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BS: Why did god make me fat?

14 Feb 02 - 03:36 PM (#650164)
Subject: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Seventeen Stone

Its not fair. Why did he make me this way. When I was growing up all I wanted was to be a wife and mother. It will never happen. People just feel sorry for me. They walk up to me and give me diet tips. My doctor wants to put me on diet pills. What is the reason? I am struggling here.

14 Feb 02 - 03:44 PM (#650170)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: wildlone

God in his wisdom made you as you are so there is more to go round.
dave[I likes em cuddly]

14 Feb 02 - 03:50 PM (#650175)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: MMario

you're still a good 4 stone lighter then I am

14 Feb 02 - 03:53 PM (#650176)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Mad4Mud

I imagine your doctor is concerned about your health and that is why he is suggesting diet pills. One of my dear friends at work weighs about what you weigh and is 5 ft. 3 in. She is on high-blood pressure medicine because of it and has more illnesses related to her weight than you can imagine. I would love to see her lose weight just so she will be healthier and possibly live longer and that's why I make sure we get out and walk everyday at work.
I'm not sure if you are saying you would like to lose weight or are upset because people aren't accepting of you at the weight you are.

14 Feb 02 - 04:02 PM (#650179)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Murph10566

Not to worry, '17' - To quote Spike Milligan, I'm damn near 'A Threat to Shipping'... Stay well, M.

14 Feb 02 - 04:13 PM (#650184)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Seventeen Stone


I can't lose weight, and I will never be able to make everyone accept me. I'm just moaning.


14 Feb 02 - 04:21 PM (#650189)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Bill D

*sigh*...there is no reason to it all. I was a skinny kid, my younger brother got ALL the weight. I still have my hair at 62, but am losing hearing and having cataracts in my eyes.

It's called being human...and the best way to be human is to do our best with what we have. Being fat was a survival characteristic at one time, ensuring storage of it is a problem for many.

You can work against it, or you can tolerate it...or you can ignore it, even when those around you don't want to.

I know one person who went thru the process of having their jaws wired shut for months to limit calories...and it did no lasting good.....and I knew another who just 'decided' to lose 50 lbs...and did.

I guess all the talk boils down to YOU, and whether you allow the situation to consume you...and no one can answer that for you.

I do wish you well and hope life is good when weight is subtracted from the equation. (hard to say that gently)

14 Feb 02 - 04:22 PM (#650191)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Desdemona

When I first saw the title of this thread, I swear I thought it was posted by my sister; it's a questions she often asks.

I'm not a doctor or anything remotely resembling one (I don't even play one on TV), but the best advice I can give you is to focus on taking good care of yourself, rather than weight & size per se. Eat foods that are good for you, exercise to a degree that feels okay (i really like to walk; a stroll with a friend is a nice opportunity to socialise as well), and think in terms of being good to YOU---you're worth it, you deserve it. Find ways to be nice to yourself that aren't about food---lovely perfume, a new book or bed linens, bath stuff.

If you think of yourself as someone who deserves to be treated well & act accordingly, I think you'll start feeling better, whatever your weight.


14 Feb 02 - 04:30 PM (#650200)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Hollowfox

Just curious, dear...why did you choose to pose this question on a folk music forum?

14 Feb 02 - 04:31 PM (#650201)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Clinton Hammond

What did Queen sing??

"Fat bottomed girls, they make the rockin' world go round!"

*big grin!*

Or off Garnet Rogers new CD...

"Well, I'm not one for fashion
I don't care about Gay Paree
Those sullen junkies on the runway
All look like hell to me
They pout, they pose, they curl their lips
They miss too many meals
With their implants and injections
Only God knows what is real
But you come downstiars so sweet tonight
You nearly knocked me flat
Where'd you get that little dress
Where'd you get that hat?"

love yerself...


14 Feb 02 - 04:35 PM (#650206)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Mad4Mud

Don't apologize '17'. I just didn't understand the intent of the post.
I have heard of people that for metabolistic (is that a word?) reasons have a lot of difficulty losing weight. Desdemona's advice is sound especially the walking part. Also if nothing else just drinking lots more water helps.
I hated walking when I first started exercising. It took me about two weeks to absolutely love it. It's my time to myself and I greatly value it.
You need to find something to do (like a hobby) that makes you feel good about yourself. Don't give up on yourself!

14 Feb 02 - 04:37 PM (#650208)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Seventeen Stone


Because I get more responses here faster than any other forum I've been to. People seem to genuinely care.

Is that a satisfactory answer?

14 Feb 02 - 04:40 PM (#650215)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Seventeen Stone


I've always thought you were more of a gentleman than you let on. I mean that in the nicest possible way. Thank you. :-)

14 Feb 02 - 04:40 PM (#650216)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Desdemona

It's an absolutely satisfactory answer; by & large the peopel in this community are kind, thoughtful & caring. Just because we get into the occasional passionate argument about the relative irresistibilty of William Shatner (MUST resist...) doesn't mean we're not nice people.

14 Feb 02 - 04:58 PM (#650228)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Hollowfox

Yes indeed, 17. Thanks for answering. I wish I had advice to add to the good stuff here, but walking and drinking water are excellent advice.

14 Feb 02 - 05:04 PM (#650231)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Herga Kitty

17 stone and Hollowfox

There is a song on this general theme:

16 stones and what do you get A whole lot of woman and that's a fact Take a good close look and what do you see There are no sharp corners on a woman like me.

Let him or her who is above or below criticism cast the first stone in either direction.

