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Favourite Christmas Movie?

23 Dec 01 - 04:18 PM (#615445)
Subject: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: marty D

I just watched the OTHER 'A Christmas Carol' for the first time. The one from 1938 with Reginald Owen and Gene Lockhart, and it's not bad. Quite a different telling of the Dickens classic from the Alistair Sim one tho'.

Scrooge personally takes the prize turkey to Bob Cratchit's house and makes himself at home in their little hovel. Does anyone remember how Dickens actually wrote the ending? I still prefer the Sim one. It may be my most watched movie ever. I think I know every bit of dialogue by heart. Haven't seen the George C Scott one yet.

I think 'It's a Wonderful Life' has to be up there too, along with 'Miracle on Thirty Fourth Street'.

Any other favourite Christmas Classics?


23 Dec 01 - 04:22 PM (#615448)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: catspaw49

I like all of them to some degree or another. I'm a bigger fan of 'toons and specials. One movie I enjoy for some reason stars Barnard Hughes and Gerald McRaney..."A Hobo's Christmas." Trite and cliched but kinda' nice.

Toons rule.


23 Dec 01 - 04:27 PM (#615452)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

In the novel, Scrooge waits till the day after Christmas & surprises Cratchit (coming in late after all that hot gin punch--ah, Victorian England, God bless us, every one!) at the office by doubling his salary. For authenticity in "feel" and look, I really like the early '80s version w/George C. Scott as Scrooge; it was filmed in Shrewsbury, & has good costumes, music, etc.

I'm also quite partial to the BBC's "A Child's Christmas in Wales" w/Denholm Elliott, "It's A Wonderful Life", and the original animated version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" w/Boris Karloff---classics!

23 Dec 01 - 04:46 PM (#615464)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Sorcha

Bah Humbug.

23 Dec 01 - 05:21 PM (#615486)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well it's not my favourite Christmas movie - but One Magic Christmas is memorable for me because of Harry Dean Stanton as a splendid lugubrious cowboy angel.

The film is really a kind of reworking of It's a Wonderful Life, and it's nowhere near it - except when it comes to angels, where Harry Dean Stanton comes in a clear winner. You could rely on an angel like that, he could take care of business.

23 Dec 01 - 05:23 PM (#615488)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Jack the Sailor


23 Dec 01 - 05:45 PM (#615496)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Clinton Hammond

The Muppet Christmas Carol is my current fav... has been for a few years now...

The version with Patrick Stewart is a close 2nd...

Blckadders X-mas Carol is 3rd by the mearest hair!


Others I really enjoy, in no real order... National Lampoons X-mas Vacation, (You couldn't hear a dump truck going through a nito-glycerine plant! LOL!!!) A Christmas Story (my father worked in profanity the way an artist would work in oils) A Junkies Christmas...

It's a Wonderful Life is one of, if not THE most favouritest movie of mine ever! LOL!!!!


23 Dec 01 - 05:53 PM (#615503)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: CapriUni

I too, love the original animated version of "Grinch"... another animated story that had been broadcast on the Fox network in 1999 and 2000 (but not this year, alas) is: "Olive, the Other Reindeer"

One live action movie that I love, that while not specifically about Christmas, is filled with the "Christmas Spirit" is the Danish movie Babbette's Feast.

23 Dec 01 - 06:01 PM (#615508)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: RangerSteve

A Christmas Story has been my favorite since it came out. The George C. Scott version of Christmas Carol is my second favorite. I liked It's a Wonderful Life the first two times I saw it, now I can't take it anymore. There's a TV Christmas cartoon called A Wish For Wings that Work, with Opus the Penguin and Bill the Cat from the "Bloom County" comic strip. It's as good as the animated Grinch. It's a shame neither one are on broadcast TV anymore, but they're both available on video.

23 Dec 01 - 06:27 PM (#615519)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Peter Kasin

"It's A Wonderful Life", and a 1949 movie, "Holiday Affair", with Robert Mitchum (in a good guy role), Janet Leigh, and Wendell Corey. When I was a kid," A Mr. Magoo Christmas Carol" was my favorite.


23 Dec 01 - 07:12 PM (#615556)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

Oh, I almost forgot "Blackadder"! Robbie Coltrane as All The Ghosts is phenomenal: "ye haven't go' anythin' a wee bit more medicinal, have ye?" The only problem: now he's Hagrid!

(Interesting to note that JK Rowling was apparently PICTURING Robbie Coltrane while writing Hagrid's character; another twist on "book to film"!).

