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Finally I made it to the Belfast area

07 Jan 02 - 11:00 AM (#622703)
Subject: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Ella who is Sooze

Well, I'm just back from a few days in Belfast.

Had such a good time. Thanks to those on Mudcat who recommended sessions and (gave me some tips) to me. I found so much music that I couldn't do it all!

Met some wonderful people, and very friendly people. Can recommend John Hewitt bar in Belfast for it's great atmosphere and friendly inclusive bunch of musicians. Was then taken on a tour of the other music bars in the area.

Found some other small great pubs for sessions out in the country, and toured round the Glens of Antrim.

Alison - you're dead right - a lovely area - much underated in my books. Went to Giants Causeway and tootled around the stones with a hangover, which was soon blown out of my head. Bushmills was shut so no hair o the dog - BOOOO! but Sat night in Belfast more than made up for it!

Came home last night, pretty worn out, back to work for the first time in the new year.... SULK!


07 Jan 02 - 03:17 PM (#622833)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: katlaughing

So tell us more about the music sessions, eh? What did you hear/play/sing? How much Guiness went down the gullet? Inquiring minds want to know! **BG** Good for you, sounds as though you had a good time!


07 Jan 02 - 10:02 PM (#623077)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

glad you enjoyed yourself Ella......

wouldn't mind a wee trip back myself to get out of this heat for a bit...



07 Jan 02 - 11:17 PM (#623125)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C


Glad you enjoyed my beloved city, You are right about the glens - probably one of the world's most beautiful spots. I would not want the area to get too commercialized, just keep it as it is. I hear they are starting to build a pub at the Causeway, have they made any headway ?. I hope they don't, the area does not need anything that may attract a rowdy element. Plenty of opubs in Ireland they don't nee done there.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed yourself.


I will be there in may, will have a drink for you. Maybe a soda farl or two.

08 Jan 02 - 04:59 AM (#623229)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Ella who is Sooze

Jim... I didn't see any pub at the causeway being built, there was just the old hotel there, and the national trust buildings on the land. Still fairly unspoilt as far as I can see. What was best was that there were not many people there at all, most people being sensible and staying in during the cold. The waves were huge and it was a wee bit nippy but beautiful. Didn't walk around all the walk as had the wrong shoes on for that (last minute, traveling light meant only one pair o shoes!).

Saw the area where the Carrick a rede rope bridge should be and I reckon they should leave it up during the winter - would be even more interesting then!

The sessions were great, the first one we went to was in Cushendall, a tiny small back room with roasting fire in, musicians crammed into the small off room, and people lined up against the corridors sitting on benches listening. Stayed with a lovely couple that night. Swapped a couple of tunes and I sang them a Welsh song - but have to admit I made up the last few verses as I forgot the lyrics - Hem hem... :) But I think I got away with it!

Back in the Belfast session in The John Hewitt bar there were about 5 flute players, one piano accordion, one guitar, one whistle, one button box, two bodhrans. THe lads there were very welcoming, played so many tunes I can't name them all. We played them some of our sets that we had put together and they did likewise. Sat and talked about a couple of tunes we'd got from a Kerry man and they had never heard them played that fast before.

Guinness flowed very freely, but in my case I was on the Bulmers (LOVELY MAD APPLES) so for me that flowed far far too freely indeed. And 3 pints of cider lately I was very merry and being guided out of that pub, on to another session.

The second session was in the Hercules bar, this time more musicians around my age, and all very welcoming too. One of the lads from the other bar had taken us around to introduce us to the company there, which was lovely of him. I sang two songs there I'd learnt from a Fermanagh singer last year - The Girl with the Bonny brown hair - and then The Noblemans Wedding. ONce again MORE drinks flowed though this time I struggled with a half pint of cider - I had a flight to catch home some time on the Sunday and couldn't stand hangover AND flying.

We rolled out of that bar at some point on the Sat eve - or was it Sunday I can't remember. My friend managed to pack me back into the car and off we went home. Me with my silly inane 'oh look I'm drunk again grin'.

Yes the Glens of Antrim are fantastic, so is the coastline, and I agree probably best left uncommercialised. Can't wait to go back, and with air flights so cheap over to Belfast from home (£35 return) I don't suppose it will be too far away.

OH well, back to the real world!



08 Jan 02 - 06:54 AM (#623243)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

thanks Jimmy.... have a pastie supper for me too please..... heaps of vinegar.......... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



08 Jan 02 - 09:05 AM (#623315)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area

In Belfast, you get preponderance of flute players in the sessions. In Donegal, it's fiddle players. In Dublin, it's guitars and bodhrans!

08 Jan 02 - 11:08 AM (#623393)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

ugh. Pastie suppers. Boke! (I'm a bit of a Veggie!)

