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Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

03 Feb 02 - 12:10 PM (#641326)
Subject: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Alice

I searched the forum to see if this has been posted before and didn't find it, so here it is: Ceolas has a PDF you can print or download of Paddy O'Brien's Sets.
A bit of a quote from the introduction of the tunebook, created by Dave Gabol and John Walsh:
quote, "In the summer of 1995 I was playing in a session at The Barge Inn, aka Larkin's (Garrykennedy Co Tipp). I was chatting to the Landlord Dan Larkin about music in general and suddenly he jumped up and went upstairs. He returned some time later with a very bad photocopy of a series of tunes arranged by Paddy O'Brien for his ceili band. Dan asked me to make copies and get as many people as possible playing the arrangements to keep Paddy's music alive." - end quote


03 Feb 02 - 04:38 PM (#641480)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Jim Dixon

Alice: Thanks for the post. I've known for some time that Paddy had made a collection of tapes of some 500 tunes, many of them never recorded by anyone else, but I didn't know anyone had transcribed them.

I think there's a mistake, though. The beginning of the document you link to refers to "Paddy O'Brien of Co. Tipperary." Elsewhere in the Ceolas site, though, they mention "Paddy O'Brien, the accordion player from Offaly," which is I think is correct – unless there are 2 prominent Irish musicians named Paddy O'Brien, which I doubt.

Anyway, he now lives in Minneapolis.

There is a profile of Paddy given at the site for his band, Chulrua.

03 Feb 02 - 06:15 PM (#641540)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

There are/were two Paddy O'Briens. One from Co Offaly who is now living in Mpls, as Jim said. The other Paddy is now deceased. For the sake of distinguishing the two, Liz Carroll refers to the former Paddy as "the Paddy with a pulse."

It is also the former Paddy who, with an NEA grant I believe, did that wonderful recording of a billion or so tunes. He has a photographic memory, and is absolutely amazing.

Not that the former Paddy who no longer has a pulse was any slouch, mind you.

03 Feb 02 - 07:23 PM (#641577)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Jim Dixon

Guest: So, was the OTHER (deceased) Paddy O'Brien from Tipperary? Did he also play the accordion? Did the tunes referred to in the first message come from him or from the living Paddy?

03 Feb 02 - 07:43 PM (#641590)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

Question #1: Yes, from Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, where they still have an annual music festival in his honor, if I'm not mistaken. He died in the early 90s.

Question #2: Yes, he was one of the most influential accordion players in the Irish tradition. He played in the Tulla Ceili Band, and after a decade or so long emigration to NY, he & his family returned to Dublin, where he played with the Lough Gowna Ceili Band.

I'm not sure which "collection" of tunes the above is referring to. I can't get through to that link, but I'm guessing from the story quoted it is the Paddy from Tipperary's collection, which I have bookmarked here:

Paddy of Co Offaly plays in the same style as the former Paddy of Nenagh, so it can get very confusing. But paddy of Co Offaly's NEA tune collection website I have bookmarked here:

03 Feb 02 - 08:15 PM (#641609)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Alice

You have to have a program that will open PDF documents, (like Adobe Acrobat Reader) for the link to open the tunebook. You can get Acrobat Reader for free from the Adobe website. Click Here


03 Feb 02 - 08:17 PM (#641610)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

Actually, I did just get the link to work. It is the Co Tipperary Paddy's Internet collection, which sort of fell in the lap of a fellow by the name of Dave Gabol, who used to frequent the Irtrad mailing list. As I read through a few pages, I remember there was much discussion on the list. Dave Gabol hates concerntina w/piano accompaniment, as I recall.

So no, the Paddy O'Brien collection at Ceolas is not the NEA Paddy O'Brien collection, which was not transcribed by Co Offaly Paddy--he was very clear that he wanted recordings of the tunes made for those musicians who didn't read music, so they could learn the tunes by ear the way he did. He felt that was closer to the way the tunes were learned traditionally by Irish musicians, the vast majority of whom don't read music.

