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Where is 'John from Hull'?

10 Jan 02 - 03:47 PM (#625096)
Subject: Where is 'John from Hull'?

He used to post several times every day, but nothing since 27th Dec...

I hope he's OK.

He was never the brightest button in the box, but he was good fun and I miss him.

Anyone have any info?

Hope that you're OK, John

10 Jan 02 - 03:55 PM (#625106)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Paul from Hull've got a point....though I hadnt realised it had been that long since he posted. (Glad someone has taken the trouble to check it out!)

However, I'd feel a lot happier discussing this if you werent Anonymous, particularly as youve said something that could possibly offend him if he saw it. I reckon you see my point of view?

10 Jan 02 - 04:09 PM (#625124)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: gnu

I've wondered as well. The post last I recall was on the "Buried or Cremated" thread. Gone to Hull in a hand basket ? Cone on, John, come out, come out, where ever you are. Let us know you're OK.

10 Jan 02 - 04:18 PM (#625136)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Willa

The last posting I saw from John mentioned that he was moving to a new flat. Perhaps he's still recovering from his flat-warming party - or possibly he's still working on his 'Electricity from Hamsters' scheme( maybe the Animal Liberation Front have got to him!!) Hammy new Year, John

10 Jan 02 - 04:18 PM (#625138)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Maxine

Oh no, don't tell me he's escaped from Hull! The men in white coats must have got him after his 'electricity from hamsters' thread. I suppose we all knew it was imminent!

10 Jan 02 - 04:21 PM (#625143)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: gnu

A new flat or a new plane ? He'll have to come back to avenge that one !

10 Jan 02 - 04:22 PM (#625145)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Les from Hull

John is fine. I've just spoken to him on the phone. He's a bit busy with work, that's all. For those who need more proof, he's hoping to call in at the Kingston session tomorrow. He thanks you for your concern.


10 Jan 02 - 04:22 PM (#625148)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Jon Freeman

Last I heard from John, he was in the process of moving and getting the computer/lines sorted in his new flat. He did tell me that he could be away for a week or two. Hopefully he will be back soon.


10 Jan 02 - 04:38 PM (#625166)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: gnomad

Glad he's OK, but Damnit I WAS hoping he might have gone to check out Little Hawk's hamster nest, that could have been electrifying.

10 Jan 02 - 04:49 PM (#625180)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Cobble

Come on John tell the truth about your absence from this place!!!!! You have been learning to play that whistle ??? *BG*

Hope we see you soon

Mrs C

10 Jan 02 - 07:37 PM (#625378)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Guy Wolff

Regards to everyone in the Hull Group from Guy in Connecticut.. I want so to come back and play some more.. Maybe without the cubs to worry about! My best to all here. Guy

10 Jan 02 - 07:49 PM (#625393)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: bill\sables

If I know John he will probably be pissed out of his head and fallen into the river Humber while trying to find his untaxed car.
At Whitby this year he wandered around in a daze all night trying to find the car, (he forgot which side of the harbour he had parked.) And then at Llanstock he tried to get into the car after a night on the pop and slipped into the stream fully clothed. We found him next day in a new suit he had bought in a charity shop in Welshpool, he had never looked so neat and tidy. If he gets to the Kingston Les ask him to give me a ring. I lost his number after a heave night on the coke.

10 Jan 02 - 08:50 PM (#625447)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Mr Red

Hedon west ?
(its a village thing)

10 Jan 02 - 08:52 PM (#625449)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Mr Red

Come to that
Have we heard from Linda lateley?

11 Jan 02 - 08:28 AM (#625678)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: GUEST,(grandma)brid widder at work

I saw Linda before Chistmas...she's moved house and job and left the puter behind for one reason or might have difficulty posing for a while she seemed perky!!

11 Jan 02 - 08:29 AM (#625679)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: GUEST,brid widder

that should have been 'posting'I can't imagine Linda having any trouble posing!!

11 Jan 02 - 08:59 AM (#625702)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Les from Hull

Thanks Guy, you know you'll be more than welcome!

Mr Red, Hedon is to the east. It's full of Hedonists, tha knows!

11 Jan 02 - 10:45 AM (#625770)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I saw and spoke with Linda last Sunday (6th) at Nellies. She is still without a computer but tries to read Mudcat nessages occasionally on a Friend's machine.

11 Jan 02 - 03:17 PM (#625987)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Linda Kelly

Here I am! -I haven't run off with John from Hull but as Roger says I am staying with a friend at the mo, and I keep having to kick her 12 year old off his computer and it's turning nasty! Anyhoo, moving into my own little house next week and although I expect to be computerless for a short while, I will rejoin this merry throng as soon as possible. Will definitely be doing Stony Stratford and the Euro trip so see you all there!