08 Jan 02 - 06:39 PM (#623728)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

aww come on Fib.... I don't think there's much more than spud and onion in a pastie..... *grin*...

you can eat Tayto cheese'n'onion......



08 Jan 02 - 07:32 PM (#623771)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Seamus Kennedy

Oh God, Ella, you went to Belfast and didn't have an Ulster fry or Champ? How could you? Oh well, sounds like the music and the Guinness and the Glens made up for it. Please tell all your friends how great Belfast and the Glens are. In fact, I'm taking a group of American tourists over in July for some music and craic.


09 Jan 02 - 04:26 AM (#623975)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Ella who is Sooze

LOL at Seamus... I did have half an Ulster fry... couldn't manage a whole one that day.

But I'm used to them already - used to babysit for a neighbour who did great Ulster frys the morning after! Soda farls, eggy bread THE WORKS!

Will tell my friends of course, but wouldn't want to spoil those areas too much. I was impressed anyways.

LOL at Fib... (I know your're a bacon fiend really) :)


09 Jan 02 - 06:01 AM (#623994)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

Dammit! Caught out!! Can't stomach pasties though.

09 Jan 02 - 07:18 PM (#624424)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

lol.... fair enough Fib.... I'll have the pastie supper and you can have chips in gravy!!

well Seamus you've put a wee notion in my head again.... champ for tea tonight!!!! mmmmmmmmm



10 Jan 02 - 07:04 AM (#624742)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

Achhh, no. A mushroom chip from Bishop's. That's the biz!

10 Jan 02 - 07:21 AM (#624745)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

OK.. I give up... what is a mushroom chip?



10 Jan 02 - 07:38 AM (#624750)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

Aha! Perhaps it is peculiar to Bishop's on Bradbury Place. When leaving Lavery's or whatever other pub in the district we had been frequenting, we would always stop in Bishop's for a mushroom chip. It's basically chips with Campbell's condensed mushroom soup and some chopped up mushrooms poured over it. Mmmmmmmmmmm. They stopped doing them for a while, but it was then brought back by popular demand. Heavenly! But a bugger to get off your coat if you eat it while pished.

10 Jan 02 - 07:51 AM (#624756)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

lol........... sounds nice..... personally I used to roll out of Lavery's and go to Spuds, (but it disappeared years ago)... for a spud with chile con carne..... or Speranzas for a pizza..... then wander back up to the nurses home at the

must try it next time I'm back



10 Jan 02 - 08:06 AM (#624766)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

Oh, Spuds is still there - bean and cheese one - mmm.

10 Jan 02 - 08:19 AM (#624767)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

did it disappear for a while????.... I'm sure it wasn't there when I was home in 2000.... meybe my eyes are going!!!! lol



10 Jan 02 - 09:40 AM (#624818)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Den

Ah you can keep your Giant's Causeway. For me you can't beat sittin' near the top of wee Bingian, just down from the windy gap and take in the breath taking view of the Irish sea, and the vista from Kilkeel past Martin's Hill to Annalong and Newcastle. ahhhh!!!!

10 Jan 02 - 09:43 AM (#624822)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

geez.... at this rate we're all going to have to pop home for a while before we start to blub.........

I agree Den ...... I've sat at the top of Big Binian.... admittedly my hubby duped me into thinking I was climbing Wee Binian or I wouldn't have even attempted it........



10 Jan 02 - 10:44 AM (#624852)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Coyote Breath

Oh what a lovely thread!

How good to know there's much to attract the eye and heart in "the North". My daughter just returned from Belfast, she and granddaughter had a snow fall! Now they live in California, you see. Molly (daughter) and Serena (granddaughter) couldn't get over the even and Molly took many photos which I will try to get from her so I can see them and if anyone else wants a look I'll make them available. Molly is a rather accomplished photog, had a one woman show in Santa Cruz last year.

My mother's people originated in Antrim. Her name was Moyle as the river and the district, etc. I just found a song about the river which I need to hear non-midi music for if anyone can point me in that direction I will be grateful.

When daughter Molly emmigrates to Belfast in 2003 to attend Queens for her grad work I'm supposed to come and stay with her. I'm looking forward to it and hops to find all the places you all have mentioned still viable and no "Giant's Causeway World" theme park. I understand that the formation is one of the oldest geological formations on the planet.

Where is "Home" that the trip is only 35 pounds? I'm sure it is much more from St. Louis


10 Jan 02 - 11:58 AM (#624903)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Ella who is Sooze

LOL Coyote... home for me is Wales, and I can fly that cheap from Bristol to Belfast with... GO Airlines. They do cheap deals from most major airports...

got to go, more in the morning... I'm legging it from work!


