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03 Sep 01 - 02:08 PM (#540859)
Subject: Kazoos
From: selby

I am considering at the moment of forming a Kazoo band. On the surface this might seem a trifle silly but I think that this instrument is the cream of wind instruments I turn into Jelly at the very thought of it. Does anyone out there have any hints and tips for my endevour. Keith

03 Sep 01 - 02:25 PM (#540870)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Lonesome EJ

selby, I wish you well in your pursuit of what Delafouquette called "the Prince of Hum-Instruments". In college, I finally made the transition from comb-and-paper to my first kazoo, and it opened up a whole new world of musical accomplishment to me. Even to this day, there is nothing to compare to the sweet sound of a kazoo on a warm Summer night, nothing so plaintive as the mournful air of a distant kilt-clad kazooist humming Amazing Grace from a distant, misty hilltop.

Please see this thread for more exciting information on the instrument Louis Armstrong called "a devastatingly effective method of clearing your house of unwanted relatives."

03 Sep 01 - 02:28 PM (#540874)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: selby

Lonesome I am humbled that there is another enthusiast out there I to harbour a passion for Amazing Grace as she is truly amazing I have seen her perform often. Keith

03 Sep 01 - 03:09 PM (#540911)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Lonesome EJ

selby, if you think you are humbled now, just wait until the first public performance of your Kazoo Band.

03 Sep 01 - 03:17 PM (#540920)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Mountain Dog

For maximum impact, be sure to open each performance with "Also Sprach Zarathustra"...always a crowd pleaser!

03 Sep 01 - 03:38 PM (#540935)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Jeanie

Hooray for kazoos ! Here are two "hopefuls" to join your Kazoo Band. Although my 12 year old daughter puts me to shame by being able to play flute, all kinds of recorder, clarinet (and that's just wind instruments), I have always wanted to introduce her to the delights of kazoo playing. Having tried useless plastic ones from the toy shop, the other weekend I found a "proper" kazoo in a "proper" music shop, with the result that she kazooed her way boisterously through the entire repertoire of "The Sound of Music" showing on TV on Bank Holiday Monday whilst I danced and twirled about on the mountain tops. Enough to drive away even the most persistant of relatives: sadly, we hadn't thought to invite any !

So yes - please may we join your kazoo band ? If you are on the other side of the Atlantic (we are British kazooists) that should be no problem, we'll just kazoo a bit louder !

Personally, I still favour comb and paper for maximum effect, but it has to be that delightful non-absorbent toilet paper you find in public loos - worth pinching a few sheets to take home !

03 Sep 01 - 04:04 PM (#540949)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Lonesome EJ

I think selby is a Brit, Jeanie, and what an exciting time to be an Englishman! Kazoo playing is at its highest level since the mid-1300s, when kazoo playing was rumored to have the power to ward off the Black Death. This new popularity is in no small part due to the success of The Bournemouth Kazoo Symphonette's salute to the instrument Hum, Hum on the Range, and the increased profile of its soloist, Casimir Schlemerman, so-called "Lord of the Kazoo".

I have not yet had the courage or expertise to tackle such a work as Also Sprach Zarathustra, but just imagining a kazoo rendition of it clears one's sinuses.

04 Sep 01 - 02:20 AM (#541314)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos

Although I play the swanee whistle is there room for me in your band. I remember all those uk majorette jazz bands with mass Kazoos oooooh wonderful Keith

04 Sep 01 - 05:25 AM (#541371)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: KingBrilliant

Ooh yes, Kazoos!!! I love 'em. I'm trying to get Hammerite to forsake her Djembe for a couple of songs & be my horn section instead. Seriously, you can get some great bluesy sounds out of a kazoo if you slide the notes.
Best of luck with your ensemble.

PS - has anyone else tried those plastic telescopic didge things? They are really wicked (Hamm quote)

04 Sep 01 - 07:00 AM (#541398)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Fibula Mattock

Excellent news! Can we all audition for this ensemble? I have my very own purple and lime green plastic kazoo - 50 pence from the Early Learning Centre.
I am surprised that RtS has not yet contributed to this thread...

