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Nudity In Public

27 Sep 01 - 08:38 PM (#560333)
Subject: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Robert in CA

Well seeing as how farting in public seems to be so popular - does anyone have any nude in public stories? Once when I was out for a morning stroll around the lake near where I live I came upon a young couple as naked as could be - not engaged in anything naughty - just walking around the lake like me except that they were nude. Hard to look them in the eye when they walked by!

27 Sep 01 - 08:40 PM (#560336)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Bill D

nope...we're all too bashful...*grin*

27 Sep 01 - 08:44 PM (#560341)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: catspaw49

Hey man, I went to a nude beach and folks were throwing water on me and trying to roll me into the ocean.


27 Sep 01 - 08:50 PM (#560344)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: rangeroger

Just read in todays paper about an anti-war protest in Ashland,Oregon where students streaked naked through town, some carrying signs saying "Buns not Bombs".

No arrests were made as the local police chief said, that while public displays of sex were illegal,simple nudity wasn't.


27 Sep 01 - 08:59 PM (#560349)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: DougR

You obviously haven't see the Mudcat Calendar, Robert!

You can order one from the Mudcat. Click on the blue clicky in the upper right hand corner of the home page.

You'll see lots of nekkid Mudcatters and help support the Mudcat!


27 Sep 01 - 09:19 PM (#560366)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Troll

When I worked nbight shift and was riding my bike home at around 6:30 am, there was a young woman -a college student I think- who used to stroll out on her deck to get the newspaper in the alltogether ( buck nekkid).She'd wave to me and I'd wave back. I never did find out who she was.


27 Sep 01 - 09:25 PM (#560371)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Bugsy

I've been a nudist for several years, though not a public exhibitionist.

There's nothing quite like that feeling of freedom.



27 Sep 01 - 09:33 PM (#560374)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: sophocleese

Just down the road from where I grew up was a small pond. This was where a lot of the teenagers would go skinny dipping. One day there were about five guys there all swimming in the nude when they heard the noise of another group of people, including girls, coming along. Four of them made it to shore in time to get towels or bathing suits. The fifth guy stood waist dep in the water pleading for a towel or some clothes. He was given one sock.

I got caught in a similar fashion one day while I was out with a friend. My brother and one of his friends came by and started playing guitar on the shore daring us to get out of the water. I got up and stalked to the towels. My brother's friend blushed, I didn't.

27 Sep 01 - 09:48 PM (#560380)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: catspaw49

Hey folks....Here's a picture of Bugsy gettin' to speak.

Bugsy Bares It!!!


27 Sep 01 - 09:50 PM (#560382)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Jane L

In my early 20's my boyfriend at the time and I had been to the beach for the day and on the ride home he persuaded me to take off my bathing suit while he drove. I got a lot of trucks tooting their horns that day - I wonder why LOL!

27 Sep 01 - 10:22 PM (#560405)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Cap't Bob

A couple of summers ago I was sailing on Lake Huron quite a ways from shore to avoid all of the PWC's (Personal Water Crafts). Ahead off the port bow I saw whad appeared to be a PWC dead in the water. As I got closer I could see someone frantically waving their arms at me. I figured that it must have had run out of gas or was possibly having mechanical problems and reluctantly decided to give assistance.

When I was close enough to get a good look ~ what had appeared to be arms waving turned out to be legs flailing about. There were actually two people on the PWC, both naked, and engaged in something very ((naughty)). As I sailed past they gave me a brief glance and went back to the task at hand.

This really happened ~~ I still find it difficult to believe that someone would eventually find a good use for one of these damnable contraptions.

Cap't Bob

27 Sep 01 - 10:51 PM (#560425)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public

I had a similar experience to Cap't Bob. I was walking in a park one day when I came upon a couple in the bushes doing something rather naughty (or beautiful however you look at it). Difference was that they wanted to be caught and asked if I would watch the remainder to which I said No thank you and walked quickly out of that park!

27 Sep 01 - 11:11 PM (#560440)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: wysiwyg

But is it OK to fart in public while nude?


27 Sep 01 - 11:26 PM (#560449)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Steve in Idaho

I believe that farting in the nude should be OK - just no Atomic farts - you know - 90% fallout?