Also the Bloom County one: my eldest son has a book of "A Wish For Wings That Work" somewhere around here. It IS a shame they don't show that on television anymore; what Christmas could be complete without Bill the Cat?!

23 Dec 01 - 08:10 PM (#615581)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: DonMeixner

My favorite is "A Christmas Carol" w/ George C. Scott. David Warner, Edward Woodward, Frank Findley, Angela Pleasance (I believe),Susannah York, Roger Rees, and Lucy Gutteridge

My favorite classic is "The Bishop's Wife" with Cary Grant David Niven and Loretta Young. "The Miracle on 34th Street" with Maureen O'Hara, John Payne, Natalie Wood, and Edmund Gwen.


24 Dec 01 - 12:36 AM (#615650)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: musicmick

I have always supposed that remakes are desparate disasters. The TVM of Miracle on 34th Street, with Richard Attenborough is embarrassing. But the two remakes of Christmas Carol (Sims and Scott) are improvements on the original. How about "Going My Way", for which Bing Crosby and Barry Fitzgerald won Oscars. It featured Toora Loora Loora and Swinging on a Star. And dont forget Holiday Inn. It's the film that introduced White Christmas. Music is so important to the holiday and White Christmas is the most loved Christmas song outside of the religeous carols.

24 Dec 01 - 01:34 AM (#615661)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Jack the Sailor

How about trading places? Dan Acroyd is may favorite santa. Salmon in a Santa suit!

24 Dec 01 - 01:50 AM (#615663)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Rick Fielding

Well of course I love Alistair Sim and Jimmy Stewart, but I have to go with those other "edgy" folks who love "BlackAdder's Christmas". Baldrick as a futuristic warrior with his chrome codpiece is not an image easily forgotten!


24 Dec 01 - 03:45 AM (#615687)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Peter Kasin

Yes Don, Trading Places! How about that scene where Eddie Murphey is on the phone calling security on Aykroyd. Murphey says "Hello, security?" Then suddenly notices Aykroyd has a gun pointed at him, and then says back into the phone "Merry Christmas!" and hangs up. Quick thinking.

24 Dec 01 - 06:28 AM (#615720)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Coyote Breath

For me Number One is: A Christmas Story

Number Two is: Scrooged (Bill Murray)

Number Three: The Life of Brian.

and, well, I see it every year but; Four: It's a Wonderful Life.


24 Dec 01 - 09:08 AM (#615757)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: jaze

A Christmas Carol w/Alistair Sim is tops. Another good one is Christmas In Connecticut w/Barbara Stanwick. Sappy and 40ish but funny. Santa's workshop in One Special Christmas is great. There was a Hallmake Hall of Fame movie a few years ago called The Christmas Tree-from the book about a convent of nuns who donate a tree to be used in Rockefeller Center. Great story and apparently only shown once-so glad I taped it. Christmas books and movies are usually somewhat sappy, but they make the heart feel good.

24 Dec 01 - 10:29 AM (#615781)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: DonMeixner

Sorry Ranger, that was Jack who mentioned Trading Places, a film I like but never equated it with Christmas before.

Alistair Sim made a formidable Ebeneezer Scrooge but I must maintain that the George C Scott film has more of the atmosphere of the story. It also gives standout prefpomances by the secondaries making their scenes vignettes as emsemble pieces. The final scene with Woodward as the Ghost of Christmas Present is dynamic. The children of ignorance and want always affects me. Frank Findley as Morley nearly steals the show and sometimes I think he does.


24 Dec 01 - 11:45 AM (#615824)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

Oh....GOD; Baldrick in his futuristic codpiece....on top of my earlier comments re:William Shatner in lycra, thei Xmas Eve is shaping up to be waaaaaaay too exciting. Phew, is it getting hot in here or WHAT?!

I'd forgoten Dan Ackroyd's Santa in Trading Places"; we never ring in January 1st without wishing each other a "Merry New Year! Beef jerky time!"

24 Dec 01 - 01:16 PM (#615860)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Don Firth

I have to second Desdemona's vote for the BBC production of Dylan Thomas's "A Child's Christmas in Wales" with Denholm Elliott. It only runs about an hour. PBS stations used to run it a lot ten or twelve years ago, but I don't know if they still are. If you get a chance to see it, by all means, do! Blockbuster Video lists it, so presumable it can be rented. Well worth it. Fortunately, I had the forsight to videotape it when it was first broadcast, and Barbara and I haul it out and watch it every Christmas. Tomorrow, again.

Don Firth

24 Dec 01 - 01:20 PM (#615862)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

It always reduces me to tears, every single time, but I just love watching it!

