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Help: Puzzled

01 Dec 01 - 07:33 PM (#601879)
Subject: Puzzled
From: poet

A long time ago I tried to access mudcat and a message came up informing me that it had been terminated. I was then diverted to another website which invited me to pass my sympathies or other comments, which as I deeply regreted such an event Idid just that.

I now by accident find that your demise was somewhat premature althought some of the names seem to be missing.

What Happenned please.

Poet (Guernsey) Ps Ive forgotten how to do the line space thing

01 Dec 01 - 08:01 PM (#601903)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: Jeri

The only thing I know that is even CLOSE to Mudcat being terminated was when the DT was hosted by another company. (Was it IBM?) I believe it was removed when that company got a bad case of copyright willies. Max subsequently stepped forward to volunteer space for the DT, and wound up doing a great deal more than that. This was around '96-'97.

I see that you last posted in June of this year. I hope you didn't get the message around that time, because I think you may have been the only one. If that's what happened, its very weird.

(Line breaks are <br> but double spaces are just double spaces.)

01 Dec 01 - 08:05 PM (#601905)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: Jon Freeman

Are you sure it was you got? There is for example as well as oppertunities for spelling mistakes in URLs.


02 Dec 01 - 12:40 AM (#602010)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: rangeroger

Oooh, I want one for Christmas.Just Imagine, a 370 hp Mudcat.


02 Dec 01 - 12:45 AM (#602011)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: Amergin

Jeri...if I remember correctly it was xerox....

02 Dec 01 - 12:45 AM (#602012)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: Joe Offer

Well, there was a very short time a few weeks ago, when our domain registration dues weren't paid and the domain name expired...
We first had the domain name, but that one still forwards to Mudcat.

02 Dec 01 - 01:04 AM (#602015)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: Amergin

there may have been an outage at that time...and poet may have been thinking of that music mail...or possibly the help site...

02 Dec 01 - 01:58 PM (#602199)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: poet

Yes it was around June and it is strange. but its also possible that I did the thing. I,d been scammed that Ihad a virus and damaged my sytem getting rid of it so I had To "FORMAT C" so I lost my History.

Thanks for help

Still puzzled but what the hell

Poet (Guernsey)

02 Dec 01 - 03:25 PM (#602243)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: kendall

rangeroger, we have a couple of 370 POUND mudcats, will that do?

03 Dec 01 - 02:24 AM (#602574)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: rangeroger

I don't know Kendall. It may take more than 370 horse to move em.


03 Dec 01 - 05:49 AM (#602605)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: GUEST,Mr Red

the registration thingy, does that explain the outage for 4 days last w/e?
it coincided with my domain registration renewal and I got 1 day's notice! OK so I got it on Outlook to remind me in 2 years time but the computer's gone down now! there was a lot of outage at the same time what did Mudcat suffer?

03 Dec 01 - 07:38 PM (#603026)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: poet


I know i'm old but what the hell are you talking about. unless you're getting answers I am not you,re not making sense to me.

take pity ona poor lost soul

Poet (Guernsey)

03 Dec 01 - 07:52 PM (#603037)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: kendall

if you go to mudcat.COM instead of .ORG, you end up at an earth moving machine site. One of them has 370 horsepower. I only observed that a couple of mudcatters weigh 370 POUNDS.

04 Dec 01 - 04:16 PM (#603592)
Subject: RE: Help: Puzzled
From: poet

Ah merki bo coups an all that.

Thank you for your explanation.
