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Gordon Bok fans

19 Nov 01 - 10:55 PM (#596072)
Subject: Gordon Bok fans
From: kendall

I got an Email from Gordon today, and he tells me his new songbook is out and ready to be snatched up. His mailing address is: Gordon Bok, po box 870 Camden Maine 04853 04843

19 Nov 01 - 10:58 PM (#596074)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: kendall why didn't this turn blue?
link added - Joe Offer-

19 Nov 01 - 11:00 PM (#596076)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Ask him if he has any interest in royalties on the "Gordon Bok Special Edition" Amish-Australian Pitchfork Moustache Tuner.


19 Nov 01 - 11:04 PM (#596079)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Because you didn't use any html Kendall....go learn how to do the Blue Clicky Things in the FAQ...Until then.....

Boredand Gawk Website


19 Nov 01 - 11:06 PM (#596082)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

And of course there ain't ONE DAME MENTION of the moustache tuner!!! I can't believe it...............pathetic...............


20 Nov 01 - 08:55 AM (#596291)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: KathWestra

The post office won't like the zipcode Kendall mistyped. It's 04843 (not 53). I'm ordering mine today. And in case you haven't heard the almost-brand-new CD, "Dear to Our Island," give yourself a Christmas present and order that too.

20 Nov 01 - 09:19 AM (#596313)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

How about a moustache tuner Kath? Got anyone to give one too? Makes one helluva' Christmas gift!


20 Nov 01 - 12:00 PM (#596447)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: KathWestra

Maybe I'll buy one for Kendall or Mick. They're both on my list...

20 Nov 01 - 12:04 PM (#596452)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Francy

The new cd is excellent.. i especially like his version of Eric Bogle's "Now I"m Easy".....Oordering the new book for Christmas...........Frank of Toledo

20 Nov 01 - 12:07 PM (#596457)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Francy

Louis Killen spent the weekend with Nancy and I. He did a concert on Saturday night and we talked and sang and played till 5am Sunday morning. He had lots of great stories of the days he spent with Gordon and Pete Seeger on the Clearwater in the late 60's.........Had a wonderful time.....Frank of Toledo....

20 Nov 01 - 01:37 PM (#596513)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Hollowfox

So Louie went to sleep early, eh? *g* (You lucky people, I'm envious.)

20 Nov 01 - 04:14 PM (#596658)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Liam's Brother

Lou was here in NYC a few weeks ago and he went to bed so early I went out for a walk just to get drowsy.

On the other hand, Gordon, Bob Conroy and I did the Texas Maritime Festival together on November 10 & 11 and there were NO early nights. There were a lot of fine singers and musicians there and we burned the midnight oil! I thought Gordon sang very well too.

And... to get back to the topic, I look forward to seeing Gordon's new book.

All the best,
Dan Milner

20 Nov 01 - 04:27 PM (#596667)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Melani


20 Nov 01 - 05:38 PM (#596731)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Mark Cohen

Thanks, Kendall, I got the same email and completely forgot to tell the 'Cat about it. My order is on the way. And I agree, "Dear to Our Island" is one of his best.

'Spaw, at least put a link in to the original thread, so people won't think you're just a total flake. (Hmmmmm, on the other hand....) I'd do it, but I'm too busy having a life. :-)


PS, I understand there had been a deal to manufacture them here in Hawaii, but the workers decided that the boss had been spending way too much time in the pakalolo patch, and they all went to the beach.

20 Nov 01 - 05:41 PM (#596732)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Burke

Wow! I went to the web site & looked around for a list of the songs in the book. Not finding one, I an e-mail suggesting they put one up. I didn't count the minutes, but I've already received a reply Good idea. and a PDF file with the list.

I don't know how to share it with y'all, but check back at the web site later & maybe it will be up.

20 Nov 01 - 07:26 PM (#596808)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Well Mark, even I sometimes have a life and I can't even remember how that one started, but you might be able to see a picture of one HERE....maybe. That one is the Special Edition with the built-in nosepick, solid Cherry handle, and chrome tuners.


20 Nov 01 - 09:26 PM (#596904)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans

I've been waxing my moustache. Will this interfere in its operation?

