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Bad news for Kendall

25 Jan 02 - 04:14 PM (#635510)
Subject: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

I just came home from my third follow up exam of my vocal cords. I have a condition which he described as "abnormal" and it should be biopsyed and removed surgically. He is concerned that it might be pre cancerous. All I know is I lost my voice over two months ago, and, it has to be serious. He suggested I go to Boston to a specialist who deals with professionals voice problems on a regular basis. I'm really bummed out.

25 Jan 02 - 04:18 PM (#635514)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: MMario

Kendall - sorry to hear this -

but the last time you had to have a biopsy everything turned out okay, didn't it? It could just be another "false alarm"

25 Jan 02 - 04:19 PM (#635516)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: DougR

Kendall, my friend, I'm so sorry. You certainly will be in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know the results of your Boston visit. Okay?


25 Jan 02 - 04:20 PM (#635519)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: jeffp

Sorry to hear this, Kendall. I'll be praying for you.


25 Jan 02 - 04:20 PM (#635520)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Mary in Kentucky

Kendal, the same concern and good wishes from me too. Keep us informed, please.

25 Jan 02 - 04:22 PM (#635522)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Mark Clark

Kendall, I'm sure sorry to hear this news. You have my best wishes and prayers as well.

      - Mark

25 Jan 02 - 04:22 PM (#635524)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Amos


Between now and then try that Tea Tree oil I mentioned in a separate post. It canna hurt.


25 Jan 02 - 04:25 PM (#635527)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Steve in Idaho

Well shoot my Friend - You will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers - stop in to the Mudcat Song Circle Sunday and have a visit with us.


25 Jan 02 - 04:27 PM (#635528)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Bobert

I haven't been around here to long and don't know a lot of catfolk but know that you will be in my prayers. Keep us posted.

25 Jan 02 - 04:27 PM (#635529)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson

whoof! hope it is Nothing Serious-- please keep us posted; I'll be thinking about you

25 Jan 02 - 04:30 PM (#635535)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Sorcha

Awwww shit, Kendall.

25 Jan 02 - 04:43 PM (#635555)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

I've never had a biopsy before, a year and a half ago, I had a cyst removed from one of my vocal cords. I'll keep you all informed, and, I sure do appreciate your good thoughts.

25 Jan 02 - 04:52 PM (#635564)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Kim C

Kendall, 'member what I said about that sledgehammer, in case you have to make your own door. ;-) Love ya man. Hang in there.

25 Jan 02 - 04:52 PM (#635566)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: katlaughing

Kendall, I hope you do go to Boston, as they will be more familiar with these types of things and give you the best advice, as far as allopathic medicine is concerned.

I, too, hope you will try the Tea Tree oil and/or the acupuncturist we talked about. The Chinese have been at medicine for so many thousands of years, there is much to draw on there, too, and it doesn't all involve needles!:-)

There are good visualisation techniques to use with something like this, too. If you are interested, please give me a holler, email or PM.

And, don't forget to let your furry pal nuzzle up and give you "luvs."

Light, Love, and Healing to you,


25 Jan 02 - 05:00 PM (#635573)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Mark Cohen

Kendall, take it from a doc: prayers, laughter, and positive thoughts do help. I saw a newborn three days ago who I thought had bad pneumonia, contracted in utero. I told the parents he would most likely get better but would need to be in the hospital for a week for antibiotic treatment. The father told me that he'd been praying and was sure the baby would get better and go home with mom at three days. That evening the baby rapidly improved and came off of oxygen. The repeat x-ray was nearly clear. The baby went home yesterday with the mom at three days of age. Now most likely he had, not pneumonia, but retained lung fluid due to the cesarean delivery, with an x-ray that fooled me...or did he? Either way, he got better, just as dad said he would.

Lots of positive energy working for you here, my friend. All the best.


25 Jan 02 - 05:01 PM (#635577)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall

Kendall - if this is all a ploy to avoid helping me on moving day, I will kick your sorry ass. If not, bummer doesn't sum it up. Stay well, my friend.

25 Jan 02 - 05:07 PM (#635581)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: JenEllen

Take care, darlin'one, and the rocking chair is warmed up should you need it. You are in my thoughts.

25 Jan 02 - 05:27 PM (#635594)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Clifton53

Good thoughts and prayers for you Kendall

25 Jan 02 - 05:31 PM (#635598)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Charley Noble

Kendall, ugly news but I'm glad you're following up on this with qualified professionals. I still remember one long time friend who procrastinated too long. My mother adopted a dual strategy for her cancer problem, conventional surgery and radiation along with appeals to her favorite tree gods and goddesses; she did all right.

You know how to reach me if there is something useful you think I could do, from chauffering you to Boston to feeding whatever animals cohabit with you.

25 Jan 02 - 05:40 PM (#635602)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: GUEST,jeanie

Love and prayers from this little corner of England.

25 Jan 02 - 05:42 PM (#635603)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Kendall, dear friend, you know you've got lots of good wishes coming from here.

25 Jan 02 - 05:44 PM (#635605)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Deckman

... good thoughts and cheers, Bob

25 Jan 02 - 05:48 PM (#635610)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Giac

Positive thoughts do work, Kendall, and I'm positively thinking for you, too.


25 Jan 02 - 05:55 PM (#635615)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Rick Fielding

Good thoughts comin' your way from Heather and I, Kendall.


25 Jan 02 - 05:57 PM (#635617)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: SharonA

Auuuggghhh!!! Kendall, I'm so sorry to hear that your situation is this serious. I'd been reading your posts, and hoping your condition was temporary . But a condition that requires a biopsy? – damn!

Six years ago, I had a lung biopsy (they thought I might have had lung cancer, but it turned out to be sarcoidosis) (still serious, but I'll take that over cancer any day!). Even though I was anesthetized and "half-out", I still remember how difficult it was to get the tube down my throat past the vocal cords. *gag* I feel for you having to have a tube in that area at all.

So, do go to Boston or another major city – to a major, MAJOR hospital where they know what they're doing – and find the best doctors you can possibly find to do the biopsy. Don't mess around with this, and don't put it off. If it is indeed a pre-cancerous condition, you'd best catch it while it's "pre".

Be sure to do research on the necessary medical procedures and the doctors performing them. I'm sure you're remembering Julie Andrews and her surgery at New York's Mount Sinai Hospital (and the resulting malpractice suit). All of Andrews's money and fame didn't save her from a botched operation on her vocal cords... so learn from her experience! Sorry that I'm being "Mary Anti-Sunshine" here, but I don't want the shock of this news to cause you to stumble blindly into a worse situation than you're already in. If you need help researching the best place to go, there are knowledgable folks on the 'Cat to help you!

Hang in there, and take comfort in knowing that we're all pulling for you.