03 Feb 02 - 08:49 PM (#641627)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Jim Dixon

So it appears that the Offaly/Minneapolis Paddy's tunes have NOT been transcribed.

That fits with what I heard, some time ago, from a friend who wanted to apply for a grant to transcribe Paddy's tunes, from the tapes to sheet music. She was discouraged because she wasn't getting any cooperation from Paddy. I think she abandoned the project.

I understand why Paddy wanted to make the tapes, but I don't see why he would object to allowing someone else to make sheet music as well. Unless it's a matter of money. Does he think that people who learn from sheet music are inferior musicians?

03 Feb 02 - 09:01 PM (#641635)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Alice

The URL Guest provides goes to the bio page of Paddy O'Brien (Offaly/Minneapolis). To get the tapes, the order page provides this information: "The Paddy O'Brien Tune Collection is a historic compilation of 500 double jigs and reels from the repertoire of Paddy O'Brien of County Offaly, an All-Ireland accordion champion and one of the world's outstanding performers of Irish traditional music.* In more than four decades as a musician, Paddy O'Brien has gained a reputation as a walking encyclopedia of Irish music; it's estimated that he carries in his head the melodies of nearly 3,000 Irish tunes.

Created especially for serious students of Irish music, this unique collection can help today's players learn Irish music the way it was traditionally handed down—by ear. Each set contains twelve 60-minute audio cassettes in a handy vinyl album, and a 104-page booklet bursting with stories and background information.
For only $100, plus shipping and handling, students of Irish traditional music can have an entire library of tunes at their fingertips.

(*Not to be confused with the late great accordionist Paddy O'Brien of Newtown, County Tipperary.)
For more information on the Paddy O'Brien Tune Collection, write, call, or e-mail:

Paddy O'Brien Tune Collection
3441 23rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407

04 Feb 02 - 07:54 AM (#641888)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

No Jim, I don't think he feels musicians who can read music are inferior at all. He just feels strongly that he wants his collection to remain an aural/oral one, and not written, in the spirit of traditional music. Why should that bother anyone? The tunes can be learned by ear. He provided a wonderful gift to the Irish music world by giving this collection a life as a recording with a lot of documentation.

It seems to me, if people feel he is being cheap about it, then maybe they don't understand and appreciate the mystery to learning by listening and memorizing, rather than by reading and relying on the notes in front of you. There is tons of transcribed music for musicians who wish to learn that way. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would be so insensitive to Paddy as to begrudge him the way he wants his life's work to be shared with the world. Good for Paddy not cooperating with your friend, I say. Not everything in this life is about the money, or making things easy.

04 Feb 02 - 10:05 AM (#641963)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Jim Dixon

"Begrudge" is too strong a word. I just said I didn't understand it. It goes against one of the axioms I live by: that more opportunities are better than fewer.

04 Feb 02 - 10:32 AM (#641987)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: JohnInKansas

A note on the original clicky.

If you open the pdf file, you can print it, but - as is often the case with pdfs - you can't save.

If you "back out" one level on the target site (to INDEX) you can right-click on the "POB.pdf" and select "save target as" and put the pdf somewhere on your own machine where you can look at it at leaisure.

Now, back to the discussion.


04 Feb 02 - 10:43 AM (#641996)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: wysiwyg

Mmmmmm, gooooooooooooooood, John!


04 Feb 02 - 10:46 AM (#641999)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

Well, I'm guessing there is a reason why Paddy's put out a collection and you haven't, Mr. Dixon. Have the sheet music taped on the back of the bodhran, do you?

04 Feb 02 - 10:50 AM (#642004)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: JohnInKansas

Momentary (hopefuly) thread creap:

GUEST: Liz Carroll refers to the former Paddy as "the Paddy with a pulse."