I think I could write an I've been nude everywhere song - Peace - Steve

27 Sep 01 - 11:29 PM (#560450)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Peg

I go camping every year at clothing optional campsites (where most pagan gatherings are held) though I am not what I would call a "nudist"

I also have worked as an artists' model and exotic dancer (years ago) so I am quite used to being naked in public...

28 Sep 01 - 12:08 AM (#560463)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: alison

well any of you who are interested in nudity... what about a photo for Mudcat Nearly Nude calendar 2002 ????



28 Sep 01 - 12:10 AM (#560465)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Peg

oh alison I had a feeling that was coming! *BG*

we'll see...maybe this time I will pose with a musical instrument instead of a tree...


28 Sep 01 - 02:10 AM (#560511)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Liz the Squeak

ERm..... OK, most of the English speaking world knows this story already.....

Whilst at a certain folk festival in 1990, a certain blind friend of ours got sick (he says dodgy noodles, I say beer) and was attempting to do it outside his tent. As his was next to mine, I was concerned that he didn't do it on the fly sheet or anywhere that would be awkward for others. So I got out of my tent to see if I could help. It was a very hot night, and he's blind so I figured, what the heck.... Another friend also appeared out of her tent, woken by the noise, to assist. Whilst holding our unsighted friend up, with but one pair of knickers between us, what happens but an official beam of torch light, and two constables patrolling coming to find out what the noise was.....

'Oh it's alright officer, our friend here is not very well'.

(slightly muffled) 'OK, just wanted to make sure everything was OK...'

I hear that even 11 years on, there are still more volunteers for the night shift than any other shift of the weekend......


28 Sep 01 - 02:19 AM (#560514)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Amergin

I'm not sure, Peg...I thought that was a rather nice looking tree...

28 Sep 01 - 07:39 AM (#560613)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Amy Canada

Farting nude would have to be totally acceptable! When I was young for some reason we would have farting contests after school at someone's house sometimes. The best farts were always the ones that were "sans pants" as there was nothing to block the sound that permeated. I also got used to others seeing my ass in public - so I guess this story covers both topics - farting nude in public! By the way, if everyone has the same ass parts - shouldn't it be ok to show them in public? LOL

28 Sep 01 - 07:41 AM (#560614)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Amy Canada

By the way - more Peg and less tree!!!

28 Sep 01 - 07:55 AM (#560619)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public

"Kids running around, fucking in the bushes..."

28 Sep 01 - 08:21 AM (#560631)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Allan C.

My father used to tell a tale of when he was aboard the U.S.S Midway (aircraft carrier) many years ago. They had been sailing in the Mediterranean had anchored off the coast of France. Dad, who was on the bridge, noticed a huge gathering of seamen on the fantail of the ship and looked through the binoculars to see what the excitement was. He soon discovered that all hands were peering at a small boat that had drifted closeby. It's occupant was a lovely young woman who appeared to have fallen asleep while sunbathing sans the top of her swimsuit. As Dad looked on, a sailor broke through the crowd, waving the camera that he had retrieved from below. He made his way to the edge of the deck and appeared to be about to snap a photo when the young woman suddenly awoke. She saw what was going on and held up her hand in signal for him to stop or wait. Then she obligingly removed the lower half of her swimsuit.

28 Sep 01 - 08:36 AM (#560646)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Bill D

well, one of the best stories I have heard (Readers Digest??) was of the two young women hiking in a National Park...they came to a tent with no one about, but hearing faint noises, looked over a ledge to the nearby river, where, in the distance, two men were swimming/bathing, their clothes, camping gear and--camera-- piled in front of the tent......The girls looked at one another, a wicked smile appeared...and quickly they both stripped, took each other's picture with the guys' camera, replaced it as they found it, and went on their way....

28 Sep 01 - 09:00 AM (#560658)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Mrrzy

Now that's a practical joke! Hey all, at what age does it stop being OK for children (age of the children that is!) to run around in their birthday suits? And where are you, since that's relevant?