25 Jan 02 - 06:09 PM (#635625)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: SDShad

As with so many others, Kendall, thoughts and prayers, man, thoughts and prayers. And we've got some folks around here who are powerful good at thinkin' and prayin'.


25 Jan 02 - 06:10 PM (#635627)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Gareth

I can only wish you the best - and do so.


25 Jan 02 - 06:15 PM (#635630)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Naemanson

Kendall, I am sorry to hear your news. Like Charlie I am here to help out if needed. Hang in there and keep on the positive side.

Good Luck,


25 Jan 02 - 06:16 PM (#635631)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: catspaw49

Kendall, I'm sure you know, and if you don't you can see, that you have lots of friends here and we're all pulling for you and sending our very best prayers, thoughts, wishes, and whatever else we have in your direction. Before this thread is through, you'll have various incantations from all over the world and you need to look at them all and realize that you're really not alone in anything anymore.

If there are other ways that people here can help, we will, but if you let it happen, you'll feel that warmth and caring with you as you go through this. We're all on your side and we'll be right here with all the support you will ever need because, crusty old bastard that you are, we still love you.......but you know that don't you...........just as we know you're not really that crusty old bastard.

So listen, if you're around a hospital anyway, why not go ahead and have the hydraulics installed in your Willie? If you go that route, be sure to get the manual pump because a Catholic guy out in Denver had his short out as he stood in line for Communion and gave the lady in front of him an uplifting experience.


25 Jan 02 - 06:16 PM (#635632)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: gnu



25 Jan 02 - 06:20 PM (#635635)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Jeri

Kendall, I hope they find something they can treat with the least amount of trouble. Best wishes to you, friend.

25 Jan 02 - 06:21 PM (#635637)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Jerry Rasmussen

As they say, Kendall, "when the prayers go up, the blessings come down." Looks like you have a lot of prayers going up. And a lot of people who love you who have you in their hearts. I tell ya, Kendall, I see so many healings around me, that I am beginning to think that we would notice miracles more if they weren't so commonplace. The 84 year old mother of a woman who works at Walmart (that's the only way that I know her,) had eye surgery a couple of weeks ago. She wasn't supposed to bend over, but forgot, and something ruptured in her eye. She had three more surgeries on consecutive days, and her eye went completely white. The Doctor said that when that happens, it usually means that the eye has gone blind. Now, a week later, he's starting to take her off some of the medication and she's regaining her sight. I think that you're going to have a beautiful story to tell, Kendall. We'll all be waiting to hear it. My wife and I are sending special prayers up for you.

25 Jan 02 - 06:31 PM (#635641)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Micca

Kendall, you get well Ya hear,??? Lots of good stuff from your friends here..

25 Jan 02 - 06:40 PM (#635650)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Nancy King

Well, Jeez, Kendall, rotten news. I'm so sorry you have to go through this shit. I'm also really hopeful it will have a good outcome. Just know there are lots of folks thinking of you and wishing you the best.

Hope to see you next month!

Love and good thoughts, Nancy

25 Jan 02 - 06:47 PM (#635653)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Peg

good luck, Kendall and don't be afraid. Boston has the best hospitals in the world!!! Tea tree oil diluted in water is indeed an excellent gargle for throat infections. I do not have much room but if you need a place to stay in Boston let me know.

25 Jan 02 - 06:50 PM (#635654)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Justa Picker

Hang in there guy.
Best wishes, thoughts and prayers.

25 Jan 02 - 06:50 PM (#635655)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Bill D

yep...what ^THEY^ all said already!...good Docs in Boston, and you need to know the answers!....take care and we will all send healing waves as best we can...

25 Jan 02 - 06:54 PM (#635661)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: RangerSteve

My prayers are added to everyone elses. Keep us posted.

25 Jan 02 - 07:37 PM (#635686)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Don Firth

Well, shucks!! Keeping a good thought for you.

Don Firth

25 Jan 02 - 07:50 PM (#635694)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Cappuccino

Prayers and good wishes from here too, mate.

- Ian B

25 Jan 02 - 07:54 PM (#635697)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Ebbie

Adding my voice to the chorus... wishing you the best outcome. I'm sure it's very scary- not only on a personal level but especially to someone who has made his living with his voice for so long- but you've got a lot of love and support here and as others have said, let yourself feel it and it will warm you through and through.

I remember one time when I literally saw a golden sparkly tent-like drape over me when people were 'holding me in the light'. It's hard to be depressed when you know that is there.

Be well.


25 Jan 02 - 08:36 PM (#635712)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Morticia

Dammit all, Kendall, I KNEW I shouldn't have let you go home, this wouldn't have happened if you'd stayed here with us!!I take my eyes off you for five minutes....I dunno.... . You had just better be okay and as soon as maybe....I'm still planning that visit we talked about.

Sending you all my very best love ( the special, shiny, fuzzy kind) and threatening the deities on an hourly basis 'til we hear good news....much love, my friend.
Terri xx

25 Jan 02 - 08:43 PM (#635714)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: GUEST,jaze

Kendall, My thoughts and prayers are with you too Hang in there, everyone's pulling for you. And dammit Spaw! You made me spit my beer all over the computer screen!

25 Jan 02 - 09:01 PM (#635726)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Amos

Now get your ass down to the Health Food store and pick up a small bottle of effing Tea Tree Oil!!


25 Jan 02 - 09:07 PM (#635729)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: CarolC

Good luck to you kendall. I hope everything works out for you in the best way possible.

25 Jan 02 - 09:09 PM (#635731)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Miken

Kinda scary stuff,Kendall, but after reading all the above, the odds must be clearly in your favor. Good thoughts from here too.

25 Jan 02 - 09:14 PM (#635733)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Lonesome EJ

We're all with you, Kendall!

25 Jan 02 - 09:23 PM (#635743)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Brían

We have been all thinking about you, and of course will continue to do so. Please keep us informed.

I have really appreciated the updates you have been giving us. It takes courage to talk about this sort of stuff.


25 Jan 02 - 09:39 PM (#635752)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: George Seto -

Will keep you in our prayers and heartgs, Kendall. Good luck in Boston.

Keep the faith, and it will turn out fine, I'm sure.

25 Jan 02 - 09:50 PM (#635754)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: michaelr

Love and good thoughts from the West Coast, Kendall.


