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BS: Christs' face found in potato.

14 Dec 01 - 07:55 PM (#610081)
Subject: Christs' face found in potato.
From: GUEST,little john cameron

EXCLUSIVE by Ingrid Macpherson Local Glen Lachart farmer, Hector Young, was said to be "surprised" yesterday, after finding the face of Jesus of Nazareth - inside a potato.

"It was amazin', sae it wis," said Hector, as he proudly showed off his holiest of root vegetables. "There I wis, cuttin' up some tatties for wir dinner, when all o' a sudden, somethin' in one o' the tatties caught m' eye. It was a face. The face o' Jesus Christ!"

When asked how he knew the face in the potato to be that of The Son of God, Hector replied "yon beard o' his an' his long hair", before adding, "an' his halo". Another miracle eh? ljc

14 Dec 01 - 07:57 PM (#610086)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Amos

WOW!! No-one ever told me the Second Coming was gonna be by UNDERGROUND roots!! That is REALLY amazing!!


14 Dec 01 - 08:00 PM (#610089)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Crane Driver

Glad he remembered the halo. Otherwise it would probably just have been Billy Connolly again. Happens all the time.

14 Dec 01 - 08:04 PM (#610091)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: catspaw49

Sounds pretty "half baked" to me.....and it was exactly one of these kind of stories that inspired The Fartistic Falwell


14 Dec 01 - 08:09 PM (#610095)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

Except for the halo, it could be that rotten potato, bin Ladin.

14 Dec 01 - 08:44 PM (#610120)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: kendall

I've always been baffled by all those pictures of Jesus. No one knows what he looks like.

14 Dec 01 - 09:37 PM (#610142)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.


Maybe you just don't have enough faith

These things are sometimes only seen by the faithful...

God seems to be getting pretty choosey these days

14 Dec 01 - 09:49 PM (#610151)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: little john cameron

ye bunch o' blasphemers.Get doon oan yer hunkers ask forgiveness fae the Holy Spud.Ye must hae FAITH.Three million Irishmen cannae be wrang
Though the "Spud o' Christ" has been described as nothing more than a "poor caricature, crudely drawn on with black marker pen", Hector remains unswayed in his belief, and has decided to share the holy vegetable with the world, for what he claims is a "very reasonable price".


"I'm either goin' tae let folk see it for £10 a time, or I'm goin' tae sell it aff tae whoever'll gie me five thoosand poonds fur it," Hector told us as he returned the potato to the locked strong box which will be its home until Hector finds someone to take it off his hands. Or it rots.

Response to the potato has been overwhelmingly lukewarm from local residents, despite Hector's best efforts of raising interest by shoving the potato into people's confused faces and shouting "Spud o' Christ!" in a loud, roaring voice.

PHOTOGRAPH Local religious expert, Father Woods was approached for his opinion on the phenomenon, but unfortunately suffered some form of seizure when we showed him our photograph and told him of Hector's money-making plan. We hope he makes a swift recovery, and urge all our readers to pop in and visit him in the intensive care unit of Raigmore hospital in Inverness.

Ah forgot tae mention it wis an Irish tattie.

14 Dec 01 - 09:54 PM (#610153)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: little john cameron

Get the full story here
Photies an' aw'

14 Dec 01 - 09:57 PM (#610154)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Ebbie

We live in remarkable - not to say odd- times.


14 Dec 01 - 10:08 PM (#610160)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Bobert

Ol Bobert sees Jesus everyday in the faces of those of FAITH. As for the potato Jesus, in the words of Jimmy Traficant, "Beam me up, Scotty."

14 Dec 01 - 10:37 PM (#610169)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Bill D

can you imagine what he'd have seen if he'd sliced that spud at 90 degrees!..or even the short way....a big


14 Dec 01 - 10:47 PM (#610172)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Bill D

I did find a rutabaga once that looked sorta like Zero Mostel with zits...maybe I shoulda had a Rabbi check it out...I coulda been rich!

