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BS: Anthrax in NYC

12 Oct 01 - 12:47 PM (#570598)
Subject: Anthrax in NYC


-- An NBC employee in New York has tested positive for anthrax. Details soon.

Anybody here anything else? A bit unnnerving.

12 Oct 01 - 12:50 PM (#570602)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC

hear!!! I guess I am a bit unnerved!

12 Oct 01 - 12:50 PM (#570603)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Donuel

It is a varient that is absorbed through the skin and not inhaled as with the FL victim.

12 Oct 01 - 01:07 PM (#570620)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Jeri

All strains of anthrax can infect by inhalation, ingestion or by entering the skin through a wound. Cutaneous anthrax is far less serious than inhaled anthrax. They'll have to do further testing to determine if the bacteria is the same as the cases in Florida.

The story is here.

12 Oct 01 - 01:09 PM (#570623)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: mousethief

Anthrax of the fingernails? I can see I'm going to have to do some research on all this.


12 Oct 01 - 01:55 PM (#570659)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

Where does somebody actually obtain the bacteria, anyhow?

I have a feeling that maybe these cases are the result of someone having too much time on their hands, taking advantage of a bad situation, and not a terrorist attack. It also could be that people contract anthrax in mild cases all the time and it never gets diagnosed, because no one gets tested for it. How do I know the last time I had the flu, it wasn't anthrax? I'm around sheep on a fairly regular basis.

Now we are testing for it, for obvious reasons. And it is a little unnerving, for sure.

12 Oct 01 - 02:00 PM (#570666)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: wysiwyg

Personal preparedness: CLICK HERE


12 Oct 01 - 02:15 PM (#570675)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Mrrzy

Right, and don't open things with powder in them, I guess. Shake the envelope first? How else would you tell?

12 Oct 01 - 02:28 PM (#570694)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: wysiwyg

DON'T SHAKE ANYTHING you are suspicious of!

Wait for correct information-- it's being put out now.


12 Oct 01 - 02:33 PM (#570701)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: wysiwyg


12 Oct 01 - 02:37 PM (#570706)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: wysiwyg

CDC on Anthrax: CLICK

US Postal Service on managing suspicious packages: CLICK

12 Oct 01 - 02:39 PM (#570709)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: wysiwyg

Excerpt from USPS notice linked above.



What constitutes a "suspicious parcel?"

Some typical characteristics Postal Inspectors have detected over the years, which ought to trigger suspicion, include parcels that:

are unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.

are addressed to someone no longer with your organization or are otherwise outdated.

have no return address, or have one that can't be verified as legitimate.

are of unusual weight, given their size, or are lopsided or oddly shaped.

are marked with restrictive endorsements, such as "Personal" or "Confidential."

have protruding wires, strange odors or stains.

show a city or state in the postmark that doesn't match the return address.


What should I do if I've received a suspicious parcel in the mail?

Do not try to open the parcel!

Isolate the parcel.

Evacuate the immediate area.

Call a Postal Inspector to report that you've received a parcel in the mail that may contain biological or chemical substances.

12 Oct 01 - 02:46 PM (#570716)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Metchosin

Kim, anthrax is endemic in some North American buffalo populations. click here

12 Oct 01 - 03:25 PM (#570728)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: DougR

Geeze! I wonder if you can get it from Llamas? Kendall better have himself checked out!


12 Oct 01 - 03:36 PM (#570733)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Metchosin

Kim you may be correct in your feeling that Anthrax is constantly present in the environment. From what I have read, it is in some rural areas. I don't know if this article will make anyone less fearful, but check out this for a different perspective. Can't vouch for the science in the article but it is worth pursuing further. In the mean time, wash your hands with soap and water and don't pick your nose.

12 Oct 01 - 03:57 PM (#570739)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: catspaw49

Hi Mets.......I'd seen that site before and I think the guy has both a point and an agenda. As you mention, his science is questionable, but regarding the daily activities and people around sheep getting a dosage without problems, he's quite correct. On the other hand, the information provided by the CDC and the WHO is very different regarding the capabilites of massive spreading of the disease. It certainly can be used as a weapon and the available spores for this are not all that great in number. The Center for Disease Control CLICK has an excellent site and has always been reliable in it's info.