28 Sep 01 - 09:36 AM (#560687)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Jim Dixon

Mrrzy: Now, that's an interesting quesion! Evidently the age is lower in the US than in Britain. (Cultural differences -- one of my favorite topics.) At a wading pool in a public park near the beach in Brighton, UK, I was surprised to see kids as old as (I would guess) 6 or 7 totally starkers! While their mothers watched.

You would never see that in the US. In fact, it would be rare to see ANY nudity, even by kids, in a place as public as a city park. In the US, I've seen tiny kids, toddlers really, naked at beaches in country parks where there were few people about, in people's backyards while friends are visiting, etc., but that's about all. I guess the general feeling is that kids shouldn't be seen naked by strangers.

28 Sep 01 - 10:23 AM (#560726)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

Heavens sakes, I don't even hardly walk around the HOUSE naked, much less in public.

When I was a teenager and my church youth group took a trip to Colorado & New Mexico, on the way we took a side trip to Juarez, Mexico. We were just walking along the sidewalk one evening after supper, and our pard Doug stopped dead in his tracks and stood there speechless.

What is it, man? we all asked.

He stood there, still speechless, and pointed down the street. "Did you see that convertible that just went by?"

No, we said.

Well, he said, the woman driving it didn't have any clothes on...

28 Sep 01 - 10:25 AM (#560729)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: mooman

Once when driving with LadyMcMoo and her sister, both needed to take a leak urgently. So I pulled in by the side of the road on a seemingly deserted spot and they jumped out and scrambled up a bank towards a place they felt they would be "private". Imagine my astonishment, their's and that of the driver of a car who rounded a bend and whose headlights perfectly illuminated their two bare arses squatting astride a ridge!


28 Sep 01 - 10:55 AM (#560756)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Midchuck

Hey all, at what age does it stop being OK for children (age of the children that is!) to run around in their birthday suits?

In a rational society, about 125 years.


28 Sep 01 - 10:56 AM (#560757)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: LR Mole

And while we're on the subject, is it true that Patrick MacNee (John Steed[!]) is/was one of the most famous nudists in England?

28 Sep 01 - 11:09 AM (#560768)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public

We need to get this message out. America needs your help! The President has asked that we unite for a common cause. Since the hard line Islamic people cannot stand nudity, and consider it a sin to see a naked woman that is not their wife. Tonight at 7:00, all women should run out of their house naked to help weed out the terrorists. The United States appreciates your efforts, and applauds you. God bless America

28 Sep 01 - 11:19 AM (#560777)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Matt Woodbury/Mimosa

I hadn't really thought that this would come up on this forum, but this is actually a folk music realted link for this discussion.

folk related nudity


28 Sep 01 - 07:52 PM (#561084)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Nemesis

See Miranda Vincent of the Bamboo Band walk naked through her town on (flip back through the weekly illustrations to 14th Sept)

Someone please do a blicky for this

Cheers, Hille

28 Sep 01 - 08:56 PM (#561112)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Jim Dixon

Here's the Cartoon Hille referred to above.

28 Sep 01 - 10:04 PM (#561147)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Naemanson

Did I see trousers called a fart mute?

My only experience with nudity in public was the couple I saw sunbathing on the beach on Grand Bahama Island. Not doing anything, just lying in the sun on a lonely stretch of white sand beach with the breeze sighing through the casuarina trees and the blue Carribean lapping nearby.

I really liked that beach...

29 Sep 01 - 04:43 AM (#561258)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Nemesis

Thanks Jim - I believe Miranda should get more exposure - pardon the pun :) Hille

29 Sep 01 - 06:58 AM (#561289)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Allan C.

Matt/Mimosa, that sure did sound like a harp of yours I once saw. Was that indeed you?

30 Sep 01 - 10:36 PM (#562207)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Matt Woodbury/Mimosa

Yes, but it was an illusiion. What I was wearing was hidden by the harp, and the giggling girls on the front row saw no more flesh than the rest of the audience.

The column caused lots of requests for a repeat of the concert, but we haven't done it again, yet.


