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BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'

02 Jan 02 - 12:33 PM (#619931)
Subject: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

In my humble opinion, "A Beautiful Mind" is one of the finest movies to come down the pike in many a moon. I have seen both "Harry" and "Lord" and I don't think they hold a candle to this movie.

CarolC: Have you seen this movie yet?


02 Jan 02 - 12:52 PM (#619940)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: gnu

Can anyone post, or just CC ?

02 Jan 02 - 12:59 PM (#619942)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'

Just Carol, I'm afraid, gnu.

Still there are lots of other threads.

02 Jan 02 - 01:39 PM (#619963)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

Oh. Sorry. I'd have sent her an IM if that were the case. You may not have seen my post on her birthday thread.

Any and all comments welcomed.


02 Jan 02 - 03:14 PM (#620000)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: GUEST,Paul

So what's an IM? *grin*


Tell us a bit about the movie, and why it was so good. I've never heard of it, but that's fairly common for me with films.


02 Jan 02 - 03:45 PM (#620016)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'

I thought it was good too.

But liked The Shipping News much, much more even though the film wasn't as good as the book (which won the National Book Award).

02 Jan 02 - 04:18 PM (#620030)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: annamill

Just the name attracts me, but this is the second time today that I heard this same review. I will see it as soon as Honey has time from his R'N'R activities. Can't wait. This is the first time, in a long time, I've even been interested in GOING to see a movie! I guess this is the consequences of owning a video store. Gee! Maybe I should buy a bakery!!

Love, Annamill

02 Jan 02 - 06:09 PM (#620090)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: Jerry Dingleman: The Boy Wonder(inactve)

I saw "A Beautiful Mind" on Sunday and was quite moved by it.

After seeing the film, I did a Google search and read a number of articles about the film's subject, John Nash, Jr., including one by Nash himself.

It seems that the film fictionalizes some aspects of Nash's life for the sake of moviemaking, but it is still very good.


02 Jan 02 - 06:50 PM (#620107)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

Hi Guest Paul, IM means Instant Message. If you join Mudcat (it's free) you can send PM (personal messages) to other members, which is much the same as private email.

The movie is about Nobel Prize winner, John Nash, Jr., who was, and still is, I suppose, Schizophrenic. I suppose, as Jerry suggests, the film is partly fictionalized but that's Hollywood. I found it a facinating movie that one still thinks about the day after seeing it.

Where is Peg? Anyone know? Haven't seen her around lately, and I always enjoy reading her comments on films.


02 Jan 02 - 08:27 PM (#620128)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: CarolC

Hi DougR. Are you looking for an argument or something? Hmmmm... ok, here goes...

I haven't seen the Harry Potter movie yet. I did see Lord of the Rings. I haven't seen A Beautiful Mind. But I think it sounds like a movie I would want to see.

Have you seen Benny and Joon? I liked that one a lot even though it's fictional and not based on a real person's life (that I know of).

Now, why don't you go tuck your shirt in, get a decent hair cut, and get a real job, eh?

02 Jan 02 - 08:39 PM (#620132)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'

DING DING DING OK contestants back to your corners. Round 2 coming up -

02 Jan 02 - 09:35 PM (#620169)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

Carol C: It is with a heavy and disappointed heart that I reply to your post. It's your birthday, and I wanted to do something nice for you. I thought maybe I could introduce a subject we could argue about. We have had such good disagreements in the past. You haven't seen the movie so we can't argue about that of course.

I haven't seen Benny and Joon so we can't argue about that.

Your final sentence cuts to the quick though. "Tuck your shirt in." It is tucked in. "Get a haircut." I just got one Monday, and my daughter who attended a New Year's party with me said I looked decent. And "get a real job." Well, it's not my fault Clinton left the economy in such sad shape for GWB that there seems to be no chance I can find a job, good or bad.

A very sad state of affairs. :>)


02 Jan 02 - 09:48 PM (#620176)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: Mark Cohen

Well, Doug, at least GWB managed to find himself a job! Eventually, that is. :-)

Aloha, and Happy New Year

02 Jan 02 - 11:13 PM (#620212)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

Yep, Mark he did. It appears to be a fulltime one too, doesn't it?

Thanks, and a Happy New Year to you too!


03 Jan 02 - 12:18 AM (#620241)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: Mark Cohen

I have to tell you, Doug, when I read your post, my first thought was, " why would Clinton have made it particularly difficult for gay white boys? And why should that affect DougR? Hmmm...unless we've all been missing something..." Then I figured it out.

Actually, I'm afraid 3-letter presidents are a thing of the past. FDR...JFK...LBJ, now those were Presidents. After that it kind of fell apart: RMN just didn't do it. (Besides, Nixon was a nice short name, and the whole thing was to make the headlines easier to write, right? That's why Ike could be Ike and didn't have to be DDE.) And who the hell was GRF? RR had a nice ring to it, but it was only two letters, after all. And JC was already taken... Then there was GHWB--nope, too many letters, and Bush was easier to pronounce. BC? also taken (you know, the comic strip). So I'm afraid GWB doesn't stand a chance. But you're right, Doug, he does seem to be making it a full-time job.

