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Evn more after Stony Dratsford

14 Feb 02 - 05:05 AM (#649779)
Subject: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Steve Parkes


Steve (and yes, I know)

14 Feb 02 - 05:09 AM (#649781)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Steve Parkes

Oops: bit of a cock-up on the blicky front! That should have been Continued from here.


14 Feb 02 - 05:46 AM (#649785)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Dave Bryant

The spelling mistake in one thread title fits our GUEST (who claims to be a "mouse with a small penis") perfectly.
Let him henceforth be the "Anomymouse GUEST".

Incidently - has anyone got any good pics of Linda in her "Joan the leather Queen" outfit ? - several people (especially MICCA) seemed to be busy with their cameras.
None of McGrath's pics record the incident, but then his recitation on Saturday night was (very slightly) misogenistic.

14 Feb 02 - 05:50 AM (#649786)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

My pictures will take some time to come (though I have none of Linda with her whip) ... Right now they are away for developping, on Monday I will give the slides to a colleague for scanning...

14 Feb 02 - 06:38 AM (#649807)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Steve Parkes

Quick--tell Dave B there's a "Y" in "misogynist" before a visiting micro-penile rodent spots it!

14 Feb 02 - 06:41 AM (#649808)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Fibula Mattock

Yup, I have a picture of "Joan the Leather Queen" in full regalia. McGrath can be forgiven for his mysogynistic reading on the grounds that I won a copy of his CD in the raffle and his marmite song is wonderful! I'll get my arse in gear today and e-mail the photos to Pene Azul. They'll probably be lacking captions though as I'm in a rush getting things organised as I'm off to Germany for a week at 5.30am tomorrow.

14 Feb 02 - 07:14 AM (#649818)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

Fibula, should you come to Munich, give me a ring - I'll PM contact details to you!


14 Feb 02 - 09:06 AM (#649876)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Dave Bryant

Steve - now that you've drawn attention to my spelling mistake, I'll have to bait my mousetrap with something else !

14 Feb 02 - 09:12 AM (#649879)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Fibula Mattock

MudGuard - cheers for the offer but I don't think I'll be able to get outside Saarbrucken as I'll be working. Thanks anyway!

14 Feb 02 - 09:14 AM (#649880)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

Fibula, ok, have a safe journey, and don't work too hard!


14 Feb 02 - 09:48 AM (#649901)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Micca

Dave ,relax, I have pics and will get them available when I get a minute...

14 Feb 02 - 10:36 AM (#649928)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Zipster

Out of curiosity, is there somewhere on site that pics can be displayed/viewed?

Sorry I'm still relatively knew here, you understand.

14 Feb 02 - 10:49 AM (#649932)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Ella who is Sooze

yup, if you go to the previous thread, linked above - at least one uv us has put a link to their own photos.

Though usually if you go to the quick links bar (at top of the forum page), then select members photos and information; there is a load of photos there.

Right at the bottom of this list of photos, is a link to the various mudcat gatherings and such in the events photos sections...

From there it's jammed full of pictures to have a view of.



14 Feb 02 - 10:51 AM (#649933)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Mrs.Duck

Any pics sent to Pene Azul on the mudcat resources are usually on the site within a couple of days.

14 Feb 02 - 02:23 PM (#650105)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: McGrath of Harlow

Misogynistic reading indeed! Here it is in case anyone wants to decide - King Cormac on Women.

I suppose there is a just a wee tinge of criticism of women there. But I go by what a friend told me, and she said she thought it was "very empowering" and insisted on having a copy for herself.

Anyway I'm glad you won it, Fibula, and even more glad you liked it. When I heard about the unclaimed prizes I had a horrible feeling the CD might be one of them, the way you get bath salts left till last in a raffle where people are choosing their prizes.

(Mind, I was once in a raffle where that happened to a large bottle of Baileys - and I was the one who won the last prize and liberated it. It was a Muslim Community Group, which explains it.)

14 Feb 02 - 03:25 PM (#650153)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Herga Kitty


As I seem to be the only person who has claimed a raffle prize out of the remaining ones, do I get a choice of what to claim? and how/ where to claim it? And was the bottle of bubbly to go in the bath?