01 Oct 01 - 06:30 AM (#562423)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,MC Fat

A few years ago whilst working for Doncaster Libraries I had a farting experience par excellance. At the time I ran the Doncaster Folk Club and this required me to drink copious quantities of rather fine Guinness every Tuesday night. Guinness as most people know is the best fart makers next to beans known to mankind. My staff hated Wednesdays we were located in a samll office with 'no windows'.My desk was located with my back to the door, I felt a real cracker coming on and lifted my backside off the chair pointing my arse into the air and let rip a real thunderer. Unfortunately I hadn't noticed that a hush had just descended on the room because the Audio Visual Librarian who also happened to be a vicar's wife was stood behind me about to ask me a question about a request for some folk music. She got full blast. After much profuse apologies I could only think of the old joke 'How dare you fart before the Vicar's wife !! Sory I didn't know it was her turn !!'

01 Oct 01 - 09:38 AM (#562490)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Amos

I have to say, that's a real crack-up McFat. In both senses.


01 Oct 01 - 10:08 AM (#562508)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Hille

Guest MC Fat,

What! And you were nude in public in front of the Vicar's wife AS WELL!?

01 Oct 01 - 10:14 AM (#562510)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,MC Fat

No maybe fortunately as she wasn't exactly blessed by God with good looks as I've just realised I've put this message on this thread as someone mentioned farting but then looked at the title of the thread. Naked Vicars Wife Farting Competitions now that's a thought !!

01 Oct 01 - 10:34 AM (#562527)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Nemesis

Wife imitating Fart maybe then?

01 Oct 01 - 01:28 PM (#562649)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Eric the Viking

Couple of things, we all walk around our house naked at times with no worries. No 1 son called 13 and 1/2 (for those of you who remeber) is a bit more restrained nowadays. Freja aged 9 takes her clothes off anywhere ! And is happy doing so, beaches, paddling pools-surely if there is a sin (not getting religious) it is in the eye of the beholder !

But the main part of this is;

When I was a trainee teacher we took a party of mixed sex, mixed up kids potholing. In order for safe and moral reasons, the teacher in charge (not me) sent the girls to get changed at the back of the mini bus with the doors open to protect from prying eyes of the boys.
All went well, all changed, no problems. about 5 minutes later a couple of old men walked down the hill and got to the minibus. They stopped and said "Thankyou very much, you've just made 2 old men very happy." "We were bird watching in the hide just over there" About 100 meteres away!!!!

01 Oct 01 - 03:47 PM (#562772)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Naemanson

I am a full time nudist... under all these clothes!

01 Oct 01 - 05:31 PM (#562852)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Liz the Squeak

But we're ALL naked under our clothes....


01 Oct 01 - 06:37 PM (#562891)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Paul from Hull

Eeeek! We are?

Hille: *ROFLMBO*

01 Oct 01 - 07:19 PM (#562926)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Amos

Well, its a good thing, too!! I can't imagine what life would be like if I was dressed under all my clothes!!


01 Oct 01 - 09:17 PM (#562993)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Nemesis

'Ello Paul from 'ull.

*ROFLMBO" - underneath all that - woss that mean then? :) ? Hille

01 Oct 01 - 09:52 PM (#563013)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Paul from Hull

'ello 'ille.....*G*

'Roll On Floor Laughing My Bum Off'

01 Oct 01 - 10:06 PM (#563023)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Melani

I took my visiting parents swimming at a favorite beach in Florida many years ago, unaware that it had developed into a nude beach since I had last been there. We were clued in when a young man walked up, removed his bathing suit, and proceeded into the water.

Recently I was driving through San Francisco and noticed a guy washing his windows in a second-story apartment. It took a minute to realize he was stark naked. I guess he didn't want to get his clothes wet.

01 Oct 01 - 10:14 PM (#563030)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,John Leeder

On a holiday trip to Tofino, British Columbia, in the late '70s, with my two children (who were quite young at that time), we picked out Chesterman Beach for a pleasant hike and climb along the beach and over the rocks. When we got back to the main beach area, it became obvious that we had chosen a clothing-optional beach to hike along. A mixed group had moved in and were playing nude frisbee. My son (6 or so) said of one person, "Is that a man or a woman?" My daughter (a couple of years older, and very superior) said, "Of course it's a man, silly! Don't you see his beard?"

