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Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)

10 Sep 01 - 10:50 AM (#546243)
Subject: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Well, with a high tide and a good wind behind us we actualy managed to get Swinton Folk festival underway a few days ago! The other two buggers then ran off on holiday and left me with the arrangements but I'm not bitter...;-)

Anyhow. We have a Ceilidh band. We have concerts acts. We have a singaround. We have the pub and we have a new venue - The Agnes Hopkinson Centre in Swinton. What we don't have at the centre is a bar! But worry not my children - here is the major point of this post.

The centre is a lot smaller than our old venue - which has closed down btw - with very much the feel of a village hall. We asked if our pub landlord would like to put a bar on and he would, but only with bottles. So, the old grey cells started to tick over. Seeing as we can only get canned or bottled drinks why do we need a bar?

Why don't we advertise it as 'bring a bottle' do? Lest anyone not bring anything there is a big Safeway supermarket 2 minutes walk away which is open until 10pm every night. We would provide plastic glassed (now there's an oxymoron!) at cost price. There is a kitchen where we could do tea/coffee etc.

Would not having a bar detract from the festival? Would bringing your own drinks make it more party-like? How would we regulate when people went home if we were not tied to closing time?

Any views anyone?


(If I can get it sorted before Spot comes back from France he can't argue can he;-))

10 Sep 01 - 10:54 AM (#546245)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Whoops! Forgot to add it's over the weekend of 26/27/28 October 2001. Mudcaters welcome of course!


10 Sep 01 - 12:46 PM (#546350)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: 8_Pints

Would it not be possible install a barrel of bitter/mild, etc or more?

That would make it more like a real party!

Bob vG

10 Sep 01 - 01:02 PM (#546367)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Dunno, Bob - The landlord at the Lion seems a bit reluctant - I guess he would need to rack it up some time before and he doesn't know how many to cater for - neither do we if it comes to that!

I could go for a few polypins of Old Tom I guess but do we realy want a festival full of people fired up on Old Tom let loose on an unsuspecting populace? ;-)

Cheers for the input anyway - might re-visit it.


10 Sep 01 - 01:45 PM (#546421)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: brid widder

do you have accomodation Dave...indoor camping perhaps?

10 Sep 01 - 03:09 PM (#546497)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Joan from Wigan

Dave, I've been advertising the festival date as Saturday 27th October, as per your website - have you really expanded the festival to cover the whole weekend? Yippee!!


10 Sep 01 - 06:36 PM (#546623)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

No camping I'm afraid, Brid, but I'm sure we can put you up somewhere. Yep - all weekend, Joan. Ceilidh on Friday, concerts/singarounds on Saturday. Survivors workshop on Sunday...;-)



11 Sep 01 - 05:45 AM (#546872)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: clansfolk

Dave -

We have run several events with a bring your own drinks (and glasses!)/food and all have been successful with such a wide range of tipple! with groups of people sitting, singing and sharing - sounds a great idea....

Not sure if we're free that weekend but if we are I'll try and drag the band and family across

Pete (Penny Black - Ian Gartside Band (aka Willy and the Poorboys!!!)

PS - Closing time?

11 Sep 01 - 09:05 AM (#546939)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: John J

Try the Coachman (Coach-house?) Brewery in Warrington area. Very good beer, they lend you the dispensing kit, a nice bunch of people, very cheap beer, the beer they supply doesn't need to stand before serving (it's filtered) even though it's cask. Sounds like an advert, but it's not. I have nothing to do with them other than knowing of their fine reputation.

John J

11 Sep 01 - 09:19 AM (#546951)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Morticia

Not Old Tom...anything but Old Tom! I have some memories of about 2 pints of that stuff....only some, mind you, but the Old Bill remembered the rest!

11 Sep 01 - 01:23 PM (#547203)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Go to Swinton?.....Go to Ireland?...........Go to Swinton?..........Go to Ireland?..............guess who lost. Hope you have a great time , but West Cork beckons

11 Sep 01 - 02:03 PM (#547241)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

I'll give them a try John - Thanks.

Suprised you remembered ANYTHING Morticia;-)

Sorry you won't be there, Nick - have a great time and get rid of some serious ammounts of the Black Stuff!


16 Sep 01 - 11:46 AM (#551577)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: FOG(Friend of Gnome)

To everyone who is thinking oh no -no bar-I can tell you all that the greatest sessions for both music and craic we ever had running the Hogshead folk thing was when me and Pete Wardle made the move to Adies bookshop and ran acoustic nights in there on a 'Bring your own drink' basis Everyone benefited from not paying the extortionate tax on drink we have in the UK and from the non-existent closing time situation. All in all it made for a much more relaxed atmosphere and I for one am bloody glad we are shot of that awful Lancastrian Hall. At least noone will be poisoned by their atrocious kitchen this year! Hope to see you all there this year in fine voice. One of the highlights of Fylde this year was the wonderful singing of the Shellback Chorous in the bar so hopefully we can recreate some of the magic of that. Take care one and all in these dark scary days and dont forget to hug each other and 'always have enough love to go round' Phil

28 Sep 01 - 05:13 AM (#560564)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Joan from Wigan


28 Sep 01 - 11:21 AM (#560780)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Update - we should know today whether or not we have an alternative venue - which is a better room and does have a bar.