12 Jan 02 - 05:00 AM (#626458)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: MudGuard

Oh-oooh. Linda at Stony Stratford and Brussels!

People, get your legs into a Linda-secure place!!! ;-)

I am thinking about wearing body armour at these events...

12 Jan 02 - 11:28 AM (#626595)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Linda Kelly

ooh Mudguard -do we get to choose your body armour??!!!!!

17 Jan 02 - 09:17 AM (#629664)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I'm back! Thanks for your concern Guest, but as Jon and Les mentioned I have just moved into a new flat, and I have been working almost every day.I have just been recconected, because I have an ADSL line it took a bit longer for the phone co. to recconect me, (something to do with digital cable or something similar, wich I shan't pretend to understand!).
Bill- see your PM for my phone number.
Linda-I went to see Les yesterday, he said you are moving house soon, if you want any help moving stuff just let me know.

17 Jan 02 - 09:33 AM (#629675)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: catspaw49

HEY JOHN!!!! Welcome back and glad to hear about your new digs and hook-up! Glad to see the guys in the white coats didn't getcha'!!!


17 Jan 02 - 03:30 PM (#629852)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Willa

Welcome back, John. hope the hamster likes the new place!

17 Jan 02 - 03:41 PM (#629862)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Murray MacLeod

Welcome back John. I assumed you had lost all your money at Kempton on Boxing Day ................


06 Sep 02 - 11:36 PM (#778454)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Mr Happy

looks like9 he's gone awol again. has anyone seen/heard/felt john from hull?

07 Sep 02 - 03:47 AM (#778508)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Oaklet

Sightings: Durty Nellies on Friday 30th August; the Sloop in Barton on Tuesday 3rd September, by which time he should have sorted his difference in opinion with the billing department at Kingston Interactive Television9. He did however explain that he might have to wait another week, as he had spent his budget on bear9. Anyone else seen him recently? Smallpliers reported a sighting at Whitby, but I am not sure as the suspect was seen drinking orange juice9.

07 Sep 02 - 05:19 AM (#778531)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: GUEST,smallpiper

Its a lie! That was me drinking the orange juice - jOhn from hull would never do such a thing! BUt the mystery continues....... Come on jOhn we're missing you!

07 Sep 02 - 06:42 AM (#778554)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: janey

I'm sure it was John I saw on the back steps of the Plough on Thursday evening of Whitby Folk Week. I was talking to Raggytash and Wombat and I just had a feeling it was John from Hull. I said "oooh it's john from Hull!" and I think he sort of acknowledged me and moved through in a bar-like direction. I think he thought I was some sort of stalker...perhaps he's hiding.

07 Sep 02 - 07:32 AM (#778571)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Dorrie

in hull? or from hull? i'm confused as to who is who

07 Sep 02 - 07:44 AM (#778576)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: smallpiper

from who is in........

07 Sep 02 - 09:19 AM (#778599)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Willa

I saw JoNh9 in the bar at Whitby on the last evening of Whitby FF; he'll be back. Perhaps he's busy setting up his pet-food business!

07 Sep 02 - 03:19 PM (#778744)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Joe Offer

I ran into John at Whitby several times. It was a pleasure meeting you, John.
-Joe Offer-

07 Sep 02 - 07:33 PM (#778843)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Hippie Chick

"Glad you're back where you belong...."

08 Sep 02 - 03:20 PM (#779179)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Mr Happy

but where i9s that ev9xactly/

09 Sep 02 - 08:34 AM (#779592)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Skipjack K8

Perhaps the feyness of recent sightings suggest he was only here visiting us from the spirit world. I will always treasure my jOhn from hull T shirt, with his face boldy defiant, resplendant in beret and red star. It was an icon during the peasants' revolt against Kingston Interactive Television9. I regret being absent from the Sloop for the vision last Tuesday.


10 Sep 02 - 06:09 AM (#780274)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: GUEST,Oakley

Apart from insisting upon introducing me to Sireen about 9 times9 on the evening of the 30th August, he was most insistant in his quest to know if any Mudcatter had enquired about his absence, or wondered at the reason for his temporary withdrawal. Again, he asked me about a dozen times, before going off to lock horns with Sue the piper and approaching the very calm (and very strong) Mr Watson, addressing him with the slightly too direct "who the f*uck are you?" I miss his wisdom. jOhn, will you return soon? Please.

10 Sep 02 - 08:42 AM (#780342)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: The DeanMeister

He is a braver man than I to greet Mr Watson in such a manner, Oakley. Particularly after a few bear9's. I wish I had heard that at the time!!!!

10 Sep 02 - 09:28 AM (#780380)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: GUEST,Oakley

I was in close attendance, in case things got nasty, so I could run away properly at the first sign of trouble. We are tough, us West Midlands folk.

