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What has happened to Mudcat?

17 Oct 01 - 08:56 PM (#574539)
Subject: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: GUEST,liked the old Mudcat

This is what I meant to post:

Yes, I know. This topic has been done to death, and by posting this I can't change things.

I'd like, many others, prefer the forum to be split, but I'm experienced enough to know that won't happen.

So, why am I posting this?

To make myself heard, which makes me feel better. I hope that's OK.

Here are 5 of the top 10 threads as I post:

Name my new kitten?
] Need Dog Name
In love with a married man
The Good News About Anthrax
A beg for a prayer

Is it not getting a little out of proportion???

Thank you

I feel better now

Copied from the duplicate thread:

Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: weepiper
Date: 17-Oct-01 - 08:55 PM

Use a BS filter...or just don't read the posts that have titles obviously about stuff you don't want to read (see above)

17 Oct 01 - 09:08 PM (#574547)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: GUEST,liked the old Mudcat

Sound advice, weepiper,

But considering that this site is dedicated to Blues and Folk...

Hell, what's the point going over that again?

People like me have lost, the BS chatters have won.

Might come back in a year or so to see how you are

Bye for now

17 Oct 01 - 09:16 PM (#574552)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

At a rough count, some 80 current threads concern music or performers. In these times, all of us need distraction. I notice quite a number of those involved in music in one way or another post to the BS threads. Some of the BS discussions offer insights that the composers to doggeral writers could use- they reflect current views of the world around us.

17 Oct 01 - 09:18 PM (#574553)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: wysiwyg

Join the Spirituals Project we are doing-- I promise all the music and scholarship you can stand. Real Life got busy and I went on a little break, but there are PILES of things yet to do in that project. Be in touch if you are serious about music about Mudcat and want to contribute productively. You can even be crabby about it if you like.


17 Oct 01 - 09:48 PM (#574558)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

Just think! If we had BS from the mid 19th C. (or you name the time) similar to that on Mudcat, we would have a priceless insight into the period, one that historians would ceaselessly mine for their tomes. The few diaries, letters, newspaper comments, songs, that we have from the past only dimly reflect that past. Most of what we have had been predigested and written from some pundits point of view.
Regarding the Spirituals project (and the past compilation of Western Range (Cowboy) songs, etc.), we have a difficult time understanding the people who originated the music. They were literal, largely illiterate, limited in their view of the world and yet produced something of value. We have to peruse the BS of the past (sparse as it is) in order to understand even a little of the subject.

17 Oct 01 - 09:52 PM (#574560)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Paul from Hull

Well, I noticed a point either today or yesterday at which EIGHT out of the top TEN threads were music-related....

"Lies, damn lies & Statistics"....

(I dont mean to suggest that Guest is lying, I dont think he or she is, just that different people see different 'patterns' in things, often depending on their own perceptions).

I've said it before, but at times like these, there are certainly going to be a lot of non-music discussions going on. Maybe a lot of non-'political' discussions are going to happen too....people are understandably going to look at other 'everyday' things in their lives, things AWAY from the political situation... like naming a Dog, oe a Kitten.

Maybe the emphasis on what threats get posted to (or even started) at diffeerent points in the day... maybe as people get up in a morning & comment on Political news in the Newspaper... maybe at work, when they can't consult their music collection, or are restriced to what sites they can get away with accessing from work, they cant contribute muh to music threads... In the evenings at home they can do that, or they watch the News on TV, & post a comment pertaining to that.

I certainly think that there seems to be a lot more posts going up then there were before 11/9....but thats no surprise either...

17 Oct 01 - 09:54 PM (#574561)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Rory B

I was thinking that some of the best folk songs come from B.S. hehehe. huggss -Rory-

17 Oct 01 - 09:56 PM (#574565)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

It is not very often that I agree with Guests, but I can understand the point that this one is making.The name my cat thread has atrracted nearly 100 posts, I wonder what new people visiting this site for the first time will think.I would like to remind people that Jon Freemans forum (The Annexe) is still on-line, it is free and open to all Mudcatters.There is a pets section there!