14 Feb 02 - 03:36 PM (#650165)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Liz the Squeak

Damn, if I'd been able to read this thread an hour ago, the bottle would have been on it's way to you via Manitas, a session, and Helen.... Bugger. Ah well, the bottle of non bath bubbly has your name on it. I thought you'd prefer the Bert Hansell CD, so there we go, shows how much I don't know about you still!


14 Feb 02 - 03:41 PM (#650168)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Liz the Squeak

And by the way, thanks who ever it was that sent the tin of truffles over, they were lovely, unfortunately, CRS has struck and I can't remember who sent them.... but I think I've had some before.....

Thanks too for Micca for not eating the bloody lot en route!


14 Feb 02 - 04:48 PM (#650224)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Herga Kitty

Liz - it depends on whether the bubbly is dry (in which case, wait for another Manitas / Helen link-up unless you're thinking of going to the Anchor Middle Bar reunion) or sweet, in which latter case it can go in someone's bath and I'll settle for the Hawick mint balls... or possibly the Bert Hansell CD.


14 Feb 02 - 04:48 PM (#650225)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Micca

Liz It was Mary SINSULL!!! 3 cheers for her!!!!!!!

14 Feb 02 - 05:13 PM (#650246)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: John MacKenzie

Also have pics of "Joan", will get them back on a CD on Monday. It is the first time that I've tried the CD route, so would appreciate advice from some nice person out there { Yes I know you're all nice!}, on how to go about uploading them and to where. Not to mention to whom. Once again may I say how nice it was to meet you all at the SSJ, I still never met everybody. Never mind; there's always next time. Twice a year we said didn't we?

14 Feb 02 - 09:20 PM (#650492)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Noreen


14 Feb 02 - 09:41 PM (#650510)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: McGrath of Harlow

Giok - well I stuck them on a website that I'd set up for other purposes (songs mostly), and if you've got one I could tell you how to use it for pics.

But if not, there are other methods, and other people can explain them.

15 Feb 02 - 02:38 AM (#650651)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Liz the Squeak

And when is the Middle Bar reunion??


15 Feb 02 - 03:43 AM (#650661)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: John MacKenzie

Stony Stratford Jamboree- Or in the case of Joan the leather Queen; Whip Jamboree, boom boom. Giok

15 Feb 02 - 04:00 AM (#650665)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: alanww

The Sidmouth Anchor Middle Bar reunion is next weekend, ie 22/24 Feb, Liz. But unfortunately I can't make it myself, as we have a Shellbacks practice weekend in Kidderminster which clashes. Have a great time if you go and say hello to everyone for me.

I like to rise when the sun she rises ... !

15 Feb 02 - 04:09 AM (#650667)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Ella who is Sooze

Hey... last year I tried to find some of the mudcatters in the middle bar at sidmouth... but didn't know who any of you were.

If I go this year will try to come along and say hello, now that I know who some of you lot are.


15 Feb 02 - 09:14 AM (#650754)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: JudeL

Liz : if you come to MBS reunion next weekend, Tony Day has negotiated a cheap rate at one of the local hotels. Also if you fancy carrying on celebrating after the pub shuts, Paul & I are having a party. Jude

15 Feb 02 - 09:24 AM (#650761)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Cllr

I will be there from thursday afternoon as I have access to a house down there. Anyone wants a coffee etc give me a pm and I wil send details.

15 Feb 02 - 03:08 PM (#650994)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Ferret

Bron Just got round to listening to the CD "Songs from Ashdale" that I won in the raffle. Brilliant! Bron. Just brilliant.

The 30 years of re-enactment that was the first time that I have ever herd a rendition of "Filthy Vikings" in key, and tune, and with close harmony's on Sunday in the pub. That made a pleasant change.

All the best ferret

15 Feb 02 - 03:53 PM (#651029)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Liz the Squeak

It's the first time I've ever sung it sober Ferret!!!

Better luck next time!


15 Feb 02 - 04:33 PM (#651057)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Ferret

Yes I know what you mean Liz.