10 Sep 02 - 09:51 AM (#780407)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: greg stephens

10 Sep 02 - 11:23 AM (#780461)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Dave Bryant

I don't know what Greg was going to say, but John might be interested that he has been elevated to the status of a "famous and well-loved humorous writer" in Greg's latest quiz.

11 Sep 02 - 08:36 PM (#781661)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Mr Happy

has he emigratecd? or is it dsometihng more sinister?

12 Sep 02 - 11:07 AM (#782082)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: GUEST,Oakley

He is still off-line, thanks to them buggers at Kingston Interactive Telecom, and their unreasonable demands for payment.


He should get that, because I shouted it in capitals. KIT cannot block shouted electric writings alligidly9.

12 Sep 02 - 03:48 PM (#782307)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: GUEST,gest john from ull

thanks oaklet, i got yoor mesagew and i will be their, this is a proper computer and they aee to complycated for me, ps see yoo soon.john another PS , its offishul=Barclis bank is a big rip off, witch magazine did a servey and said barclies aer the shittest bank in britain, so no neee to put allegidly no more.john

12 Sep 02 - 07:09 PM (#782497)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Mr Happy

hmmmmm......,culd be an himposter.

12 Sep 02 - 07:57 PM (#782536)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Oaklet

No, Mr H, it is him - I met him at the Foresters this evening and he confirmed that he had posted from a friend's computer. He has been working hard and drinking bear, alternately. He displays an equal hatred of KIT to that, that he displays towards birclys bank.

13 Sep 02 - 05:39 AM (#782862)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Skipjack K8

Another jOhn pearl, Witch magazine?


13 Sep 02 - 07:07 AM (#782891)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Dave Bryant

"Witch Magazine" is published quarterly - the next issue is the Halloween one.

13 Sep 02 - 08:44 AM (#782923)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Skipjack K8

jOhn, have you met Sireen?


13 Sep 02 - 11:07 AM (#783030)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: GUEST,Oakley

Oaklet, have you met Oakley?

13 Sep 02 - 12:20 PM (#783114)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: smallpiper

Oakley you must be looking forward to meeting Oakley! Or one of his multiple personalities - what a joy it must be to have so many nice people occupying the same head! I'll bet your never lonely regards smallleper sorry my fingers just fallen orf

13 Sep 02 - 01:05 PM (#783141)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Oaklet

Smallslipper, you are indeed a worthy recipient of Cara's "Asleep Behind the Settee" - an album of spirited and contemplative music and song from the Celtic tradition. (£12 + £1 p + p available from I hope that you are ok, mate.

13 Sep 02 - 09:32 PM (#783558)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: smallpiper

Yes okaley my friend I am okay - I was slipping away but have been resuced by the wonderfull NIkNak who forced me to go and play music and drink wine with her untill the wee small hours. She even tried to teach me that wonderfull tune wot you composed; Abbyfeel (appols ifn I havn't spulled it wright). However I don't remember agreeing to pay £12.00 +1p+p for your alligidly wonderfill cd but rather i think we agreed that I would take two for the huge sum of £20 the pair. NOw remeber a deals a deal. I also notice that her Majisty the Queen has been using my cookie again, darn, and I asked her to be circumspect about supporting her loyal supject wood worm, tut tut these royals!

14 Sep 02 - 09:23 AM (#783758)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Oaklet

Of course, me old haggler, £20 will be ample for a brace of the spirited and contemplative "Asleep Behind the Settee" CDs. Not only have you saved £4 with your bid, you also save the cost and effort of e mailing to order your copy. Lucky that this thread is being enjoyed by literally tens of people, otherwise I may have set a precident.

14 Sep 02 - 09:24 AM (#783760)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: The DeanMeister

Interested parties, please see thread entitled "Nellies session to be moved".

16 Sep 02 - 07:15 PM (#785539)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Noreen

Nellies Session to be moved

16 Sep 02 - 07:21 PM (#785547)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: smallpiper

INterested parties note: the Hase session is dead

16 Sep 02 - 09:52 PM (#785666)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: GUEST,Bassic

Anyone who sees him please tell 9ohn from Hull that the Hase session is not on tonight. I dont have his phone number and I told him on Sunday that it was on!

18 Sep 02 - 08:53 PM (#787115)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

hEllo eberybody, i am back, i paid my bills yesterday,
Oaklet-i like to buy one of yoor cds, let me know when they ready.
What the bloody is happening anyaway, i go away for few weeks and seshuns start closing down! Dont forget the new session at the Tip & Spile in Hull , 9Spring Bank) in the heart of the spanish quarter.

03 Oct 02 - 12:44 AM (#795971)
Subject: RE: Where is 'John from Hull'?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

interesting partys, pleese note, oAklets CD is out now, i got one and its really nice, you can bye it of him at sessions like the sloup or the sun, or you can send away for it.