This is not meant to stir up an argument, I am just giving my opinion.Cheers.john

17 Oct 01 - 10:07 PM (#574570)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Amos

I guess one man's thread is another man's garotte, huh?

17 Oct 01 - 10:16 PM (#574574)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Big Red

One of the best things about Mudcat is that the threads are titled. If the title does not strike your fancy, you do not have to open it. If it does and you open it only to find that it has no interest in it, the BACK button will get you out in just seconds. You do not have to read all of the threads. My biggest gripe is that the really good BS threads get so big so fast that one is discouraged from entering it because as number 87 your voice will probably be lost. If you are not there at the start, its hard to get in and get noticed because you might be commenting on #4 but that is long past by #87. There is so much to learn about music and Mudcat is one place to get a lot of musical (and other) knowledge.

17 Oct 01 - 10:19 PM (#574575)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Robin2


As a newcomer to Mudcat, could I post my first impressions of Mudcat as it is today?

first, I find the off topic posts marked clearly, and most people are very good about stating what their post is about. This makes it very easy for me to pick and choose what I wish to read.

second, in the short time I have been here, I have picked up a wealth of information about several different areas of folk music, from new music, to hard to find web pages about civil war era music, to music sites on Paltalk, where I can listen to other musicians (alas, I haven't figued out how to get my mike to work yet!), to interesting bands or festivals, to venues where I can send to for gigs for my band, to one line jokes while tuning, the list goes on. These are ALL valuable resources for a working professional musician, and I am grateful for the resource.

third, To me, all folk music is about the people that love it, and many of the posts that are marked BS show us the personalities that are Mudcat. There is much knowledge here, but the people that post make the music a live and vital thing. I like the feeling of community, and I think that includes hearing about personal opinions, feelings, and even simple requests to help name a puppy or a kitten.

I don't know what Mudcat was before, but I know that for newcomers like myself, it is a very welcome change from many of the self-serving websites that are out there. I have a sense of community and sharing, with acceptance of many views and opinions, that is rare on the internet.

Sorry for such a long post.


17 Oct 01 - 10:22 PM (#574580)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Jon Freeman

John, I tread a tightrope with the Annexe in some ways and you have highlighted and example. If there a number of people from Mudcat who wish to talk about pets on a more regular basis than would be "acceptable" here, I can provide a "home" but I would hate to see that turned into a suggestion whereby spontanious 1 off threads can and do exist on Mudcat that the presence of such a forum in the Annexe should in anyway suggest a thread like the cat naming one is in the wrong place. The intention of the Annexe is to provide extra space for people to move in rather than to impose restrictions on anyone.

My biggest wish of course is that if Mudcat is to expand on its community aspects, that the Mudcat design is modified in such a way as community and music could be viewed as separate and optional entities for each user rather than having people treading on other's toes.

The strangest thing about that is it would make the Annexe and perhaps other community projects redundant and I would be happy if they were...


17 Oct 01 - 10:37 PM (#574591)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

The BS threads help me to get to know "Folks" with a shared interest. I am not an archivist or musicologist, so as a newcomer to Mudcat, I find them enjoyable... I didn't get interested in cat names... although I've written a song about all the different cats I've known.. The good thing about Mudcat is that it is diverse, with something of interest for each of us.

17 Oct 01 - 10:39 PM (#574592)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Steve in Idaho

Since I have been here there are a lot more new members, more music being PLAYED, and more fun being had than there are complaints by anyone but a few. I participate in all of it - the arguments, the music, the laughs, yeah even name the cat/dog/band whatever.

The sign says "Lyrics, Forum, and Chat" without a disclaimer.

Welcome Robin to Mudcat - It's a great space in time!!