04 Sep 01 - 07:05 AM (#541400)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Terry K

This thread cannot be allowed to die without mention of Mudcatter Geoff the Duck's performance of Duelling Banjos - solo! Due to logistical shortcomings he duels banjo and kazoo - a magic moment!

Cheers, Terry

04 Sep 01 - 08:00 AM (#541425)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Steve Parkes

Comb-and-paper afficionados--what paper do you use? Those of us old enough to remember Izal Medicated would welcome any recommendation for a substitute.

Here's a tip if you have a deep voice: use the straight tube (or tubes if there are two) from the vacuum cleaner as a resonator. It means holding the K upside-down to get the membrane opening into the end of the tube, but the extra depth to the sound is fantastic.


Yah boo sucks--beat you to it, Roger!

04 Sep 01 - 08:26 AM (#541438)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: KingBrilliant

Oh wow! So we could use the kazoos down the didges!! Can't wait to get home....


04 Sep 01 - 08:45 AM (#541450)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Bat Goddess

I, personally, prefer to play Wagner on the kazoo: "Die Meistersinger", the overture to the third act of "Lohengrin", etc.

I may also be the only person to admit to owning two LPs of kazoo music . . . (And this is the SECOND time I've admitted it this morning!)

Bat Goddess

04 Sep 01 - 08:55 AM (#541453)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Ella who is Sooze

might of known I'd find Fib here!

She's kazoo mad...

04 Sep 01 - 09:08 AM (#541463)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: A Wandering Minstrel

If I could work out how to get a note out of it I would gladly offer to include my Deutches Naseflote. (apologies for the missing umlaut :)

Izal is still manufactured if you need it and tortoishell combs!

04 Sep 01 - 09:16 AM (#541470)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Ella who is Sooze

oooooooooooooo tortoishell combs.....


ooooooooo much excitement


Having both myself and Fib, and other friend recently discovered a bones player - who plays two sets of bones at the same time.. and has a dance routine whilst playing them. (much waving of arms, and flouncy movements) I am sure that myself and Fib can come up with some moves that will cut the mustard, and make the kazoo band something BEYOND the sublime - but not ridiculous...

what do you say...

a dancing Kazoo band - with syncopated funky moves?


04 Sep 01 - 09:48 AM (#541494)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: SharonA

The weekend before last, I purchased a wonderful instrument from a woodcrafter at the Philadelphia Folk Festival: a handcrafted wood Triple Kazoo (three holes covered with vibrating material... quite stentorious!). The crafter had used plastic from shopping bags, instead of paper.

For the comb-and-paper technique, I used to use waxed paper and a fine-toothed comb such as the tortoiseshell described above, or a small rubber comb.

Another method of construction is to take a cardboard tube from gift-wrap, cut several small holes along its length, cover these holes with plastic or paper, and hum into the opening at one end (the opening at the other end should be narrowed, perhaps by covering it with paper with a small hole in the middle; but don't block it entirely). The tube can be painted or covered with the gift wrap to enhance its appearance.

For your band, I suggest employing some of the same "moves" used by the Big Bands of the 1930's: choreograph the movements of the band so that certain sections stand up to perform solos and then sit again; have the band members sway their kazoos back and forth as they play; and so forth. I can just see them now, swinging to the strains of "I Got a Gal in Kalamakazoo"...

04 Sep 01 - 09:51 AM (#541498)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Fibula Mattock

Perhaps we ought to organise an online Mudcat kazoo concert with state-of-the-art video conferencing to capture these snazzy moves?

04 Sep 01 - 10:43 AM (#541542)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Uncle Jaque

Ah, the noble KaZOO! Now ther'es an affordable instrument with a lot of personality!
I had one, years ago, much to my then-toddling Daughter's delight; Mommy was unfortunately not quite so enarmoured with the little dandy nor the music(?) we produced with it, and I was "asked" to cease and desist from playing the "G@&Dammned thing" in the house. Shortly after violating this spousal admonition, my hapless kazoo was found lying lifeless and rather unidimensional in the driveway, appearing for all the world to have been run over repeatedly by a Ford station-wagon. I got the hint.
Ever since, whenever I chance upon one of these lovely and sonorious instruments at a flea-market or yard sale and a nostalgic smile tries to hide beneath me moustache, the stern and sollemn glare of my lovely and gracious Bride of nearly 30 years reminds me to PUT DOWN THE KAZOO and step AWAAAAY from the table!!!

