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Max - A job reference

06 Feb 02 - 10:46 AM (#643828)
Subject: Max - A job reference
From: Mr Red

To Whom it May concern.

All I know of Max is his work, it stands for all to assess. In using this site I have not found bugs, all problems I have encountered were resolved by reading the FAQs or the site itself. The simplicity of the site is a testament to its designer's proper reading of the audience and their collective technical abilities, and their lowest common denominator (computer & competence). The system of helpers works well, behind the scenes mostly. As an engineer and programmer it gives me pleasure to see a system work. As a folkie.... well look around.
Mr Red

As Max is (was?) hunting for work I thought as a similarly work disorientedly vacancy pursuer (open to offers), what better help than speak for Max. Eulogies are not going to be helpful unless they are honest. So tell it like it is. How about it folks?
Good Luck Max.

06 Feb 02 - 10:48 AM (#643830)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: annamill

What? I'm not sure what you're asking for Mr. Red. How can we help?


06 Feb 02 - 02:02 PM (#643964)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: wysiwyg

Max Spiegel is a team player of the highest order. He raises others' efforts to a level even the most confident person might not anticipate.

I worked with Max on one project that involved implementing an idea of mine to be used within his website. From one look at my prototype, he immediately grasped the scope and opportunities implicit in the project, and acted promptly to put it to work. I found him entirely encouraging, empowering, and helpful in the development of the idea, and I would be more than pleased to work with him again.


06 Feb 02 - 02:21 PM (#643984)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: GUEST,PaulM

Well, I have nothing in the world against Max.

Whilst I've never met him, he certainly seems like an honest and talented guy who has a good deal of integrety. I wish him all the very best.

However, Mr Red's assertion that there are 'no bugs' in this site, is quite plainly wrong.

There are masses of bugs, both in the various searches and in the DT. I'm not complaining, but Mr Red asked us to 'tell it like it is' so I am.

Max, I wish you a happy and prosperous future.


btw, to reiterate Annamill, 'What is this thread for?'

06 Feb 02 - 02:46 PM (#644007)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: kendall

I have nothing but the highest regard for Max. I have met him, and, he could join my team any day.

06 Feb 02 - 02:53 PM (#644012)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: wysiwyg

As I understand what the original post indicates, the thread is an opportunity to write a "letter of reference" for Max to use however he wishes as he pursues a new job.


06 Feb 02 - 03:04 PM (#644017)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference


Can you imagine...

Interviewer: So Max, can we take some references?

Max: Sure

Interviewer: Well lets see them, then!

Max:OK, here's one from Catspaw49

Interviewer: Catspaw49? Who the hell is that?

Max:He comes to my website. His real name is Pat.

Interviewer: So have you met him?

Max:Sure, a couple of times.

Interviewer: So can he comment on the quality of your work? Will he let me know about your abilty as a C++ programmer? How much you understand Cold Fusion, Java, SQL???

Max:Mmmm, no not really

Interviewer: Next!

06 Feb 02 - 03:34 PM (#644047)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: wysiwyg

O-biviously a credible reference depends on having some actual knowledge of Max's work. Some folks around here, as it happens, do. Some of it may be technical, others may relate to other facets of his talents. That's why Max will do what anyone else around here can do-- take the rest, and leave the rest.

Now that this nice and (one would think) harmless idea has been hijacked in such a fashion that this thread is not approriate for showing as a job reference, I will invite anyone who cares to contribute, to contact me by e-mail and I will save them to give Max in a batch. A nice job on letterhead, as a Word attachment, would serve especially handsomely.

~S~ (Please use the word MUDCAT in the subject line and give the name and size of the attachment in the body of the message.)

06 Feb 02 - 03:48 PM (#644059)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference

Jeez, Susan.

Max is a grown man.

If he wanted you to collect references for him, do you not think he'd have asked?

He hasn't and he doesn't.

I know you mean well, but why don't you just get on with your own life, eh?

And stop butting in where you're not wanted?

06 Feb 02 - 03:50 PM (#644063)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference

Pray about it tonight.

Ask Jesus what he thinks. Butt out is my best guess

06 Feb 02 - 03:56 PM (#644066)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

That gu-p-est is at it again. Someone get out the insect spray.
Mr Red, WY, and others who are intimate with Max's work and dedication could put together an encomium through private messages. An open thread invites garbage as well as gold.