14 Feb 02 - 05:05 PM (#650234)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: SharonA

Hello, 17, and welcome. As Mad4Mud said, your doctor may have suggested a diet-pill regimen out of concern for your health and well-being. If you are interested in losing weight but reluctant to take pills, there are certainly other ways to go about reducing excess weight. But you are absolutely right to feel that those people who walk up to you and give you diet tips, without asking if you're interested or without even introducing themselves, are way out of line. Speaking as a very overweight person myself – okay, an obese person – I can tell you that some of those "flamers" of the 3D world are as difficult to ignore as website flamers! So, I sympathize.

I'm concerned about your wife-and-mother statement. Having excess weight, in and of itself, does not automatically mean that you'll never be a wife!!! There are men out there who are interested in a woman's inner beauty (and c'mon now, would you really want to date any man that wasn't interested in you as a person, no matter how little you might weigh??). Bear in mind, though, that a lighter body can mean more freedom of movement, and thus more enhanced pleasure, in those *ahem* intimate moments with a partner(!), so losing weight has the potential to make you "feel better" in more ways than you might think!

As for "never" becoming a mother: I've never been pregnant, so I don't know firsthand how excess weight can affect mother and fetus during pregnancy; perhaps some others here can elaborate. There are also several articles at on the subject. But even if you have a medical condition that makes it inadvisable for you to become pregnant (as I do – unrelated to my weight), don't forget that there are children out there waiting to be adopted into a loving home. So don't give up on motherhood too easily!

If it's your intent to lose weight, please do become aggressive in your search to find a plan that's right for you. Ask your doctor for options, ask other doctors for other options, find out if there's a medical cause for your present weight that a simple diet won't fix, search the internet for information. Then you can make an informed decision about your medical treatment and about swallowing that doctor's diet pill.

Also, please keep us posted about how you're doing! There are lots of people here, from around the world, who care. Life's good that way, even if it isn't fair.


14 Feb 02 - 05:07 PM (#650237)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JeZeBeL

I'm 21 and not the worlds slimmest person to say the least. I've just moved into a new house with a couple of other mudcats. We ain't really got much money at the moment so we don't each a balanced diet. we tend to live on pasta and cheese. Really not good for us. Catherine is a well built person too but she's about 6 foot tall. I remember when she used to be stick thin and looked very ill. She wasn't anorexic or bulemic either. I saw her again for the first time in 4 years a couple of months ago and she had put on weight, just as I have. She does exercise in a way as she works behind a bar in a very popular night club, but I have only just got a job, and I'm not really walking around a lot on the job. This can be a big problem in weightloss. Especially if you work in an office as you are sat down at a desk for most of the day. By the time you get home, you're knackered and really don't feel like doing you don't do any exercise..and the weight piles on. Also if you eat late at night you go to bed on a full stomach and so your body hasn't had chance to do anything about the food you've just put into it.

I don't let this get me down, and neither does cat. We're big and cuddly, but I'm bigger and cuddlier, and if people want to be with us they have to want to be with us for who we are. If someone likes me they'll take me for who I am on the inside aswell as the outside. I will admit that I want to loose some more weight though. I've lost 3 stone in the past year, and it's been difficult. I've started taking part in some sports that I used to do a while a go including swimming, cycling, walking, ice skating and canoeing. All I need now is the balanced diet to go with it and I'll be sorted.

I guess my advice is, don't let it get you down. If someone likes you, they like you for who you are. The cuddlier the better I say. We're great people. I'm not afraid to go out in a short skirt and top, as long as I feel confident in myself. I'm happy with me and that's the main thing.

Jez xxx

14 Feb 02 - 05:19 PM (#650251)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: SharonA

JeZeBeL says, "We're great people." Amen! Woo-hoo! You go, girl!

By the way, could someone please post the conversion formula from American pounds into "stone"? (Somehow, the term "pounds" sounds so much gentler than a word that's also a synonym for "rock"! *G*)


14 Feb 02 - 05:26 PM (#650262)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Mad4Mud

1 stone = 14lbs.

14 Feb 02 - 05:26 PM (#650264)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JeZeBeL

I hate stones aswell...makes me feel even bigger. I am proud to be who I am n I aint afraid to be myself. Thanks 4 agreeing SharonA we are great people. Others just don't give us the time of day and try to get to know us.

14 Feb 02 - 05:29 PM (#650266)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Mad4Mud

On a "lighter" note here's something to make us all feel better...Click here!
Enjoy...I know I did!!!

14 Feb 02 - 05:30 PM (#650268)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Cappuccino

You sound a thoroughly OK person to me; seems God did a pretty good job of that.

All the best - Ian B

14 Feb 02 - 05:32 PM (#650273)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Mrs.Duck

Married twice very happily - mother of five - wish I was still 17 stone but still have my health and the love of a good man! Its not what's on the outside but what's on the inside that makes you beautiful! God didn't make me fat - I suspect beer and chocolate were more culpable! By all means try to lose weight but don't expect your life to change drastically with the smaller waistline. You must learn to love yourself and then it will follow that others will do so!

14 Feb 02 - 05:35 PM (#650275)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: mack/misophist

Dear 17,
You're fat, as I am, because you had fat ancestors. There was a massive study done in Scandinavia in the 60's or 70's which determined that an overwhelming majority of obese people come from pesant stock - as I do. For a subsistance farmer this is a great benefit. When food is available, we pesants (sp?) put on weight very easily; during the harsh winter, the weight tends to stay, no matter how hard we work; then in the Spring, when ordinary people have no strength left for plowing or forraging, we still have fat reserves to draw on to do the necessary work. It may not be stylish but it's survival. A lot of the country men I've known prefer a solid woman. At the turn of the century, bulk was a sign of success. Hang on, some day the wheel will turn again. Some day the AMA may even read that Scandinavian study.