17 Oct 01 - 10:41 PM (#574594)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: catspaw49

I get so friggin' tired of this crap..............Currently 7 out of the top 10 are music related. We've hashed this over and over and over and over. Glad to see the Guest will not return for a year.......One fewer to start this kind of pointless thread. I haven't posted to one of these in months, but about every two weeks one comes along and we feed the troll.

Let's not huh?


17 Oct 01 - 10:48 PM (#574601)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Robin2

Thanks for the welcome, Steve!

Guest, I never knew the old Mudcat, but I hate to think that the way it is now would make you leave it!


17 Oct 01 - 10:56 PM (#574603)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Bill D

The 'old' Mudcat was 1/50th the crowd, and there were MANY unanswered song there is a BIG database and thousands of answered questions in a searchable forum....the little Mudkitties have to keep occupied, hmmmm?

If there is a serious music question, you can bet it will be!...then, well there is politics and religion and cat names and love affairs to discuss....and bad puns..and possum farts to rate..

sort of a mirror on the world, as it were

17 Oct 01 - 11:03 PM (#574610)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Big Mick


17 Oct 01 - 11:11 PM (#574614)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Sorcha

LOL, Bill D. Gotta love it. A couple nights ago, I was in a pub/bar/ one end there was a band playing Trad Acoustic music with a good audience. At the other end, there were 2 televisons--one facing each side of the room. One had Animal Planet, the other US football. In the middle where it was rather quiet was a group of people dicussing politics and other stuff.............sounds like Mudcat to me!

17 Oct 01 - 11:30 PM (#574628)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Bert

You mean the old Mudcat where people had names?

18 Oct 01 - 02:50 AM (#574684)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: SeanM

Wow, it's been what, 15 hours since someone started this waltz up again? I'd say it was dead horse beating or making a dead dog hunt, but I think those got used on the last "mudcat sucks" nameless troll.

Nice to see nameless trolling maintains the high standards it always has. Good work, whatever you are.


18 Oct 01 - 02:56 AM (#574686)
Subject: Who cares what has happened to Mudcat!?!
From: Clinton Hammond

"Bye for now"

Hey! Old Mudcat Guest!

Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the good lord split ya!

Hey Rory B? yer last name isn't "Bellows" is it???

(Let's see who get's -THAT- pop-culture reference!


18 Oct 01 - 06:06 AM (#574738)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Ace

'Scuse my pig ignorance - what does BS stand for? My first guess is scatalogical, but that can't be right, can it?

18 Oct 01 - 06:27 AM (#574740)
Subject: Lyr Add: The Mud Cat Cafe
From: MudGuard

So you complain about too many non-music thread and make situation worse by putting it in another non-music thread?

To correct for this, let me make a music thread out of this!

To the tune of Red Rose Cafe:

The Mud Cat Cafe
They come from the farms and the factories too
And they all soon forget who they are.
The cares of today are soon washed away
As sitting at their computers they are.
The girl with green eyes in her blue MudCat T-shirt
Doesn't look like she wants anything changed
The man at this end, he likes a BS thread
the man at the other end prefers music instead

Down at the Mud Cat Cafe in the internet
There on the server just outside real world,
Everyone shares in the songs and the bullshit.
Everyone there is so happy to be there.

18 Oct 01 - 08:08 AM (#574781)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: kendall

Spaw, where is your heart? Trolls need love too.

Some of these lamenters remind me of a quote from Shakespere:

Sweet are the uses of adversity,
Which, like a toad, ugly and venemous
Wears yet a precious jewel in its head.

This is our life, exempt from public haunt
We find tongues in trees, books in running brooks,
Sermons in stone, and good in everything,
I would not change it.

Look for the good you Trolls,join the crew. You cant control the wind, but, you can trim your sails.