All the best ferret

16 Feb 02 - 06:55 AM (#651431)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Llanfair

Thanks for that, Ferret. I was a bit worried that the person who had won it hated it!!!

A little praise goes a long way!!!!!! Yours will keep me going for days!!!

Cheers, Bron.

16 Feb 02 - 01:09 PM (#651572)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: lady penelope

I'm baaaaack!

Parker finally got the internet show on the road after a tale too sorry to be told.

Brilliant weekend, cheers Dai.

Thank the goddess that Micca is equiped with a multi-purpose 'boy scout' or else we may never have seen Bron after friday night ( the door handle came off in her hand after she had entered her room at the Bull, it's true ). As for the currently posted piccys. How many ways can I say "Does my bum look big in this?"? And how come I don't remember all them photies being took?

Cathy, I have a picture of a bloke called Bob sound asleep at the wareham wail ( 1st night!!), maybe you should see him about forming a society for the somnolently challenged?

I'm convinced that my instrumentalist path lies in the shadow of the KAZOO! I second the AIMKO idea and all who humm in her!!!!

Fib can't get "Glad I'm a gladiator" out of her head, I can't get "Though I'll dance around my snake I won't dance around yours" Morty's tour de force on friday night. I've even been caught singing it out loud at work (and they really think folk music is weird, never mind the belly dancing ).

I've decided I much prefer South Australia sung at that speed!

Hope to see you lot soon, Cheers!

TTFN M'Lady P.

16 Feb 02 - 01:26 PM (#651581)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Herga Kitty

M'Lady P

If it's the somnolent Bob I think it might be, he's a catter too.... PM me if you want to check.

Glad to hear you had a good time at SS.


16 Feb 02 - 02:15 PM (#651612)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Diva

You mean..its not just me?.....well that is a relief. Safety in numbers..lets invite him to the next one!!!!!


18 Feb 02 - 04:58 AM (#652523)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Ella who is Sooze

Dai... or anyone...

did anyone find a fleecy hat in the york house when they were leaving?

I have lost my favourite hat, and was wondering...

Oh, well. Just a stab in the dark.



18 Feb 02 - 05:11 AM (#652525)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: The_one_and_only_Dai

Sorry Ella - the only lost property I found was a stack of disposable plastic cups, a packet of tissues, and a green plastic pear...

18 Feb 02 - 05:32 AM (#652526)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Ella who is Sooze

Oh well, thanks for responding Dai... back to the outdoors shop to purchase me another one! Wouldn't mind but I'm walking in the Dales next week - and it was the best hat since sliced bread...

ho hum...



18 Feb 02 - 05:51 AM (#652529)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Ella who is Sooze


What a silly bird I am!

Found it (I knew it'd turn up as soon as I start to panic about it).

Twas in one of the many pockets of my work briefcase bag.

Silly Suzie.

Ta anyways (what a plonker)

18 Feb 02 - 07:30 AM (#652551)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Morticia

A green plastic pear?????

18 Feb 02 - 08:07 AM (#652562)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Micca

Morty, My Thought, exactly!!!!!!!!

18 Feb 02 - 08:12 AM (#652565)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: The_one_and_only_Dai

I've checked, it is definitely a green plastic pear, and NOT ANYTHING ELSE *cough*

18 Feb 02 - 08:41 AM (#652580)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Diva

Well if nobody claims it you could always put it in the next raffle.


18 Feb 02 - 10:25 AM (#652638)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: The_one_and_only_Dai

I was thinking of offering it to Mort, as she showed an unnatural interest in it.

18 Feb 02 - 04:04 PM (#652846)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Noreen

Did anyone claim the thermostatic radiator valve that was arrayed with the raffle prizes?

Just wondered...

18 Feb 02 - 04:10 PM (#652851)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Dead Horse

Talking of things turning up, just came accross kazoo in my holdall, minus the noisy bit that sticks in the top. Found that in the car. Might leave it that way;-) So it seems as if it didn't go wandering off, looking for action. Shame, I was hoping that would be the case. Sort of gives the little critters some sort of air of mystery.
Now only human fallibility remains.......
I got a hat that is covered in plastic pears and assorted fruits, a sort of tribute to Carmen Verandah, that I wear as Molly when I Hoodens, but I never took it to Boney Catford. Maybe THEM critters have magic?