25 Jan 02 - 10:21 PM (#635771)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: DancingMom

Hang in there. I had a biopsy elsewhere in the body, and surgery 1 week ago for a "precancerous" condition. It's a pain in the butt (figuratively!) but I'm thankful for early detection.I'll be thinking of you. May the blessings be. Sharon

25 Jan 02 - 10:24 PM (#635772)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

You are all wonderful, and I thank everyone of you most sincerely. No, I wont put it off. My doctor has recommended a doctor Zidell or Sidell. Who knows a great ENT in Boston? The tea tree oil, this is not an infection, it is a callous called hypokeritosis (sic) so I doubt that gargle would work. So far I have been treated for acid reflux with Prevacid, Pepsid ac and prednisone. None of them have done a damn thing. Dont worry folks, if I need you, I will call! as Jock Stewart said, "I'm a man you dont meet every day." Calling on friends for help doesn't come easy to me, but, I can do it.

25 Jan 02 - 10:38 PM (#635782)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Biskit

Do what the good Doctor says Kendall I'm believeng that it's gonna be alright.....*translation*; I'm hoping with all my might you'll be okay, I'll keep you in my prayers. ~Biskit~

25 Jan 02 - 10:51 PM (#635792)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: KT

Hey, Kendall. You're in my prayers, too! And please do keep us posted about when you are going, so we can all send our prayers, thoughts, etc., at the same time. We're pulling for ya! KT

25 Jan 02 - 11:06 PM (#635802)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Tom French

Hey Kendall, While you're waiting for the chords to get better, sing with your heart. It's the first source of music anyway. My prayers are with you. Hang in there.

25 Jan 02 - 11:13 PM (#635808)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Sorcha

"keratosis" just means thickening of the tissue. There is real hope, Kendall. Believe that, my friend.Wishing you well from here. I don't know any docs in Boston, but both Brigham and Womens and Mass General are excellent hospitals.

25 Jan 02 - 11:15 PM (#635812)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Melani

Hey, "precancerous" is better than "postcancerous." I had a "precancerous" goiter removed in 1968, and never had any further trouble. Hope yours will be the same!

25 Jan 02 - 11:15 PM (#635813)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

You sure aren't a man we meet every day - although I wouldn't mind meeting you a few more times, if it's not too much trouble. So good luck with the specialist in Boston; the right doctor can make all the difference.

In the meantime, I know that having something wrong and not knowing what it is is a rotten way to live your life, so I add my thoughts and prayers to everyone else's. Take care of yourself in whatever way you do that best.


25 Jan 02 - 11:20 PM (#635815)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Chip2447

Kendall, Positive thoughts and healing chi for you.


25 Jan 02 - 11:42 PM (#635832)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: DonMeixner

Count me in your corner Kendall.


25 Jan 02 - 11:57 PM (#635846)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: katlaughing

Assuming that was a typo and Kendall meant hyperkeritosis, there is more information at the bootom of this page. Looks as though it is the least of the ones to get in a scare about and is definitley considered to be pre-cancerous, so that is good.

Kendall, I am visualising all of your healthy cells proliferating and if any, the dis-eased cells are disappearing, there's no room for them. I see a warm, orange glow around your thoat region, full of Light, Life, and Healing Energy.

Thank you for keeping us updated and for allowing us to be there with you.


26 Jan 02 - 12:44 AM (#635883)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Genie

Not too much to add to what othrs have said, except to reiterate. I really appreciated your being one of the first Mudcatters to come to my aid (when I needed a song). So sorry to hear about your chords. Hope the high-tech Doc visit works, not to mention the prayers and visualizations from all of us. (Do listen to Dr. Mark, of course.)

The Melaleuca ("tee tree") oil gargle will probably help, too.

Please be back in good health, vocally and otherwise, very soon!


26 Jan 02 - 01:19 AM (#635897)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: WyoWoman

Big fat hairy bummer, Kendall. I'm pulling for you, along with all these other 'cats. It's a heckuva tug-of-war and I think the odds are on y(our) side.


26 Jan 02 - 02:00 AM (#635905)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: GUEST,Sandy Paton

Whistle if you need me, old buddy. I'll come a-runnin'. I'll be watching for a PM as soon as you have definite news.


26 Jan 02 - 03:06 AM (#635913)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Art Thieme

Kendall----I just found this thread -------after I got your P.M. I'd no idea things had gone the way they've gone for you. But if anyone can find the humor to beat this situation, it's you. After I deal with what's going down here for us the next few weeks, I will most certainly be in touch. I will not tell you to "hang in there" like everyone tells me. I've come to hate those 3 little words.


26 Jan 02 - 04:23 AM (#635925)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Banjer

Kendall, all the best thoughts and good wishes from our house to yours. Be welll soon!

26 Jan 02 - 08:51 AM (#635988)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

Truely, I didn't know so many cared. All I've learned since the exam tells me it can probably be dealt with, and, in the right hands, there is a good chance that I'll get my voice back. Keep that positive energy coming though!

26 Jan 02 - 09:10 AM (#635996)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: bigchuck

Kendall, this is disturbing news. My best thoughts and wishes to you. I hope (and expect) this will turn out right in the end and we'll end up swapping songs and lies at Old Songs again in the near future.

26 Jan 02 - 10:43 AM (#636020)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Murrey

My dear friend,a few months ago I read an essay about choosing faith over fear and chose to do so in my life and well things are better every day.You have this incredible chain of prayers and good thoughts ( didn't know so many people loved such an old crank such as you did you ? ) I add my prayers and positive thoughts to all and I know you'll come through ok.AND you'd better ask for help from any and all of your friends when you need too --get it !!!

Love Marie

26 Jan 02 - 10:47 AM (#636023)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Peg

yeah, I will echo what others are saying, the term "pre-cancerous" used in this way (why do doctors do this???) really just means abnormal cellular activity. I myself had a "precancerous" condition a few years back (a common one actually for many women) and had minor surgery and so far so good! You gotta keep monitoring it (in my case regular PAP smears which women are supposed to get anyway) but sometimes western medicine nips things in the bud...

I also had a friend with vocal nodes which can in some instances turn cancerous but the thickening does affect the singing voice. Stevie Nikcs, Patti Lupone and Madonna all had them at one point; Stevie nearly lost her voice entirely. This is more common in women than men. My best friend from high school, a talented classically-trained singer, lost her singing voice due to vocal overuse (raising two kids on her own) and underuse of her singing voice. She eventually got it back; not the same sweet purity of before but then that would have changed with age anyway...

Vocal rest (complete and utter rest) is very important to rest the cords and allow them to heal. Even whispering is harmful (sometimes more than singing). I am surprised no docs have suggested this (or have they?)


26 Jan 02 - 11:19 AM (#636042)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Bat Goddess

Warm and positive thoughts and wishes from Curmudgeon and me, too, Kendall. We're almost as attached to your voice as you are.

And I second Peg's comments on "pre-cancerous" -- I've experienced that myself. (And for me it's been "so far, so good" for twenty-five years.)