Gosh, the way things are going in the Auld Countyerie, kazoos may be about the only thing left for you to defend yourselves with... until Parliment hears of it and bans them too. I can just see some creep before "MiLord" the Judge with fingers in ears and tears in eyes, wailing "...It just ain't FAIR, MiLord! All I was tryin' t' do was nip this lady's TV for some stash, and she starts tootin' this bloody THING at me...".

Honestly, Luv; I'm not sure that a kazoo band is something that could be adequately appreciated by a sober audience. but were I single again, I'd want in!


04 Sep 01 - 10:50 AM (#541546)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Ella who is Sooze

video... conferencing... ooo! We could take over the world.

and believe us... we have snazzy moves... learnt em from the best snazzy movers n shakers...

Eyes glazed over.... tube with holes, paper, gift wrap tube... off to look for some double sided sticky back plastic as I type...

twitch twitch

04 Sep 01 - 01:06 PM (#541636)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: selby

A virtual session on kazoos now we are talking what tunes/style should we attempt I think Harvest Kazoo,Soldiers Kazoo & the Kazoo Hornpipe for starters Keith

04 Sep 01 - 02:38 PM (#541718)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: GUEST,Van

If you're thinking of a kazzo band like the ones you see in old photos of people in the North East of England where they had marching bands playing kazoos that had horns that made them look like trumpets I don't know. I'd go for a jug band every time kazoo, jug, washboard, whatever comes to hand. I started out hoping to play guitar too many years ago but the best days were playing a big stone jug or my kazoo with a few like minded loonies. but more power to your elbow (or cheek muscles) whichever way you go. An under-appreciated instrument by all those who have yet to master it.

04 Sep 01 - 03:57 PM (#541795)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: SharonA

Don't forget to add the mighty Boombah in your percussion section (better get several)!

04 Sep 01 - 05:20 PM (#541862)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Mountain Dog

Hi, Jeanie

Don't know if it's still available or not, but I remember my dad bringing home some truly unique rectangles of adamantly non-absorbent WC paper in the early 60s, compliments of the Reading Room of the Royal British Museum. I recall two qualities that would have made it sterling material for kazoo membranes: First, its obvious structural integrity, rivaling, as it did, the finest snare-drum heads for tympanic resilience. Second, and this was the clincher, it bore the sober and elegant crest of the noble institution from whence it had been filched in its upper left corner. What a way to combine stiff upper lip and utterly upper crust in a single sizzling instrument, eh?

Anyway, something to look for next time your within striking distance of the RBM, eh?

04 Sep 01 - 05:38 PM (#541878)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Mrs.Duck

Not quite a kazoo but I did come accross a condomophone a Whitby recently constructed fron a feather duster ( for the hollow tube) a film case with an (unused!) condom streched over. You blow through a small hole drilled flute style on the side of the tube!!

05 Sep 01 - 03:45 AM (#542237)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Steve Parkes

They still ahve marching kazoo bands--there's one in Wednesbury (W Mids). Great for kids who want to be musical but don't have the inclination to work at it. Great for arrangers too: just teach 'em the tune, none of this long-haired harmony or counterpoint stuff. The only thing is, you have to remember to chop off the last note of every line really short--never hold a note. It's easy for the kids, 'cos they've only got little lungs anyway.


05 Sep 01 - 05:18 AM (#542271)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Ella who is Sooze

whats a boombah, is it a protected species?

05 Sep 01 - 05:22 AM (#542274)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Ella who is Sooze

whats a boombah, is it a protected species?

05 Sep 01 - 06:14 AM (#542285)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Celtic Soul

And what of folk music that lends itself to Kazoo???

How about anything written with any pipe in mind? Or the crum horn parts in any piece of music can be substitued for kazoo.

I am less partial to the idea of a complete kazoo band as I am one or 2 intermixed in with other more every day instruments. Think about what a hoot it would be to have a kazoo section in a symphony. I can just hear it now...dum dum dum Duuuuuuum! Dum dum dum Duuuuuuuum! I think Beethoven would be honored.