18 Feb 02 - 04:44 PM (#652869)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Liz the Squeak

Er.... the green plastic pear is indeed a green plastic pear, and belongs to the bratling. Can we have it back please? PM me and I'll send you an address.....

Morty, it goes with the miniature plastic bananas and the red and white check picnic cloth.....


18 Feb 02 - 06:53 PM (#652972)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: vectis

Oh God!!!!!!!
Ever more perversity. Pears are sooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 Feb 02 - 07:15 PM (#652986)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Noreen

But bananas are very calming...

19 Feb 02 - 12:44 AM (#653171)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Liz the Squeak

Not in our office. When Monica finds someone has stolen one of her bananas (especially later in the week) she goes ballistic!!!


19 Feb 02 - 02:57 AM (#653210)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Dave Bryant

The plastic cups were the ones we got to serve the mulled wine in - keep them till the next time - they might be useful.

19 Feb 02 - 04:11 AM (#653223)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Ella who is Sooze

ahhh - the mystery of the plastic pear is solved.



Have subjected the little folk group near me to yet another blast on the kazoo - and I have turned another person into the ways of the kazoo. (eee VIL cackle)


19 Feb 02 - 09:27 AM (#653319)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: GUEST,Fibula in Saarbrucken

Dammit I knew I wanted that thermostatic radiator valve as a raffle prize, but no - I had to go and choose a CD with a song about marmite on it!

Greetings from not-so-sunny Germany by the way. I'm supposed to be doing some fiendishly complicated work, but I've sneaked a peek at the 'cat instead. I have a 10 hour return journey tomorrow. 10 hours, and I only live in Bristol!

19 Feb 02 - 09:44 AM (#653330)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Ella who is Sooze

Guten Tag Fibula.

Tis grey and not so sunny in Brissol too - so you are not missing a thing!

10 hours - sheesh, you could be on the way to somewhere exotic in that amount of time.

Have a good trip back (hem hem - 10 hours! gawd)

E x

19 Feb 02 - 01:35 PM (#653475)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

Fibula, what are you talking about? It was a nice and sunny day today, just like the last few days! At least in Munich!

Safe journey home!


19 Feb 02 - 01:45 PM (#653481)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, here's a picture of a Vertical Angle Thermostatic Radiator Valve, Fibula. It's the least I could do in the circumstances.

19 Feb 02 - 05:28 PM (#653613)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

More Stony Stratford Pictures available now.

19 Feb 02 - 05:37 PM (#653617)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: McGrath of Harlow

Thanks MudGuard. (That's Herga Kitty in the picture with me in part one.)

19 Feb 02 - 06:07 PM (#653635)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Herga Kitty

Yes, well I was wearing my Hello Kitty t-shirt as the second big clue (the first big clue was the Herga sweatshirt on top, but that had already been taken off before the photos were taken. Unfortunately the photo was also taken from the wrong direction/ angle). I can also confirm that Vectis? was indeed Vectis. And the question mark with Noreen in part 3 was Roger the Skiffler.

I'd been wondering about the green plastic pear, in case anyone had misread it as green plastic pair.


19 Feb 02 - 06:14 PM (#653640)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

Herga, sorry about forgetting the name - there were too many new people, and I am generally not very good at remembering names...

19 Feb 02 - 06:17 PM (#653642)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Herga Kitty

Oh, and now I see there's a thread going on pear-shaped tones.... colour unspecified

19 Feb 02 - 06:38 PM (#653651)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: lady penelope

Hehehehehehehe........"Call me Ishmail".......I like it! Good pictures Andreas ( apart from the one with me in, eeyuch, how much to make it go away? ) I like you captions.

Nurse.....fwut....I must have fwut.......

( Well it's been a long day for me...)

TTFN M'Lady P.

19 Feb 02 - 06:52 PM (#653665)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Herga Kitty


Don't worry - I only paid a flying visit, and I'm still overawed that anyone would commute from Munchen to Milton Keynes for a Mudcat weekend. Although it's a bit alarming to realise that your picture was taken just after I arrived and before we went off to the pub(s). It somehow looks later than that.....