14 Feb 02 - 05:36 PM (#650277)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Seventeen Stone

Hmm, I miscalculated. I am only a bit over 15 stone. I am American myself, so I got the numbers off. To be honest, I think 'seventeen stone' sounds more poetic.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words. To answer SharonA, I don't think being overweight necessarily precludes me from wifehood and motherhood. In fact I think they're both overrated at times. But, I recall what I dreamt about as a girl, and I think of how my life is now and I get depressed sometimes. Add to that today is Valentine's Day, and you get the ugly boohooing you saw in my first post. It's not just about weight. The issues go much, much deeper.

Mad, what a cool link! I want to go to Pluto, AND Jupiter, just for the experience!

14 Feb 02 - 05:37 PM (#650278)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: CarolC

It is my belief that sometimes (certainly not all the time) when people have difficulty bringing their weight down to something they feel comfortable with, it's because of Bovine Growth Hormone and other hormones found in meat, dairy products, and eggs.

A few years ago I was finding it to be impossible to get down to the weight at which I feel the most comfortable. I eliminated these hormones from my diet as much as possible, and I lost the weight quite easily after that.

I know this is difficult to do, but in my case it involved eating only organic dairy products and eggs. I haven't eaten meat in decades, so that wasn't an issue for me. But it is possible in some places, to obtain organically grown meat that doesn't have these hormones in it. It looks to me like you are in a country other than the US, and I don't know what the situation is where you are with regard to organic food products. But it might be worth looking into if you're in a position to do so, and if you're interested in finding out if it will help.

14 Feb 02 - 05:39 PM (#650280)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: CarolC

Looks like we cross-posted. I now see that you are in the US.

14 Feb 02 - 05:40 PM (#650281)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Kim C

I guess the same reason he made me short, and my husband bald. :-)

It's hard to "make" people accept you, no matter who you are. If people won't accept you as yourself, then you're hanging with the wrong people.

One of my dearest friends is a queen-size lady, and has been that way as long as I've known her, which is going on 15 years. She makes an effort to eat good food, but doesn't really have any interest in decreasing her size. Nonetheless she is beautiful, and she loves life. I love her exactly like she is. And if one day she said, I'm going to lose 100 pounds, sure, I'd be behind her 100%. But I'm behind her 100% anyway, because she's my friend.

Only you can decide what you want to do. If you really don't like being 17 stone, then you're the only one who can do anything about it, but you have to want to. And if you don't want to right now, It's Okay!

Take some time to love yourself. Then you can decide what you want to do. Many blessings and good luck ------ KFC

14 Feb 02 - 05:58 PM (#650297)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Gary T

1 stone = 14 pounds = 6.36 kilograms

As to this: ...I will never be able to make everyone accept me., that's true for everyone to some degree. Sadly, large folks, especially women, seem to get more grief than understanding in most societies. We could do better.

14 Feb 02 - 05:58 PM (#650298)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: wysiwyg

There is new research that indicates an adenovirus, Ad36, may be a factor, especially when weight gain is sudden. In chickens it has been demonstrated clearly that it causes rapid and dramatic increase in the number of fat cells. In a study of human obesity, half of the subjects tested were found to have antibodies to Ad36, indicating exposure at some point in time. It is also possible that this viral link may be part of why people do not like to be around fat people-- it may actually be catching, and the aversion may be an instinctive response.

Another factor in metabolism is that most "diets" are not calculated with enough calories in them for big people. The diets put the body into starvation mode, and the metabolism acts to "save" the person by lowering itself. So then the person will not lose at the rate they expected, and may even gain. The body may also react by taking protein from the body's stores if not enough is eaten-- and this would be from muscle and even cardiac muscle.

Decreased muscle mass leaves the person exercising with insufficient power to exercise safely. This can easily result in chrononc tendonitis as the tendons try to do what the msucles can't do.

Increased muscle mass, on the other hand, burns more fat, runs the body's metabolism hotter and faster.

Underhydrated muscles are also vulnerable. The Tour de France people said that at a 20% decrease in hydration, the muscles can only work at 80% of capacity.

Water appears to play an important role in weight loss as well. People dieting and exercising without drinking eough water are not metabolising fat effectively.

Most docotrs are trained to asusume that big people are lying about what they eat. Thus they are unable from the get-go to spot what eating patterns may be at work, or to help-- except by hauling out the average desired weight charts and the standard 1200 or 1500 calorie food plans. Many obese people really only eat two meals a day, and can hardly stand the thought of breakfast. At one discussion forum where there is a program designed around all these realities, thread after thread asks, "How can I possibly eat this much FOOD?????"

I have a full set of bookmarks and I am ewilling to share them via PM. I may post them at the Annexe but right now I don't have time. You can learn all this with clever searching at Google. Of particular interest are the sites where you can calculate what amount of calories you are burning for your present weight, and also how to determine yor metabolic rate.

Exercising with extra weight is equivalent to a skinny person haluing that same amount of excess weight around while they play tennis. Consider sports medicine the more effective model for an attempt at a rigorous exercise plan. Dare your skinny friends to strap on the same percentage of excess weight you are carrying-- bags of kitty litter or horse feed are perfect-- and see if they can keep up with you, even to walk around the block.

I had my child at a weight over 200 pounds. I met and married my husband at about 215. I am bigger now (temporarily) and we still enjoy romance. He just brought me home a Valentine's Day card that talks about all the things that had to happen in the universe for us to find each other, tailor-made to be the perfect one for each other.

Pain is inevitable. Misery is optional.