24 Dec 01 - 02:02 PM (#615874)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Ron Olesko

"Going My Way" and "The Bells of St.Mary's". Bing Crosby almost made me want to go to church.

Another seasonal favorite, and this is a strange one, are the two Al Jolson bio-pics - "The Jolson Story" and "Jolson Sings Again". When I was a kid the local TV station would always show it at this time of year, usually on New Year's Eve. Neither film had anything to do with the holidays, but some program director thought it was the perfect fare for the holiday and would show it every year.


24 Dec 01 - 02:03 PM (#615875)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Celtic Soul

I'd have to say the G.C. Scott "A Christmas Carol" as well.

Not only were the settings really wonderfully "period". I'd have to say Mr. Scott is the *only* man who did not do Scrooge as some twisted misshapen snarly looking monster. When he asks "Are there no workhouses?" etc, he delivers it as a man in shock. As if this simply made sense, and why had no one else thought of it before. I buy into deluded evil far more than outright intentional evil in the human experience.

24 Dec 01 - 02:14 PM (#615882)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: annamill

I love Alistair Sim, of course. For me there is no other.

Another fun one is the story of a young boy with his Red Ryder BB gun called "A Christmas Story". So funny and it brings me back to my youth. I had a BB gun too. I don't remember if it was Red Ryder or not, but it should have been, because it was from the same era. How about Heidi with Shirley Temple? I love that one too.

Oh well, I'm off to my home from here at work. Please, all, have a wonderful holiday!! and love from Honey and myself.

24 Dec 01 - 02:20 PM (#615886)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

Right you are---I seriously doubt that most "evil doers" think of themselves as such; even a monster like Hitler considered his twisted ideas to be in the interest of what he thought a "good" outcome. It's only cartoon villains that identify themselves as such; the rest are blind, mistaken, misguided, deluded, sick---even, occasionally, simply gormless.

Another thing I like about GC Scott's Scrooge is the sense of vulnerable human-ness you get from him; although he's not big on empathy for others, his dread of being left alone by the Ghost in a strange place at night is palpable & affecting---here he is, an old man, abandoned outdoors in his dressing gown & carpet slippers, and that frightens him.

He's also not without a sense of humour, and even when he's at his most miserable & nasty, you can see what there might have been to like about him once. Of course, that's what a really good actor can do with a role: inhabit it, make it real, give it flesh & a soul.

"Giving to airy nothing a local habitation and a name".

24 Dec 01 - 02:25 PM (#615889)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Peter T.

"La Belle Noiseuse". It has Emanuelle Beart naked for about two and a half hours in an artist's studio in Provence. Nothing to do with Christmas, but a favourite all the year round.....yours, Peter T.

24 Dec 01 - 02:33 PM (#615893)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Melani

I also like George C. Scott's "Christmas Carol." It's got the best costumes and scenery. Of course, I've just been living it for four weekends at the Dickens Fair, and we had a pretty good Scrooge, too.

24 Dec 01 - 03:48 PM (#615928)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Lonesome EJ

It's the Alistair Simm Christmas Carol for me too, but someone above mentioned A Child's Christmas in Wales and that would be a close second. It was one of the last performances for Denholm Elliott, and he's great as the grandfather who rediscovers the magic of Christmas through the bedtime story he tells his grandson. Two scenes stand out in my mind. The boys decide to carol at a "haunted house" and are half way through God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" when a noise behind the door scares them away. Then we hear a weak, elderly voice continuing the song from behind the door. The scene where the whole family sings "All Through the Night" is also touching.

24 Dec 01 - 03:50 PM (#615930)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Peter Kasin

Don -


24 Dec 01 - 11:26 PM (#616102)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Amergin

a christmas story hands down...also a muppet christmas carol...gotta love the muppets....and of course the old grinch....i can identify with it greatly as my heart is two sizes too small.... ;)

25 Dec 01 - 02:44 AM (#616131)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Kaleea

Der Bingle certainly makes our Christmas Bright! However, my absolute 2 alltime Christmas favs: not in order:

Miracle on 34th Street (Maureen O'Hara-DUH!) Come to the Stable (2 nuns: Loretta Young & Celeste Holm mix it up with a reclusive artist [Elsa Lancester], country bumpkins, gansters. This is it, folks! And no, you don't want it colorized as black & white is an art form all its own.

Then, of course, as a kid I always loved the Rudolph film. I did not care for the gimmicky zillion dollar high tech "Christmas" movies to come.

25 Dec 01 - 04:38 AM (#616150)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: fat B****rd

I like "Scrooged" mainly because my grandsons love it and fancy seeing Miles Davis busking. Also I@m a sucker for a soppy ending.