18 Oct 01 - 08:11 AM (#574783)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: kendall

I dont know what happened to the line after adversity. It should read adversity..which, like a toad, wears...
You stuck a <br< in after 'adversity' instead of a <br>. Fixed. --JoeClone

18 Oct 01 - 08:34 AM (#574795)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Hilary

I've been vsiting Mudcat for about 6 months, I use it mostly to access the databases, post music-based queries & very rarely I'm able to contibute to answer. This is what it's for here for & why I hope it will prosper. . I've never yet been in any kind of group of people that doesn't go 'off-topic' into football/marriage/pets/children/fixing the car whatever it is that's on their mind & in their hearts. Why should this group of people be different ? I've noticed very little trolling/flaming in the music threads - it's mostly in the BS threads. But that's also where I've seen common sense (which is a rare commodity), understanding, compassion and a wealth of experience. IMO - It would be tragic for the wider/human resources of 'catters not be available for each other . Many of the 'pure' music threads are of going to be of NO interest to the majority - some degree of judgement & time-management is always going to be essential. As Robin2 said - the thread titles tell you most of what you need to know. . I'm even getting to like the cat-fights ! . After a hard day - sometimes serious info is what's needed, but sometimes it's the BS & awful jokes. . Keep it up everyone. . Hilary

18 Oct 01 - 08:45 AM (#574802)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Russ

If the problem is non-musical threads, how does starting another non-musical thread help resolve it?

18 Oct 01 - 11:08 AM (#574870)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Pseudolus

Excellent point Russ!!! LOL!!

I've said it before but I'll say it again because frankly, I intend to keep spouting off until EVERYONE in Mudcat thinks just like there's a scary thought!!

Anyway, Mudcat is more of a community than it is a website. If you hang around enough, you'll get to meet a lot of really nice people and the common thread amongst all of the threads is and always will be music. Yeah we stray from time to time, but we always come back to it. I kinda like things the way they are.....


18 Oct 01 - 11:24 AM (#574873)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Bat Goddess

"Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the good lord split ya! "

See, even from BS threads and threads like this, I end up learning something! I'm gonna get some mileage out of that line.

Bat Goddess

18 Oct 01 - 11:31 AM (#574876)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

Kendall, which Shakespeare is that from?

what's happened to Mudcat?

I think they call it Conversation.

18 Oct 01 - 11:40 AM (#574880)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Francy

Been here for a while. I don't contribute as much as others.....Don't read a lot of theB/S, but defend it's right to be here and there are more than enough threads on music ands related topics....My advise to you my friend, is stick with us to the bitter end; and if you do then you'll discover, that the music is here for one another......ho ho ho long live Mudcat!!! Frank of Toledo

18 Oct 01 - 11:48 AM (#574885)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Jeri

Russ - yep, but they never figure that one out.

I miss the old Mudcat, when folks didn't start threads aboutMudcat.

Many folks are willing to compromise a bit occasionally. For example "this trolling has got some people quite upset, so I'll try not to post to trolls." But this "a hundred or two people aren't behaving the way I want, so I'm leaving and taking a parting shot and I'll SHOW THEM!" stuff is sort of juvenile.

Please note the balance of BS to music and the level of anger in some threads sometimes bugs the hell out of me. Sometimes I complain about it, but I always try to talk to people instead of at them. In the end though, my level of disgruntlement is my problem and I have to deal with it. Trying to make it everyone else's problem is always resented.

18 Oct 01 - 11:49 AM (#574887)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: dwditty

Sorry, folks, but I think these threads (and there have been a bunch) are bullshit. I read maybe 1 out of hundred threads. Just don't have the time to dedicate to much more. (Hi, I am dw and I am a Paltalk addict.) I'm sure I miss a bunch. All too often though, I have to restrain myself from posting because, when you come right down to it, I am a wise-ass with far less wit than 'Spaw, so I would just piss people off. And what is the point in doing that.

On another note, the mudcat requires a lot of time and, yes, even money to exist. There are a bunch of generous folks who support Max by helping out. For the rest of us, shut up and send in some dough. With enough resources, the mudcat can continue to grow in new directions, incorporatiing many of the suggestions that show up here. In other words, put your money where your music is. To those that do, wtg.