Definitely see the Boston experts who have experience with this sort of thing -- and who understand what it all means to a professional singer. Hope that doing whatever is necessary will eliminate the problem and leave your voice intact, even if it takes some therapy to do so.

You'll weather this storm, friend, and you've got a great support network around you.


26 Jan 02 - 11:39 AM (#636055)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: gnu

Hopefully, it's not pre-cantankerous either.

"... but sometimes western medicine nips things in the bud..." ... Peg, I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. Spaw will be along to do that.

26 Jan 02 - 11:56 AM (#636065)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: CapriUni

Ditto everything said so far, and then some. Visualizing a rainbow of light around you -- but no ordinary rainbow. This one has its colors aranged in polka-dots, and zig-zags, and sparkles, and stripes and checks, and every garish, playful combination imaginable.

Rest your voice, but keep a belly laugh in your heart, okay?

26 Jan 02 - 12:21 PM (#636075)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Biskit

Kendall has to get better! I mean there isn't anyone else I disagree with so, that in a friend! ~B~

26 Jan 02 - 02:58 PM (#636180)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: harpgirl sorry for your throat problems, Kendall...just read the 'cat myself. I'm visualizing the orange glow around your throat as well.

Back around the late 70's when I first met Lucinda down in Arkansas, she had had a throat operation and had been silent a whole year to heal. She healed and her voice sounds pretty good!

You're going to be okay!

26 Jan 02 - 03:53 PM (#636220)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

Peg, they did tell me not to whisper. I live alone, so, voice rest is not the problem it could be. Teaching my dog hand signals is not so easy.

26 Jan 02 - 04:01 PM (#636222)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: catspaw49

Oh well, this oughta' be good! I tell ya' what, we'll send Doug up to visit for a month or so and if you can keep quiet, we'll know that anything is possible!!!!


26 Jan 02 - 04:42 PM (#636244)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I really hope everything turns out ok for you Kendall, you are in my thoughts.john

26 Jan 02 - 06:15 PM (#636292)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Hilary

Fingers crossed for you Kendall,


26 Jan 02 - 07:44 PM (#636350)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Maryrrf

Best wishes to you, Kendall and remember it's very important that YOU keep a positive attitude along with all the others who are pulling for you. I truly do believe in the power of positive energy!

26 Jan 02 - 07:57 PM (#636360)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Banjer

I wonder what Paw, Cletus and the Regs are doing right now. If they are not otherwise engaged in important national security issues (heaven help us all) they may go to visit with Kendall to keep him company. What do you think 'Spaw, are they available?

Coulda sworn I heard Kendall mutter 'I hope not'!

Quiet, Kendall, the boys will handle this for you.

26 Jan 02 - 09:32 PM (#636417)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Barry Finn

Hi Kendall, Mass Eye & Ear, I'm pretty sure that they take on throats too). It's now part on Mass General (Boston) & you may want to give them a look. I can tell you that Mass General is a place where I wouldn't think twice about putting my life in their hands, never mind my throat, oh, I already did that & look still here & happy. There's very new instrument for doing a biopsy. It's like a gun that pops & while I was waiting for the usual winch it was over. I hope all will turn out for the best. If you do end end up going to Boston for an overnight & I hope that you don't, let me know & I'll drop in & bore you to death of at least drive you into better health just to be rid of me. Really if your in the area, I'm always popping in (my second home) & you can ask anything of me (almost). It's not to far from work either. There I've already worn out my stay. Get well. Barry

26 Jan 02 - 09:37 PM (#636419)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

Thanks old Mate. When I had the cyst removed it was in and out the same day, so, I assume it will be this time too.

26 Jan 02 - 10:05 PM (#636431)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: CarolC

kendall, for the acid reflux, you might want to try using digestive enzymes with your meals. The kind with ox bile extract (I'm not kidding) is best for protiens, and a good vegetable based one would be fine for fats and pretty much everything else.

I use them and they work very well for me. I only use about a quarter of a tablet of the kind with ox bile extract at a time, though, because a little of that stuff goes a long way.

26 Jan 02 - 10:11 PM (#636435)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

And where would one get ox bile extract?

26 Jan 02 - 10:12 PM (#636436)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: catspaw49

Geez Carol....It's REAL easy to believe that a little of OX BILE would go a looonnnggg way!

Spaw (:<))

26 Jan 02 - 10:20 PM (#636440)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Banjer

And where would one get ox bile extract?

My first guess would be from an ox....!

All seriousness aside, Kendall, you may want to go see the thread about getting rid of cat odors. If you can find someone to buy my theory about the water buffalo you may strike a bargain on the ox bile as well. That could solve someone's cat odor problem and your GI problems at the same time. Thanks not necessary, always glad to be of service...

26 Jan 02 - 10:25 PM (#636441)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: CarolC

Most health food stores have them. I use GNC's Natural Brand. The lable says Enzyme Digestant. The ingredients are...

Betaine Hydrochloride
Ox Bile Extract 8:1

I only use this one when I've eaten protein. For everything else, I use one that is entirely vegetable based. Dried papaya can work well too. These are both available at most health food stores.

26 Jan 02 - 10:38 PM (#636453)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

I'm into health food stores, so I'll check it out. Thanks.

26 Jan 02 - 11:00 PM (#636457)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Uncle Jaque

It is truly amazing how many folk from all over the World with such a diversity of philosophy, Faith, and perspective can unite in their affection for an irascable ol' Yankee coot... and how I'm blessed to be counted among that number.

In concert with the previously expressed sentiments, be assured of the prayers of another Yankee; not only for healing of the "works", but for wholeness of Soul and spirit as well.

May you experience a supernatural infusion of Light which sets your Soul to singing with renewed power and Joy; the "pipes" can't help but follow!

Peace and Wholeness to ye, captain!

27 Jan 02 - 01:02 AM (#636480)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Charlie Baum


Best wishes. The classic Boston hospital joke: Someone asks what is the best hospital in the East? The answer is Massachusetts General. And what is the finest hospital in the West? The Brigham.

(Folks may need to consult a map of Boston to understand the relative positions of these institutions, but the geography is accurate.)

May your return to health (and restoration of your peace of mind) be swift and complete.


27 Jan 02 - 01:02 AM (#636481)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: wysiwyg


Two things-- acid reflux-- if it's at night while asleep, please PM me for some information.

Prayers-- mine of course-- and do you also want this circulated to the prayer chain, and if so is it HYPERkeratosis as Sorcha (I think) spotted?


27 Jan 02 - 07:12 AM (#636532)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: GUEST,Fortunato

Kendall, Susette and I have been madly rehearsing and parenting and stuff and I didn't know you were having some difficulty. I'm sorry to hear it and I hasten to add my good wishes to those above. If we are alike in this: my singing is a defining portion of my identity, like my guitar playing, then it must be wholly frightening and disorienting to feel threatened with it's loss. I add my chi to all those above: be well.