19 Feb 02 - 07:01 PM (#653673)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Noreen

Kitty, who are you suggesting had a green plastic pair?

Andreas, Alan was showing Will his concertina, not a melodeon (aaaaargh!) Lovely picture. And you have captured the first and only photograph of me singing whilst accompanying myself on concertina. I shall have to print it out. Some good photos there, thank you! (Dai's younger son is Ned.)


20 Feb 02 - 03:19 AM (#653841)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

Noreen, sorry, I do not even know the differences between all these squeezebox-type instruments, I simply picked one of the names for these things...

Lady P, you could try and bribe Jeff...

At least I did not get people married like last time (yes, Trevor, I remember...)


20 Feb 02 - 03:29 AM (#653845)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: The_one_and_only_Dai

Great set of pictures, Andreas - thank you for taking the time to post these to pene.

FYI the 'unknown fiddler' in the lairy trousers is the great Ivor Sayer - songs sung, fiddles, guitars, melodeons and mandolins played, and acupuncture done ;-)

The guy in the red shirt next to me in the Crown is Tim Hague. Yes he is related, but we don't hold that against him.

Steve and Lindy at the Crown say 'Hi' and are looking forward to seeing you all again...

20 Feb 02 - 05:50 AM (#653867)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: alanww

Great pictures, MudGuard. Thanks. Look forward to seeing you again in Brussels.

"As I rose up at break of day all from beside my true love ..."

20 Feb 02 - 06:32 AM (#653875)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Trevor

Noreen, it could have been worse - Alan could have been showing Concertina his willy!


Yes Andreas, probably good job I didn't turn up and lay myself open to blackmail again!


20 Feb 02 - 07:25 AM (#653890)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Dave Bryant

Oh yes you did Andreas (in your crossword)!
Linda and I are very much an item, but we're not married, Linda's surname is SMITH not BRYANT.

Perhaps we should say "Any marriages performed by Captain Andreas are only valid for the duration of the meet-up".

20 Feb 02 - 09:03 AM (#653924)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

Don't know what you are on about, Dave. It says Ms Smith there (check for yourself at The Stony Stratford crossword)...

At least now after your hint.


PS: Sorry...

20 Feb 02 - 09:18 AM (#653938)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

Dave, one more thing: PM is answered! MudGuard

20 Feb 02 - 09:39 AM (#653964)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Dave Bryant

That's alright Andreas, we don't mind at all if people think we're married - I just couldn't let your statement go un-challenged. By the way she's still "Linda B" in the photo with me ! - but don't worry.

Linda's Mudcat name is now officially "Essex Girl". We have a lot of jokes about ladies from that county (but not many about the menfolk eg McGrath). For example: "What does an Essex Girl put behind her ears to attract men ?", answer "Her Ankles !"

Thank's for your PM, Andreas, If we are coming over (we should know in the next couple of days), we would love to take up your offer of accommodation.

20 Feb 02 - 01:00 PM (#654080)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: MudGuard

Looking forward to your visit! MudGuard

20 Feb 02 - 03:48 PM (#654147)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Dead Horse

Don't call me Ishmael. Call me when the pub opens!
P.S. I aint sending in a nearly nude piccy of myself playing TeeFer to no calenders, so there! (Not unless that object round my neck is used the same way as a certain TV advert would have us believe is the fashion with the natives).

20 Feb 02 - 04:24 PM (#654178)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: Cllr

Deadhorse. For that can we all be truly grateful.Cllr

20 Feb 02 - 07:24 PM (#654305)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: John Routledge

I know that I wasn't too well at Stoney Stratford but more seems to be happening after the event than happened during. :0) John

21 Feb 02 - 09:27 PM (#655007)
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
From: GUEST,jon a

Finally got my new computer sort of behaving itself, it's been a long time and it is great to get a chance to pop in to the 'cat! was also great to pop over to stoney stratford, even if it was only for a few hours. Thanks Dai, great job, great venue! Jon