14 Dec 01 - 10:50 PM (#610175)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Spud Murphy

Oh! For Criiiisake!!!

What is this blasphemy???


14 Dec 01 - 10:55 PM (#610177)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Sorcha

awwwww, shit. Has anybody seen The Dagda in a spud lately? Now that would be news......or Mick? Why is it always Jesus or Maria? Why never Zoroaster, the Bhudda, Confucius,Joseph, Mohammed or even Hester Prine???? Gimme some news, here.

14 Dec 01 - 10:55 PM (#610178)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Bill D

LOLOL...grow a beard, me lad, and claim to be THE Irish Spud

14 Dec 01 - 11:16 PM (#610186)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: CarolC

Is it just me, or does Jesus look surprised to be in that potato?

15 Dec 01 - 12:00 AM (#610205)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: catspaw49

Sorch, Mick only uses spuds to stuff his thong and I think that even Jesus would be revolted at such an up close and personal look at Mick.


15 Dec 01 - 12:32 AM (#610214)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Spud Murphy


Murphy, Spud

15 Dec 01 - 12:43 AM (#610218)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

The Apostrophe Police are on the trail of the creator of this thread- all punctuation marks a'blazin'.

15 Dec 01 - 12:44 AM (#610219)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: catspaw49

Sorry Spud, but if you see Big Mick comin', you better run.


15 Dec 01 - 01:00 AM (#610225)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Sorcha

Sorry, Spud Murphy. Didn't quite mean it that way.......Spaw, you wanna explain just why Jesus would be offended at anything relating to spuds? Aren't the Irish one of the biggest defenders of the faith? Cripes, that was rude of me, wasn't it? Sorry.....but the whole idea is still ridiculous.

We were in New Meixico when The Face appeared on a wall somewhere, I forget just where. Mora, maybe. Talk about idiocy---Mr. worked 4 24 hr. days just directing traffic.....and there was really nothing to see. Shadows caused by a street lamp......

Just as a "thought for the day" did you know that RC Latin/Hispanic Americans score almost off the MMPI scale for schizophrenia? Not an opinion, a fact from my MA (Psych) mom.

MMPI--Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test

15 Dec 01 - 01:13 AM (#610230)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Spud Murphy

"Loving means you don't ever have to say your sorry." (Spud Murphy)(Or was it Ali McGraw?)

15 Dec 01 - 01:38 AM (#610238)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: catspaw49

Where were you for the "Fartisic Falwell" on my garage wall Sorch?

I meant that Mick uses spuds to "stuff" his thong and if the face of Jesus was down Mick's thong then.......ah hell, never mind. If ya' gotta' explain 'em, they ain't funny.


15 Dec 01 - 01:41 AM (#610239)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Amergin

what i want to know is what jesus' face is doing in Mick's there something you are not telling us, Mick? Does this mean that Jiggles (the fair one) is fair game now?

15 Dec 01 - 03:15 AM (#610256)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Clinton Hammond

Seen by the faithful???

See by impressionable IDIOTS is more like it!!!!

*seen on my bumper*

"I found him... I have Jesus in the trunk!"

15 Dec 01 - 03:21 AM (#610260)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: GUEST,Argenine

"When asked how he knew the face in the potato to be that of The Son of God, Hector replied "yon beard o' his an' his long hair", before adding, 'an' his halo'."

How d'ya know 'twarn't thet Hosamma Ben Laudin feller?


15 Dec 01 - 03:51 AM (#610268)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: CarolC

I think it's a scam. Hector probably just wants some money to buy the lads a round at the Pig & Bicycle.

15 Dec 01 - 04:47 AM (#610272)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: John MacKenzie

As a certain Irish folk singer used to say to the nubile young ladies in his audience. " May the lord have Murphy on you" Does this mean he was trying to convert them?*BG* Failte.......Jock

15 Dec 01 - 06:05 AM (#610275)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: GUEST,John Gray / Australia

Was it an Ohio Brown, a Pontiac, or a Subargo ?