We settled down in a spot reasonably distant from the group, had our lunch (and I resolutely refrained from getting out my binoculars...).

As we were leaving, on the trail back to the road, we met a very Italian family, complete with Granny in black, Father in suit jacket, kids in their Sunday best, and wicker picnic basket, like something out of a European movie. I've always regretted not sticking around to observe the culture shock.

02 Oct 01 - 12:09 AM (#563113)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Naturist

I too grew up in a family of naturists and never saw a problem with seeing my parents or siblings nude - it was just natural to us. Too many people are jumping on the "moral" bandwagon about how nudity is wrong and unacceptable. Well there was nothing weird going on at our house, and I know that I was never interested in anything sexually because I saw nude people all the time. We're all born naked and there's nothing wrong with being nude such as at nude beaches and such. It's the "lewd" ones that give it a bad name. To this day I am still a nudist (I am 44 and my husband and children enjoy the same). My daughters as well as my son still have no problems being nude in our home at any time - which is how it should be.

02 Oct 01 - 04:07 AM (#563226)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Nemesis

'ello Paul from 'ull, 'ille 'ere,

Did you have a look at the other cartoons: being a female - I think my favourite so far as to be "eating and drinking like Caligula" on 31st August!! *G,G,BBG*


02 Oct 01 - 05:06 AM (#563248)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,MC Fat

A friend of mine has a good trick when Jehova's Witnesses or Mormons come to the door. He takes off all his clothes them opens the door to them. He says most of them don't stop and try and convert them then.

02 Oct 01 - 08:13 AM (#563313)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Nemesis

Hey! That's a tangential new thread - my grandfather inadvertedly saw off Jehovah's witnesses in revolting circumstances. Coming down the stairs one morning with a full po, the door bell was ringing furiously. Carefully putting down the brimming pot, he opened the door to find the Postman, the coalman, the milkman and behind all this someone thrusting a "Watch Tower" at him. In the tumult, he took it and popped it down next to him.

Yes..... you know the punch line...after everyone else had departed the JW tried the conversion bit. No thank you. Then did he want a copy of the Watch Tower? No thank you. Would he like to make a donation for his copy of the WT? No, thank you. Well if Grandad didn't want the Watch Tower, could he have it back please? Certainly, Grandad said, here you are, politely offering back the, by now, saturated and dripping item.

02 Oct 01 - 11:24 AM (#563431)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Jim Dixon

Many years ago, I was an actor in a college theater production. Male and female actors had separate dressing rooms. Each had an attached shower stall which some of us used to facilitate removing makeup. There were several female staff members who frequently needed to enter the men's dressing room to deliver a message, or to pick up a costume that needed mending, and so on. They would always knock to give us warning so we could cover up as needed.

I was one of very few married students, and my wife was one of the aforementioned staff. Once when I was coming out of the shower, one of my fellow actors asked a very thought-provoking question: "If your wife needed to come in here right now, would you cover up?"

I had to laugh. Logically, there was no reason I should cover up, but practically, I supposed I would. Paradoxically, although I had no problem being seen naked by other men, and no problem being seen by my wife, the idea of them both seeing me naked at the same time seemed somehow obscene. I know it's not logical, but feelings of propriety or impropriety are not based on logic. Those who want to try to analyze this situation, feel free.

Of course, I was in my early twenties at the time, and newly married, and today my feelings might be different.

02 Oct 01 - 02:49 PM (#563581)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Naemanson

Ah yes, community theater. Many instances of public near nudity. At the Chocolate Church they have only one room for both genders to use for costume changes. There is a closet for anything beyond what an actor or actress is willing to show off. I have to aadmit I have never sen actual nudity but sometimes it is what isn't shown that adds to the excitement.

02 Oct 01 - 02:57 PM (#563588)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Liz the Squeak

I've always preferred the not quite seen to the out and out nudity... like most people who see a lot of nudes (I took life studies in Art...) it got a bit passe after a while, and it was the promise behind the clothes that was more 'titillating' than the take it out and wave it in your face approach......


02 Oct 01 - 03:48 PM (#563624)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Paul from Hull

Hille...what Cartoons, where?