27 Jan 02 - 08:04 AM (#636546)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: JohnB

What can I say that everone else hasn't already said. Only a lot of pretty crude words, so I will just say them now to myself. JohnB

27 Jan 02 - 09:05 AM (#636555)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

I appreciate every one of you folks, and, from what I have learned in the last couple of days, I'm not so much worried about the condition as the skill of the surgeon who will do the operation. I'd also like to know what caused it so I can prevent it in the future. I have a speech pathologist lined up, maybe I'm doing something harmful that can be corrected.

27 Jan 02 - 10:40 AM (#636593)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Midchuck

Kendall, Friday night we were given a copy of an amateur videotape of our set at this last Old Songs open mike. Since you went on right after us, your set was on it, too (albeit with a little background noise from the rain which was just then getting properly started).

You can't be through singing, because I'm certain that you have a great many songs I still have to steal from you, that I haven't even heard yet.

Therefore: I wish for the best possible outcome from the procedures you're going to have, not because I'm a nice person, but for purely selfish reasons. Which makes my wishes that much more likely to be totally sincere. For what that's worth.


27 Jan 02 - 10:48 AM (#636596)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: GUEST,Nurse Betty

I'd also like to know what caused it so I can prevent it in the future.

Are you a smoker or ex-smoker? Tobacco smoke is the most prevalent cause of throat/vocal cord cancers.

27 Jan 02 - 02:11 PM (#636697)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: CapriUni

From nurse Betty:

"Are you a smoker or ex-smoker? Tobacco smoke is the most prevalent cause of throat/vocal cord cancers."

Until he has the biopsy, of course, he isn't even sure it is cancer. As I understand it, all we know for sure is that it is a thickening of the vocal folds...

27 Jan 02 - 03:05 PM (#636712)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Alice

Kendall, I'm very sorry to hear about your condition. I wish you the best in getting care, your recovery, and rehab in using your voice again. There is some info at the two sites I linked to in previous voice threads, Center for Voice Disorders, Wake Forest University
and University of Pittsburgh Voice Center

Here's to a speedy recovery,


27 Jan 02 - 03:12 PM (#636716)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Paul from Hull

Best Wishes, Kendall

27 Jan 02 - 03:56 PM (#636739)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Frankham


I have you in my thoughts and prayers. I'll meditate on your speedy recovery.

Frank Hamilton

28 Jan 02 - 12:18 AM (#636974)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: M.Ted

See the specialist, and then get a second opinion--I have had a couple serious vocal cord related problems(one was originally diagosed as a carcinoma) that turned out to be much different when they got to the second specialist--

28 Jan 02 - 12:21 AM (#636975)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: M.Ted

And of course, you are in our thoughts and prayers here--

28 Jan 02 - 12:30 AM (#636982)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: alison

prayers, good thoughts and big hugs all the way from Australia too....



28 Jan 02 - 04:58 AM (#637049)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: musicmick

I will be reviewing Kendall's CD, BEGINNER'S LUCK, in the February issue of TUNE UP, the monthly publication of the Philadelphia Folksong Society. TUNE UP is available to society members, only, but, I am making arrangements to post my column on Mudcat. (Actually, Susan is doing the posting as I couldn't post a letter.) Kendall, my lad, we have just met, so to speak. As I told you last month, you are a very talented performer and, according to Nick Apolonio, a swell guy to boot. (Why would I want to boot a swell guy?) I wish you health and happiness and peace of mind. Mike Miller

28 Jan 02 - 08:13 AM (#637092)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

How did I get so lucky? You folks are priceless.

28 Jan 02 - 08:15 AM (#637094)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: catspaw49

Well that could be Kendall, but if you'd like to try and apply an actual price, I know we could all use a few bucks.


28 Jan 02 - 12:26 PM (#637165)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Big Mick

Kendall, these days I am in and out of the threads so quickly that I miss things. And even though we have exchanged a number of emails lately, still I wasn't paying attention to this. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers on this one. Must be a pretty daunting thing for a singer, especially one of your caliber, to have to face. Not much I can say to you except to say that I am in your corner, and waiting for you to tell me what I can do to help you. Until then, know that the very best Irish, Catholic, liberal <>, prayers available are being cast upon the water on your behalf. I hope to see you again soon, my friend.

All the best,


28 Jan 02 - 05:53 PM (#637387)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: lamarca

Kendall, it looks like your doctor has referred you to Dr. Steven Zeitels, the Assoc. Director of the Voice & Speech Laboratory of Harvard School of Medicine's specialty clinic for ENT stuff, the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Institute, which is affiliated with Mass. General, too. Sounds top-notch!

Hereis their web page for the Otolaryngology Department (translation - Ear-Throat).

My best wishes and love...

28 Jan 02 - 06:06 PM (#637393)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: GUEST,Roger in Baltimore

Kendall, my thoughts are with you. Marge was looking forward to your trip South later this year. She didn't want to miss it. That's high praise, 'cause she's mighty particular.

Hopefully you'll soon be cured and your voice restored.

If your looking for causes, it might be some of them tall stories about Maine you've been a'tellin'. (just trying to raise a laugh, Kendall). My thoughts and my prayers are with you.

Roger in Baltimore

28 Jan 02 - 08:11 PM (#637468)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

Thanks a lot lamarca, that is something I've been looking for! It's gonna be ok folks, I can feel all the positive energy coming my way.

29 Jan 02 - 12:49 AM (#637624)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Mike MIller, for letting us know about your column. That is great. You can see from this thread that Kendall holds a special in the hearts of many of us at the Mudcat.

Sure got a wonderful flow going here, eh, Kendall?!


29 Jan 02 - 07:26 PM (#638275)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: DougR

Looks to me as though you are going to be seeing the right guy, Kendall. Keep us posted.


29 Jan 02 - 08:05 PM (#638311)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

The latest is, the specialist in Boston is hard to contact, but my local doctor is going to keep at it. He knows I'll get on his ass if he doesn't! All I have read so far tells me that it will be ok, it is not cancer, and a top quality surgeon can restore my voice. It did have me worried for a while, and I sure do appreciate the good thoughts of my friends here at the Mudcat.

29 Jan 02 - 08:21 PM (#638328)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: RichM

Been through the big C , in 1975.

Kendall, you keep thinking about positive energy, and healing.It certainly helped me. Add my good thoughts and prayers to all those written in this thread.

I'll include YOU in my meditations.

Rich McCarthy

29 Jan 02 - 08:24 PM (#638331)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Sorcha

Please keep us posted, Kendall, esp. regarding the date of the biopsy/whatever and the results. Start a new thread if necessary......looks like it might be, at 115 on this one. Hell, Cap'n, if you're bashful, let someone know and we'll start a new one for you, OK?