15 Dec 01 - 06:16 AM (#610277)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Polecat


They're mistaken the image for Bin Laden....

He's the one underground right now!!

Beware of false "prophets!"

15 Dec 01 - 06:26 AM (#610283)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: gnu

I thought he was after false profits.

15 Dec 01 - 09:00 AM (#610327)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Devilmaster

Wow Spud, sounds like a touch of jealousy.
Your not the biggest tater around here anymore. :)

Perhaps you'd better find this potato with Jesus, and look him eye to eye to eye to eye to eye to eye to eye to eye to eye........


15 Dec 01 - 09:09 AM (#610333)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: GUEST,Genie

You mention that "... RC Latin/Hispanic Americans score almost off the MMPI scale for schizophrenia... ."  Unless the test has been re-standardized using that populaton, that fact is rather meaningless.  The validity of the MMPI (or any such test ) as a diagnostic instrument has to be determined empirically for whatever population is being tested.

I'm not up to date on the more recent validity studies of the MMPI, but at the time the test was originally designed, there were few Hispanics included in the standardization samples.  Answers that may distinguish schizophrenics from non-psychotic folks in a population of protestants, Jews, atheists, etc., may not distinguish between them in a population of Roman Catholic Hispanic Americans.

15 Dec 01 - 10:31 AM (#610362)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: kendall

No amount of belief can create a fact.

15 Dec 01 - 10:48 AM (#610367)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: catspaw49

And often, no amount of facts can shake a belief.


15 Dec 01 - 11:22 AM (#610396)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: JedMarum

LOL Kendall and Spaw!

So what was this guy going to make with that potato; crists?

15 Dec 01 - 11:23 AM (#610398)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Devilmaster

well its kinda hard to fritter away a belief.......

15 Dec 01 - 11:41 AM (#610414)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Jeri

No, no - bake the potato, add a nice cheddar sauce, and hum "What a Friend We Have In Cheeses."

15 Dec 01 - 12:24 PM (#610435)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: little john cameron

Weel ah never thocht mah wee post wid cause aw' this consternation.As far as the remark aboot "apostrophies",obviously the poster has nae understaunin o' Scots writin.As there is nae "ing" in Scots we hae tae pit the wee buggers somewhere.
It amazes me that ye guys'll talk aboot jist aboot oneythin.Great stuff,like ah said afore"The Mudcat is awa' oot in front o' the pack" ljc

15 Dec 01 - 12:32 PM (#610444)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: catspaw49

Now that we've beat this one to death, let's all go talk about the 4 and 20 blackbirds in the pie.

Spaw--Yep LJ, we'll talk about anything!

15 Dec 01 - 12:41 PM (#610463)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.

And to think I avoided this thinking it was the start of a flaming war.

15 Dec 01 - 01:01 PM (#610475)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Spud Murphy

I like the sound of Giok's post on the matter of the nubile young ladies. Can someone help me out on that? Advise me of the location of the pub, maybe?


15 Dec 01 - 01:04 PM (#610477)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: little john cameron

The addy for the site already there spud. ljc

15 Dec 01 - 01:16 PM (#610486)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: catspaw49

AS Sorcha said, "Why is it always Jesus?".....or Mary or something like that. I think it's the same thing that drives many people in their reincarnation beliefs. While it may be true and real or totally false and not real, there are a lot of folks who believe in reincarnation. What always strikes me is that they were once very interesting and often famous people in some past life. I never see any saying, "I was a poor, filthy, little syphilitic scrounger who died at age 18 in a sewer."


15 Dec 01 - 01:27 PM (#610490)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Uncle_DaveO

He recognized it by the beard and long hair? Very early Christian paintings picturing Jesus showed him clean-shaven, and I would suppose they'd be in a better position to know. I don't remember how they showed his hair.