Proud owner of a kazoo!

05 Sep 01 - 08:35 AM (#542334)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Bat Goddess

There are lots of unusual instruments around. One night at The Press Room when I was singing "Aunt Clara" I was backed up by a dancing "girl group" chorus line (later named "The Clara-netts") playing Slinkies. (Thank gawd no one had a kazoo hidden about their person!)

Bat Goddess

05 Sep 01 - 12:06 PM (#542539)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: JudeL

Ella... Sticky backed plastic? Sounds like shades of "Blue Peter" and their "here's one I made earlier"

Sorry, having typed that, I just realised that that particular children's program probably didn't get as far as the States. Suffice to say, every week the presenters encouraged the children watching to make some incredibly awful thing , usually out of cardboard, empty washing-up liquid bottles and of course the inevitable sticky back plastic. And at some point in the process would bring out a perfect example of the finished item with the phrase "and here's one I made earlier".

05 Sep 01 - 12:16 PM (#542549)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Geoff the Duck

The big problem with a metal Kazoo is that when you have your hands otherwise occupied, e.g.with the banjo, it tends to slip from between the teeth. I found a useful remedy was to wrap a couple of turns of electrical insulating tape around the mouthpiece end. It does not dampen the tone and provides sufficient grip to not worry about which pint the kazoo is most likely to land in.

05 Sep 01 - 12:17 PM (#542550)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: SharonA

JudeL: "Awful thing"? A kazoo? Bite your tongue! ;^)

Ella: A boombah is a percussion "instrument" (glorified noisemaker) that consists of a long stick that one holds and bangs on the floor, with tambourine, cymbals and other loud things attached. One can also bang on the skin of the tambourine. I've been trying in vain to find a link to a picture of one (when I did a web search, most of what I came up with were old high-school cheers – "sis boom bah" – and references to Walt Kelly's "Pogo" comic strip!).

05 Sep 01 - 12:20 PM (#542553)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: GUEST,JohnB

As Celtic Soul pointed out earlier, the crumhorn is the medieval equivalent of the Kazoo. My group, which has just disbanded (pun intended) did a Kazoo and Noseflute chorus in our final rendition of Henry VIII's Pasttime with Goode Compagnie which was our opening number. The audience loved it. The noseflute part is a longer story. JohnB

05 Sep 01 - 12:27 PM (#542559)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: JudeL

No No No NO NO ! I did not say the kazoo was an awful thing but those things that the presenters on Blue Peter were encouraging the kids watching, to make. Things like "a decorative plant holder" or "a desk organiser" or "something for granma to put her knitting neeles in" etc. etc. ... all made from bits of junk and of course the unavoidable sticky back plastic ... without seeing the program it's pretty difficult to describe the toe-curlingly tackiness of these things.

05 Sep 01 - 06:56 PM (#542896)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Snuffy

So is a boombah a relative of the Lagerphone?

06 Sep 01 - 04:30 AM (#543195)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Ella who is Sooze

JudeL... I am in the UK, so my sticky backed plastic, was of course, a subtle reference to Blue Peter... I remember making the wire coathanger, tinsel christmas decorations, and others... ahhhhh hazy days


06 Sep 01 - 08:54 AM (#543302)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: A Wandering Minstrel

John B

I just obtained a noseflute in Austria. How do you play it??????????

06 Sep 01 - 09:09 AM (#543310)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Ella who is Sooze

erghhhhhhhhhhhhh - wouldn't be very nice for me in my bad cold state....


06 Sep 01 - 09:57 AM (#543339)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: A Wandering Minstrel

Sorry I was thread creeping just above.

To avoid the Wrath of Offer I have started a separate thread :o)


06 Sep 01 - 10:36 AM (#543372)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: SharonA

Snuffy: I don't know if a boombah is similar to a Lagerphone. What's a Lagerphone?

BTW, I just got off the phone with our local music shop. They have one "handmade" boombah in stock, for $139 plus tax (US dollars), for the serious boombah-ist!