02 Oct 01 - 06:07 PM (#563726)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Steve in Idaho

MC Fat - I had forgotten about this!

My first wife came from the LDS faith. I'm not a follower of the faith but enjoyed her family a great deal. Especially her Grandparents on her Dad's side of the family. Her Grandparents were, however, quite devout and insistent at times that I join up. Not in a bad way - but always with the hints and such.

I moved to another city for a time to get some schooling and it seemed that no matter where I moved the Missionaries would find me. I finally figured out that Grandma was passing off the information. I got cranky with a couple of the callers and they left me alone.

But one bright morning I came up from a nap and saw two elderly grey haired ladies out front - with a Book of Mormon. I did the only suitable thing I could think of at the time - answered the door in my holiest (wholiest, holyist, holeist?) pair of shorts and nothing else.

MC - they never came back!! I never did tell my wife or her family about it - better part of valor and all - - too funny!!


02 Oct 01 - 07:02 PM (#563760)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Pauline L

I'm surprised no one has mentioned woad. Consult the DT lyric search if you're not familiar with this one. It's great!

02 Oct 01 - 07:09 PM (#563765)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Bill D

blued in public? LOLOL

02 Oct 01 - 08:30 PM (#563824)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Nemesis

Hi, Paul!

Oh, you're missing a treat then!! Talented Miranda does a darkly hilarious and hormonal weekly cartoon (updated on Fridays). If you scroll down to the bottom (Oooh, pardon the pun!!!) you'll see a black arrow that will take you back through the weeks.... and find "Caligula"

Cheers, Hille

02 Oct 01 - 10:05 PM (#563895)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: sc

When alone, I usually work in my office/studio next to my home without being constrained with clothing. My wife knows this and brings my meals to me if I am working late. And so it was that one evening when she knocked and I opened the door. This time she had her sister with her. I wasn't dressed and I guess it startled her sister. She screamed as I opened the door. So I had to write a song about the situation.

Now, when I demo my music on the internet, I incorporate a graphic. I elected to use one of me standing bare in a doorway. I originally blocked the critical area with a cd. But that was in direct conflict with some of the lyrics. "It's truly not pride but I've nothing to hide" so I finally removed the cd to leave myself exposed, tastefully but totally.

Quite a mess I've got myself into...

02 Oct 01 - 10:14 PM (#563901)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public

Did her sister scream and run away or did she stay to have a look?

02 Oct 01 - 10:54 PM (#563917)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Naemanson

Woad? What does this thread have to do with twaveling? Are we headed down blue highways?

03 Oct 01 - 05:29 AM (#564072)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Nemesis

SC - that reminds me of the old joke about:

2 Nuns on a bus when a streaker runs down the aisle - one screamed and the other one had a stroke....

Or in the old folks home, when 90year old Mabel decides to streak through the day lounge. One old codger to another: "Eh? What was that, did you see what Mabel was wearing!"

"NO, but what ever it was it needed ironing."

03 Oct 01 - 09:54 AM (#564169)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: Paul from Hull

'ello, 'ille....

I DO know the site now (hadnt realised it was you who'd referred to it last week, when I looked)

...havent got back far enough to find Caligula yet though...

03 Oct 01 - 10:20 AM (#564189)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Mandelodeon

Not quite in public, but when I first left home I got a job in an art college which involved taking clothes off and sitting still for ages(artists model). It was the sitting still that was the hardest part.
I quite regularly sun myself on nudist beaches (only south coast)I don't have any worries about nudity - I love swimming naked. I have also mooned some men who worked in a builders yard and were always making comments about my "nice tits" unfortunately the comments changed to "nice arse"

04 Oct 01 - 05:05 AM (#564799)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: gnu

Where ? WHERE ?

04 Oct 01 - 07:15 AM (#564840)
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
From: GUEST,Lucky

Growing up I had the best house in town because next door to me was a girl 3 years older than me who wouldn't give me the time of day. But unknown to her - her "private" backyard was well in view from my bedrrom window. She was a "no tan lines" kind of girl not to mention swimming nude too. Best days were when she had a friend or two over. Thinking back - I should have charged my friends tickets but I'm sure word would have gotten back to her and then no more show for me. Wow was I smart!