11 Jan 02 - 04:37 AM (#625632)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Ella who is Sooze

I think your daughter Coyote will enjoy Belfast, the university area is lovely, some really nice housing around there to be found. My friend tells me that she has just managed to find a house to rent out in the country a bit, towards Moira, which is still only 15 miles away from Belfast centre.

We managed to miss the snow, which I'm kind of relieved about - as I'm only just getting over last years snow injury I obtained from sledging. (A close call, and a full years of osteopath and physio treatments - means I won't be rushing out in the snow for some time).

Only the dirty tired snow was left when we got there.

Queens University old building was absolutely gorgeous too.

Alison I didn't make it to the spud place, I can't remember eating much - the drink yes... oh and cheesy chips was my downfall.

Coyote, if when you come over here from Belfast, and GO are still running perhaps you could take advantage of the cheap flights. They go to Glasgow, London, Edingburgh, alicante, faro, barcelona, Bristol, Newcastle, Nice etc.

But getting from St. Louis is going to be the BIGGIE!

All the best...


11 Jan 02 - 03:26 PM (#625995)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Seamus Kennedy

Ach, Alison, Ah'm gettin' awful homesick, so Ah am. A'm gonna get out the words of "Ulster Fry And Champ" and start singin' it, so Ah am. By the way, as an Antrim man/supporter/lover, Ah just wanta say to guest Den "G'way and take yer oul' County Down stuff over til some other thread, an' lave us 'n's alone wi' our Antrim memories!" "Antrim Memories?" There's a Cd title if ever I heard one.


11 Jan 02 - 03:55 PM (#626020)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Claymore

Ella, lovely to see you again. And to hear from your partner in crime, Fib. I started a thread about the Shepherdstown crowd making their way across Ireland and my trip through the North, when 9/11 and my emergency planner job went tilt-a-whirl. Now I've switched to the Vocational Managers job at the Harpers Ferry Job Corps Center (and scads more $) with some time to myself.

I loved the North, the Glens, the Causeway, Carrick a rede (do not eat anything before attempting to cross the rope bridge or you WILL feed the fish) etc. The same crowd is looking to repeat sometime in late August, a landing in Dublin, a side trip to Scotland, a ferry back to Larne, a fling at the Fleadh, and then slip out from Shannon. As you might remember, we are a danger to only ourselves (and some slow Irishmen) but I expect some twenty on the trip, with the usual mix of musicians and cloggers (and a couple of Scottish Country dancers). We Moore's must plan to get together, with something more than a drum thump.

Duty calls and I must away...

14 Jan 02 - 04:59 AM (#627500)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Ella who is Sooze

Hey.. Hallo Claymore,

I'd noticed you'd not been around for some time.

Nice to hear from you. Yep plans are already afoot for a trip to the fleadh again, and Moore's tours are gathering the vital passenger's lists again. Accomodation already sorted!

Will definately look forward to meeting up with you at the fleadh again, and definately something more than a drum thump!

Take care


Ella a.k.a... you know who.


14 Jan 02 - 08:42 AM (#627560)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Den at work


14 Jan 02 - 11:19 AM (#627642)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

I'll second that (it was also my school motto)!

14 Jan 02 - 09:52 PM (#628086)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

3 against 1!!!!!

I don't agree with that bit about not eating before the "rope bridge"... they have made it a lot steadier than it used to be....

but what I will advise is "DON'T do the Bushmills Whiskey tour before crossing it"....... 3 of us went through Bushmills... complete with free whiskey at the end of the tour at 9.30am...... then onto the bridge..... fun fun fun!!!! ... *grin*



14 Jan 02 - 10:18 PM (#628097)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C

I'm with Seamus , now it's 3 against 2 - (3 Down = 2 Antrim) just about equal (GRIN)

15 Jan 02 - 03:46 AM (#628206)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Seamus Kennedy

Alison, my sweet, Den, O wise One, Fibula, O brightest of the bright, BITE ME!! Antrim outranks Down every which way. Scenery, Music, Culture, History, etc., etc. I'm not trying to start anything here, but Jimmy C will back me up, I'm sure...AMTRIM RULES!

Not that I'm biased or anything.... Love and kisse to all.


15 Jan 02 - 03:52 AM (#628207)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

Sorry one and all ... but as the (crappy) song says "There's one fair county in Ireland". That's right, ONE!

(And we don't need grandstanding gimmicks like Carrick-a-Rede when we can get the same effect walking across a few yards of moving bog in Ballinacor Moss!)

Keepin' 'er lit!

15 Jan 02 - 06:47 AM (#628253)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area

Aye, and Bumcree as well, that wee place of renoun near dorty Portydown, may they be up to their banners in Cow`s Clap. Lurgan Spade.

