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BS: Need a good back rub!!!

26 Jan 02 - 01:14 AM (#635895)
Subject: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Benjamin

It's been a long time since I've been able to have a good back rub and lately, my shoulders have been very tense. I see my friends around the music building at school giving each other back rubs, but I haven't been able to get anyone to give one to me. Anyone have any tips to help mooch a good back rub?

26 Jan 02 - 01:20 AM (#635898)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Lyrical Lady

Join our choir ... we start each session with a great back massage chain .... mmmmm m!


26 Jan 02 - 01:23 AM (#635900)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Benjamin

I will bring that idea to our choir director at school! I like it! I'm almost tempted to make the weekly trip up to Canada now though!
Man, see what a moment of weakness can make you post?

26 Jan 02 - 04:45 AM (#635935)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Ebbie

Benjamin, I find that even giving a backrub is relaxing. So offer someone else one- who knows, you may get one in return.


26 Jan 02 - 06:12 AM (#635951)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Mr Red

is this Back to Basics?

26 Jan 02 - 10:54 AM (#636029)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: katlaughing

If nothing else, go to a good massage therapist. Even though I love the backrubs Rog gives me, there's nothing so good as a professional backrub.:-)

26 Jan 02 - 11:01 AM (#636034)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Bat Goddess

I need this information, too!!! (Especially right now.)

Why is it that whenever men (even Tom) reciprocate with a back rub, they don't continue it anywhere near as long as the back rub I gave them?

The best impromptu backrub giver in our circle is wintering in South Carolina.


26 Jan 02 - 02:45 PM (#636172)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: wysiwyg

Here's one:



26 Jan 02 - 03:09 PM (#636189)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Benjamin

Ah thanks Susan! I feel much better!
BTW, did you get my last email? Just Curious.

26 Jan 02 - 04:24 PM (#636235)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: wysiwyg

Maybe nope. I was sick and missed some, so if I am behind on replies that may be it-- can you resend putting Mudcat in the subject line? (to get past the spam filter)

Here, I missed a spot:




26 Jan 02 - 06:49 PM (#636309)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: DougR

Benjamin: I use to be well known for my massages in the Mudcat Pub, but unfortunately you are of the wrong sex. I just give 'em to women Mudcaters.


26 Jan 02 - 07:40 PM (#636345)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Maryrrf

I'm assuming that you can't afford to go to a massage therapist, which would be your best bet. Around here they charge about $60.00 per hour and a good one is well worth it. But check around and see if there are any massage therapy schools in your area. Many have "free clinics" where students give massages as part of their training. There is usually no charge or the charge is very minimal. There is one not too far from where I work and I go a couple of times a month. They're glad to work on me, I'm glad to get the massage! And I might add that I've never had a bad massage by a student, they've all been great. I'm a certified massage therapist myself but I only do a few here and there - I'd rather devote the time to music. Good luck!

26 Jan 02 - 08:18 PM (#636374)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: jup

Put your back against the speaker in a teenagers room and enjoy! Oh,ear plugs are essential!

26 Jan 02 - 10:01 PM (#636429)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: GUEST,DancingMom

Sometimes you can find "Health Fairs" sponsored by hospitals, health food stores, and the like. With all that "wellness" education (blood pressure checks, cholesterol checks, etc.) sometimes a message therapist will be there giving free "chair messages" - worth keeping your eyes open for if hiring a message therapist is out of the question.

Ebbie had a great idea. Give a friend a message, and you'll likely get one back.

I still give my patients backrubs if they want one. They deserve one if they're stuck in the hospital.

Take a hot shower with a pulsating shower head. Sharon

27 Jan 02 - 01:40 AM (#636484)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Charcloth

I will soon be a licensed massage therapist & they are worth the money! but in a pinch here are a couple of things you can do
1) take a bath towel roll & it up (or take a tennis ball)place it on the floor, lay on you back with it between your shoulders & kinda roll around on it till it is in the place that is ailing you & work that area
2) lay prone on the floor & let someone gently take a rolling pin & knead your back with it. you will be suprised it feels great!
most importantly watch your posture. If your shoulders are slumped forward & your pect muscles tight the rhomboids (muscles between your shoulders) Will realy suffer for it. You will need to stretch your chest muscles out. Put your hands behind your head step into a door way with your elbow held in place by the door jam & ease into a nice long stretch. Switch arms & do the same with the other.
good luck

27 Jan 02 - 01:48 AM (#636489)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: paddymac

If you happen to have any kids in the house, maybe up to 3 or 4 to 6 years old, teach them to gently walk on your back. Mine used to get a big kick out of it when they first learned, but then became dedicated to helping Ol' Dad feel better. Really missed it when they got too big to do it.

27 Jan 02 - 01:57 AM (#636491)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Stilly River Sage

I've been giving my kids backrubs for years. Even when they were little babies they loved the feel of a massage, and as they got older (toddlers) they'd roll over in bed at bedtime, face down, and ask to have their backs rubbed or scratched. This thread reminds me that it's time to have them return the favor! (They're now 9 and 13).


27 Jan 02 - 07:32 AM (#636542)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: GUEST,Fortunato in the dawn

Backs, backs, backs. Doesn't anybody rub fronts any more?

27 Jan 02 - 03:53 PM (#636738)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Les from Hull

Although it's no kind of a massage, you can ease some of your shoulder tension by exercise, rolling your shoulders forwards and backwards, with your arms by your sides or extended. You could also try swimming - backstroke is very good.

Fortunately, my partner Maggie is a fully-qualified practising massage therapist and reflexologist. I just thought that I'd put that in to make everyone else jealous.

27 Jan 02 - 09:23 PM (#636889)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Sorcha

Well, yea, Les.........thanks a bunch! I love foot massage almost as much as I love back massage! You are cheating! (grin)

27 Jan 02 - 09:27 PM (#636892)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Genie

When you find a good one, please pass it on to our dear Áine in Texas. She really needs it (and more) right now.

BTW, if your back is still sore around summer solstice time, check out the alternative healing retreat (can't remember exactly what it's called) at Breitenbush Hot Springs in Oregon. No money is exchanged there, but lots of folks ply their healing trades, e.g., massage, there. You give what you have to give (e.g., music?) and receive from others.

Also, at NW Folklife Festival in Seattle over the Memorial Day weekend, they often have massage students giving free backrubs in the participants' lounge.


27 Jan 02 - 09:44 PM (#636905)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: Paul from Hull

AND 'The Fragrant Maggie' is an entertaining singer & guitarist....with an unusual & unique repertoire!

28 Jan 02 - 04:07 PM (#637319)
Subject: RE: BS: Need a good back rub!!!
From: GUEST,Benjamin at College

Wow, I might actually show up for folklife now! I might be performing with the Seattle Mandolin Orchrestra (probably as a guitarist though) at folklife. I will have to look into that genie! Thanks.
Les, though I've been in trouble for saying this before, I don't usually get jelous over someone 10 or 20 years older than me (okay, so I don't know your, or her age! I realise that)!