14 Feb 02 - 06:01 PM (#650305)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: wysiwyg

And PS, if you want to know "Why did god make me fat?" then you have to ask God that and then listen for the answer.


14 Feb 02 - 06:14 PM (#650318)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Jolene

I have a full set of bookmarks and I am willing to share them via PM.

Please, I would appreciate it. Guess it's time to stop lurking, and join in the fun.

14 Feb 02 - 06:16 PM (#650320)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: wysiwyg

OK. Remind me if you do not get them by Monday-- it gets busy now for several days. PM me now so the message sits there and reminds me, OK?


14 Feb 02 - 06:17 PM (#650322)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Mad4Mud

Guess it's time to stop lurking, and join in the fun

Watch out SS, I think you just found your hobby! *BG*


14 Feb 02 - 06:17 PM (#650325)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: SharonA

Ms. Stone: Thanks for answering my post. I'm glad to see that I was under the wrong impression! (You'll notice, as you come across other posts of mine in the Forum, that I tend to take people very literally! To me, "never"=never-for-the-rest-of-eternity. *G* Sorry!)

Yeah, I remember having those dreams of marriage-and-motherhood as a girl, too... dreams we were encouraged by society to have! Recently, I watched a PBS special on TV about the Miss America pageant, and it included a clip of a pageant finalists during the 1960's, answering Bert Parks's interview questions by saying that they aspired to marry and have children and be good wives. One young woman was shown stating the opinion that women were wrong to expect to be paid at the same rate as men for the same work. Eek!

Well, that was then and this is now. And now (thank goodness) we no longer tell all the little girls of America that a career is a booby prize for failing to win a man!

Okay, so it's Valentine's Day and you don't have a husband (me neither!) (and yeah, I've got "issues", too!). So call up some relatives and/or some friends and tell them that you love 'em.. and, as Kim C says, don't forget to tell yourself while you're at it!

Have a good night,

14 Feb 02 - 06:23 PM (#650330)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Clinton Hammond

"more of a gentleman than you let on."

HEY!! That's SLANDER!!! I am NOT a gentleman!!

You take that back!! LOL!!

Yer ruining my bad reputation!



14 Feb 02 - 06:23 PM (#650331)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Jolene

Ok, how in the name of St. Valentine do you send a PM? Somebody help me out here? Please?

14 Feb 02 - 06:28 PM (#650332)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: MMario

sharon - I remember that particular interview - as seven women in my family boo-ed loud and long at the tv screen!

14 Feb 02 - 06:33 PM (#650338)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Jolene

Never mind, I figured it out. PM on its way, WYSIWYG.

So many responses, I can't respond to them all. I do appreciate the warmth shown, though.

Do I have to give my musical resume or anything, since this is after all a music forum? Just curious how these things are done.

14 Feb 02 - 06:43 PM (#650345)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: katlaughing

You can find a book, online, called Your Health Is In Your Hands. It will explain, in clear detail, why most of America is overweight AND, if you want to bring God into it, the author is a Christian, and includes many quotes from the Bible about eating a "live" diet of fruits, vegetables, seeds, legumes, and water. There is also a cookbook which is available. Once you read about what goes into most food production and the cost to our health and planet, you may find yourself choosing differnt foods.

BUT, it is also what goes on inside your head. It's about self-love, filling a need, eating for our emotions, literally "letting our emotions eat us" as in the long run the dis-eases it can cause will do so. A good acupuncturist can help you with these, as well as other wholistic practitioners who are good listeners as well as teachers.


14 Feb 02 - 06:48 PM (#650348)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: wysiwyg

I just learned a new trick with bookmarks. Oy!

Why did God make me a motormouse?



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14 Feb 02 - 06:49 PM (#650352)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?

I just had an intestinal complaint. I didn't eat for three days. I lost five pounds. That's less..lose weight..simple.

14 Feb 02 - 06:50 PM (#650354)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: SharonA

Ms. Stone: No, you're not required to give your musical resumé, but you're welcome to do so if you like! It would be nice to know about the types of music you like to listen to, sing and/or play so that, if someone has a question on a subject you're familiar with, that person can PM you. Also, if a thread is started on a musical subject we think you might enjoy chatting about, and you haven't posted to it, we can PM you to direct you to it in case you missed it!

So what floats your musical boat?

14 Feb 02 - 06:54 PM (#650358)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Jolene

So that's the key...repeating things three Dorothy.

I wish I were thin...

I wish I were thin...

I wish I were thin...

14 Feb 02 - 07:00 PM (#650360)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,

Don't let anyone tell you there is no such thing as a metabolic problem. That's really about all there is for many many people and it is a phase of diabetes. Do a google search under high insulin levels and Syndrome X, and then read Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution (on the internet) and try to get hold of Protein Power and the Swartzbien Principal at a bookstore. There is all sorts of research, done by major professors and doctors and major universities, that shows that many many people have the above mentioned tendency to put on weight because (a) their genetic heritage (b) their exercise level and (C) their consumption of carbohydrates (excluding green and some other vegetables and (d) consumption of trans fats. Most overweight people can take weight off fairly easily by following a Protein Power/Bernstein/Swartzbien type plan. The gist is to get your insulin levels down down down by cutting out unneccessary carbohydrates (bad white flour, sugar etc.) Eat butter, olive oil and walnut oil and perhaps flax oil (controversial) for oils..oh and coconut oil too. Eat all the meat (organic, grass fed if possible) you need. Eat all the green and salad and some other vegetables (books will tell you which to avoid) you can. Eat fruit in moderation and don't drink fruit juice. Get a glucose monitor and monitor your blood sugar. Get your insulin level tested (fasted). Thinking now is that the purpose of insulin is not to control blood sugar, but to put on fat for the winter, or for famine times. Drop the insulin levels, you will likely drop the fat, or at least not continue to gain, if that is a problem. Drink 8 or so cups of water a day. Consider that you very likely have a phase of diabetes but it might not be diagnosed for another 20 years or so. Catch it now. This is not medical advice so consult with everyone you can think of. Not diet advice either..just health advice that has not reached many doctors or nutritionists etc. but is in many medical journals and floods the popular press. (also, sprinkle cinnamon on some food each day. It is supposed to be very effective in cases of insulin resistance.) mg (p.s. I am struggling with this does work and I am not gaining weight but some people, and I am in this category as I get older, have to get carbs down to practically zero (not counting the vegetables) in order to shake off the weight.) It should be easier when you are younger. Also, be sure to get out in the sunshine each day and get as much fresh air as you can.