30 Jan 02 - 03:23 AM (#638531)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Escamillo

Let me add up to the good thoughts for Kendall's prompt recovery. Big hugs from this side of the world !


31 Jan 02 - 10:08 AM (#639324)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

For those who are waiting to hear, I just made an appointment with a Dr. Shapshay at Boston Medical Center. Cant get to me until February 28th. That will be an exam, then another wait for an appointment for surgery. I'm beginning to feel like a Giraffe.

31 Jan 02 - 11:11 AM (#639384)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: M.Ted

Without wanting to intrude, still I am curious as to what the specifics of your problem are--I lost my voice completely due to a voice strain about 10 years ago--had an exam done by a specialist(the most unpleasant part was the specialist himself, if I'd brought my guitar, I would have hit him with it) who told me that I had developed nodules that would affect my voice from then on--

For other reasons, a few days later, I saw my homeopath, who noticed that I could not talk, and gave me Spigelia--After a few weeks, my voice returned, and, within about four or five months, the buzz from the nodules was totally gone--

I was playing in a band at the time, and, when my voice went, the other guitar player did all the singing(his own songs,of course), at which time I realized that I really didn't like playing his songs--but that is another story--

31 Jan 02 - 11:12 AM (#639385)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Mary in Kentucky

February 28th huh, well, at least February is a short month. Good luck.

31 Jan 02 - 03:10 PM (#639460)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

M.Ted, my problem is called Hyperkeretosis. It's a build up of flesh like a callous on one vocal chord. Thanks to Lamarca, I was able to research that.

31 Jan 02 - 03:45 PM (#639488)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

Here are a couple of links for medical information (since more than one condition has been discussed by Kendall). The National library of Medicine should be a link you can reach from anywhere. I picked up the page from the university library, but it doesn't indicate that you need any special access.

The details: 1966-present. Updated monthly. PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 11 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960s and additional life science journals.

Citations aren't the same as full-text articles, they just point you to the source of information. But it is a place to start if you receive any more technical or medical terms you want to research. Another one that is helpful is WebMD.

Good luck. And take heed of the good intentions that this kind of scare has probably generated. Tell your friends and family you love them, do those things you have intended to do but put off. We all need reminders of what is important, and this, unfortunately, is one of the most startling reminders of all, threats to our good health. Make the most of it.


31 Jan 02 - 05:35 PM (#639561)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: lamarca

Maggie, the PubMed link should work for anyone, as the National Library of Medicine opened it up to the whole Web a few years ago. However, it's of limited use to most people who don't have access to a medical research library that carries the journals being cited, although sometimes you can get the gist of the article from its abstract.

Folks, I work at NIH, and can get the full articles for almost all the citations - BUT - I am not a doctor, and the majority of the articles are written BY medical researchers FOR other medical researchers in their particular subspecialty, and are basically unintelligible to anyone outside their field (including me).

For us average Joes, sites like WebMD are better, because they explain the medical terms. The NLM also runs a more consumer oriented site called MedlinePlus. For folks looking for info about cancer, another good site is run by the National Cancer Institution, and is called (an official government cancer??). For other illnesses, there is frequently a patient advocacy organization that will provide Web links to reputable sites - here are a few.

And that's the problem with looking for health info on the Internet - as with almost any Web research project, you have to Know Your Sources. Try to stick to sites run by large teaching hospitals or medical research institutes. If you look for info on alternative medical treatments, try to double check the advice by seeing if there are any discussions of the approach by reputable scientific sources - search PubMed (even if the resulting citations are hard to understand, they show someone's actually testing the claims for a given treatment). NIH now has a Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine which is FINALLY funding controlled studies of herbal medicines and alternative therapies. They have a good link to databases about dietary supplements and other similar topics here.

31 Jan 02 - 05:58 PM (#639575)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: M.Ted

Sorry Kendall, I may have skipped over that--as the details fill in,it sounds much more managable than it did at the top of the thread--I hope it seems that way to you--these things are not fun, but often, the initial uncertainty is the hardest thing to deal with--

31 Jan 02 - 07:41 PM (#639625)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

Does anyone know how I can check into the background of the surgeon doing the operation? Remember the movie with Tony Curtis, The Imposter?

31 Jan 02 - 08:30 PM (#639667)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Mary in Kentucky

kendall, as best I remember, there is a book (most doctors have a personal copy) which lists all doctors, addresses, education, etc. I don't know of a source on the web.

31 Jan 02 - 09:59 PM (#639733)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: M.Ted

From Boston Magazine--this article about a service that might be what you are looking for:

The Quack Hotline

Now you can call toll free to get up-to-date information on your doctor. But be forewarned: You still won't get the whole story.

By Christopher Szechenyi

Before you go to your next appointment with a new doctor, you can do your own checkup on the physician's credentials, training, and malpractice history thanks to a new system that helps you make an informed choice about whom you should trust with your life and the lives of your loved ones.

By simply calling a new state-run hotline, 800-377-0550, at the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine, you can now obtain profiles outlining physicians' malpractice settlements, hospital discipline hearings, punitive actions, and criminal convictions. "What we're giving consumers is a profile, not an in-depth history, but a tool to help you decide whether you want to see a doctor," says Alexander Fleming, executive director of the state agency responsible for regulating doctors.

Before you see psychiatrist Leonard R. Friedman at his Back Bay office, for example, you might want to call the hotline. A three-page profile shows that Friedman's license to practice psychiatry was revoked in 1987 and that he paid an "above average" malpractice settlement three years later. His license to practice medicine was reinstated in 1991.

But one problem with the state's $350,000 profiling system is that it fails to provide any details to flesh out those kinds of facts. Why was Friedman's license taken away? What did he pay a settlement for? And how did he earn the right to go back into practice? You won't find any of the answers in his profile. "It's just a piece of the puzzle," Fleming says.

Delve a little deeper into Friedman's past and you'll find plenty more. According to a 49-page Order of the Board, dated June 24, 1987, he lost his license after the board concluded that he engaged in sexual activities with a widow who sought his help in her struggle against depression. Afterward, he paid an undisclosed sum to the patient to settle a lawsuit she had filed against him. Four years later, he was given back his license to practice psychiatry on the condition he see a therapist himself for one year. Today, Friedman says that the allegations lacked merit and that the board was prone to disciplining doctors.

Friedman is one of 250 of the 27,000 licensed physicians in Massachusetts who have tarnished records. Want to know if your doctor is one of the 250? The board will either read the profile to you, fax it to you, or mail it to you within 24 hours.