15 Jan 02 - 10:11 AM (#628329)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C

Derrymacash, There are 32 fair counties in Ireland, all of them beautiful and all have lots to be proud of, it's just that Antrim has that much more (Glens, Coastal Drives, Mountains, Causeway, Bushmills and a whole heap of craic)

Saffrons for ever.

Waiting to hewar from someone from the Kingdom ?

15 Jan 02 - 10:18 AM (#628335)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

Ach now, we have drumlins, coastal drives, mountains, Strangford Lough, trying-to-think-of-a-drink-one - aye, George Best - and twice as much craic. And our mountains are bigger than yours, so nah!

15 Jan 02 - 10:40 AM (#628342)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

But yous don't have the awesome Aldervale flats, the majestic vista of Craigavon's balancing lakes, the stunning spectacle of the morning sun as it exposes the crystalline soul of a myriad shards of broken bottles in Lurgan's Castle Lane car park ...

15 Jan 02 - 11:01 AM (#628348)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

...or Buckfast on optics, true.
But we've got Newry - aha!

15 Jan 02 - 11:08 AM (#628350)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Ella who is Sooze

my dad's bigger than your dad...


15 Jan 02 - 11:11 AM (#628351)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Coyote Breath

You guys sound like a bunch of Minnesotans in a bar in Wisconsin!

"It's the same the whole world over"

This sunday I'm sitting down to watch the playoffs with a bunch of Rams' fans and me a Greenbay Packer backer. Local rivalries rage on.

From what my mother's aunt (great aunt Lyda) used to say, Antrim is both blest and charming.

I'll have to see for myself.



15 Jan 02 - 11:15 AM (#628353)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

Only just, but you're right ... there's a blemish for you!

I went to school for a thankfully brief period to Newry. Even yet the mention of the name brings me out in a cold sweat and the sight of Violet Hill as you approach the town by car, brooding malevolently in its wee demonic glen, nearly causes spontaneous colonic evacuation. I have a few mates from Newry and have heard a few stories that make Lurgan and Portadown sound as tame as Bessbrook in comparison ...

Still ... up the Nyucks!!

15 Jan 02 - 11:16 AM (#628354)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

Oops ... lot of traffic on this thread. Was answering Fibula's post.

15 Jan 02 - 11:33 AM (#628362)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

Aye, my Other Half is from Newry. Well, actually, he claims that since it's actually 7 miles outside the town he's not a Nyuck. To be fair to him, the town brings him out in a cold sweat too...
Ahhhhh, Newry bashing!
By the way, do you ever read The Portadown News - the funniest thing on the web, no doubt.

15 Jan 02 - 11:55 AM (#628366)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

Fibula ...

Hadn't come across it before ... thanks for the link. (Sadly there's probably more truth in here than in any of the local serious rags!)

15 Jan 02 - 06:51 PM (#628636)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

Derrymacash your description of "the majestic vista of Craigavon's balancing lakes" brought a tear to my eye.....

I think (having seen your songwriting talents) you should add another verse to "the boys from the county Armagh" adding some of the places you mentioned.......


ah c'mon Seamie... Antrim is very pretty (I did live up there for a while on the Derry side of the Bann.... does that mean I can vote for 3 counties?????)..... but it doesn't have the Mournes, or decent pastie suppers.... or Robinsons!!!!!...... *grin*



16 Jan 02 - 12:14 AM (#628808)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Seamus Kennedy

Alison, Fib, Derrymac, Jimmy C - let this be an end to it. We have the nine glens: Glentoran, Glenavon, Glen Road, Glen Campbell, Glen Yarborough, Glen Miller, Glenmorangie, Glen Fiddich, and Glen Daly. So there!!


16 Jan 02 - 12:27 AM (#628811)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C

Well it sure looks we are all getting a little bit misty eyed for our native counties. I personally love them, all. I did some research into the moving bog in Ballinacor Moss, mentioned in a previous response and found out that it moves because it wants to get to Antrim.

slan Jimmy

16 Jan 02 - 12:48 AM (#628815)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area

And the RED HAND it WAS displayed?

OH, Please say Yay!

16 Jan 02 - 05:31 AM (#628882)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

alison … I've risen to the challenge … here's the new Boys From The County Armagh. (Prospective tourists to Armagh please take note, the song may have some grounding in reality but Armagh's nowhere near as bleak as I make it out to be!)

Seamus … you may have the nine glens, but in Armagh there's a neuk known as the Montiaghs, where there are seven Derries … Derrymacash, Derryswalls, Derrywogan, Derrypratchett, Derrysallgold, Derrysavalas, Iwishiwasbackhomeinderry.