14 Feb 02 - 07:02 PM (#650362)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Dave Wynn

Guest, 17 Stone,

God made me 10st 7LBs until I was about 30 years old then He changed His mind and liked me at 16st. I thought about that for a while and found that while that was where He wanted me , it wasn't where I wanted to be.

So I decided that God would love me just as much even if I weighed less so I agreed a compromise with Him and with help and a liitle effort I worked my weight down to 14 St. I am happy and so I presume He is.

The moral. Do what makes you happy and if it takes a little effort He will help (and judging by the response to this thread so will Mudcat)

Spot (who as of this morning boasts 13st 11Lbs)

14 Feb 02 - 07:03 PM (#650363)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Clinton Hammond

Just make sure you don't mis-type and wish yourself tin!


14 Feb 02 - 07:05 PM (#650366)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Anahootz


Millions of skinny japanese can't be wrong.

14 Feb 02 - 07:06 PM (#650367)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST's not that complicated honestly. Eat less,do more,lose weight. Now,repeat after me....and then all that industry that makes money out of saying it's not your fault will have to find another fall guy.

14 Feb 02 - 07:15 PM (#650370)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Jolene

Actually, GUEST, you have your point. When I was in college, I was walking a few miles around campus all day. Also eating maybe 1000 calories a day. I did lose weight. I got stuck at 175, though. Then I pretty much stopped eating altogether, and still couldn't get under 175. After a couple months, I gave up. :-)

As far as music...I have played piano, violin, saxophone, accordion (egads), guitar. Only play piano well, though. My musical tastes are pretty eclectic. Love anything Celtic, Classical, bluesy, actually just about anything. Will thing about it some more and report back.

14 Feb 02 - 07:17 PM (#650374)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Jolene

Think. Will think about it some more.

Clinton, you've cursed me!

14 Feb 02 - 07:57 PM (#650411)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: wysiwyg

"Eat less" is NOT right for everyone. People have to find what works FOR THEMSELVES.




14 Feb 02 - 07:59 PM (#650415)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Clinton Hammond

Teach you to try and slander me, eh 17S!?!


14 Feb 02 - 08:06 PM (#650422)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: kendall

You know it's bad when you step on the scale, and the little note pops out, and it says "One at a time please."

14 Feb 02 - 08:11 PM (#650427)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JudeL

Early on in your posts you were indulging in a bout of self pitying nonsense viz big = unattractive . Please don't buy in to that media hype. Be what you chose to be. If you are happy with the size that you are, and it's not causing you health problems, don't let others brainwash you into feeling apologetic about it. The media may go gaga over skinny women but most men don't. If you FOR YOU want to lose weight then change your lifestle and do so, cos short term diets don't keep the weight off. Other than that accept yourself and most of the time you will find that others will too. Jude

14 Feb 02 - 08:40 PM (#650457)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Jolene

Thanks for the pep talk, JudeL. But it's not just the media that makes me feel apologetic. I wish it WAS just the media. When your family, friends, doctor, etc. are on the bandwagon...makes it hard to forget about the issue. ;-)

And Clinton, who slandered you? I gave you a compliment! Apparently that's all it took to bring down the wrath of the keyboard gods. Strange...


14 Feb 02 - 09:04 PM (#650479)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JudeL

If you have some ongoing health problem that you have not mentioned, where your weight endangers you then your doc has a point,and by all means ask him why he feels it's so important, but if everything else, blood pressure etc is fine, try suggesting to him that it's not conducive to your good mental health to be so negative. Family is family, they may be genuinely concerned (especially if you've told them that your doc is moaning at you) or it may just be that family always finds something to pick up on. Mine keep mentioning that my hair changed colour since the last time I visited. ( a different box when I shop gives them something to talk about) Friends - if all they see is your size and not who you are - are they worth it and is it time you found some new friends who appreciate you for who and what you really are. Size is an external thing and subject to change, it's who you are inside that counts.

14 Feb 02 - 09:23 PM (#650495)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: RichM

Happy Valentine's Day, Seventeen Stone. Lots of good advice here, but Desdemona hit it right on:

..." focus on taking good care of yourself, rather than weight & size per se. If you think of yourself as someone who deserves to be treated well & act accordingly, I think you'll start feeling better, whatever your weight."

Great Advice, and welcome to the 'Cat.

Rich McCarthy

14 Feb 02 - 11:20 PM (#650570)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: 53

God didn't make you fat, all those burgers and fries,did it. Eat a little less, and walk a little more ,or try Jarretts diet and eat at Subway.

14 Feb 02 - 11:24 PM (#650576)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Peg

If you merely eat less (or 'diet") your metabolism will slow down, making it harder to lose weight...then when you go back to eating "normally" you will put it on more quickly than before!