06 Sep 01 - 01:06 PM (#543530)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: selby

Does anyone know if amplification of Kazoos causes any problems. Keith

06 Sep 01 - 01:16 PM (#543549)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: SharonA

You mean, besides the fact that the kazoo sound is louder? ;^)

06 Sep 01 - 06:48 PM (#543872)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Snuffy

Lagerphone thread with links to lagerphone website. That claims it's Australian, but it is also not unknown (see Litotes thread) in Britain.

Wassail! V

06 Sep 01 - 07:16 PM (#543894)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Mark Cohen

I seem to recall an old recording of Gerhard Hoffnung with a symphonic piece rendered for toy instruments, including kazoo. If you could find that, it might provide some inspiration. And inspiration always helps when you're playing a kazoo.

It would be interesting to know if anyone is aware of kazoos being mentioned in any folk song. The only one I was able to find in the DT (and here we're using "folk" very liberally) is my own The Perennial Beginner, or the F-Chord Song, which, in the only public performance I know of, ended with a kazoo solo. Keep on buzzing!


06 Sep 01 - 07:59 PM (#543932)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Geoff the Duck

Keith - I'll discuss some ideas with you at WB2001. See you tomorrow.

06 Sep 01 - 09:06 PM (#544019)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Geoff the Duck

07 Sep 01 - 04:23 AM (#544244)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: flaj

Keith Put me down for the band as I have a box full of odd instruments in the loft somewhere containing metal and plastic kazoos, 2 nose flutes, 3 ocarinas, several jaws (is "jews" still politically correct?) harps, a triangle, several wood and plastic tambourines, a few flageolets in various keys that I've not played in for years like F, E flat, B flat, various fifes and picolos in wood and plastic and a practice chanter which is so hard to play it burst my eardrum blowing it and trying to get sound to come out. Most of these would probably sound right in your kazoo band, so when's practice night?

By the way, what are "Slinkies" as I've never seen such items for sale in Wilkos where I do most of my shopping?

07 Sep 01 - 05:31 AM (#544268)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Steve Parkes

Are Slinkies those spring things that climb dowb stairs? If you stretch one out and pluck or stroke it, you get the most fantastic "boyoing" sounds; but very quiet--you have to press one end against you ear. Don't let go the other end! I've seen them sold in cardboard tubes with a resonator on one end (like a Slinky crossed with a kazoo, in fact), and when you turn them end over end or shake them they make these wonderful sounds, a bit like the lasers in Start Wars. Not tunable, though--they'd have to be a rhythm instrument.


07 Sep 01 - 04:05 PM (#544708)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: SharonA

Snuffy (re The Lagerphone): Definitely in the same family of instruments as the Boombah – bang stick on floor and make jingly noises – though the Lagerphone uses beer bottle caps (hence "Lager") mounted on the large crosspiece(s) attached to the stick. The boombahs I've seen have tambourines, cymbals, wood blocks, cowbells and the occasional sleigh-bell mounted directly onto the (vertical) stick... or, if there are crosspieces, they are short and contain only a few small noisemakers. Also, I believe that one strikes the tambourine, cowbell and wood block of the Boombah with a small round-headed mallet, whereas apparently one strikes the pole of the Lagerphone with a long stick (appropriately called a 'whacker').

Either would be an ideal addition to a kazoo band.

The Slinky, on the other hand, makes a soft noise as Steve Parkes mentioned. One would need a Slinky section in a band (the classic metal Slinkys only, not the plastic ones!). I think they would be best used during an instrumental break, shuffled from hand to hand with a subdued accompaniment, much as in a "soft-shoe" performance.

08 Sep 01 - 05:17 PM (#545325)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Snuffy

I've never seen crosspieces on British Lagerphones, Sharon. We just fasten the bottle tops straight onto the pole.

Wassail! V

08 Sep 01 - 05:18 PM (#545326)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Snuffy

I've never seen crosspieces on British Lagerphones, Sharon. We just fasten the bottle tops straight onto the pole.

Wassail! V

09 Sep 01 - 01:39 PM (#545728)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: selby

Just to tell you all that the Windy Bottom Kazoo Ensemble was a good experience. Many thanks to the members for such hard work dedication and fortitude. Keith

09 Sep 01 - 02:03 PM (#545744)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Mrs.Duck

When are we going to make the CD Keith?