20 Nov 01 - 09:49 PM (#596918)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Melani

Spaw, you are really, really weird.

21 Nov 01 - 12:22 AM (#596980)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Musicman

My God Spaw...!!! that looks just like.... i think it is!!!!.. Wait.. i have it right.. here... in the drawer......yes!!!! my AAPMT!!!!

i must admit.. it's not getting as much use as it should.... still a little bit nervous after those first 'trials'.... and 'tribulations'... takes a while to get the hang of it.. but I will!!!!


21 Nov 01 - 09:14 AM (#597131)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Melani, surely this isn't the first time you noticed is it? But please note the above post by Musicman! He's not lying!!! He has that very one.....and it was actually paid for with real US currency!!! The money went to Mudcat, but nonetheless, it was a sale!!!


21 Nov 01 - 09:22 AM (#597135)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: GUEST,DonMeixner


Can an Amish-Australian Pitchfork Moustache Tuner be ordered with the accessory Navel Lint brush and Toe Jam Scoop before Christmas?


21 Nov 01 - 07:08 PM (#597578)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Mark Cohen

'Spaw, you're incredible. I'm sure glad we're friends, because I would hate to have somebody as totally demented as you for an enemy.


21 Nov 01 - 07:21 PM (#597583)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Mark Cohen

Here it is, folks! The thread that started it all! The birth of the, er, whatchamacallit, or, as the Hawaiians say, da kine. And this is the flowering of the AAPMT, as it were.

(It was easy, Pat, I just put "moustache" into the super search, and after reading through 237 threads, I found it. Now back to my so-called job.)


21 Nov 01 - 10:26 PM (#597650)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Thanks Mark......Dementia is just something in your mind, and I don't mind. But I have encountered a problem here..............

Kendall, I have searched high and low on Gordon's site and I not only can find no mention of the AAPMT, but there is no mention of any kind of fan either. Now to me, and this is a personal opinion only, this is the wrong time of year to be in the fan business with it turning winter (and all the time too, not just when you turn towards mornig). The Gordon Bok Fan might best be introduced in the early summer. But I can't find them on his site so can you tell me if they are UL approved and do they come with a rotating attachment? I heard a report on them suggesting the motor had a basso profundo kind of roar about it and the intake opening was shielded with a brushlike filter but I'd still like to see a picture.


22 Nov 01 - 08:00 PM (#597932)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: GUEST,kendall


22 Nov 01 - 08:20 PM (#597937)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Noreen


23 Nov 01 - 11:45 AM (#598013)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

I was thinking that the fans might sell better if he packaged them up with a songbook.

NEW SONGBOOK: Gordon Bok's long-awaited new songbook, One To Sing, One To Haul, just came through the door and it's a work of art - his mostly but not entirely. Timberhead Music is very proud to offer this treasure that we have all worked so hard to pull together. And now you can have Gordon's own special rotating fan with the unique Bok touches. First it has the signature Gordon Bok Cookie Duster HEPA Filter lining all four sides of the inlet keeping dust to a minimum. Each fan is also equipped with an auto-sensing switch so it always Turns On Toward Morning!!!

To order online, go to Books and click on the Special Package, One To Sing, One To Haul, One To Blow. Order for gifts for your friends too because don't forget that with every hundred dollar order you get a free Amish-Australian Pitchfork Moustache Tuner!


23 Nov 01 - 01:46 PM (#598028)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: kendall

Spaw, I'm going to nominate your wife for sainthood.

27 Nov 01 - 12:15 AM (#598244)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Well I was afraid that the "Gordon Bok Fans" weren't doing too well what with the 'Cat down and all so I felt it incumbent on me to bring this thread to the top again.

Friends, when you buy the package I mentioned, you not only get a book with a few tunes, but you get the Fan everyone is asking for! Along with the Cookie Duster HEPA Filter this fan has one more unique feature.........The DownEast Crapper Whapper!!! Yes folks, if you're in a position where you can expect the shit to hit the fan on a regular basis, then THIS is the Fan for you! I understand this feature has been tested extensively and is guaranteed to keep the crap off of you! The testing was done by having Kendall Morse tell stories into the fan because everyone knows that Kendall is full of shit. After wearing his voice out over the three day testing period, listeners said they never heard a word he said!