Dave Oesterreich

15 Dec 01 - 01:30 PM (#610493)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Amergin

Well...spaw...I was marie antoinette.....

Actually...I think that those who say things like not truly believe in it....or are trying to make themselves sound more interesting than they actually, well I doubt I was ever anyone famous...or if I ever was, the fame has been forgotten through the centuries...

Have you ever met some one who you have felt comfortable with, instantly and took an immediate like to them? Or the some one and took an immediate dislike...for no apparent reason?

15 Dec 01 - 01:36 PM (#610495)
Subject: RE: Christs' face found in potato.
From: little john cameron

Are ye guys kiddin or whit?Here it is again.Ah pit a clickie oan this time.clickhere
15 Dec 01 - 03:34 PM (#610548)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Lonesome EJ

Blessed are the Fries of the Lord!

LEJ (still trying to forget about "what a friend we have in cheeses")

15 Dec 01 - 06:28 PM (#610638)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: CarolC

I like the sound of Giok's post on the matter of the nubile young ladies. Can someone help me out on that? Advise me of the location of the pub, maybe?

Here you go, Spud...

Pig & Bicycle

While you're there, how about buying the lads a round? They look pretty thirsty.

15 Dec 01 - 06:55 PM (#610653)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Bill D

whilst proving a point in another thread (about searches in Google), I found someone who could no doubt shed some light on why potatoes are so honored....his powers of reason and diligent theological research have given him some deep insights into the relation of spirituality to everyday concerns!...consider, if you will, The MFFC...Monkee Fans for Christ .....No, I am not kidding!

15 Dec 01 - 09:45 PM (#610764)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Mark Clark

I also enjoyed this closely related link:

Behold The Spud o' Christ.

Thanks for alerting us to this important discovery.

      - Mark

16 Dec 01 - 10:06 AM (#610948)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Frank Maher

I just got Home from Open Heart Surgery and I want to Thank You All for Putting a Smile on My Face This Morning...God Bless You All,Especially My Good Friend Little John!!!!!

16 Dec 01 - 12:51 PM (#611014)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: little john cameron

Glad ye're ok Frank auld pal.Noo ye're in elite campany wi' Dermot,me an' aw' the rest o' us bionic buskers. Watch oot for the diabetes tho' as ah hear Gord Tracy has a bionic leg noo.ljc

16 Dec 01 - 01:08 PM (#611028)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: catspaw49

If you had "the usual" there Frank, stay away from metal detectors. Glad to hear all is okay.


16 Dec 01 - 05:03 PM (#611174)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

I heard a program on public radio once upon a time describing a town meeting which had been called to discuss making English the official language in said town. During a heated exchange, one citizen reportedly stood up and said, "If the English language was good enough for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it's good enough for me!"

16 Dec 01 - 05:13 PM (#611177)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

I should have followed my own oft-given advice,"think before you click." I decided to seek a source for the above quote and found it attributed to a "prominent congressman," and Texas Governor "Ma" Ferguson. It may be one of those "urban myths." Will have to check further.

16 Dec 01 - 05:33 PM (#611188)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Little Hawk

I have had patchy memories of several past lives, Spaw, and in NOT ONE of them was I embodied as anyone famous! Anyone interesting? Well, yeah. Everyone is interesting, once you really get to know them...

At least I think so. Maybe you don't.

I don't specifically recall a life in which I was a "poor, filthy, little syphilitic scrounger who died at age 18 in a sewer", but I will not rule out the possiblity! There are worse fates than that.

Such a life could prove quite illuminating upon later reflection...perhaps more useful than many, in fact, as a lesson in spiritual evolution.

- LH

16 Dec 01 - 07:35 PM (#611246)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

It's the twits who claim to be famous personages in former lives that give reincarnation a bad name (to some). These are the same sort of folks whose sole interest in genealogy is confined to looking for a "famous" ancestor, preferably royalty or American "aristocracy." Now if anyone finds a potato that looks like Pete Seeger I hope to hear about it.