18 Oct 01 - 12:45 PM (#574915)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: mousethief

I suppose the irony of starting a non-music thread to protest the preponderance of non-music threads isn't lost on anybody here.

It's much harder to start a music thread that will draw enough attention to remain high on the list for a while.

And much, much easier to just leave.


18 Oct 01 - 02:46 PM (#574937)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Rory B

Hi Clinton Hammond! I did not get the reference to bellows..,,PLEASE enlighten me : ) : ) (although I have been known to "bellow" a song on occasion)

Hugggss -Rory-

18 Oct 01 - 03:36 PM (#574964)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Steve in Idaho

dw - and were it not for the threads that were BS I'd never of heard you sing - and it has been a pleasure! And I'm glad you have your room - now if I could just get my act together a little better perhaps I could contribute more than I have!


So does talking about the Souther Blues voice of dw make this now a music thread?? How many of you have heard dw?? Wow -

Steve - an upcoming Paltalk addict - and it's all your fault dw!! *G*

18 Oct 01 - 04:05 PM (#574981)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Den

Rory B Bellows is an alias used by that performer of great renown Crusty the Clown. See... somewhat musical answer, atleast it rhymes. Den

18 Oct 01 - 04:09 PM (#574984)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Rory B

Norton1...I have heard was dw that told me about mudcat....he is awesome!!! I have heard a few of the cats in Paltalk now ...WOW lots of talent for sure. Looking forward to seeing (hearing) you there. Huggss -Rory- P.S. I heard a rumour that dw was starting a 12 step program for Paltalk/Mudcat addicts. Hmmm oh wait maybe that was a 12 bar program?

18 Oct 01 - 04:56 PM (#575022)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: radriano

One of the problems is that thread names don't always give you a clue to the subject matter.

I have refrained from posting to these threads in the past but that really doesn't matter much. Mudcat really has become innundated with posters who find it a suitable site to air their own dirty laundry, just want to cause strife or....

Ah, what the hell! I no longer think of myself as part of the Mudcat community. It's a site that still has some interesting threads from time to time but it really is getting harder to wade through all the crap here.

18 Oct 01 - 05:03 PM (#575028)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Haruo

Belated welcome to RobinS and faretheewell to GUESTlikedtheold. My impression is that sometimes most recent threads (i.e. the ones I can see when I open the threads.cfm) are Lyr Req and the like, sometimes most are BS, but in any given day a great deal of music research gets done here. Most of the time when I ask a song-related question it gets answered. The exceptions are usually when I ask about Esperanto or Indonesian or Albanian or something like that. I just wish I had more time to spend here. - Liland

18 Oct 01 - 05:06 PM (#575030)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Little Hawk

I pretty well ran out of music questions after the first six months here, and got to know a whole bunch of people in the meantime, which led to understanding various in jokes and stuff that go on here, and led to discussing a whole bunch of other stuff besides music.

However, I am still willing to discuss Bob Dylan at any time. :-) And to answer your music questions, if I can.

If you can't handle that, go away and sulk for a year. (directed at original poster who started this thread) I mean, what the hell, it's not like there aren't other things you could be doing with your time, is it?

- LH

18 Oct 01 - 05:10 PM (#575035)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: Steve in Idaho

Posted July of 2000

As someone else mentioned, ignore the thread and it will die.

That being said, don't forget that we enjoy freedom of speech. There are other types of threads that I have no use for but others seem to enjoy. I'm talking about the best songs, best singer, best blues, best this, best that threads. I'd rather not pigeon hole everything like that. After all, one person's best might not be the next person's. But some people find it interesting so I just don't look at those threads.

C'mon, people, there's always going to be someone out there with a chip on his or her shoulder. Let's move on with our lives. If you don't like the program, change the channel!


18 Oct 01 - 08:01 PM (#575152)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: GUEST,pete m @ work

tempus mutandis et nos in illis

19 Oct 01 - 12:04 AM (#575302)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: RWilhelm

Elsie wants to be your secret santa.