12 Oct 01 - 04:10 PM (#570746)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: wysiwyg

Yeah, don't bother with my links, yours are better.



12 Oct 01 - 04:11 PM (#570747)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC

Bet people are being really cautious with "white powder". Now Bin Laden better watch out - he's ticked off the drug industry! Those people play *rough*.

12 Oct 01 - 04:46 PM (#570774)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Art Thieme

Personally, I think Ann is a GREAT folksinger on a par with Pete or Woody. If she's playing in New York, GO HEAR HER !! She's the best there is.

Art Thieme

12 Oct 01 - 06:13 PM (#570844)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC

Art - Shall I get you a ticket? I knew I could count on you guys to make me feel better...I think.

12 Oct 01 - 06:48 PM (#570861)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: GUEST,Mark Cohen, temporarily cookieless

As it happens, I just received an email newsletter today from the American Medical Association, announcing that they're making a series of articles on biowarfare (from a 1999 Consensus Conference) available to the public. The link here will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about anthrax -- be aware, it's very technical.

I discussed Metchosin's link in another thread. It contains some factual errors, and does not include the author's name, or affiliation, or any reason we should believe him except that he says so. If someone says the government is lying, or covering up something, even if he's right about that, that doesn't mean that his version of the story is the truth.


12 Oct 01 - 06:52 PM (#570862)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Max Tone

For UK sickos, only,
I never realised that Anthrax had reformed. When are they playing the Big Apple? I tried to book them for the launch of the grand UK Gov's assertion that Gruinard Island's land was now safe, after WWII Anthrax experiments. No takers. What a surprise.

12 Oct 01 - 07:33 PM (#570886)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: InOBU

Guys and Gals, Don't worry, we still have more to worry about from New York drivers than terrorists! Just keep cool calm and carefull. Cheers Larry

12 Oct 01 - 07:50 PM (#570896)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC

Miz Susan, I think Catspaw dun misst yer link thair an he sez heez rite sorry bowt it but whut I wunna no iz thet stuff bowt sheep an gittin dizeezez frum em. I doan holt with thet kinda stuff my oan self but I got thizzeer frend an all an I wuz jest chekin fer him.


12 Oct 01 - 07:59 PM (#570907)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

The JAMA and Disease Control sites cited above by Catspaw and Mark Cohen are authoritative. Anthrax is in scattered pockets in animal-infected soil across USA and Canada (and around the world), but rare even in rural areas. Be aware of reports of any problems in your area (farmers and livestock raisers are aware). Here in western Canada where there are game farms (mostly elk and buffalo in our area) we worry about our livestock being infected. Newspapers and TV always report when alerted by health authorities. Call 911 if faced with possible exposure. (If treated early, there is little chance of death or serious illness. The bacterium is a spore former, hence the problem with inhalation. Wash with soap and water (anti-bacterials should not be used unless you are in the cattle etc. business because they help to develop treatment-resistant mutant strains). Above all, don't worry unduly. Chances are more likely that you will strangle on a peanut.
The problem is the kooks who put foot powder in an envelope and send it just to cause panic. I never open email from an unknown source, and like WYSIWYG, be careful of unsolicited packages and letters- they probably are from someone trying to do you out of some money anyway.

12 Oct 01 - 08:12 PM (#570913)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: wysiwyg

Ah reckon mebbe that foot powder oughten go whar iss need more an' mebbe that Spawman git hisseff fixed on up.

Lawd know SUMPIN' oughten be done 'bout dat SMAY'LL! Ah heerd tell hit made ole brother Kendall go alluh way duh YEW-nighted Kingdom!


12 Oct 01 - 08:23 PM (#570922)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Max Tone

Ye should be a'reet if ye yase the Hawick method o' sheep-shaggin'. Dinnae yase ra wellies, as ra Welsh dae, but interact face-tae-face, then ye can stick yer tounge doon Maise's thrapple.