09 Sep 01 - 02:08 PM (#545752)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Cobble

Just to say we have just got home from Windy Bottom and what a pleasure to listen to Geoff the Duck in full swing with his Kazoo and Banjo.


10 Sep 01 - 11:46 AM (#546288)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: SharonA

Snuffy: Sorry 'bout the misinformation... I was looking at the pictures you linked to. Most of those showed a cross-piece of one sort or another attached to the Lagerphone. I assumed from this that a cross-piece was a standard (if you'll pardon the pun) part of the design.

10 Sep 01 - 11:57 AM (#546310)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Paul from Hull

'Windy Bottom Kazoo Ensemble' sounds REALLY unpleasant somehow! *G*

10 Sep 01 - 01:03 PM (#546372)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: JudeL

Well having discussed playing a nose flute with a cold - the idea of a windy bottom kazoo takes on a whole new meaning !

10 Sep 01 - 01:14 PM (#546388)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: selby

Mrs Duck we have had a tentative offer from a company called Verging I'm sure that's how he spelt it out. Keith

10 Sep 01 - 06:49 PM (#546630)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Snuffy

Sharon, I think the crosspieces might be normal in the Australian Lagerphones, but not in British ones - must be the folk process!!

Wassail! V

10 Sep 01 - 07:07 PM (#546636)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Gareth

Defenition of a Lagerphone = A loudmouthed oik, trying to use a poser phone in a crowded pub.

Joshing aside, the Kazoo marching band has a long and honourable tradition here in South Wales - "Thank the Lord we are a musical Nation."

It seems to have been replaced in recent years by 'youths' driving up and down the street wearing back to front baseball caps playing bad music very loudly.

At least the Kazoo bands marched on. BTW have you heard " The Red Flag" and "The Internationale" played on Kazoo - its enough to turn you Tory !!!

I have unfond memorys of working for an insurance company in the 1970's when the other ranks toilets were still supplied with "Izal" I'am quite sure my "Farmer Giles" or "Chalfont's" date from those days !!!

Gareth (still squirming at the memory of Izal.)

21 Sep 01 - 04:40 AM (#555574)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Annual leave and local computer glitches meant I missed this. It's all been said, but look at this site sometime!
RtS (Buzz buzz)

21 Sep 01 - 07:02 AM (#555616)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Fibula Mattock

blue clicky!

21 Sep 01 - 07:32 AM (#555627)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: KitKat

Has anyone tried arranging Pachelbel's Canon for kazoo? I think it could work....


21 Sep 01 - 08:10 AM (#555649)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Micca

Kit Kat, you should hear the version of "The William Tell Overture" the ensemble did at Windy Bottom, not to mention Geoff's duet for banjo and Kazoo,(Duelling Banjos) and their version of "Speed the Plough".. BRILL!!!! the ensemble playing was magic too!!! anyone wanting a brief Mpeg of the ensemble in full cry (as it were) with Sound, PM me..

21 Sep 01 - 01:08 PM (#555907)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: selby

To those of you that hav'nt seen or heard Micca's jpeg you are missing a treat. I thank Micca for his support and as a reward if he practices realy realy hard and can pass a stiff audition we might be able to let him join the ensemble in the near future. Did you know one of the ensemble is studying the instrument on the folk degree at Newcastle Uni. Keith

21 Sep 01 - 05:16 PM (#556128)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Sonnet

Selby:The said member of Windy Bottom Kazoo Ensemble is reported to have got her Grade 8. Could you recommend a good tutor book? So far I have only found book 1 in the TUNE A DAY series, which is currently out of print. As my specialism in the Kazoo Ensemble is siren whistle, I am anxious to learn a new musical discipline. J.