What more can you ask for? Order yours today!


27 Nov 01 - 11:55 AM (#598511)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: katlaughing

well, Spaw,we might be moving to a place which gets a lot hotter than here, will the GB Fan work in hot areas? I am sure I am going to need some extra cooling.

Also, I just got Kendall's CD and rather that what you said, I think what with all the hot air he blows, one could keep one of these fans going without any electricity at all!**BG**

LuvyaKendall (and your CD!!)


27 Nov 01 - 12:35 PM (#598543)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Kat, these fans were made to withstand a lot of heat. Even with the wonderful features like the HEPA filter and the Crapper Whapper, the electrical draw is very low probably owing to the low frequency of the motor which emits a basso profundo kind of roar that can be soothing to some and equally obnoxious to others.......but it works!

I think the real problem here is in the marketing of the songbook with the fan. I have just come to realize that the songbook only has songs in it. Mainly boring ass Bok songs at that and it don't DO anything. They don't play themselves, the book doesn't sing to you as it should....I mean like hellfire, it's a songbook, it SHOULD sing! I can't fit the simpleass thing into my CD drive, my tapedeck, or onto my turntable, although I DID try! It don't do squat!!! The damn thing just lays there like a bowl of Quaker Puffed Wheat with all the animation of Gordon Bok himself! You pick it up and put it down and nothing.....just "Flop." What a drag......It oughta' be titled One to Sing, One to Haul, All to Go Flop.

I think the best idea for Mr. Bok would be to push the fans and the moustache tuners and see if he can giveaway some of these lame songbooks in the process. I think it's the only chance the things have............


27 Nov 01 - 01:02 PM (#598568)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Mark Cohen

kat, moving to "a place that gets a lot hotter than here" -- you're coming to Hawaii?!? (I sure hope you're not going to hell...)


27 Nov 01 - 02:16 PM (#598611)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: katlaughing

LOL @ Spaw AND Mark!

Naw, not Hawaii, Mark, although I'd sure love to visit. Almost anywhere gets warmer than Wyoming, this time of year, well, anything south, that is! Not hell, either, just south. We'll know more in another couple of weeks and I'll keep ya posted, eh?!

I dunno what ta tell ya on them songbooks, Spaw, I mean they are designed to go flop, right, so what can ya do when the design is so retro? **BG**

28 Nov 01 - 02:44 PM (#599543)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Thought maybe a refresh of this might be good for any real Bok fans out there..........Sorry Kendall, but at least I kept it alive for awhile.

On the other hand, the songbook needs work so it will do something besides go flop. In this day of fast paced Video Games at the "Short Attention Span Theater," maybe we ned that songbook available for Nintendo Game Boy Advance......Wonder what a Gordon Bok video game would be like..............hmmmmm...........


28 Nov 01 - 08:07 PM (#599809)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Charley Noble

Lovely songbook! Just what I need for Christmas.:-)

29 Nov 01 - 12:35 AM (#599964)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: katlaughing

Gee, Spaw, I thought I'd help keep this one "up," too and now here you are apologising, explaining the technique of keeping it up. Have you used this technique elsewhere?**BG**

C'mon folks! Buy the book!

29 Nov 01 - 09:30 AM (#600132)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: kendall

What Kat said

29 Nov 01 - 10:25 AM (#600176)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Well kat, I'm all for keeping it up, but if Gordon Bok's sex life is related to his songbook where the thing just goes "flop" then we may have a problem here.


29 Nov 01 - 10:40 AM (#600189)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: katlaughing

So, you neatly slide by any intentional inference to your own sex life, eh, you wascally wabbit, you!? LOL

Hang in there, Kendall, we'll keep this going and it IS good adverts for Gordon, either way you slice it, darlin'.


29 Nov 01 - 11:19 AM (#600216)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

This whole thing was Kendall's fault to begin with. I can't see why he'd want to advertize that Gordon Bok is selling feature loaded Fans when it would have made far more sense to concentrate on the somewhat limp and floppy songbook. Now it's deteriorated in talking about whether or not Bok needs Viagra.

Next time Kendall, you need to skip the Fans and other peripherals and title the thread, "Gordon Bok Songbook." That way at least the focus will be on Gordon Bok's strength (singin' and pickin'), and not on his weaknesses (marketing and sex).


