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Lyr/Chords Add: Soor Mulk Cairt (Thomas Johnstone)

01 Feb 02 - 06:23 PM (#640269)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE SOOR MULK CAIRT (Thomas Johnstone)
From: Kenny B (inactive)

asb Adam McNaughtan / Tune "Jamie Raeburn" (Thomas Johnstone)

1. [G]I am a country chappie and I'm[C] serving in Pol[G]noon
A [C]fairm near tae [G] Eaglesham, a [A] fine auld-fashioned [D7] toon
Its [C] wi' the milk each [G] mornin', a little efter [D7]three
We [G[ tak the road richt merrily, the [C] auld grey horse and [G] me

Noo the ither mornin early as the 'Barlin' we did pass,
Ah happened tae fergaither wi a braw young country lass,
Says I "Ma braw young lassie an' are ye gaun ma airt,
I wid drive ye intae Glesga in ma sour milk cairt"

Wi' her cheeks sae red and rosy, and e'en sae bonnie blue
Dancin' and glancin' they pierced me through and through
She fairly won ma fancy, and she stole awa' ma hert
Drivin' into Glesga in ma soor milk cairt

2. I raised her up beside me and we soon got on the crack
An' wi a blush she telt me that her name was Maggie Watt
I told the auld, auld story as the woods aroon us rang
Wi' the chirpin o' the mavis and the blackbird's cheery sang

I've heard o' lords and ladies makin' love in shady bowers
And how they woo'd and won, amang the roses and the flowers
But I' ne'er forget the morning, wee Cupid flung his dairt
And he made me pop the question in the soor milk cairt .... Chorus

3. We rambled doon the Barlin' Rd and clambered Braes o' Heath,
And mony a pleasant summer's day we spent at Ballygeich,
Tae watch the tap o' Tinto or faur ower Glesga driech,
Tae view the grand Ben Lomond or Ben Ledi's stately peak,

Then winchin' oan thegither we wid wan'er tae Mill ha'
Tae pu' the sweet wild roses, roon Polnoon's auld castle wa'
An gaun hameward in the gloamin, ah wid press her tae ma hert
And I 'd find a row o' posies in the soor milk cairt, .... Chorus

4. Weel her parents have consented so gin next term time cams roon
I'm goin tae buy a harness plaid and a braw new silken goon
We're 'ettlin' tae get mairret just aboot next August fair
When a' oor auld acquaintances I hope to see them there

The lass had never had a hurl in a carriage a' her days
Sae when that I proposed tae hae a coach and pair o' greys
Na, na, says she, the siller's scarce, ye ken we canna spair't
And I'd rather hae the shooglin' o' the soor milk cairt, .... Chorus

Please also see background notes and the shorter version at
Susanne(Skw) version & Notes in Banks of Clady Thread

01 Feb 02 - 06:37 PM (#640276)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Add: Soor Mulk Cairt, ASB Adam McN
From: Sorcha

Kenny, m'luv, you are turning into a REAL treasure!! Thanks for stopping by!

01 Feb 02 - 09:41 PM (#640356)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Add: Soor Mulk Cairt, ASB Adam McN
From: little john cameron

Thanks fae me tae,ah've been lookin for this for years.It wis mah grampas favorite alang wi' Maggie.ljc

02 Feb 02 - 10:00 AM (#640575)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Add: Soor Mulk Cairt, ASB Adam McN
From: MMario

Yes indeed Kenny! Stop by anytime...

02 Feb 02 - 11:12 AM (#640614)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Add: Soor Mulk Cairt, ASB Adam McN
From: Mac Tattie

The tune is close to Jamie Raeburn but only close. It's kinda cheerier and more paukie. Cairt, at the end of each chorus and most verses, is often pronounced,"car-it". This of course means that many other words, spair't, airt, dairt and hert are similary altered to keep the rhyme. cheers

02 Feb 02 - 02:42 PM (#640779)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Add: Soor Mulk Cairt, ASB Adam McN
From: GUEST,Blackford John

Tune is "The garden where the praties grow". Lyrics by Tom Johnstone who was known as the Calton Butcher. He had a wee holiday home in Eaglesham, Renfrewshire.

My great granny had a hurl in the said cart in the early 1900's.

02 Feb 02 - 05:26 PM (#640877)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Add: Soor Mulk Cairt, ASB Adam McN
From: Susanne (skw)

Surely he was known as the Calton Barber Poet, not being a butcher at all? If you follow the link provided by Kenny (thanks, Kenny!) you'll find this info among others, plus extracts from a letter from his daughter.