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Tech: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse helper

07 Sep 01 - 11:28 AM (#544477)
Subject: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse help!
From: Bill D

I do love my computer, but there are days when I worry about how my hand feels after a day of clicking threads about possums & veggies and FJ Child....

but, this week I found a **wonderful** program which allows me to do 98% of what I do on the PC without clicking a mouse. Yes, I know that there are alternate types of mice..(roller ball, etc..) that can help in some cases, but this is a serious way to avoid the problem altogether.

If you are interested, go
(note...this program takes a little getting used to, as it works by reading mouse movement and clicking when paused, so you have to think a bit about where you are...but it has MANY clever features, hotkey help, etc.)If you or anyone you know MUST use a computer (PC) and struggles, try this!

Quote from the page:
"Mousetool is a software solution to a serious hardware problem: long hours spent using a mouse can lead to permanently debilitating injury of the wrists, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis.

There are many, many ergonomic mice on the market, but they all have buttons that can injure. MouseTool works with all mice, so you can use your favorite, without having to click the buttons.

There are other approaches to wrist pain caused by using mice: changing the position of the mouse, using the mouse with alternating hands, buying "ergonomic" mice, and using speech recognition programs to run the mouse. For some people, simply putting the mouse in the correct position solves the problem. For others, using a GlidePoint mouse will do the trick. For the rest of us with wrist or hand pain, all these options merely slow down the development of injury.

When pain is caused by clicking buttons, the solution is to not click those buttons."

07 Sep 01 - 11:34 AM (#544479)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: Bill D

pooh! far as I know, I didn't click on 'Tune Req'...but I hope the message will make sense anyway.

(yesterday, I played several games of solitare and downloaded hundreds of songs without clicking the mouse..once I got my head adjusted to the routine, it was a joy to use!)

07 Sep 01 - 11:38 AM (#544483)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: LoopySanchez

Thanks for the info, Bill D! I have a friend whose guitar playing sometimes suffers because as a code tester he is using a mouse 8 hours a day most days. I'm sure he'll be glad to hear about this...

07 Sep 01 - 12:01 PM (#544501)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: Bat Goddess

My forearm tendonitis problem of a few years back was a direct cause of improper mouse use. Been using a keyboard professionally (typographer; digital prepress print production tech) for over 30 years with no problems because I kept my posture good and my wrists in a neutral position. Unfortunately, when I started using a mouse, especially while cleaning up bitmapped line art scans, I broke all the rules: First of all, my mouse was on the desk in a very bad position for my wrist, I hung on to the mouse with a grip as if I'd fall off a cliff if I let go, and, of course, clicked a gazillion times a day. Oh, yeah, I'd get so involved with what I was doing, I didn't take breaks and just stared at the screen and clicked pixel by pixel. Arghh.

But . . . as soon as I realized I was creating a problem with my wrist and arm, (major wrist & arm pain, numbness and prickles at night, etc.), I did something about it. The muscles in your wrist and arm are meant to be used -- if you use them correctly.

Soft tissue takes a long time to heal. But it does, especially if you catch it early. I never missed a day of work because of it and never made a claim on my insurance. I did get some help from my osteopath when I saw him for something completely different at a point when my mouse wrist recovery had plateaued. He worked some hands on miracle in the vicinity of my elbow and gave me a few more hints as to care and feeding of mouse wrists, and today I'm fine and only feel twinges when I'm fatigued or doing something stupid.

Hard to believe there was a time I couldn't pour coffee or shake someone's hand.

Bat Goddess

07 Sep 01 - 02:59 PM (#544644)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: wysiwyg

Several past threads on tendonitis, carpal tunnel, inflammation... what helps, what doesn't...


07 Sep 01 - 05:12 PM (#544760)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: Bill D

yep...not many topics we have missed here. But this extra added help may just be what someone needs..(like me, *grin*)..if this software takes the strain from just one person, it was worth the effort.

07 Sep 01 - 05:31 PM (#544767)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: wysiwyg

Oh yes, just suggesting sufferers look further into the past stuff.


08 Sep 01 - 02:07 AM (#545008)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: John Kidder

Swap hands. It's not hard to run a mouse with the left (or right) hand.

Also, most applications have really really simple control codes (left over from the AnteRodentia Era) - CTRL-C to copy, CTRL-V to paste, CTRL-N for a new window in the same application, etc. - you can do almost anything without leaving the keyboard at all. Mice only came along when computers started to fill up with pictures and icons and other stuff, and computers still work perfectly well for text or numbers without the continual reaching for the bloody pointer. And the resultant aches and pains.

Save your wrists and finger clicks for your guitar.

John Kidder

08 Sep 01 - 12:52 PM (#545190)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: Bill D

it is even possible to change the settings for the mouse and reverse the L&R buttons so that it is a mirror image....but this is harder for 'most' folks (and the space on many folks' desks is not easy to re-arrange)....I am so right handed it is scary, so when I need a rest, or old age makes memorizing 53 different keyboard tricks too daunting, the MouseTool program just eases the strain....(and, it is totally easy to just disable and leave parked in the launch bar when you don't need it...then re-open it when it is useful)

I will refresh this a few times till it seems everyone has at least realized it is I said, if it helps even one person...................