The ONLY way to lose wight is to add more exercise to your routine and eat as healthy a diet as you can. Adding lots of fresh fruits and vegetables insures you get your vitamins and fiber, and tends to fill you up and help the body to shed some toxins, too, plus keeps your skin looking healthy. But don't obsess about food; we need it to live and it should be pleasureable, too.

Good luck! I used to have no problem with my weight when I ran five miles a day...wish I could still do that...

14 Feb 02 - 11:27 PM (#650578)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: 53

I'm getting a pot belly, and it's because i stuff myself with cookies and i've quit my walking, but you can bet your bottom dollar i'm going to get off my ass and get back in shape.

15 Feb 02 - 12:21 AM (#650617)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Murray MacLeod

" I used to have no problem with my weight when I ran five miles a day...wish I could still do that..."

Yeah, I don't get chased so much these days either, Peg ....*G*


15 Feb 02 - 12:41 AM (#650625)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,

Here is a very good website that will contradict a lot of what you have heard over the years. She is an endocrinologist.

15 Feb 02 - 04:17 AM (#650669)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,p.mitchell@work

17, without wishing to be-little your concerns...

perhaps you are built for comfort, not for speed?

also, if God made you fat then it's possibly because god is a woman, and she knows that cuddley is ALWAYS better than boney. You just watch what happens come winter around here, all the large girls are snapped up by people who know the benefit of being with a larger woman.

Godd luck with it.


15 Feb 02 - 05:22 AM (#650684)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: kendall

cuddling with a skinny woman is like sleeping with a bicycle.

15 Feb 02 - 05:56 AM (#650688)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: gnu

Yup, you can pedal fast as hell, but it's nare a bit comfortable.

15 Feb 02 - 11:22 AM (#650855)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Gypsy

There is more to life than weight. If you feel healthy,and can do what you wish to do, i wouldn't worry a great deal. I am more concerned about your self image, or lack thereof. The current fad in the US about being so very thin is quite new,if you look at things historically. Miss America 1935 was something like 5'2", and weighed 140. Love yourself first, then worry about your appearance.

15 Feb 02 - 02:25 PM (#650970)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Clinton Hammond


If you knew me better you'd know that a compliment IS slander in my case....



"wrath of the keyboard gods"

Was that the one with Ricardo Montalban????

15 Feb 02 - 03:14 PM (#650999)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Ebbie

Frontline had a show on obesity last night. Unfortunately I turned it on too late to get most of it but it was very interesting, and if it comes around again I want to see the whole thing.

One woman who was on the show visits schools and in assembly shows slides detailing what she looked like from an VERY early age. As she said, she was put on her first diet at the age of 3 weeks. You can stake money on it that those kids in those schools are wiser - and one hopes, more empathic- than they were.


15 Feb 02 - 03:31 PM (#651010)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: katlaughing

Marilyn Monroe was a size 14. Twiggy is what started the Madison Ave. obsession with stickwimmin. The current lot of pop stars, like Britney Spears, just perpetuate the myth of thinness and do a great disservice to our children.

15 Feb 02 - 03:51 PM (#651026)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Jolene


I agree with you that everyone is being presented with body images that are difficult to achieve (if not impossible). But if I am being honest, my weight issues are not just genetic.

I grew up virtually indoors (by my own choice). I would have rather read a book than go outside and play. Part of it was I hated competitive sports, which was what most kids played. Fear of physical injury was a big part of it. Also ridicule. I wish there were ways for kids to be more active without being forced to endure that.

Another problem I've run into is healthy food is expensive. A ten pound bag of potatoes costs the same as two heads of lettuce.

Anyway, there's no one answer. Just feel sometimes that everyone judges me on this one issue, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy I guess.

Oh, and Clinton...I'm almost afraid to ask...WHY is a compliment slander to you? That's very odd. No offense. :-)

15 Feb 02 - 04:03 PM (#651031)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Liz the Squeak

Marilyn Munroe was a size 16 in British dress sizes (38 28 40ish.....), and was supposed to be the model for the curvy coke bottle (worlds' first copyrighted 3D image). Imagine how tall the bottle would have to be to get enough coke in if it were based on Twiggy..... And it would slide through your fingers....

I used to go to the gym twice a week, for an hour/two hours at a time, and put on 1/2 a stone!! Muscle weighs more than fatty tissue, so overweight isn't always unhealthy. As long as you keep moving and don't end up as a couch potato, things will be OK. There are hundreds of chubby chasers out there, mostly at bike shows (despite what they drape over the superbikes) and folk festivals.... get out there and go for it!! (leave me one please?)


15 Feb 02 - 05:59 PM (#651118)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Kim C

It is better to Eat Better than to just Eat Less. Talk to your doctor and a nutritionist to find out what will work for you. :-)

15 Feb 02 - 08:38 PM (#651214)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Melani

Several friends of mine have discovered that they are highly sensitive to carbohydrates. One actually describes herself as "allergic" to sugar, and must watch her diet extremely carefully to avoid it even as an ingredient. But before she did this, she weighed 60 lbs. more than she does now, and couldn't get it off. Another lost 100 lbs. in a year by cutting out all refined carbohydrates and going for a half-hour walk every day. She also lost her diabetes and high blood pressure. This may or may not have anything to do with you, but it's worth consideration. But the real thing is usually exercise--even walking can be enough.