29 Nov 01 - 12:50 PM (#600313)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Naemanson

Last Tuesday I actually held a copy of the songbook in my hands. It got a little wrinkled when the owner pried it out of my grasp. What a wonderful mix of songs. Many are songs I have been singing to myself for years. Gotta have that book. Good thing Christmas is coming. Hmmm, maybe an email to my girlfriend would be the way to go....

29 Nov 01 - 08:25 PM (#600600)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: kendall

And to think, I suggested Gordon read this! How the hell am I going to explain what goes on around here?

29 Nov 01 - 08:43 PM (#600608)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

First Kendall, I'd tell him that he should have a thorough physical and consult with his doctor before going the Viagra route. Then, I'd suggest that he hold back on the marketing of the Fans until Spring or early Summer. Next, I'd suggest he post a picture of himself on his website using the Amish-Australian Pitchfork Moustache Tuner. This would have a positive impact on sales. Also suggest he do something to make the songbook more marketable so it just doesn't go "flop" but instead actually plays some tunes or has a video game included, or something.

Finally, I'd explain that this thread, by one means or another, has remained in the top half of the daily thread list for TEN DAYS now and it is getting the maximum exposure it can be given, which has resulted in several committed orders. (:<))


29 Nov 01 - 10:18 PM (#600640)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Bill D

'spaw..I doubt that G. Bok will have any AAPMTs on his page...he tried a product once and had real problems. The not-so-famous Bokwhistle turned out to be dangerous to produce, if I remember correctly...just think what perils a nose-pick could have!

29 Nov 01 - 10:43 PM (#600652)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans

Once more Spaw proves himself bitter over hair loss and inability to grow any anywhere else. Mr. Bok has a full head (Go for it, Spaw) and an extremely sexy moustache besides. And some of the ladies find him very sexy indeed. fan please. I have the vapors.

30 Nov 01 - 12:05 AM (#600682)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans

Bill D....I heard that the Nose-Pick feature of the moustache-tuner DOES also work well as the "Toe-Jam Scoop" that Don Meixner was looking for......sounds like a safer use. (Ordering a cd and Songbook here..thanks for the link Kendall!)

30 Nov 01 - 12:40 AM (#600698)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: GUEST,Night Owl

lost my cookie here I guess.......above "guest" post was mine

30 Nov 01 - 08:32 AM (#600844)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

WOW....What great news Jackie!!! We can change the ads and add-in that info. I think I'd be hesitant to use nosepick immediately after using the toe-jam digger, but the good news that the AAPMT is completely rust resistant and therefore washable!

And Sins, those vapors are the gaseous diffusion emanating from Gordon's fermenting moustache. Using the AAPMT will eliminate this unpleasantness........Have Kendall let Gordon know about this!

I think we all need to get to work on the Bok Video game to enhance songbook sales. Do you see Gordon Bok as a Mario kinda' guy or more along the lines of Crash Bandicoot, or possibly...........hmmm.............


30 Nov 01 - 08:37 AM (#600850)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Mark Cohen

Kendall, you think you feel bad that you told Gordon to read this....I told Selkie to read it! Oh, well, she's a Mainer, I guess she can take it.


30 Nov 01 - 08:00 PM (#601301)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

............and Selkie would be? Gee Mark....Something we should know about?

I'm seeing the video game with Gordon as a pac-man kinda thing.....Bok-Man.


30 Nov 01 - 09:55 PM (#601378)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Mark Cohen

Selkie is the person who manages the office at Timberhead Music, Gordon's label. I imagine that Kendall might know her, since Maine is such a small town. I only know her through email, but she doesn't seem like the moustache tuner type. Which is, of course, a good thing. (No offense, Musicman!)


30 Nov 01 - 10:22 PM (#601393)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Hmmmm......Suppose we could fit her into the video game.


01 Dec 01 - 02:57 PM (#601764)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

One last time to the top..........

I have temporarily postponed work on the video game because I won't have it ready for Christmas and as Christmas is supposed to be fun for all, I worry that kids will be frightened of a Viagra charged, mustachioed character, breaking blocks with his willie as he attempts to find the key to the salesroom and is blown back by women carrying fans. It still needs a lot of work......

