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BS: A beg for a prayer

16 Oct 01 - 05:24 PM (#573665)
Subject: A beg for a prayer
From: Sabine

My father has left this world this afternoon at about 6.00 h German time I'm very depressed at the moment cause though he was ill it came very suddenly.

I bid everyone to light a candle, to make a prayer to one of those beautifull people who never harmed anyone, who always was helpful and loved his family, to one of those who loved his children and his grandchildren, to one who I adored.

He would have become 65 this Friday which will be the day of his burrial.

I beg you to light a candle to show him the way to eternaty.

Thanks a million.

In deepest sorrow (with lots of mistakes in the English language)



16 Oct 01 - 06:07 PM (#573687)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Jeanie

Dear Sabine - My father, too, died suddenly, after illness, in July, so I know just what your thoughts and prayers are right now. I saw him just minutes after he had died, and it was so clear that he had already gone to another, better place, and into safe hands. My candle is lit, and my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family tonight and for the times ahead. I'll be thinking of you all especially on Friday. Wenn Du lieber auf Deutsch schreiben moechtest, dann bitte schick mir eine private Mitteiling durch Mudcat. Ich bin da. Jeanie

16 Oct 01 - 06:11 PM (#573691)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Ebbie

A prayer that you might be comforted.

And a candle, lit for peace.


16 Oct 01 - 06:28 PM (#573702)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Morticia

A candle and good thoughts, Sabine, I am so sorry.

16 Oct 01 - 06:36 PM (#573714)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Helen

A candle lit for you here in Australia, too, and my prayers for you too.


16 Oct 01 - 10:01 PM (#573858)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer

I keep a candle lit all the time these days. I will add your father and you to my prayers. Be well, Sabine. Three other Mudcatters lost a parent very recently. It is never easy.

16 Oct 01 - 10:10 PM (#573867)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Bert

Hugs and kind thoughts to you.

16 Oct 01 - 10:10 PM (#573868)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: katlaughing

Oh, Sabine, I am so sorry. I, too, will light a candle for your father and for you. It is not easy when a beloved parent passes on, I know.

I send you love, hugs and healing energy and give thanks for your father's safe journey.

In Peace, Love, and Sorrow,


16 Oct 01 - 10:24 PM (#573888)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: CarolC

My deepest sympathies for you, Sabine, and for all of the other Mudcatters who have lost loved ones recently.


16 Oct 01 - 11:10 PM (#573923)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I lost my Father, 3 years ago. He died, sitting in his recliner, cracking jokes to make the nurses relax, while they were waiting for an ambulance to come and get him. He truly died laughing. After that, everything was a blur for a few days. You must be going through all of that now. My wife and I lift up prayers together, every morning and every evening. We will add you and all of your family. I've seen the power of prayer. We hope all fo these prayers will bring you comfort, and that you will find your way to rejoice over who your Father was. It sounds like he was a fine man..

17 Oct 01 - 12:34 AM (#573956)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: alison

prayers, good thoughts, and hugs for you at this time....

so sorry to hear about your dad



17 Oct 01 - 12:56 AM (#573963)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: GUEST,

one in Washington state near the ocean.


17 Oct 01 - 10:44 AM (#574173)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Cappuccino

My sympathies too.

- Ian B

17 Oct 01 - 08:39 PM (#574527)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Candle burning. Holding you in the Light.

17 Oct 01 - 10:21 PM (#574579)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Kaleea

It is very sad to lose someone we love very much, and I am sorry for your loss. The physical body of your father no longer carries him in it, but rather your father is in his spiritual form, very much alive and well, in the spiritual realm. While you can no longer enjoy his physical presence, you can rest assured that he is with those who love him and look after him. While we may not be able to be aware of those in spirit, they are aware of us. I believe that through the power of our loving God, who knows all things and who is capable of that which is beyond our understanding, our loved ones in spirit are only a thought away from us. At times, you may feel that your father is nearby or with you. I hope that you may be comforted by this feeling, as it is genuine. Know that there are many who care about you and your father, and that they wish you peace of mind.

17 Oct 01 - 11:00 PM (#574607)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: catspaw49

Sabine, all my best thoughts are with you.


18 Oct 01 - 03:41 PM (#574967)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Sabine

I'd like to thank you all for all candles burning, for all prayers, thoughts and good wishes. It really helps me to get through those days of sorrow.

When I told my mother about that, she couldn't believe it. But I could see in her eyes that she found it also very helpful.


thank you all.


18 Oct 01 - 03:48 PM (#574971)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Steve in Idaho

And a candle in the desert of Idaho shines for you and yours -


18 Oct 01 - 04:35 PM (#575004)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: Deda

A prayer for you from Colorado. My own father died suddenly, many years ago now (1979) and I miss and love him to this day, and think of him often. I was told then that the most valuable thing a man can leave his family is a good and honorable reputation and memory. May you and your family honor your loss, and find comfort.

18 Oct 01 - 05:51 PM (#575068)
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
From: SharonA

I'm so sorry for your sudden loss, Sabine. I send my thoughts and hopes that you will find comfort in the memories of your father's life and in his continuing presence in your own life.

Jeanie, I am sorry to hear of your loss as well, and I send my thoughts and hopes to you also as you cherish your father's memory.