THE PROFILING SYSTEM, the first of its kind in the nation, is a model for several other states planning to respond to the public's demand to know more about their doctors. And that demand is becoming urgent as more and more people enroll in HMOs and face the daunting task of choosing a new doctor from a list of hundreds of physicians.

"Medicine is becoming pretty faceless and doctors are interchangeable these days with the proliferation of HMOs," Fleming says, adding that the days are over when doctors and patients had a relationship lasting from cradle to grave. The profile system, he says, was designed to give consumers confidence.

The trouble is, the Massachusetts model has several severe shortcomings when it comes to helping you make a choice. Call the board's hotline for neurologist Walter S. Levitsky Jr.'s profile and you'll find he graduated from Albany Medical College, had postgraduate education at Jersey City Medical Center and the Cleveland Clinic, and has been in practice 35 years. The profile also says the state board yanked his license in 1988.

But this is what the public profile leaves out: According to his detailed disciplinary file at the Board of Registration, which is not automatically given to hotline callers, Levitsky's license was revoked for what the board called "prolonged sexual exploitation" of a patient who went to him for treatment of migraines. He was also cited for fondling the breasts of several other women who came to him for treatment of back pain and headaches.

In 1994, Levitsky was given back his license, but he was put on probation for five years. During that time he was ordered to undergo lithium therapy for a bipolar disorder and to submit to random blood screens. Under his probation agreement, Levitsky, who now practices in Peabody, must have a chaperone present whenever he sees a female patient. (Efforts to reach Levitsky were unsuccessful.)

So how can you find out the real story behind the profiles? You have to call a special number--617-727-3086--and ask the official for documents in your doctor's disciplinary file. If the doctor has had a license suspended or revoked, or put on probation, ask the official to send you the "statement of allegations," the "final decision and order" of the board, and the "probation agreement." If you really want to dig, ask for references to the doctor's court cases and go look them up. Only then will you get a complete history of a doctor's practice.

CASE AFTER CASE examined by Boston Magazine shows that the Board of Registration has left out incriminating details from the profiles. For starters, the reports are supposed to include 10 years of a physician's history, but the magazine's investigation found vital information omitted from the profiles for that time period. The public profile of one prominent surgeon, for instance, says he is a graduate of Boston University School of Medicine and has had no criminal convictions, no hospital discipline, and no board action against his license during the past decade.

Open that same surgeon's disciplinary file at the Board of Registration, however, and you'll discover that his license was revoked in 1987: for "lewd and lascivious behavior"--namely, stopping his car and exposing himself in front of a seven-year-old girl. The doctor's license to practice medicine in Massachusetts was later reinstated, and he moved to the Southwest, where he now practices. Fleming says that the omission of the doctor's license revocation was an administrative error.

Another thing the board's public profiles tell you is whether a doctor has average, below-average, or above-average malpractice settlements. It's like a scorecard for a baseball player's batting average. It also puts the settlement in perspective. For instance, Friedman's profile says he is among 2,483 psychiatrists licensed in Massachusetts and 87 of them, or 3.5 percent, have made malpractice settlements in the past 10 years. The profile says Friedman's settlement was "above average," but the document also throws in several caveats about drawing any conclusions from medical malpractice payments. The profile warns you not to presume malpractice has actually occurred just because a claim has been paid. It could mean an insurance company wanted to cut its potential costs and get rid of the case. In addition, each physician's profile states that "Some studies have shown that there is no significant correlation between malpractice history and a doctor's competence."

But the profiles neglect to reveal the circumstances behind the settlements, which might indeed influence your decision in choosing a doctor--or at least prompt you to ask the doctor to explain them. Consider Asher Harel, an obstetrician and gynecologist whose profile says he has had two "above average" settlements, without giving any details. The profile does say Malden Hospital restricted his right to work there for three months after a patient died as a result of a childbirth in which he allegedly delayed surgery and failed to diagnose her hemorrhaging.

To find out more about Harel, we asked the board for a reference number that enabled us to examine the court documents that aren't given out by the board or described in the profile. A lawsuit filed against him in 1994 claims that Harel incorrectly projected the delivery date of a 17-year-old Cambodian patient and failed to adequately diagnose the conditions that resulted in her child being born with mental retardation, epileptic seizures, cerebral palsy, and blindness. It's a claim most pregnant women would want to discuss with him if they knew about it.

Harel calls the allegations in the pending suit "unfounded" and says that they are "totally unrelated to what happened to the patient." He points out that in 27 years of practice, he has delivered more than 3,000 babies, and he often takes on high-risk pregnancies. "I work in Chelsea and Revere with an extremely high-risk population--the poor, homeless, immigrants--and I accept everyone who walks into my office."

SOME PHYSICIANS dislike the new profiling system. "I feel it's unnecessary and unfair to physicians," says Barbara Rockett, a Newton surgeon and past president of the Massachusetts Medical Society, which supported the creation of the system. "I also think it's misleading for patients. I don't think they can assess the information."

Leonard Morse, an internist in Worcester, says that he thinks the profiling system fosters distrust between patients and doctors: "Doctors don't want to harm patients. They strive to do the best they can." Morse adds that he is afraid the profiling system will force doctors to avoid high-risk cases because they could have bad outcomes that would stain their records.

Despite those misgivings, the physician profile system is scheduled to go on-line on the Internet this spring, and it may also be available on a CD-ROM in May. Unfortunately, it will read like a yellow pages directory unless the board puts more details in the profiles. In the meantime, consumers should supplement the profiles with old-fashioned impressions and recommendations from friends and family members before they make a final choice of a doctor.

31 Jan 02 - 10:08 PM (#639734)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: GUEST,kendall

Is there such a resource on Maine doctors?

31 Jan 02 - 10:28 PM (#639746)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: M.Ted

Probably not--though I am sure the state keeps these same records, just not quite so easy to access--I thought your specialist was in Boston-

01 Feb 02 - 01:36 AM (#639847)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

Sounds like he's headed to Boston from someplace else to get the expert diagnosis. Maine is in the proximity! And it isn't always true that the best doctors are in the big cities. Good luck checking out the Maine doctors.

Thanks to lamarca for adding to the discussion I started with my links earlier. I work in a research library and take those things for granted, that medical research cites/sites are meant for doctors, and can scare you if you try reading them by yourself without a medical background. But I didn't spell it out. (And I did try the links from home, they are fine off-campus).