15 Feb 02 - 09:41 PM (#651248)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Mudlark

Hi 17...Lots of good info...I've copied Wissywig's bookmark list myself. The one thing that hasn't been mentioned is clothing. Sounds like you might be on a tight budget, and a lot of large size cheap clothing is not exactly classy OR becoming. Finding nifty, not too conventional stuff can be done tho...even at KMart, Walmart and Target (US bigbox stores). Also keep your eye out for attactive clothing in men's and maternity departments (I've often thot the fashion industry feels "fat" women don't deserve beautiful fabrics, attractive clothes). If you like colorful clothing, there is an online store, web address Great stuff from Bali, mostly too expensive for me but also occasionally very good sale prices (and great attitude!). Land's End is also now carrying large sizes.

I know what you mean about sticking points. I've gained weight on 3-5 days fasts, trying to get below mine. I'm still fighting the good fight, without dramatic results I might add, and except for occasional bouts of self-loathing, manage to enjoy being myself most of the time.

Welcome to Mudcat. Thank god for music, where looks count for a lot less than sound!

PS...My sister is much heavier than I am, is married to a guy with eye-popping surfer good looks, and has 3 kids...all acquired while carrying her present weight.

15 Feb 02 - 10:21 PM (#651266)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,

for good quality clothing in larger sizes (as well as tall and petite and regular) try the Pendleton outlet in Washougal (or is it Camas?) Washington. You can get blazers..Pendleton wool blazers for sometimes $10, $20 etc...Their winter clothes are lovely, but summer usually is not so good. You can call them and ask them what they have on

15 Feb 02 - 11:45 PM (#651305)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

A number of well-known women tend to carry more pounds than is currently fashionable. Among these are Wynonna Judd, Mary Chapin-Carpenter and Linda Ronstadt. They sometimes get around it by being photographed with special lighting. You are not alone in being larger than what is currently fashionable. Linda Ronstadt even said in an interview something to the effect that she realizes she's not fat, she was just born in the wrong century, having viewed the paintings of Reubens. If you take a look at the women portrayed in art through the ages, you will see that thin was not the ideal throughout much (perhaps most) of history. More to follow...

16 Feb 02 - 04:02 AM (#651386)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Liz the Squeak

Here's a thing... my local 'department' store (Sainsbury's Savacentre - I don't care about libel cos it's true...) stocks a "larger range of sizes" going up to size 22, by the designer Jeff 'Clothes Show' Banks. BUT>>>> they only stock underwear going up to size 16! Finding a 40B or C bra is impossible!!! Finding size 22 knickers that don't look like something the Ringling Brothers would perform in is like the search for El Dorado! Finding SEXY 40+ bras and size 18+ knickers is an exercise in futility, yet there are lots of saucy little numbers with padding and uplift, extra support and enhancement for those with the proverbial fried eggs on an ironing board.... If you are a petite thing, there are bras that will squish your tits into a Grand Canyon type cleaveage, at the pull of a string, or the addition of a little H2O, but where are the ones for us with the ability to stick our nipples in our armpits? Why am I reduced to a lifetime of grey or flesh coloured Bridget Jones' when I might want to be flossing my arse with the rest of the crowd? Why do designers think that big women don't have sex? Or want to feel sexy? And if you do find an outlet (there are places - Evans and Ann Summers do a range for the larger lady), why do they think I have an income as large as my arse? It isn't THAT much more material..... and they must be less fiddly to sew.... and it isn't as if there's no market for them......

If I wanted a naughty weekend away with saucy lace underwear (and a man, duh!), I would actually have to spend more on the underwear than I would on the hotel room....


[And why does my washing machine eat my bra wires... and if I do get them back, why can I never find the hole they came out of.....?]

16 Feb 02 - 05:46 AM (#651412)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: lady penelope word.....EVANS. Not the greatest range of stuff, but for everyday shreddies it's not bad. If you want posh stuff, you want to go to 'Carol's' opposite the Whitechapel bit of the London Hospital on the Mile End road. If you go there, make an appointment and they do fittings and everything ( it's like going to Rigby & Peller but cheaper, but I wouldn't recommend just turning up on a saturday ). Sue Jolly got a very nice bra & knicker set in black lace for about £35 and she's a 34 F!.....I must get my arse down there some time!! : )

TTFN M'Lady P.

16 Feb 02 - 06:04 AM (#651416)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Maybe God likes fat people more.

16 Feb 02 - 08:19 AM (#651462)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Yvonne

I don't know if this will help but 15 years ago when I was 16 stone my Doctor told be to pick up my weighing scales throw them over the nearest hedge and get a life instead of worrying constantly about being fat!! I did and though by no means thin or slim --I am thinner and happier! I also have never weighed myself or allowed anyone else to weigh me since--just creates misery--feelings of panic and makes you eat!!Don't put pressure on yourself.If other people are not happy with how YOU look then they have a problem NOT you!

16 Feb 02 - 12:16 PM (#651539)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: lady penelope

I concur. The minute someone starts going on about weighing me, how much weight have I lost etc. etc. I wanna go out and eat a pound bar of galaxy. Mind you I react to all forms of nagging ( commercial as well ) by either doing the opposite or pretending the subject dosen't exist. Not the best reaction I'll admit, but I at least admit I do it and therefore work with it.

TTFN M'Lady P.

16 Feb 02 - 01:56 PM (#651594)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Clinton Hammond


Mary Chapin-Carpenter...........

Hubba hubba hubba


16 Feb 02 - 04:56 PM (#651709)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,BigDaddy

During the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, fat was where it was at. If you look at photos of the J. P. Morgans, Vanderbilts and such like, they all had ample poundage. This was considered the look of prosperity and tended to inspire trust. Thin people were suspect...must be laborers or crooks. Times and fashions change...the goddess was/is fat (ever seen a "Venus of Willendorf" figure?...go figure...). If it's hurting your health or slowing you down, take steps (lots of steps, like walking), if you can go about daily activities and climb stairs without getting winded, and all else is as it should be (blood pressure, heart rate, etc.), worry less and live more...