There's one fair county in Ireland,
The old folks will sing till they're blue
If they took off the rose-tinted glasses
They'd get a far-different view
Cos for bittereness, anger and hatred
You could search over Erin-go-bragh
But the boys that will never be b'aten
Are the boys from the County Armagh

It's my own Irish home (where?)
Far across the foam
Although I've often left it
In foreign lands to roam
No matter where I wander
Through cities near and far
I'll ensure that my travels will keep me
From the county of Armagh

I've travelled through parts of this county
That would strike a dread chill in your heart
On the face of this once pleasant county
They stand like a bloody great wart
That sprawling new town of Craigavon
A hell-hole designed to contain
The ne-er-do-wells of Mid-Ulster
Who'd be better off drowned in a drain


There's drugs and there's hoods and there's chuckies
There's skinheads and proddy death squads
And here in the heart of the county
The two arch-temples of God
And the kerbstones are painted in colours
That transcend the municipal grey
Proclaiming to opposite-footers
You'd better keep out of our way


It's here that you'll find Buckfast victims
Their speech is all sloppy and slurred
They're challenging you to a duel
But of course you can't make out a word
They're not much of a problem when solo
But when they band into a click
They'd think nothing of giving a bottling
Or giving your bollocks a kick


But what of the natural beauty
Of the orchard of Erin's green land?
The shores of the mighty Lough Neagh
And the sweep of the River called Bann?
Well the Lough is a pit of pollution
And in summer with algae it's green
While The Bann is a dirty oul' trickle
No better than a latrine


So how can we gain self-esteem boys
In Lurgan, Armagh Portadown?
Must we be condemned then forever
To wander about with a frown?
But lads, here's a thought to console us
Whenever depression comes round
For all of our failings we'll never
Be Newry in oul' County Down!


16 Jan 02 - 05:49 AM (#628886)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

Brilliant!! Wonderful!!! Inspired!!!!! (My finger is stuck on the Shift key and 1 key).
Ahhh, that's cheered up my morning rightly. And remember - it's only funny cos it's true ;)

16 Jan 02 - 06:24 AM (#628892)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

Fibula ...

I thank you ...

And now, the way's open of course to anyone who wants to rip the ass out of their county song to do so. (Christ, I'm glad I was given a legitimate opportunity to tear "The Boys From The County Armagh" asunder ... it's the most irritating song I've ever heard ... even worse than "The Fields of Athenry! I've been wanting to shred it for half my life.)

However ... it occurs to me that no matter how hard we attempt this task, we'll be pushed to compete with Ernie Badness and Control Zone's rip through the oul' county anthems at the start of the BBC Northern Ireland's "youth" programme a few years back ("Bout 'Ye"?). The memory of their buzz-saw guitar driven rendition of "Pretty Little Girl From Omagh" still rings in my ears after all these years ...

16 Jan 02 - 06:42 AM (#628895)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

If I could actually bring myself to think about "Star of the County Down"....ugh. No.

16 Jan 02 - 06:54 AM (#628896)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

I sympathise ...

But what must be done, must be done ... just grit your teeth and get on with it ... the good people of Newry will be looking to you now to avenge their honour.

16 Jan 02 - 08:29 AM (#628910)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Den at work

Ah yes the Kingdom of Mourne. Where the beautiful slopes sweep down to the sea and offer breath taking views over the silent valley and Lough Shannagh, where the heather turns the mountains here and there to a shimmering purple. Across Slieve Beg and Slieve Commedagh, down the Devil's Coach Road to the sleepy village of Annalong with its little harbour and friendly welcome. Or over the other side of the Mountains to the market town of Hilltown, or along to Rostrevor thats nestles by the side of one of Ireland's greatest fiords, Carlingford. And away to fiddler's green and Cloughmore where the fairy folk dance by the moon they say. Glens, aye we have glens too but they pale in comparrison.

Antrim I have one word for you Ahoghill.

My God there at it again Tit for Tat in Norn Iron;-) Den

16 Jan 02 - 11:31 AM (#629002)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C

derrymacash : I love what you have done to the song. Keep going, there are many more that need revised if not obliterated altogether.


16 Jan 02 - 11:40 AM (#629008)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

Jimmy ...

I can mess about with my own ... but I wouldn't feel happy messing with other people's. (Sounds like a line out of a carry on film, but I'm sure you'll get the drift.)

16 Jan 02 - 12:52 PM (#629059)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area

Derrmacash, Get stuck in to the other Counties, I mean bloody "Molly Malone" and these rugby yuppies sing this. As a resident of the lovely County of Armagh I forgive you, and your right, it is a bloody awful song. Courtin`Boy.