Interesting how those medical sources can work, though. I have an acquaintance in New Mexico who was helping me when I almost got moved there after my divorce. Fell through, but that's another story. I felt bad that he'd gone to so much work (as a realtor) and the sale hadn't happened. We kept in touch, and I was surprised several months later to learn from his wife that he'd been hospitalized with an unknown ailment and might possibly lose his legs. The doctors had literally opened one of his legs from groin to instep to see why the cirulation was so bad. The diagnosis was Buerger's Disease (also known as thromboangiitis obliterans) that is caused first and foremost by smoking. I did some searches in our medical databases, and mailed a packet of a dozen articles. I explained that he might not want to read them himself, but if he did, the best he might hope for was a list of terms that he could ask his doctor to define for him, to help him understand his condition better. It turned out that his doctor read all of these articles, and they found an experimental treatment that they were able to apply to the FDA for an exemption to try. I don't think the FDA cooperated, but it was a real boost to them for a while, the idea that they might have an actual treatment for him (that is in regular use in Japan, as we understand). My friend is in a wheelchair now, but he still has his legs. And he quit smoking cold turkey.

Reading medical journals is in some ways a Pandora's box, it can unleash details that you as a patient don't want to know because you can't properly evaluate them. You can scare yourself very badly by trying to diagnose yourself after reading these things. But if you approach the medical journals as a resource, and find someone who has the time and expertise to answer your questions, or if you research the terms you find there in some of the or WebMD sites, there can be true power in information.


01 Feb 02 - 10:06 AM (#640012)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: JedMarum

Kendall - I've been watching this thread all along. You have my prayers and best wishes. I hope you will fare well through this procedure and recover completely, quickly!

Loosing or diminishing your vocal skills not only hurts you, but hurts the rest of the world if we loose your gift of song and gab!

Best wishes, my friend!

01 Feb 02 - 07:42 PM (#640311)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Nancy King

Hi Kendall--

Lamarca and Stilly River Sage and others have provided some great links. If you don't find what you want on line, try your local (or state) library. Almost all public libraries have standard references as the AMA's "Directory of Physicians in the United States," and the "Official ABMS Directory of Board Certified Medical Specialists," published by the American Board of Medical Specialists. They should also have a volume titled "Questionable Doctors Disciplined by States and the Federal Government," published by the Public Citizens Health Research Group. Most state medical societies also publish local or state physicians' directories. Put some bored reference librarian to work for you!

Good luck in everything! Hope to see you soon,


01 Feb 02 - 10:18 PM (#640367)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Ebbie

Kendall, will take you to the Board certification site where you can check to see whether a particular physician anywhere in the country is Board Certified in a specialty. I myself consulted it recently and decided against one local doctor who does surgery but is NOT board certified. When it comes to surgery, I want someone who has had his or her peers examine the qualifications.


01 Feb 02 - 10:32 PM (#640376)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

Thanks Ebbie, that's what I wanted.

01 Feb 02 - 10:38 PM (#640381)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

I went to that site, and it didn't look like what I'm after. It's all in German! Are you sure you got that right?

02 Feb 02 - 12:03 AM (#640421)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: GUEST,helpful

It is

02 Feb 02 - 04:39 AM (#640486)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Ebbie

Thanks, Helpful Guest!

02 Feb 02 - 01:52 PM (#640742)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

Very interesting, my local ENT is listed with the American Board of Medical Specialists, and, the big cheese, who is too busy to see me for another month, in Boston is not!

02 Feb 02 - 01:55 PM (#640747)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Amos

My money is on Kendall over the forces of silence. Why? Look at the track record!!

Love ya, man!


02 Feb 02 - 11:21 PM (#641089)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

Nancy, I think I have all I need to make an informed decision, thanks to all the great input from these wonderful people.

03 Feb 02 - 01:36 AM (#641140)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Mark Cohen

Kendall, I don't want to hijack your thread, and I'm very glad it's turning out that your condition is benign, but I wanted to bring something into balance. I find it disturbing, though not at all surprising, that the article on the "Quack Hotline" gave plenty of examples of doctors whose public listing concealed their nefarious crimes. However, there were no examples of good doctors whose reputations and practices could be irreparably damaged by this kind of publicity. (The OB/GYN mentioned in the last example may have been such a doctor, but the tone of the article indicated he was probably hiding something.)

There are many excellent doctors who have been sued for "malpractice" because of a bad but unavoidable result, or because they were part of a group, or they briefly treated a patient who later suffered an injury because of another doctor's malpractice. Most, but not all, of those suits are eventually dismissed. Unfortunately, some of them wind up as unjustified negative information on the doctor's record. I'm on the credentials committee of our community hospital...believe me, it happens. I know the strengths and weaknesses of the National Practitioners Data Bank very well. The lawyers and the courts and the insurance companies and the government agencies aren't perfect, either. And in a small community, or in a big city with lots of competition among doctors, it does not take much to ruin a physician's livelihood. I'd just ask you all to think about that.

There's no question that the crooked and incompetent and criminal doctors have to be found out and prevented from harming other people. But sometimes an apparently simple solution like this "hotline" may have unintended consequences.

And Kendall, if you check the link to Dr. Zeitels provided by lamarca above, you will see that in fact he is Board-certified in Otolaryngology (Ear-nose-throat surgery, or "ENT") and specializes in throat and voice disorders. So don't worry, OK?


03 Feb 02 - 02:24 AM (#641148)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: catspaw49

Thank you Mark......Well stroked.

Y'all are in a very odd category aren't you? Highly respected yet not far from "Used Car Salesman" in the minds of many. The article runs to a common out! And yet, medicine is no different than many other professions in that it has it's share of exceptional people, poltroons, and everything else in between.

Kendall, if you are really concerned about a specialist, have you looked into the many other ways of investigating him? Also, the fact that he can't see you for a month is probably good on several fronts. Perhaps your doctor has implied that your condition does need attention but is not life threatening.   Also, good docs are often very busy. My latest "specialist" is unbelievable in the way he seems to fit 48 hours into a 24 hour day.



03 Feb 02 - 07:43 AM (#641211)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

I threw you all a curve I guess. My Doctor here didn't contact Dr. Zeitel after all. Maybe he is booked into next year or something, anyway, he contacted a Dr. Shapshay, and I was unable to find him in that listing. I did find my local Dr. there.

03 Feb 02 - 08:16 AM (#641220)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: kendall

Google has to be the best search engine of all. Through it, I just turned up a web site that lists all Maine Doctors that have had some sort of license problem. Everything from practising without a license to fondling female patients. Seems like they all came from other states trying to outrun their reputations. (My Doctor was not on the list)

03 Feb 02 - 04:30 PM (#641471)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: DougR

I'm glad he wasn't on the list Kendall, because the thought of your doctor fondling you would trouble me somewhat. Oh, I see upon re-reading your post that they only list doctors who fondle female patients! Hmmm. Maybe you better be careful. :>)


03 Feb 02 - 06:04 PM (#641532)
Subject: RE: Bad news for Kendall
From: Sorcha

Part 2, Hoping for Good News
Please post in the new thread. This one is too large for some browsers. Thank you!