19 Oct 01 - 03:41 AM (#575352)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: BlueJay

Y'know I really don't see much change in the Mudcat from when I joined a few years ago. As a part-timer, I haven't really measured anything. I wasn't around during the early Mudcat years, and maybe "Guest liked the old Mudcat" has been around longer than me. Maybe he has the time to analyze this shit. Don't know, 'cause he won't identify himself. Oh well, he seems to be gone.

When I joined, the music versus non-music threads was not much different than it is today, IMO. We were telling jokes, discussing politics, and arguing about music/non-music threads and flamers just like today. But the Musical questions got answered back then, and if you look, they are also getting answered today.

I've gotten to know a lot of folks here, both online and in person. It has been truly inspiring, and the non-music threads are an important piece of the Mudcat puzzle. Remember when Lonesome EJ's and Rex's homes were simultaneously threatened by forest fires? Or the threads on 'Spaws surgeries, and his other trials from bicycles to his wife's health problems? Etc. Etc. We need all of this. I would not omit a single thread posted on the Mudcat today. (But I might delete some of my responses):

Farewell Guest. I expect when you check back in next year you will find a similar situation. Maybe by then you will appreciate the Mudcat for what it is, and see it's true value. BlueJay

19 Oct 01 - 09:33 AM (#575532)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: GUEST,Ace

I was actually serious. Does it really stand for Bull Shit or is there something I'm missing?

19 Oct 01 - 09:40 AM (#575540)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: catspaw49

No Ace, you didn't miss a thing.....Bull Shit it is.


19 Oct 01 - 11:41 AM (#575625)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: wysiwyg


It means people will be "bullshitting" about the topic, not that the topic itself is necessarily bullshit. It's a US slang term, to BS about stuff... but a lot of people refuse to use the prefix because it seems, I guess, to them, that it denigrate the seriousness of the discussion or the importance of the topic.

The reason why people care if the prefix is used is that there is a URL into Mudcat people can use, that filters out threads labeled as [BS:]. When people use it just like that, colon and all, it helps people who prefer not to be distracted by the sometimes-large number of threads that are not about music.

And it helps people sort out which ARE the music threads. It's often been said, "People can tell this isn't a music thread from the title!" But often, you can't, and if you have a slow internet connection or tited old yes, it can take a long time to open and check the number of threads on the daily list to see what the music topic is about. There's one now, for instance, that could seem like a BS thread we have hashed out before-- BREATHALYSED. (Just so happens it's about a song of that title.) The earlier discussion was really painful for people who had lost loved ones to drunk driving, so it would probably not occur to them that this is a music thread unless that were made part of the title.

Part of the problem is that the daily thread list really is awfully long to wade through, even with the use of the BS filter!

Anyway, the people who use the BS prefix, despite its acknowledged limitations and discomforts, really do their fellow Mudcatters a gracious favor that promotes peace around this place. It isn't mandatory, though-- just deeply appreciated by a lot of Mudcatters.


19 Oct 01 - 01:00 PM (#575676)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: wysiwyg

Ypto in the above:

tited old yes, = tired old eyes

... and yes, I have 'em too.


31 Jan 02 - 09:40 PM (#639720)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?

Ekh. What a load. Just when I thought I couldn't hate America any more... Seriously, someone from a good country: Adopt me. ----Lepus Rex

Thanks to Jeri for the link to this site.

01 Feb 02 - 09:56 AM (#640010)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
From: little john cameron

Susan,ah never knew that aboot the url that wid filter oot the BS threeds.That is the answer tae aw' this BS abootBS threeds.Fae noo oan ah'll pit that title in so as no' tae torment the die hard folkies or them as cannae understaun me.The point aboot the slow doonloads is is also well taken.Ye're no' jist a pretty face!! ljc

01 Feb 02 - 11:25 AM (#640043)
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?

I always thought Jeri was the smart Mudcatter. I couldn't have posted my trolls without her links.