16 Jan 02 - 06:15 PM (#629295)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

Brilliant Derrymacash!!!... and to be honest I won't mind at all if you continue on your quest to do the other counties......... hey it would be easier to rip apart someone elses county wouldn't it..... if only I could write



16 Jan 02 - 06:33 PM (#629304)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

couldn't do "star of the county down" so I did one for Seamus

County Antrim

I'm glad I'm not in Carrickfergus
Because of the stink from Belfast Lough
And so I'm stuck here near Ballymena
And I can't understand it when the people talk

I'm drunk today, but who'd want to be sober?
I hate the accent of Cullybackey
Oh take me back now to Portavogie
The Ards Peninsula, that's the place for me!!



16 Jan 02 - 06:56 PM (#629312)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

now I know why I don't write

County Down

Near to Bangor town in the County Down
Is a little place called Conlig,
If you blink your eye, sure you'd drive right by,
T'would be a good thing if you did

From Crawfordsburn to Carryduff
And from Lisburn to Ballynahinch
You can keep your other Counties boys
Because Down won't give an inch!

Within easy reach is Tyrella beach
In the beautiful kingdom of Mourne
The sand's all oil, and the water's coul' (close enough rhyme I thought…lol)
You'll wish you'd never been born.

From Helen's Bay to Moneyreagh
And from Saintfield to Millisle
You can keep your other Counties boys
Because Down wins by a mile!

We've got castles and loughs, drumlins and troughs
And the lighthouse at Donaghadee
We've got Ballywalter and Crossgar
And its home to Den, Fib and me.

From Tollymore to Strangford Shore
from Downpatrick to Ardglass
You can keep your other Counties boys
And shove them up your Ass!

you know I don't mean it fellas.....*grin*



17 Jan 02 - 12:09 AM (#629468)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C


Very impressive. Brings back many happy memories of all those places. I travelled around that area an awful lot when I was younger (a lot younger). Hope to be in Newcastle, Annalong and Downpatrick this trip, (May 2002)



17 Jan 02 - 07:40 AM (#629603)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

Oh well, I'm running the risk of offending fellow Ultonians by this post. Still, as me oul' da would have said, die dog or shite the licence!

Near to Banbridge town in the County Down one evening near July
From a boreen green came some drumming keen that caused my heat to fly
Oh the rattle fleet and the diddles neat from the boreen did abound
It was Bob McCrum on his Lambeg drum, he's the star of the County Down
From Bantry Bay round to Derry Quay
And from Galway to Dublin Town
No drumming I've heard that could compare
With the Star of the County Down

Well me toe I crigged as he bate a jig and I lep' like a boxing hare
We I says, says I, to a passer by, Yer man is a drummer rare
Well, he says, McCrum can fair bate a drum, but sure, man, you've heard damn all yit
As the night drops down you will hear a sound that'll quarely keep 'er lit
From Bantry Bay round to Derry Quay
And from Galway to Dublin Town
I'm intrigued by dint of the stranger's hint
'Neath the stars in the County Down

From the next-door loanin, there came a drone and then a mighty cran
And with a reedy squeal into a reel some uilleann pipes began
And oul' McCrum fell in with his drum and the sound near made me swoon
The power and the glory as they played beneath the moon
From Bantry Bay round to Derry Quay
And from Galway to Dublin Town
The pair of blades, such tunes they played
'Neath the stars in the County Down

"The Proddy Boys", "St Patrick's Day" "The Sash" and "The White Cockade"
And a dozen other party tunes, the lachakoes did trade
But then they put their diffs aside and such tunes did then produce
"The Blackbird" and "The Stack Of Oats" were two that they let loose
From Bantry Bay round to Derry Quay
And from Galway to Dublin Town
The pair of bards ceili'ed quare'n hard
'Neath the stars in the County Down

The pair played on till the early dawn "The Kesh" and "The Morning Lark"
"The Banbridge Girls" and "Newry Man", such tunes as would break your heart
As the oul' sun rose, the pair of keows signalled the session's end
Oul' McCrum battered out "The Queen" while his mate blew "Amhrán na Bhfiann"
From Bantry Bay round to Derry Quay
And from Galway to Dublin Town
II heaved a sigh and I bid goodbye
To the stars of the County Down

17 Jan 02 - 07:51 AM (#629610)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Airto

If Brendan Shine could have the neck to write a song about every county in Ireland, Derrymac, so can you. You're off to an excellent start.

17 Jan 02 - 07:58 AM (#629616)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

Brendan Shine ... the Antichrist of Irish music ... I hope you took sensible precautions before typing that name into your machine (I had mine blessed by both of the boys in purple in Armagh and got a druid to waggle a lump of burnin' sage in front of it before I did!)

Anybody ever notice how oul' Shine has an irritating habit of sticking his tongue out in a fairly distatsteful manner when he's "resting" between lines. Makes me want to boke me ring.

(But ... fer Jaysus' sake, man ... is it any worse a habit than opening his oul gub and goulin' sentimental oul' bollocks?)