So I guess I'll hold off any more postings here and after almost two weeks let this one go............


01 Dec 01 - 03:18 PM (#601775)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Naemanson

Dear Gordon,

Please forgive the character that goes by the name of Spaw or Catspaw49. He has been exposed too long to life in the midwest and the dreary existence has led to a befuddlement of his senses wherein he confuses the most mudane items as points of humor. He is flatulent and disagreeable but we love him despite all his faults. He believes himself to be in charge of the NYCFTTS but in actuality he is also a client as he is in the hair club for men.

Kendall will have assured you by now that this website has its share of people who may not be totally integrated into the main stream of modern society as it exists today. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It keeps us off the street and allows Big Brother George to keep an eye on us.

Oh, and please register my order for an Amish-Australian Pitchfork Moustache Tuner.

Thank you,


05 Dec 07 - 10:50 AM (#2209141)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

Good Lord, has it really been 6 years?

Sorry to report that the cost to manufacture the AAPMT has forced me to cease all production. Well, that, and a pair of lawsuits brought on by the Australian Government and the High Council of the Ohio-Pennsylvania Amish Clans. I guess they were just pissed that I was trying to use them in name only as a marketing tool. The Aussies settled for a round of beers but the Amish turned out to be real pricks about the whole thing.

I hope the songbooks went well because there were sure as hell no royalties on the moustache tuner. If they did it was probably because of the free fan. Damn nice fan actually. Without them the songbooks would have bombed. Its a piss poor song book if it can't sing and try as I might, I couldn't get mine to utter even the littlest ditty............oughta' just call it a lyrics and music book because as that its pretty damn good and worth the money.

Anyway, you might as well check the Gordon Bok Website. They still have plenty of songbooks it seems and lots of cd's as well...always nice at Christmas. Sadly though, the fans are no where to be seen......***sigh***..........Seemed like a great promo to me. Also, there is a section on "Gordon Bok Woodcarvings." Seems like he's gotten into whittlin' in a big way and there are some photos of various chunks of wood that he's gouged out and cut on some.


05 Dec 07 - 11:05 AM (#2209152)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Amos

I talked to Gordon at the Getaway last month.

He thinks Spaw is craazier than a shit-house rat.

But he likes the motorized fan thing.


05 Dec 07 - 03:00 PM (#2209329)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: M.Ted

I heard that Kendall dug up the last of the root vegetables from the neighbor's garden--He's planning to drive down to New Hampshire next month and give them to his old friend, former Massachussetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

So check out the CSPAN primary coverage, because you might see Kendall carrying his turnips toward the Mormon.

05 Dec 07 - 03:27 PM (#2209352)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Celtaddict

Oh my Catspaw don't you know
That the wheels are turning so,
The mustache growing easy as it did so long ago,
If I had a thing to tell you, I would tell you one more time,
Kendall's carried all his turnips toward the Mormon.

05 Dec 07 - 03:30 PM (#2209356)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Amos

IS that like carrying coals to Newcastle? The image is compelling, but what is the metaphor?


05 Dec 07 - 04:36 PM (#2209403)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: catspaw49

This thread has become seriously punny.   Of course there's nothing serious about a pun except in the making which can be real serious and cause loss of sleep and huge amounts of good time wasted.

It is the punniness of it Amos.......the sheer punniness,,,check this


05 Dec 07 - 05:19 PM (#2209435)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans

Time to resurrect the Christmas Story about Paw, Cletus and the Reg Boys. Although resurrections are more in tune with Easter and Little Hawk's cure.

05 Dec 07 - 06:03 PM (#2209455)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: Amos

Ha!! The missing referent!! Thanks, Pat; and a very good pun, too, CeltAddict.


05 Dec 07 - 08:51 PM (#2209554)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: GUEST,bflat

Ooops! Why don't we hear his music on the radio? He has a rich songbook.


05 Dec 07 - 09:18 PM (#2209562)
Subject: RE: Gordon Bok fans
From: maeve

Gordon's music gets a lot of radio play in various parts of the States, Canada, and across the Pond, but coverage and awareness vary. It's a wonderful wealth, for sure.