12 Oct 01 - 10:42 PM (#571004)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Mark Cohen

Bruce Phillips says, "I'm from Utah, where the men are men...and the sheep are nervous." Ca' the yowes, indeed!


12 Oct 01 - 10:54 PM (#571012)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Bert

are unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.

OR, are marked with restrictive endorsements, such as "Personal" or "Confidential."

I hate to be flippant, but these two alone cover just about every piece of junk mail that I receive. If it weren't for that fact that they have enough problems right now I'd be seriously tempted to send 'em all to the Postal Inspector.

12 Oct 01 - 11:25 PM (#571030)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Donuel

I have written of bio warfare for 5 years. The episodes today are for media based terror and not an attack. It is not an attack. All the precautions mentioned here are valuable but there is no need to lose any sleep about the letter campaign sent to news groups.

Marsburg is another matter and would involve making decisions few people here could even imagine. That weapon however is akin to using our entire nuclear arsenal (not in destruction but in terms of political and biological armeggedon.)

If we view the "chessgame" so far the US has taken the bait and lost her queen by reacting precisely as bin Laden could predict. This is not to say that a sucessful endgame is possible but it is going to be difficult.

Face it folks America is held hostage and if we do not pay the ransom it could get very nasty. If we do pay the ransom (Reagan did 2 times) it is only a prelude to generational blackmail.

Yes we gave Saddam anthrax to use on Syria. The general involved is by no surprise heading up the corrupt anthrax vaccine company today. If we should be so fortunate as to learn the lesson that making friends with the same guy who stabs you in the back a month later IS A BIG MISTAKE it would greatly help the future of the world.

12 Oct 01 - 11:59 PM (#571050)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: GUEST,Jericho

We had nearly 100 cases of anthrax in cattle in northern Minnesota this summer.

You do all know that this disease kills a whole lot more cattle than people every year, don't you?

And you do know that anthrax is found in every lab doing agricultural research from here to Timbuktu?

Y'all don't think you might be feeding into the public hysteria being whipped up by the government and media, do you?

13 Oct 01 - 07:36 AM (#571137)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Donuel

I said Syria, I meant Iran.

13 Oct 01 - 01:20 PM (#571278)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: annamill

I'm very nervous. That I know. Yesterday, I came out of my building, stood at the top of the subway steps for about 5 minutes deciding. Finally, I walked down to 42nd and caught a bus over to Port Authority.

Nobody's getting me down in that hole for awhile.

The worse part is that you don't even know you've been infected for 7 to 10 days. I could have it right now and won't know for a week or so.

You can call me paranoid if you like, but you can call me safe too. I have even considered getting one of those white breathing masks to wear in the city.

Do you think it would help??

Love, annamill

13 Oct 01 - 04:33 PM (#571385)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC

My neighbor's building was evacuated on Thursday for a bomb scare. He is in the 42nd St. area. The suspected bomb was detonated on the street in some kind of shield. Scared the crap out of half the residents. IT NEVER MADE THE NEWS.

NYC is adjusting. Annamill, stop worrying. It doesn't change anything.

Now, does anyone have a sure cure for nail-biting? Haven't done this in decades.

14 Oct 01 - 03:23 AM (#571636)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: GUEST,Boab

GUINARD--a Scottish island---was declared anthrax free about ten years ago after having been the chosen site for lengthy experimentation with anhrax as a weapon. A [ quality]Scottish Sunday paper has just revealed that Britain had advanced plans to seed all of pastoral Germany with anthrax-doctored cattle feed cake in 1944. The plan was aborted with the success of the allied invasion of Europe. Nice, eh? Food for reflection....

14 Oct 01 - 07:17 PM (#572031)
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
From: Donuel

Boab, interesting story.

To successfully engineer a devestating bio attack is not as technically difficult as we are generally told. However if this is a jihad , it is a flop. To use a metaphor the attacks we have been warned about will probably amount to itchy bites upon society but not a fatal disease.

There have been no warning regarding the $5 TRILLION of Caspian oil and gas struggle that the West is coincidentally hoping to control. This is not chump change. We could fight for this prize for a very long time. In a most peculiar way the US president will actually has holdings that will accrue an immense fortune as a result of his current policies.