25 Dec 01 - 05:14 AM (#616156)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: SeanM

Coming from an avowed anti-Xmas type...

"Nightmare Before Christmas". Not only one of my fave Christmas films, but one of my fave period.

"Scrooged". Ghost of Christmas Present. 'nuff said.

"Santa Claus vs. The Martians" for just being about the worst movie ever. Warning!!! Do NOT view this film without at least 5 beers in your system. Failure to comply could be toxic.

That's about it. Gimme twisted Christmas stuff over schmalty commercial crap anyday...

(off to listen to "Punk Xmas" cd)


25 Dec 01 - 06:36 AM (#616176)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

I concur with many of those and have to add, "Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas." And "The Lion in Winter." And, for some reason, "Becket," even though it's not really a Christmas movie. I'm glad to see so many Alastair Sim fans out there. I thought I was the only one.

25 Dec 01 - 07:22 AM (#616183)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: gnu

A Christmas Story... I saw it in the theatre just before Xmas the year it was released. Didn't know anything about it, except that it was the only comedy playing in town. Had a puff before joining the other six people in the whole theatre. Embarrassed my girlfriend by laughing hysterically throughout the picture. I swear, almost everything that Ralphie went through happened to me when I was that age and the period setting was almost identical. Didn't have me a compass in the stock, but I had, and still have, a Red Ryder... my cousin's eye got shot out.

25 Dec 01 - 06:40 PM (#616322)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Paul from Hull

Found this on a site referred to in aonther thread!

(sorry for the lack of blueclickyability)

25 Dec 01 - 07:29 PM (#616334)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Alice

"White Christmas" and other Bing Crosby classics like Bells of St. Mary's and Going My Way. I also like It's A Wonderful Life. We are about to watch a tape I have of The Road To Morocco, because all I've seen on tv so far this month is White Christmas, and I haven't had enough Bingster movies yet to feel satisfied. We also had to play Bing Crosby singing Christmas songs while we decorated the tree on Sunday... it sets the mood, like comfort food.


26 Dec 01 - 03:04 PM (#616601)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: GUEST,Desdemona

Oh, I haven't seen "Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas" in years; my eldest son used to love that one!

Sean M.: did you say "Santa Claus vs. The Martians"?!

I'm truly sorry to say I've missed that one; do tell!

26 Dec 01 - 03:28 PM (#616608)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Wesley S

WHAT ?? No one has mentioned "A Charlie Brown Christmas" yet ?? I've always loved it - a good message with great music too.

But "It's a Wonderful Life" has to be my favorite. Especially since it got my one year old to fall asleep this year. It's easy to feel like the richest man in town with a healthy one year old snoring in your arms.

27 Dec 01 - 09:12 AM (#616964)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Sooz

Bernard and the Genie. I think all the TV channels have lost the tape!

27 Dec 01 - 09:22 AM (#616966)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?

Nightmare Before Christmas, Muppet's Christmas Carol, and Christmas Story in that order. If we got the Beeb's A Child's Christmas in Wales I'd watch it. I never was a big fan of A Wonderful Life, but I do love Miracle on 34th St (but haven't seen it in years). Of the "has some Christmas theme in it but isn't a Christmas movie" I'd have to say Meet Me in St. Louis with Judy Garland.

27 Dec 01 - 09:57 AM (#616986)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Kim C

It's a Wonderful Life is my favorite movie, period.

I love A Christmas Story. I watched it three times this year. I never tire of it.

And of course, Wes, Christmas ain't Christmas without good ol' Charlie Brown. :-)

27 Dec 01 - 12:14 PM (#617037)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Alonia

Well to say favourite when I have now seen it only once and that at the cinema might be an exaggeration but my predicted ALL TIME favourite:


27 Dec 01 - 05:40 PM (#617262)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: GUEST,winterbright

Another vote for A Christmas Story!!! Any other Jean Shepherd (the radio guy/writer, not the the female singer) fans out there? And a vote for A Charlie Brown Christmas, especially the music, and the John Denver and the Muppets Christmas Album, too!

27 Dec 01 - 05:45 PM (#617270)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: khandu

My favorite Christmas movie is "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray. I am moved to tears when he decides to kill the groundhog. I shout with joy when he and the groundhog are incinerated in the exploding truck!

I look forward to December every year just to watch this movie!


27 Dec 01 - 05:48 PM (#617272)
Subject: RE: Favourite Christmas Movie?
From: Clinton Hammond

The Ref, with Dennis Leary...

"What's your name?"

"F#ck you! That's my name!"
