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Help: How do I sell a Song

14 Jan 02 - 03:39 PM (#627847)
Subject: How do I sell a Song
From: Mayo

Having copyrighted several songs, how do I go about offering them for sale.

14 Jan 02 - 04:31 PM (#627883)
Subject: RE: Help: How do I sell a Song
From: GUEST,PaulM

You play them to people.

If they're good, people will want to play them themselves.

If they're really good, someone might want to record one.

If they're exceptionally good, several people might want to record different ones.

You'll start making a name for yourself as a good songwriter.

Why not put up some mp3s of your songs on the net?

You've copyrighted them, so no one can steal them.

You won't sell anything unless you shine your own light.

It's likely to be a long haul, whatever you decide


14 Jan 02 - 04:32 PM (#627885)
Subject: RE: Help: How do I sell a Song
From: Bobert

I have been doing some collaborating with a talents writer who, like you, would like to break into the business. It ain't easy but I'll give you some things to ponder. You'll need to get your songs recorded in a studio with real musicans and all that will be youor demo CD. Then its off to Nashville to talk with folks who promote and manage writers and musicans. If your stuff is marketable then there will be some minor red tape, such as joining a writers union, contracts etc. But it does all start with a good Demo CD. Now if you get as far as the Demo, send me a PM and I'll hook you up with some names, addresses and phone numbers of some folks in Nashville.

14 Jan 02 - 05:50 PM (#627921)
Subject: RE: Help: How do I sell a Song


Why do you assume that Mayo lives in the USA and is writing 'Country' type music?

The world is a good deal bigger than Nashville...

14 Jan 02 - 07:04 PM (#627968)
Subject: RE: Help: How do I sell a Song
From: Bobert

Right you are, GUEST. Ignore the second part of my post, Mayo, unless you do indeed live in the United States. If you don't, the first part is generic. Get a demo tape together. You don't need to record your entire body of work but 4 songs is a good number to have. And try to mix them in terms of variety. Sorry for the asumption. Ol' bobert has only been playing with the puter for a year and has spent most of that year yacking about blues at an intimate site. I forget that Mudcat is like New York City compared to R.F.D. Maybury that I'm used to. Please accept my apologies.

15 Jan 02 - 07:14 PM (#628648)
Subject: RE: Help: How do I sell a Song
From: musicmick

The suggestions offered, thus far, have been well intentioned but unrealistic. The world is full of songwriters and Nashville is a city where everyone writes songs, makes demos and peddles them to every possible outlet. The industry is set up to accomidate marketable performers, not marketable songs. In fact, most songs that are recorded are composed by the artists, themselves. This doesn't mean that the situation is hopeless for an unknown writer. It is, only, that he must travel a different path than the traditional one through agents, brokers, publishers and A. and R. men. Since artists are today's source of product, you will have to go directly to them. Established recording artists are difficult to reach (and that's putting it mildly), so your best bet is to get talented local performers to sing your songs, in the hope that they will make your song a regular part of their repitore and, when/if they record, they will include your song on their CD. Dont, just go after one special performer. The more people singing your songs, the more likely you will be heard and appreciated.

15 Jan 02 - 07:40 PM (#628666)
Subject: RE: Help: How do I sell a Song
From: Rick Fielding

Musicmic is right. Don't mean to throw any wet blankets at you, but there are certain 2002 realities that were only hinted at a very few years ago. One of the longest running musical scams is good folks taking their songs to the big city (Nashville?!) to be recorded in pro studios with pro session players. That is NOT the way. Simply costs a lot of money.

Make a CLEAN demo of your songs with ONLY one instrument (Guitar or piano) and one voice. NEVER do it on the equivalent of a Karaoke Machine (or whatever). Find a local studio, know your stuff well and record the songs. Get about fifty GOOD copies made on cassettes or CDs. Label them properly with your name, e-mail, phone, and address. Make SURE there are no typos.

Start giving them to singers that you like who DON'T write all their own material. Develop a local reputation. Get some local press. If the material is any good it WILL get noticed. NEVER go by the opinions of friends and relatives. It's human nature to be nice to people you like.

It doesn't cost that much to do it right...and who knows what might happen?


15 Jan 02 - 08:00 PM (#628677)
Subject: RE: Help: How do I sell a Song
From: Bobert

Though I suggested Nashville, I agree with both musicmic and Rick. Yes, do your promo locally but be sure that's it clean and sound as if it were recorde by a professional musican in a professional studio. I am not so cynical to think that Nashville is a place just to waste your money and get chewed up, however. Yes, get your stuff into the hands of local talent but if you feel you have some good stuff, still be prepared to meet with some folks in Nashville but only after you have had telephone contact and have your appointments set up. Again, if you get to that point, then I can get you some folks to talk with and pitch your stuff. If your stuff is good, then there is always a shortage of good material and lots of folks in the market. So go with musicmic and Rick's suggestions but don't quit there because local talent is a crap shoot at best. But sometimes a writer can take local talent and elivate it... and please email me your early work and I'll work on it...., promise.