The voices!

17 Jan 02 - 08:08 AM (#629620)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Airto

If Brendan Shine could have the neck to write a song about every county in Ireland, Derrymac, so can you. You're off to an excellent start.

17 Jan 02 - 08:17 AM (#629625)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

It's groundhog day!!

Brendan Shine ... the Antichrist of Irish music ... I hope you took sensible precautions before typing that name into your machine (I had mine blessed by both of the boys in purple in Armagh and got a druid to waggle a lump of burnin' sage in front of it before I did!)

Anybody ever notice how oul' Shine has an irritating habit of sticking his tongue out in a fairly distatsteful manner when he's "resting" between lines. Makes me want to boke me ring.

(But ... fer Jaysus' sake, man ... is it any worse a habit than opening his oul gub and goulin' sentimental oul' bollocks?)

The voices!

(Sorry Airto .. the opportunity was too good to miss!)

17 Jan 02 - 08:22 AM (#629628)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Airto

Sorry about the duplicate message.

Your ecumenical spirit is to be greatly admired, Derrymac, but some folk will be wanting to know which of the boys in purple did you go to first? And did you go to the second because the first didn't get the job done properly?

For some reason the Country & Irish virus mainly struck north of a line from Clew Bay across to Dundalk. I always assumed it had something to do with drumlins but I can't be sure.

I've only occasionally visited those parts so I thought I was immune.

17 Jan 02 - 12:28 PM (#629700)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area

Derrymacash, Lovely choice, another bloody awful dirge is improved upon. We await your next purge of another wee ditty. Ard Mhacha.

17 Jan 02 - 02:10 PM (#629759)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Den at work

My God fame at last I'm mentioned in a song. Way to go girl from down under. Derry that was brilliant I'm jealous to many friggen' talented people around here. Den

17 Jan 02 - 05:01 PM (#629927)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Annraoi

I must admit Newry takes some beatin'. I came through today on my way back from Dublin and found expertise in three currencies all at the one time. the Nyucks make a profit out of every one of them. Thus the new name for the town on half the billboards from Drogheda northwards:-
Neuro !
BTW the Abbey always looks down on Coleman's!

17 Jan 02 - 06:08 PM (#629982)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

Brilliant Derrymacash!!!

what you going to do to Fermanagh?



17 Jan 02 - 08:19 PM (#630104)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Den

eh!! Alison what could anybody do to Fermanagh...just askin', Den

17 Jan 02 - 08:35 PM (#630113)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

lol.......... or Tyrone??????? come on Den.... do something with "I'll tell me ma"



17 Jan 02 - 08:43 PM (#630120)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Den

OK I'll have a go MMMMMMMMHHHHHHWWWWWUUUMMM!!!!! where the hell was that?...Dunno, OK lads one more time, "oh then fair thee well sweet Donegal.....

17 Jan 02 - 08:56 PM (#630129)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

I'll tell me ma when I get home
I just got back from County Tyrone


where the hell is Seamus..... those Antrim boys have gone very quiet.....



17 Jan 02 - 09:20 PM (#630150)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Den

Aye, but Alison look at all they have to draw from...Van Morrison, sure thon man can sing known...Den drive by slaggin'

17 Jan 02 - 09:22 PM (#630152)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C


We won't change anything about Antrim - it's hard to improve on perfection.



17 Jan 02 - 09:23 PM (#630154)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Annraoi

Is that why he lives in Dublin instead of his native city which makes such a big thing of his "talents" ?

17 Jan 02 - 09:24 PM (#630155)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Den

Jimmy I say again AHOGHILL!!!

17 Jan 02 - 09:26 PM (#630157)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Den

Annraoi, you have it in one.

17 Jan 02 - 11:37 PM (#630227)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C


You got me with that response. I forgot about that one wee blemish. Geez I wish there was some song about Ahoghill, we could really do a job on that.

18 Jan 02 - 12:04 AM (#630241)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Donal

Enjoying the thread immensly, don't forget that it used to be called Magherahoghill. Donal.

18 Jan 02 - 04:09 AM (#630285)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Ella who is Sooze

It's making me laugh - a bit of harmless having a go. My dads bigger than your dad is great.

Please do I'll tell me ma... it's among one of the many our band get asked to do ALL THE TIME!

But mind you after a few barrels of guinness the lads don't give a flying poop what they sing.

I think Donal's just thrown down the gauntlet to get you lot to ryhme something with... Magherahoghill.

Good luck!


18 Jan 02 - 04:43 AM (#630295)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

I lived out near Magherahoghill
And I was a bit of a boghal
There were times, once or twice
When I slipped on some ice
Be Jaysus I striddled and sproghalled

(If some of the words used above are unfamiliar to you ... check out "Montiaghisms" courtesy of "Pay The Reckoning". While you're there have a gawk at the rest of the site ... if you like this thread, you'll like this site.