08 Sep 01 - 01:14 PM (#545197)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: wysiwyg

Bill. Over at Jon's Annexe is a thread I started on this very thing (tho it may be hard to find it). Are you interested in compiling the past threads' URL's (at Jon's) for eventual inclusion in one compilation thread back here at the Cat? Cuz.... musicians' and computer-users' occupationa conditions... seems like something handy to have quick reference to....

(Another permathread?)

I suggest this just as one more way of trying Jon's experiment-- not because I think the disucssion ought to move offCat. I think it should be here, just that it might be interesting to see if Jon's is a place where compilation can occur differently than it does here.


08 Sep 01 - 05:20 PM (#545327)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: Bill D

hmmm...might be useful...I hadn't looked in there in ages...I'll try to take a look. (maybe a permathread on various 'help' engines, browsers, software...etc.)

31 Mar 10 - 09:01 AM (#2876431)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: Jack Campin

I thought there were other threads on Du Quervain's tendonitis and Dupuytren's contracture, but Google doesn't show them.

Anybody know where they are?

Anybody know to to get Google to index Mudcat properly?

01 Apr 10 - 02:39 AM (#2877128)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: Melissa

I don't have much luck finding things here lately..but I can pop this thread up for someone else to see and maybe catch.

I am sure there are Du Quervain/Dupuytren threads here. There is also some information in the thread with a name like "living without guitar, is it possible"

01 Apr 10 - 03:32 AM (#2877157)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: The Fooles Troupe

As John said...

99, 100, (mouse clicks!) change hands....

.... just another kidder .... :-P

01 Apr 10 - 03:36 AM (#2877159)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)

Here are three via Filter (I haven't time to find more at the moment):

Dupuytrens Contracture
Guitarists and Dupuytren's
BS: deQuervain's tendonitis

Have a look at the links in the threads for others.


01 Apr 10 - 02:48 PM (#2877555)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: GUEST,nickp (cookieless)

I suffer from 'mouse wheel finger'. It's a pain (pun intended) but more worryingly it is affecting plectrum holding. Guess I ought to investigate.

02 Apr 10 - 10:16 AM (#2878047)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: GUEST,leeneia

Thanks for the info, Bill D.

I'm convinced that the mouse means trouble, but I hesitate to import 'mousetool' into my computer, which is getting rickety.

However, I've how to do common jobs without using the mouse. They rely on the Alt key. When I use them, my left hand skips jauntily up the keyboard. They are quick to learn and easy to do. [I have Windows XP, and I do not need to hold the keys down at the same time. It's one after another - skip skip skip!]

Alt f o opens a file

Alt f s saves a file

Alt f a 'saves as;

Alt f p prints

Alt f v views the file

As mentioned above,

Ctrl + C copies,

Ctrl + X removes and saves,

Ctrl + V pastes

Nick p: have you tried using different fingers to operating the wheel? Have you tried reaching over the keyboard with your left hand to operate it? Don't be afraid to be unconventional.

Also, Nick, playing for long periods of time while holding a plectrum is itself a bad thing for the hand. Try not to play that way all the time.

02 Apr 10 - 03:39 PM (#2878324)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: nickp

Hi Leeneia, Thanks.

I have indeed tried using different fingers with moderate success. My work mouse has the wheel taped up but I find it difficult to click properly with 'odd' fingers.

It's difficult not to play the mandolin with a plectrum - although I am considering trying one of those picks with a thumb loop attached to reduce the pressure.

Suffering for our art!!

02 Apr 10 - 04:43 PM (#2878371)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse h
From: Bill D

wow...old thread! Yes, 'alt' and keyboard tricks can help a lot. (The mousetool program is pretty small and easy on resources, and I can still get it for anyone who'd like to try it...The old link won't get you the older 'free' version which still does fine on XP))

03 Apr 10 - 01:08 PM (#2878819)
Subject: RE: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse helper
From: gnu

I was just on Google and watched some great stuff on this subject because I have a problem. Then, I logged in here and what do I find? Truly spooky.

03 Apr 10 - 01:30 PM (#2878830)
Subject: RE: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse helper
From: GUEST,leeneia

Hello, Gnu. I would like to know what stuff you watched so I can watch it too.

Nick, I agree that mandolin seems to require a plectrum. I suppose if your hand is giving you trouble, all you can do is play a while and then rest a while.

As for the difficulty using odd fingers on the mouse, ask yourself how long it really takes. If it takes one second to use your index finger and 2 seconds to use a different finger, will anyone really care? Especially if it prevents pain and treatment down the line?

05 Apr 10 - 08:33 PM (#2880342)
Subject: RE: carpal tunnel & tendonitis..mouse helper
From: GUEST,Paul

Seems you guys need a bit of ergonomic equipment

I've been having the same problems a couple of months ago with CTS and numbing on my hands. I did check out and other ergo hardware stores and they've recommended using ergonomic hardware only to help solve or lessen the pressure on my hands when using the computer.