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OBIT: Worcester Jerry

26 Sep 01 - 06:20 PM (#559394)
Subject: Worcester Jerry
From: redhorse

Can I use Mudcat to report to UK members the death of my father Worcester Jerry, storyteller, on Sunday 23rd September, aged 90.
Worcester Jerry (Gerry Tysoe) started storytelling 13 years ago, after he had started to go to folk clubs following the death of my mother in 1987, and throughout the 1990s appeared regularly at folk clubs and festivals. In the last year or so his increasing frailty had virtually stopped him performing, but I am sure he would like to be remembered by the many friends he made in the folk world.
The funeral will take place at St Anne's Church, Wyre Piddle at mid-day on Tuesday 2nd October.

26 Sep 01 - 07:43 PM (#559476)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Worcester Jerry
From: Snuffy

So sorry to hear of your loss, redhorse. Jerry was a great favourite at the Baker's Arms in Broad Campden, and would always hold the entire pub spellbound.

I think it was last month (August) that he made a brief visit and gave us (unusually for him) a song!

We will all miss him.

Wassail! V

27 Sep 01 - 09:19 AM (#559817)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Worcester Jerry
From: GUEST,Andy

Jerry was a gentleman. I felt honoured that he thought so highly of us at the Bakers. I am sorry that I am not able to pay my last respects on Tuesday but we will remember him at our next folknight.

Our loss is the Angel's gain, I bet they are laughing.

27 Sep 01 - 09:19 AM (#559818)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Worcester Jerry
From: alanww

I also met him at the Baker's Arms. He was a great guy redhorse - he had a twinkle in his eye, was always smiling and delivered those wonderful mischievous stories. He will be much missed and I will always remember him with fondness!

"When my time is over
Haul away to heaven
Haul away to heaven
God be at my side"

PS I presume you have been able to let the others at the Baker's Arms, like Stan Jones and Tim Sexton, know - I'm sure some would wish to pay their respects at the funeral. If you have not been able to contact them, please send me a personal message asap and I will telephone them.

27 Sep 01 - 01:41 PM (#560008)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Worcester Jerry
From: Mr Red

Well I guess he now will meet some of his Arthurian heros like Sir Tain, Sir Cumference and Sir Real. Give my regards to your brother.

28 Sep 01 - 08:39 AM (#560647)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Worcester Jerry
From: GUEST,Brian

This is sad news. I didn't know him well, but had met him a few time at festivals. He certainly was a gentleman. Thanks for passing the news on, redhorse.


28 Sep 01 - 09:22 AM (#560677)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Worcester Jerry
From: Cllr

Worcester Jerry was the first story tellor I saw at a festival back in the days of Stanford in the Vale FF.

he will be sadly missed