16 Dec 01 - 07:35 PM (#611247)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: CraigS

I have seen pictures of the face of Christ in the clouds, and I have also seen the name of the prophet in a slice of aubergine and a tomato. I have never heard that anyone has found a picture of Christ or the name of the prophet in a slice of meat! All I can say is, does this prove that vegetables are sentient, and we should only eat meat, or that the smoker you drink, the player you get?

17 Dec 01 - 01:40 PM (#611722)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

More than you wanted to know department: Previously mentioned quotation frequently attributed to Texas governor (1925-1927, 1933-1935) "Ma" (Miriam Amanda) Ferguson (1876-1961) appears in two variations: "If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me," and, "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it ought to be good enough for the children of Texas." This apparently was her voiced opinion when it was suggested that Mexican children in Texas schools might need classes taught in Spanish.

17 Dec 01 - 02:12 PM (#611738)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: MizzKyttie

Perhaps, in these troubled times, (with Bin Laden in a hole, and all,) we should grate up the potato, and put it into a pastry crust with broccoli, eggs, and cheese, put it in the oven, and sing "All we are saying...Is Give Quiche A Chance...."


18 Dec 01 - 01:07 PM (#612410)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Little Hawk

Real Islamic warriors don't eat quiche! :-)

- LH

18 Dec 01 - 01:15 PM (#612419)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Bill D

some of the hungrier ones 'might' consider it right about now....

10 Jan 02 - 12:53 AM (#624652)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: GUEST,little john cameron

Keep the spirit flowing

10 Jan 02 - 01:07 PM (#624957)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: Charley Noble

For an even deeper mystery see "Christ's Head up the Wazoo."

10 Jan 02 - 05:42 PM (#625243)
Subject: RE: BS: Christs' face found in potato.
From: SharonA

I wanna see the picture of the other half of that potato. Would it be... a mirror image? A reversed image like the Shroud of Turin is purported to have? Or perhaps the face of Satan, who possessed that half of the spud?

I checked out Mark Clark's link; dagnab it all, they've sold out of "Spud o' Christ" T-shirts!

13 Jan 02 - 11:48 AM (#627103)
Subject: RE: Does the saint come with poTAHtoes?
From: GUEST,Rose

Since Bill D was so kind as to post a link to my website (MFFC) and ask my opinion about why potatoes are so honored as to have the face of Christ appear in them... to quote Mike Nesmith, I just don't have any idea. Not being Catholic myself, I don't see the point in so-called apparitions on buildings, trees, etc. There *have* been people who genuinely had visions of Jesus, but way too much of this stuff is either made up out of whole cloth (like the hoax about scientists drilling into Hell) or is the product of an overactive imagination. There is, however, a big difference between finding faces in potatoes and seeing the fingerprints of God wherever they might be or finding spiritual applications to things that might seem totally unrelated. The latter is more like Miss Marple's village parallels. And keep in mind what Einstein once said: There are two ways to live. You can either live as if nothing were a miracle, or you can live as if everything were a miracle. BTW, I've updated the index to my site so it's easier to read; my apologies to anyone who had trouble with the font color. And the subject line I used here is a reference to a sketch from (I think) Mike Nesmith's Television Parts entitled "Irish Language Lab." You can see it at; it's a hoot. (Y'all have some great puns up there, too... especially "Give Quiche a Chance"!) And just to show how truly bigoted the Ma Ferguson quote is, Jesus didn't speak English when He was on Earth. He spoke Hebrew and Aramaic! And the Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek! Grr... she was probably one of those people who believe that any translation other than the King James Version is wrong, too.... Anyway, that's enough out of me. Just wanted to thank Bill for the link and weigh in on the debate. Rosie Girl "Age only matters if you're cheese."--Micky Dolenz