Keep you posted soon


28 Sep 01 - 08:28 PM (#561099)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave Wynn

This is a drag bit of news. The alternative venue.....Pub with great bar and super room could not accomodate us.

We are going to run with the good ole Agnes Hopkins Centre. We do need support of all local MC'ers. We have run (ran , rided , ridden , rode) this festival for around 17 years and this could be a make or break job.

We don't want sympathy votes.....if it don't work why try and mend it...But if you are in the area and want to attend then let us know and we will move heaven , earth and furniture to accomodate you.

It will happen...On the 26th and 27th....with Ceilidh on the 26th at The Agnes Hopkins Centre and a mudcat room upstairs at the White Lion on the same night.

Concert at the white lion on Saturday and all kinds of doings over the two days.....Badges (buttons) will be awarded on Sunday lunchtime in the White Lion bar for persons who survived the weekend.

Kind thanks to Joan from Wigan who is publicising already without payment or any other inducements....It's this help and attitude that makes us keep bashing our heads against brick walls.

Please excuse the space we have used (particularly to Non UK MC'ers) but we need all the help and support we can get. Swinton Folk Festival is a non profit making enterprise run (ran rode ridded etc.) by two MC and one non convert and our aim is to provide a platform for pro and enthusiast's in the accoustic music scene.....

The wekend Ticket will be GBP 5 and session costs will be GBP 3.5

My apology's in advance .....but we will be refreshing this until Mudcat tells us not to.


Spot the Dog.

28 Sep 01 - 08:32 PM (#561101)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave Wynn

See.......(refresh)...He he..

29 Sep 01 - 04:03 AM (#561246)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Joan from Wigan

Is there a guest list available yet? Pete Ryder tells me he's been booked, any other confirmations?


29 Sep 01 - 06:42 AM (#561285)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Ceilidh is with the Beehive Band (Jane and Amanda Threllfall and co.) The other acts booked (In no particular order) Pete Ryder, John Brindley, Stanley Accrington, Geoff Higginbottom and Hands in Pockets. Not forgetting of course the regular residents of Swinton Folk Club and some regular mudcatters (I hope;-))

It will be BRILLIANT in spite of all the obstacles!



29 Sep 01 - 05:33 PM (#561520)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: 8_Pints

You can count us in for part of the weekend at least. Unfortunately we are invited to a Christening on the Sunday - as we are the god parents, they would probably miss us if we don't go! Friday and Saturday sound good though, see you there!

Sue and Bob vG

01 Oct 01 - 07:01 AM (#562433)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Sunday is usualy a 'Hangover workshop'. Songs and spirits. Poems and pints. Shanties and shandies. Buy the organisers a beer;-) - you know the sort of thing.

Be good to see you anytime though, Sue and Bob, and any other Mudcatters of course.



02 Oct 01 - 07:02 AM (#563292)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: GUEST,Noreen @mmu


07 Oct 01 - 10:45 AM (#566745)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)

Gonna be there as usual! At least with "bring your own" one knows one is going to be drinking one's FAVORITE 12 yr old malt! Yeeehaaaa!! (rubs hands together with glee!)

07 Oct 01 - 11:03 AM (#566753)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: GUEST,NtWkFiddle01

hi that was me with the 12 yr old malt thing......cookie needed re-setting!!Nick.

07 Oct 01 - 11:05 AM (#566756)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: NtWkFiddle01

Thats better!

16 Oct 01 - 09:30 AM (#573296)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Well, roughly speaking, I think we have a programme. Not finalised yet but something similar to -

Friday 26 October 8:00pm

Agnes Hopkins Centre. Ceilidh with the Beehive Band.

White Lion. (Upstairs room). Singaround with friends of Swinton Folk Club.

Saturday 27 October


White Lion (Folk Club Room) The folk club concert. Guests TBC.


Agnes Hopkins Centre. Open to drop in for a chat, song or general laze around. Final Format to be aranged.


White Lion. (Upstairs room) The Grand Concert with (NOT running order) Stanley Accrington. John Brindley. Hands in Pockets. Geoff Higginbottom. Pete Ryder. This concert will be strictly by ticket only - space is limited to 50 people so get your tickets early!

Agnes Hopkins Centre. Singaround or Open Mike concert dependant on demand.

Sunday 28 October.


White Lion (Folk Club Room). The Hangover session. Bring your instruments, songs poems and bad heads!

Costs? Main Concert - £3.50. Ceilidh - £3.50, or for the full weekend a staggeringly inexpensive £5.00. The other events will be free to ticket holders or have a door charge (Possibly by negotiation;-)) for non-ticket holders. I don't know how we do it!