22 Sep 01 - 04:43 AM (#556495)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: selby

In reply to Miss Sonnet as you may know in the 17c the wooden forerunner of the kazoo was known as the Eunuch Flute.In his seminal work "Membranes for all" Chris the Eunuch introduced many facets of the Kazoo,this may be a good starting point,although I beliive Chris the Eunuch died with out issue I understand he has a relation in Yorkshire still alive called Malcom the Grumpy who holds a seat in the Whitby area. A later work by the French writer and instrumentalist Pat Isserie on the Mirilton (french for Cream Horn ) is I believe available at the large shopping emporium T E Sco's. It is a little known fact the the instrument is a member of the Membraphone family and the one that got the Grade 8 (Peni Stone) is thinking of studiosly studying the instrument for her thesis, this may be a good starting point. I hope this will be of asistance to you and wish you luck in attempting to change instruments,always a difficult task. Keith

22 Sep 01 - 07:25 AM (#556530)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: Nightingale

Selby, yes it is true that I am studying the instrument at a Northern University, but practicing in the flat is proving to be a difficult task! I'm hoping to set up an ensemble here and am awaiting news of who my kazzoo tutor will be!! R

22 Sep 01 - 12:01 PM (#556641)
Subject: RE: BS: Kazoos
From: selby

Nightingale I hope you get a competent tutor someone like Catherine Anthole who is realy a good Northumbrian kazoo piper. A little thought that may help you play it( the kazoo) in the sharp and not the flat may be benifical. Keith

22 Sep 01 - 06:51 PM (#556793)
Subject: RE: Kazoos
From: Firecat

This might sound a bit daft, but I actually enjoyed the kazoo ensemble, even though I did nearly die laughing!!

23 Sep 01 - 11:05 AM (#557003)
Subject: RE: Kazoos
From: Rincon Roy

Tucson, my desert city hometown, hosts a grand cowboy-pioneer parade each year. I remember a vast "marching" kazoo band recruited by a local radio or TV station. Membership was open to everyone who showed up at the starting point with a kazoo: A vast mob of crazed Kazooers enthusiastically buzzing away. No one could figure out what they were supposed to be playing! Like a swarm of giant mosquitos, they just buzzed and rumbled their way down the parade route to the astonishment and delight of all.

24 Sep 01 - 07:46 AM (#557575)
Subject: RE: Kazoos

did you wear one of those little fringe dreeses and white boots?

24 Sep 01 - 08:55 AM (#557617)
Subject: RE: Kazoos
From: Steve Parkes

Great news for all you guys who need to travel light: the backpacker kazoo is now available from Bedroom Acoustic Music in Ampthill, Beds. UK.


24 Sep 01 - 01:19 PM (#557806)
Subject: RE: Kazoos
From: selby

Has anyone found a Bass Kazoo yet? Keith

25 Sep 01 - 03:31 AM (#558052)
Subject: RE: Kazoos
From: Steve Parkes

Selby, you can convert a standard (treble or tenor) kazoo with the pipe from the vaccum cleaner--see here.


25 Sep 01 - 12:47 PM (#558348)
Subject: RE: Kazoos
From: selby

Yes Ive tried it and through a Dig but I was thinking of a stand alone kazoo Keith

27 Sep 01 - 07:23 AM (#559762)
Subject: RE: Kazoos

Why would anyone want to play a Kazzoo down a dig havn.t archelogists got enough on with out Kazoo's

28 Sep 01 - 05:47 PM (#561009)
Subject: RE: Kazoos
From: Sonnet

Selby:may I be the first to congratulate you on your sensitive playing on the soundtrack of the Toffee Crisp advert. I always knew you had it in you. J.

30 Sep 01 - 04:26 AM (#561804)
Subject: RE: Kazoos
From: selby

Just looking at the Windy Bottom pics and I feel it is my duty to remind all ensemble members to (1) keep practicing. (2)ensure that dinner jackets for the Gentltmen players and the little black numbers for our genteel members are kept in a moth free enviroment. (3) The litle white gloves are clean. At the moment I am composing a choral suite around the Gloves entitled Little White Gloves and just to whet your appetites a small snipet without the music It goes (Ha HA Ha He HE He little white gloves)I am sure you will appreciare that this is on my part a masive undertaking as I haven't started to write the tune yet. Keith

30 Sep 01 - 02:48 PM (#562001)
Subject: RE: Kazoos
From: Mrs.Duck

Just can't wait , Keith!!Little black number at the ready.