06 Feb 02 - 04:00 PM (#644068)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: RichM

I used to defend guests on this forum. ie, treated them as guests... But most of 'em seem to come to the party only to piss in the punch.

Rich McCarthy

06 Feb 02 - 04:05 PM (#644072)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: CapriUni

One thing about an open thread, too (whether or not Max actually uses what we write here), is that it allows Max to lurk, and see what we think about him. That in itself, could be helpful, after the getting a rejection from an employer (and in today's economy, there is no need for him to take such rejection personally) -- so that the rejection is tempered by: "Max is really good at what he does!"

And he is. Personally, I find Mudcat not only to be content rich, and easy to use, but the design is also elegant and easy on the eyes.

Too many sites on the Web, imnsho, are ruined by being hard to read, either because of clutter or clashing colors. Mudcat has none of that.

Well, done, Max!

06 Feb 02 - 04:07 PM (#644074)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference

So you really think Max wants people to feel sorry for him and start collecting references?


06 Feb 02 - 06:45 PM (#644161)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: GUEST,Mr Red

Perhaps I didn't elucidate but I think some got my drift.
A propective employer/customer surfing to here will be able to check out the site and check-out some of Max's clients/audience/users.
I think the site says more than we can. But every little helps.

06 Feb 02 - 06:59 PM (#644165)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: kendall

I sure as hell dont feel pity for Max. He is young, bold, good looking and very intelligent.Why the hell should anyone feel sorry for him? he has a lot going for him. Well, I have a lot going for me too, my eyesight, my hearing my voice.:-)

06 Feb 02 - 07:42 PM (#644184)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: Max

Wow, GUESTS are really looking for fights these days. At least they used to have good reason to be assholes, now they're really reaching to pull it off. Flamers and Trolls used to be intelligent and powerfully spiteful, enough even to give us a scare or make us worry about the future of our community here. Now they're just embarrassing.

Thanks, Mr. Red and others, it is always a wish of mine that a possible employer would see what we do here and realize that it didn't come out of thin air.

I was supposed to have an interview yesterday afternoon. Went to the place and the fellow who was supposed to interview would not see me. He sent his receptionist to tell me that the position had been filled. They wouldn't even let me in the security door, they talked to me through a little whole in the window. I walked out of there feeling like I just got punched in the stomach.

I'm in an OK position though. Because I'm teaching at nights again, I can take my time finding a good job, one I love. And that (one I love) means that I probably won't be a programmer. I think I'm burnt out on that. Onstage still trickles, Mudcat too, and I could probably get away with one or two part time jobs. Tomorrow I'm going to a Limo company to apply to be a driver. That might be fun. A Tie-Die company in town is hiring too. Anyhow, point is, I'm looking for adventure, not necessarily a career. Though if the right thing came along... It's nice to be in this position, I'm lucky.

06 Feb 02 - 07:49 PM (#644188)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: Amos

Believe me, Max -- any manager who would do that is not someone you'd want to work for anyway, for absolutely sure. You had an appointment, and he sent a messenger to taslk through a hole in the ddoor? OY!! Who IS this guy? Wodda maroon!!! Really glad you're teaching and I love your adventure-quest. Maybe you could get training as an alligator-wrassler or something.

Hazard pay!!


06 Feb 02 - 07:55 PM (#644190)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: kendall

OK, folks, notice the proper grammar, spelling(one little homonym) and punctuation in Max's post. Unusual for a kid his age.

06 Feb 02 - 09:14 PM (#644225)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: wysiwyg

Max, a good friend of mine got out of the ratrace to drive limos, and he has never been happier or saner. He has the best time talking to people he never has to see again! He also gets good connections from people he does see often-- regular clients who know the rest of his interests. Anyway he pays the rent with that and, with the rest of himself, does whatever the FUCK he wants! And he's cute, too! *G* (No he is not a gigolo!)


06 Feb 02 - 09:28 PM (#644237)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: heric

I went to a job interview not so long ago with the federal government. The department head interviewed me for forty minutes. Pretty standard q's, but still putting me through enough of a ringer. Then he asked if I had any questions. I asked what his time frame for hiring was. He admitted that there was a hiring freeze in effect. I looked at him. I looked for a while longer. Then I left.

06 Feb 02 - 09:31 PM (#644242)
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
From: heric

(My best guess is that he was embarrassed at not having cancelled the interview after the freeze went into effect, so he was going to bluff his way through it. - Then just not offer me a job!)