I have made some attempts to identify "Liz Carroll" - due to tunes attributed (actually to "Lix Carroll") in a local compilation I've been trying to clean up. I've omitted the tunes as possibly under copyright, but would like to put them back in if I could get a permission or confirm they're public.

The only Liz Carroll I've found by web search appears to be a London country/western/rock guitarist - surely that's not right.

Any quick comments?


04 Feb 02 - 10:53 AM (#642006)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

Yes, a quick comment would be that if you are having that much trouble finding Liz Carroll, you ought to sober up.

04 Feb 02 - 12:32 PM (#642085)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Jim Dixon

I see here an attempt to escalate what was a polite discussion into a mudslinging match. I will not participate.

04 Feb 02 - 12:42 PM (#642096)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

And you won't be sorely missed, either.

04 Feb 02 - 12:50 PM (#642106)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Jim Dixon

I didn't say that I wouldn't be here; only that I wouldn't participate in a mudslinging match.

04 Feb 02 - 12:59 PM (#642120)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: jeffp

John, Liz Carroll is a fine fiddler who has played with Mick Moloney's Green Fields of America, taught at the Augusta Heritage Center, and, I believe, some years ago won the All-Ireland. She has a number of tunes to her credit, including the Diplodocus Reel.


04 Feb 02 - 01:11 PM (#642131)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: JohnInKansas



I've found several references to Liz Carrol, but so far no discography or anything very specific about the tunes she may have written - or where she may be active now. I do get the impression she is still active, and have found some favorable comments. I'm still watching local shops for something to hear for myself.

Work on our local collection is somewhat inactive at the moment, but there are a few tunes I'd like to "restore" to the book - that I have held back because of lack of info.

One that the local group seems to like is called That's Right, Too. The copy that's been circulating is obviously a "download," and looks like it has some rather serious "errors in transcription," as well as a mangled attribution; so I probably need to get a "clean" version before I consider putting it back in.


04 Feb 02 - 01:48 PM (#642166)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

Yeah, considering she won a National Endowment for the Arts award and had one of the best-selling Celtic albums on the charts a year ago, information is really tough to find about her on-line.

I've found that when you try typing in the words "Liz" and "Carroll" at the same time, it takes you straight to But then, that's me, and I'm just a know nothing anon guest.

04 Feb 02 - 02:57 PM (#642231)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: Alice

With my Mac, I just hold the mouse button down on the link I posted in the first message, choose "Save this link as", then choose source instead of text, and it will save as a pdf.

John, there are sound samples and sheet music on Liz Carroll's website, you can contact her directly there, and her work is discussed quite a bit on the ITRAD email list, the archives of which you can search here:

04 Feb 02 - 06:31 PM (#642424)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online
From: JohnInKansas


Thanks - I'll try again when I get set up for the next rework of our tunebook.

Actually, I had found her website - or at least one with some info about her. My problem was the need to identify a specific song, which didn't happen to be listed there.

It sounds as though her site may have been updated. It has been several months since I looked. The irtrad goes into my bookmarks too.

Re the save as - I'm always a little concerned, with my poor POTS connection, whether I'm going to get there on an "outside" link. I usually like to go and look at things before I decide whether to save. The curious thing is that many times you'll find stuff you can't save while you're looking at them, but you can "save target" successfully if you go somewhere and "point back" at them. And, kicking up in the target site can often get you additional goodies.


04 Feb 02 - 07:15 PM (#642467)
Subject: RE: Paddy O'Brien's Sets - Tunebook online

The song you mentioned in your post above, "Thats Right Too" is listed in the discography section of Liz's website.

As does this one:

Which also gives links to several other tune indexes on-line here:

All of which took me under a minute to find with a google search. Hope we aren't working you too hard for finding the information.

16 Jun 13 - 10:34 AM (#3527033)
Subject: Paddy O'Brien

Gorgeous piece on Paddy O'Brien's childhood here.

26 Jul 24 - 03:36 AM (#4206069)
Subject: Paddy O Brien