Get in touch with me here if you want more details or ring me on 0161 737 5069.

See you there


22 Oct 01 - 09:06 AM (#577296)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

The countdown is on! 5 days to go. Any 'catters coming?

22 Oct 01 - 01:35 PM (#577439)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: weepiper

Hi Dave sounds like fun but I regret I'll not be able to make it down, but here I am refreshing the thread again for others... :-)

22 Oct 01 - 01:43 PM (#577443)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: John Routledge

Have great Festval guys - I am learning to sing that weekend in Darlington as I know you will be pleased to hear.Have a song for me please Cheers John

22 Oct 01 - 01:56 PM (#577455)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Ned Ludd

Why does everything happen at once? I'm already committed to Whitby,but I hope it goes well after all the problems. See you at the club soon and best of luck The General.

22 Oct 01 - 06:11 PM (#577613)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: 8_Pints

See you on Saturday, together with "the management"!

Bob vG

23 Oct 01 - 04:09 PM (#578282)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Cheers Bob & Sue - see you there. I may not be at the Lion until later on Saturday but Spot the Dog will be opening the concert at 11am (I hope!)



24 Oct 01 - 11:08 AM (#578723)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Panic meeting this evening - post more tomorrow about the details!

See you all there



25 Oct 01 - 06:14 AM (#579272)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Right - finally sorted. ALL the saturday events are now at the White Lion. Format is -

Friday 26 Oct 8pm

Ceilidh at the Agnes Hopkins Centre - £3.50

Singaround in the upstairs room of the White Lion - £1.00 (Free to Friday/Weekend ticket holders)

Saturday 27 Oct


Folk Club Concert in the Folk Club Room at the White Lion. £2.00 (Free to Saturday/Weekend ticket holders). Guests include Staff Folk, Geoff Higginbottom and Hands in Pockets.


Main Concert. Upstairs room. White Lion. £3.50. Guests include Pete Ryder, Stanley Accrington, John Brindley and John Kelly.

Singaround. Folk Club Room. White Lion. £1.00 (Free to Saturday/Weekend ticket holders).

Full weekend tickets are £5. Available from the White Lion or the Agnes Hopkins Centre on Friday night.

There MAY be further singers/music sessions in the main body of the White Lion on Saturday afternoon depending on demand (and the Landlord!).

See you soon


25 Oct 01 - 12:36 PM (#579519)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: caz2ufolk

Looking forward to a fun day at the Lion on Saturday ;)

25 Oct 01 - 03:36 PM (#579729)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: GUEST,Pauline

Love to be there this Saturday. Where can we get tickets from?

25 Oct 01 - 04:52 PM (#579788)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Tickets from the Lion on Friday or Saturday, the Agnes Hopkins Centre on Friday, just turn up for the singers sessions and pay a quid or ring me on 07771 957616!



25 Oct 01 - 07:10 PM (#579912)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: FOG(Friend of Gnome)

gird up your livers one and all for the Swinton ARSE-Annual Renal Slaughter Experience see you there-mines a Guiness PS Glad to see you are coming Caz-look forward to it!!

25 Oct 01 - 07:15 PM (#579917)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: John Routledge

If Guest Pauline is from Failsworth FC have a great time -The atmosphere will be excellent as usual for Swinton!!

If Guest Pauline is not from Faisworth have a Great time anyway. Cheers GB

25 Oct 01 - 07:24 PM (#579920)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Harry Basnett

If Guest Pauline is from Failsworth I wish she'd answer my e-mail!!


P.S.---Sara and I can't make it, unfortunately...but have a great time!!!

25 Oct 01 - 08:24 PM (#579960)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Noreen

Have a great time, Dave, Dave, Jed and all. Sorry I can't be there, but Whitby is calling...

Please post reports of how it's going/went/whatever.


26 Oct 01 - 01:39 PM (#580476)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

60 minutes to go.... Panic is setting in!

I forgot to mention the Sunday hangover session in my previous post.

Sunday 28 Oct 1pm - White Lion, folk club room. Free.

Bring your own Alker Seltzer


28 Oct 01 - 07:01 PM (#581590)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

Well, thats it. Been and gone. Bought the T-shirt. Good do. Could have done with one or two more people but you can't have everything. Mudcatters - I will come and drag you out next year!;-) Highlights? Geoff Higinbottoms rendition of Red Molly. Jon Brindleys evening set. Todays hangover workshop with Phil Atkinson. Ahhhhhh...

Must get some sleep now. Cheers


28 Oct 01 - 07:07 PM (#581591)
Subject: RE: Swinton Folk Festival (Manchester, UK)
From: 8_Pints

Many thanx Dave for the invitation.

It was good to see you and "Spot the Dog" on Friday & Saturday.

Had to attend a christening today, and as we were God parents we might have been missed if we "bunked off"!

See you again soon no doubt.

Bob & Sue vG