(I know ... I edit the bugger.)

18 Jan 02 - 04:47 AM (#630297)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Fibula Mattock

Ahoghill. Hard to rhyme alright. Boggle? Doggerel?

BTW, "Country and Irish" or "Culchie and Western"?

18 Jan 02 - 05:49 AM (#630321)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Ella who is Sooze

lol... culchie n western is an excellent one...

18 Jan 02 - 09:51 AM (#630464)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Aidan Crossey

Here we go … by popular demand … "I'll Tell Me Ma" translocated to modern-day Craigavon.

I'll tell me ma when I get home
The hoodies won't leave me alone
They offer E and speed and blow
And tried to nick my mobile phone
She is handsome she is pretty
She is the belle of Craigavon City
She is a coortin' 1-2-3
Please won't you tell me who is she

I'll tell me ma when I get home
The chuckies won't leave me alone
Apart they say I will be blown
If I don't move away from home
Just because I'm fly-by-night
A robbing, burgling, threatening shite
A one-way ticket I must buy
For London Town I'll have to fly

I'll tell me ma – aye, will I flute!
Me boyfriend's got me up the chute
She'd do her napper if she knew
And bate me black and bate me blue
I think I'll have to get the plane
And have it fixed across the main
And I'll come home as right as rain
I won't be doing thon again!

18 Jan 02 - 10:59 AM (#630524)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Den at work

Ok Alison, can't have these Derry men showing us up.

I'll tell me ma when I go home
Sammy won't leave me alone
he says he loves me but hes a prod
and that won't go down well with God

But he is handsome he is pretty
He took me round the back of the chippy
we were courtin' makin' such a fuss
cause hes got hands like an octupus

I'll tell me Ma
that I love him too
even though he lives up in Rathcoole
and she can break the news to me Da
That hes going to have a loyal son in law

but he is handsome he is pretty
we'll never live together in Belfast city
but we'll be happy and wait untill
we get a wee house up in Ahoghill


18 Jan 02 - 04:39 PM (#630701)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area

Derrymacash, Remember Paisley`s mob slagging off Lord `O Neill as, The Pochal from Ahoghill. And if you know your sick counties, a Pochal was as useful as a broken arm.Ard Mhacha.

18 Jan 02 - 05:19 PM (#630717)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C

I'm in a hurry, will try to add more later, in the meantime, be my guest and submit your own words.

I'll tell me ma when I go out
I've just gone out for a pint of stout
But I fear the day when she hears the news
That I have a date with Peggy Hughes
Her da is rich, cause he's a baker
He's not a prod and he's not a quaker
But my ma will treat us both with scorn
For Peggy Hughe was Ahoghill born

18 Jan 02 - 05:31 PM (#630719)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C

Just ran back to my computer, these words came to me as I was at the door. 2nd verse.

My mother came up from Cootehill
Up to Belfast to get the pill
She asked the chemist with a grin
But he gave her a box of aspirin
It was a mistake when I came along
I'm sure she was feeling quite forlorn
But she would have been quite seriously ill
If I had been born in Ahoghill.

18 Jan 02 - 09:53 PM (#630884)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

lol....... I love them... absolutely brilliant

Den.. can I please have permission to sing

But he is handsome he is pretty
He took me round the back of the chippy
we were courtin' makin' such a fuss
cause hes got hands like an octupus

loved the rest too........ now where haven't we had a go at?

and where is Seamus?... he'd love

Fermanagh, Tyrone and Derry still need done...... lol



19 Jan 02 - 12:45 PM (#631127)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: Jimmy C

Good idea Alison, maybe we should start another thread, this one is getting lenghty. Here is a list of some towns - I will be away for 2 days but will have a go at them when I return.

Derry - Limavady/Maghera/Ballykelly etc.

Fermanagh - Belleek/Enniskillen/Lisnakea etc.

Tyrone - Cookstown/Ardboe/Coalisland/Dungannon/Strabane etc.

Maybe we should try to do 2 songs - one derogatory and one complimentary ?. But all in fun.

19 Jan 02 - 06:47 PM (#631329)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: alison

complimentary? about Belleek????? lol



19 Jan 02 - 07:36 PM (#631352)
Subject: RE: Finally I made it to the Belfast area
From: GUEST,Seamus in Alaska

Sorry. I've been on the road and Mudcatless for a while. I'm fairly wettin' myself, so I am! Great stuff, Derrymacash. Brilliant. Jimmy C, give me a wee while and I'll have a dig at Antrim. Hope to see some of the Alaska catters while I'm here.
