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Lyr Req: Nobody Knows the Troubles I've Seen

03 Feb 98 - 04:20 PM (#20545)
Subject: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites

Has anyone the lyrics of Nobody Knows the Troubles I've Seen? I've been going spare trying to find them on the Web. In fact, the Web is rich in sites which try to sell you music, but I've scarcely found one with lyrics for songs. I did find one with a huge database of information on folksongs, but it caused out-of-memory errors every time I tried to load it, it was so huge. Aaaarghhhh.

03 Feb 98 - 05:38 PM (#20553)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Jon W.

Was the "huge database" perchance named "The Digital Tradition?" If not, you should become aquainted with the DT, which is closely associated with this forum. If you type "nobody trouble seen" in the box titled Search the DigiTrad Database at the upper right hand corner of this screen, you will find the song you're looking for. Or you can just click here to go directly to it.

Welcome to the Mudcat Cafe.

PS You may need more memory, but I've got only 16 MB running Win 95 and havn't had many problems.

03 Feb 98 - 07:41 PM (#20563)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Joe Offer

Here are some other links for lyrics:
Cowpie - country lyrics
Rabid Squirrel - Jazz
International Lyrics Server - everything
#1 Songs
That should give you a bit to play with, and many of these have links to other lyrics sites. Otherwise, go to, and search for lyrics. None of these places will charge you a dime. But the best place in the world for folk music is right here.
-Joe Offer-

04 Feb 98 - 03:04 PM (#20635)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: dick greenhaus

This particular huge database runs jes' fine on as little as 1 mB of RAM; haven't tried it on anything feebler, but I suspect that the web browser takes up much more memory than the dayabase.

05 Feb 98 - 02:47 PM (#20724)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Bill D

That huge database may have been Bruce O's list of old was posted as one long file when I tried to get it awhile back...everything would time out before I could get it all loaded...

05 Feb 98 - 04:09 PM (#20730)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Art Thieme

Don't know where I should put this or how but it's surely "trouble I've seen"!!! Tanya Harding was a desperate little girl, She carried a Lillihamer every day, Hammered Nancy's knee up in old Detroit, You out to seen Tanya Harding gettin' away.

Nancy was hurtin', but Tanya didn't care, She didn't care but Nancy'd care again, I know that pun's as stupid as this rhyme, But the media keeps the big bucks rollin' in.

How this all will end nobody can say, Why I bothered to compose this is another tale, It bugs me I was duped to stick my nose into this poop, Get 'em all off our backs and into jail. (HAVE A FUN OLYMPICS EVERYONE!!!!)

Art Thieme

05 Feb 98 - 05:39 PM (#20741)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Jerry Friedman

Nobody knows the lyrics I want,
Nobody has a server,
Nobody knows, so all I can sing
Is "Laa la la la la la la."

Sometimes they're up, sometimes they're down,
Oh, yes, Lord.
Sometimes those servers can't be found,
Oh, yes, Lord.

Nobody know the lyrics I want,
Nobody knows but Greenhaus.
I even forget the rest of mm hm
Mmm hm hm hm hm hm hm

05 Feb 98 - 09:11 PM (#20749)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Joe Offer

Careful, Jerry - "Greenhaus" will put it in the database, and folkies will be pontificating about it three centuries from now.....
-Joe Offer-

06 Feb 98 - 08:54 PM (#20843)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Art Thieme

The tune to the little song "TANYA HARDING" that I put here a few back is "John Hardy".

07 Feb 98 - 05:27 AM (#20873)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Susan of DT

The lyrics to Nobody knows the Trouble I've Seen is in the database. i searched for [nobody knows]

Art - Welcome! There is a place to Create a New Thread just above the filter and age boxes on the thread page.

07 Feb 98 - 02:43 PM (#20899)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Bruce O.

Bill D, Some web browsers take much more ram than that of the file they're looking at. My broadside index is about 3/4 magabytes, and with my 16 Mbytes of ram I can read it all in, but that's not enough to use the FIND comand for anything more than 1/2 way through the file with my Netscape 3.0. It's probably best to use the copy command to copy to a file, then use a word processor to read it. A man in Edinburgh couldn't get my index from his web software, and requested a copy of the file. This went without a hitch with the same ram that the web browser couldn't cope with. That file is now zipped and available for download from Edinburgh.

08 Feb 98 - 06:22 PM (#20981)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Bill D

Bruce...I haven't tried again recently, but the first time, it was not a matter of RAM...I tried saving it as a simply timed out--the server couldn't send it to me before some pre-set timer said "that's all you can have". I tried 3 through about "T" one time.Maybe I tried at a busy time and the server was doing 279 other things...*shrug*...I'll go after it again soon...

08 Feb 98 - 06:41 PM (#20986)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Bruce O.

Bill, do you want a copy? I've added a few things since the last update. I can send it by e-mail, or give you a disk. I think I have your e-mail address, unless changed recently.

08 Feb 98 - 09:02 PM (#20998)
Subject: RE: Troubles I've Seen and lyrics sites
From: Bill D

Bruce...a disk one of these days would be great...that's a pretty BIG email!

There's no hurry...I'm up to here ˆ in stuff that is not getting attention...(besides...I have the list up to "T", remember? :-)