What was that movie, again?

Mark, procrastinating again

03 Jan 02 - 02:10 AM (#620256)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

Mark, I must confess, I haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about. I don't recall mentioning Clinton in relation to "gay white boys" in anything I've ever posted! If I did, let me know when and what I said. I think I would have had to be comotose or something because I have no prejudice at all to gay boys or girls of ANY color, race or creed.

To each his own, I say, but if, as your post suggests, you wonder, I like ladies! No Llamas, Ferrets, or Possoms for me ...I like women!

The movie the thread refers to is "A Beautiful Mind."


P.S. Ok. It's late and I just read you message again for the third time. You are being funny! GWB. "gay white boys." I see where you are coming from. Okie dokie.

03 Jan 02 - 08:53 AM (#620313)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: JedMarum

Great movie!

Happy Birthday CarolC!

04 Jan 02 - 05:49 AM (#620812)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: CarolC

Oops, DougR. Wrong lecture. Try again...

Now see here, DougR, I think it's about time you got off your soapbox and gave someone else a turn to say something for a change. Ahem...

No, I will not recite that pinko Pledge of Allegiance. I think there are enough subversive elements in our society today without using such insidious tactics as forcing the young people of this country to recite a pledge that has, at it's heart, the very seeds of the destruction of this great land... namely, (gasp, dare I say it?) socialism! There. Now I've said it.

Thanks Jed!

04 Jan 02 - 01:13 PM (#620993)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

Arghhhhhhhhhh, Carol C! Now you done it! You really got me riled up now! No pledge of allegiance in the schools? Blasphemy!


04 Jan 02 - 05:35 PM (#621156)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR


04 Jan 02 - 10:30 PM (#621343)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: CarolC

DougR, you old Socialist, you...

05 Jan 02 - 01:38 AM (#621400)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR



05 Jan 02 - 07:38 PM (#621712)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'

--- Personal attack deleted. ---
---Jeff (PA)---

05 Jan 02 - 07:40 PM (#621716)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: CarolC

(heh heh heh)

05 Jan 02 - 07:57 PM (#621731)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Jeff you aint no fun - defending a nonAmerican American!

05 Jan 02 - 11:24 PM (#621942)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

I don't know if the personal attack was against me or Carol C, but whatever, GUEST, grow up.


05 Jan 02 - 11:25 PM (#621944)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: CarolC

It was against me, DougR. I wouldn't laugh at an attack against you (or anyone).

05 Jan 02 - 11:27 PM (#621946)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'

DougR here I am all grown up.

06 Jan 02 - 01:06 AM (#622016)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

Well, Guest, if you're all grown up, tell me: what did you think of the movie that is the subject of this thread?


06 Jan 02 - 10:55 AM (#622142)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'

DougR - Are you implying that all grown ups have seen this movie?

07 Jan 02 - 11:08 PM (#623117)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: CarolC

Hey DougR... Did you ever see the movie Harold and Maud? I'm watching it on tv right now. It's been years since I've seen it, and it's hitting me just as hard now as it did way back then. One of the all time greats in my opinion.

07 Jan 02 - 11:29 PM (#623128)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

Carol: I don't think I ever saw that movie. If you like it that much, I'll rent it. I assume there is no politics, sex, religion, or anything else controversial in it is there? :>)


07 Jan 02 - 11:43 PM (#623133)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: Mark Cohen

It's a wonderful movie, Doug. One of the two movies I saw more than ten times in the 70s. (The other was "King of Hearts".) "Harold and Maude" is full of antisocial behavior, offbeat religion, and taboo sex. You'd better give it a wide berth. :-)

(Well, somebody has to watch you two...)

08 Jan 02 - 12:10 AM (#623144)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: Deda

I enjoyed Benny and Joon but it's not in the same league as Harold and Maude, which will live forever, or at least for a long, LONG time. I've never seen ANY movie ten times willingly, except kiddie movies when my children were little -- but I've seen H&M a few times and would always be willing to see it again. Haven't seen Beautiful Mind yet but I'm planning to, the previews looked great and I think Russell Crowe is dripping with acting talent. I wasn't all that crazy about Lord of the Rings as a movie--special effects were extraordinary but it was 3 hours of watching gruesome, scary, dark s**t happen to characters who were sort of cute but not very well developed; not my idea of fun. I never really felt that any of it had anything to do with me.

Not that anyone asked.

08 Jan 02 - 12:15 AM (#623149)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: CarolC

Hey Mark! King of Hearts was my other all time best from the 70s too!

08 Jan 02 - 12:28 AM (#623156)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: Mark Cohen

But of course....

08 Jan 02 - 06:10 PM (#623706)
Subject: RE: BS: 'A Beautiful Mind'
From: DougR

I loved "King of Hearts" too! Excellent movie.

Deda: I sort of feel like you do about LOTR. Lots of show but little substance.

I'm going to see "Gosford Park" tonight.
