a campsite sing & then everyone goes to bed. B*gg*r!
Sorry we didn't hang around long on the monday night - but Hammerite was pretty nackered & cold, so I thought we'd better beat a retreat before she went bad.
AlanWW - thanks for the info about Wareham Wail. We didn't get there because Mark was all folked out - but I have plans of coming down with Hammerite next year & himself can please himself...
We had a great weekend anyway - and it was nice to meet more 'cats.
I'm just back at work this morning - which is why its taken til now to post properly.

03 Sep 01 - 12:39 PM (#540810)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: JudeL

Lovely to see so many catters all at once, the mudcat sing in the barn was amazing! Ickle Dorrit I'm sorry that we never found time to sing that song together, must try again next festival.

03 Sep 01 - 06:10 PM (#541020)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Linda Kelly

I'm sorry too Jude, but there will be a next time i'll make sure if it.

05 Sep 01 - 06:16 AM (#542286)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Jez

My first time at Towersey! What an experience. I met many great people - too many to mention individually. Big thanks to Morticia for inviting me (although it didnt take too much arm twisting - she mentioned that there would be lots of beer drinking involved! :-) )

Thanks to everyone for a great time and no doubt I will see a lot of you next year!


05 Sep 01 - 06:56 AM (#542301)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Morticia

Do you get extra points in folkie heaven for converts?Jez had never even heard folk music before, let alone been to a he's as firm a convert as you could wish for.....mind you, still haven't forgiven him for escaping post-festival blues syndrome by buggering off to Hawaii tomorrow!

05 Sep 01 - 07:40 AM (#542308)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Jez

Its a cross I hve to bear!!!

Well, someones got to do it!

05 Sep 01 - 08:06 AM (#542316)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Noreen

And some of us tried *very* hard to put him off too, Terri... I'm amazed you want to come back next year, Jez! Maybe I'll have learned some less miserable songs by then... :0)


05 Sep 01 - 08:45 AM (#542344)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Jez

Well the Guinness and the excellent 6X helped!

You never know - I might even have a go and the singing bit - could be a good way to break up the drinking bit.

05 Sep 01 - 09:20 AM (#542386)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: JudeL

You mean we didn't manage to scare him away....


05 Sep 01 - 09:35 AM (#542394)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Noreen

As I said, we tried, Jude... *grin*

05 Sep 01 - 09:40 AM (#542398)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: JudeL

I suppose if some of the "outfits" he saw didn't put him off I don't know that anything would !

05 Sep 01 - 01:58 PM (#542677)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Roger in Sheffield

05 Sep 01 - 02:59 PM (#542727)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Noreen

Yes, Rog? :0)

And Jez will be bringing his best frock next year...

05 Sep 01 - 05:02 PM (#542832)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

But that shirt was dead cool Jez.... and I still have your mints and sweeteners. Talk to Terri about a possible return date next week.


05 Sep 01 - 05:53 PM (#542861)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Morticia

He's in Hawaii next week, and somehow I don't think he'd return early to get his mints back.

08 Sep 01 - 06:33 PM (#545351)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: GUEST,Jez

Bloody hot here !

09 Sep 01 - 04:38 PM (#545805)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

Bloody Hell Jez - posting from holiday abroad - you really ARE a convert!!!

Reel him in Max, he's hooked!!


09 Sep 01 - 06:07 PM (#545841)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Morticia

he isn't on holiday, he's on business.....dammit all, wish social services did business trips!

09 Sep 01 - 07:42 PM (#545876)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

Yeah, but they'd be to places like Borstal (which is actually quite a nice village) or Bognor. No-one ever heard of a social service conference in Barcelona or the Bahamas did they?


10 Sep 01 - 10:10 AM (#546214)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: JudeL

Actually, last year there was an international conference held in Madrid - something about discussing social work provision in different countries and establishing base line minimum expectations. The only reason I know is because UNISON was invited and sent 2 delegates.... & no I didn't wangle my way into going.
P.S.(sorry about the thread creep)
P.P.S. check out the events photos - last year's Towersey - I have some more to add, when I've had a chance to scan some more in.

11 Sep 01 - 07:45 AM (#546909)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: GUEST,Fiona

Folk is a terrible addiction to have....perhaps there should be meetings and stuff! You could all sit around and discuss how best to give up being cold, muddy and smelly whilst singing about death, doom and woe for five days. Hurrah, the sound of the melodians has faded but the memories linger on. Oliver! etc.

11 Sep 01 - 01:26 PM (#547207)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Morticia

Hello sweetie....glad to hear the melodeons have faded...but you don't want to go saying perjorative stuff about folk music are severely outnumbered! ( I'm assuming that it was my daughter who just posted, certainly sounds like her).Got your internet back then?

11 Sep 01 - 04:22 PM (#547357)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Noreen

Pejorative?? It's all true!

Is it getting to you then, Fiona? :0)


11 Sep 01 - 04:43 PM (#547380)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: GUEST,skipy

I think that men who wear dresses at Folk Festivals are very sad indeed! and I should know, for I am one, roll on the next chance! Perhaps somewhere in Northamptonshire in late September!

11 Sep 01 - 05:15 PM (#547421)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Micca

Or Skirts for that matter...:o)...

11 Sep 01 - 07:50 PM (#547589)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: alanww

Mmmmmm ... skirts ... now let me see ... ;-) !
"She wore a bonnet with ribbons on it ...!"

11 Sep 01 - 08:38 PM (#547621)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Micca

" and under her skirt a pair of balls??"

13 Sep 01 - 05:24 AM (#548755)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: alanww


Those attending Towersey FF will know that Rod Shearman's ashes were scattered along the road from the festival site to the Barn at the Three Horseshoes where he enjoyed singing. It was therefore a very emotional weekend and one I shall always remember. I know that many Mudcatters attended.

His sister Greta Alexander was one of his relatives who attended and it was her first folk festival. She enjoyed it so much that she also plans to come to Bromyard FF. As she is not online, my reason for making this posting is to ask for a lift for her from Herne Hill in South East London where she lives. Alternatively, if that is not possible, she says that she can get a train to Worcester, arriving around the Friday lunchtime/early afternoon. (I would give her a lift from there myself but I will already be at Bromyard by mid morning).

Please can someone help? Her telephone numbers are 020 7274 6638 (home) and 020 7277 1374 (work). Thanks!

"Here's to the friends that I've yet to make ...!"
PS I've duplicated this posting on the Bromyard FF 2001 thread.

13 Sep 01 - 06:46 AM (#548766)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Morticia

good to know we didn't scare Greta off completely :)

13 Sep 01 - 04:26 PM (#549156)
Subject: RE: Towersey 2001
From: Liz the Squeak

She sent me some of Rod's CD's and didn't put a return address in them, any chance you can PM me the address please?? I want to say thank you.