16 Feb 02 - 05:33 PM (#651728)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Clinton Hammond

People can climb stairs without getting winded??

Must be nice!


16 Feb 02 - 06:13 PM (#651752)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: artbrooks

Ah, of the reasons we all love you so much is your ability to share.....

Seventeen, why you are as you are is a point of deep philosophy, and you have obviously come to the right place for the answer. If you want to change, I'd suggest two things: (1) pick one type of food that isn't good for you (and there are LOTS of places that will tell you that) and cut down on it and (2) whatever kind of exercise you do now, do a little more...if none, do a little.

16 Feb 02 - 07:50 PM (#651802)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Liz the Squeak

Yeah, sorry Art, the nipples under the armpits was a bit too much information, but you see the point I'm making? Plenty of me to go round!!!


16 Feb 02 - 09:02 PM (#651833)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Liz-At least you havent got turkey shit in your ears!

17 Feb 02 - 05:14 AM (#651985)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Liz the Squeak

Go look at some Botticelli artwork. If that doesn't make you feel thin, nothing will! Even the old Venus de Milo has a belly on her.... Or Beryl Cook... her larger ladies are a scream! I'd do some links but I don't know how.... sorry!


17 Feb 02 - 07:26 AM (#652016)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JEM-Wales

Dear 17 stone

2 years ago I weighed in at 17.5 stone = 245 lbs or 11.5 kilos.

2 days ago I weighed in at 12 stone 2 lbs = 170 lbs or 76 kilos.

I started dieting because my docctor told me that my bloood pressure was stupidly high. It still is - without medication I am 180/140. With heavy medication and weight loss it is 132/90.

I put on weight because I was unhappy with my life. Bored, and sad. My husband still loved me but I had a dreadful self image of myself.

I have lost weight because I have found something that interests me more than food. (At least that is what I am hoping).

Bu I am still not totally happy.

My friends who were my friends whatever I weighed are still there, but I have discovered in the last two days that loss of weight is not always the Nirvana that we want. I would like to think that the weight loss is soley down to my self control, but it probably isn't. It could be down to Lymphona that I possibly have, or the viral condition that may have triggered it off.

So honey - be yourself - be happy with yourself - whatver your weight. God will do to you whatever he wants. What you do to your own mind is up to you.

Many men like tubby females and friends do not care whatever size you are. Be true to your self.

17 Feb 02 - 08:47 AM (#652032)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Desdemona

Liz---"I might want to be flossing my arse with the rest of the crowd?"---LOL!!!!

The note above re:cutting out carbohydrates, refined sugar, etc., bears looking into, 17. I've heard from a number of people I know that this approach is really efffective, and they were definitley not starving in the process; one woman I know lost 80 lbs this way, and is still eating meat, fish, veggies & fruits, cheese,normal (not those vile "fat free" things!)salad dressings, etc., just passing up the bread, pasta, potatoes & sweeties.

I'm tempted to give this approach a go as well ina n aeffort to get rid of what I've been unlovingly referring to as my "Christmas bonus". But again, the point is that it's a healthy approach that focusses on eating real foods that are good for you rather than simply restricting.

I think that what really makes "dieting" such a bad thing as a concept is that its purpose seems to be the punishment & deprivation of one's body, sort of as "discipline" for having "allowed" oneself to---horrors!---gain weight. If we were to shift our focus to being GOOD to ourselves, and doing/eating the sorts of things that would help our bodies & minds feel better, I imagine the weight loss industry might go right out of business.

It's worth bearing in mind that a lot of people are getting METAPHORICALLY fat off of making us feel like crap!

17 Feb 02 - 09:29 AM (#652048)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JudeL

LtS: For lingerie in a variety of colours that doesn't look like scaffolding for the forth bridge try La Senza (bit expensive but nice) or Woolies, who do some very pretty stuff in more generous sizes. They had some very pretty cornflower blue bras in a range of sizes the largest I noticed was 44F, with matching knickers also in a range of sizes. Have a look you may be surprised -I know I was.

17 Feb 02 - 09:32 AM (#652049)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Diva

I have done the dieting thing for most of my life...and it has taken me till recently to say..STUFF IT!!!!! Dieting makes me is too short to be miserable. If you have to cut back for health reasons then fair enough...speak to your doc. "Why did god make you fat?" same reason he made me look like Michelle Pfeiffer..only no one else can see the resemblance....but you never see the pair of us in the same you?? ***BG***


17 Feb 02 - 12:01 PM (#652120)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Liz the Squeak

Nor me and Sharon Stone, but that's a taste thing.....


17 Feb 02 - 01:27 PM (#652183)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Diva

Now you come to mention it Liz.... :-) Oh must look in La Senza but my local Woolies isn't big enough to stock bras (I used to work there)


17 Feb 02 - 02:13 PM (#652216)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Wyrd Sister

Jem from Wales - good luck with the diagnosis/prognosis. I have a friend who was diagnosed as having lymphoma 2 years ago, but is doing fine.

LtS - also Bravissimo, and Amplebosom. Both have websites and are a bit pricey, but VERY pretty. My advice is, go small on the back, HUGE in the cup and work backwards from there till you find a good fit. Aah, the comfort of not poking your eye out with rougue underwiring when you drop your chin to(wards) your chest!

17 Feb 02 - 02:34 PM (#652223)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: brid widder

I'm a perfect 10!! in fact I'm a perfect 10 twice over!

LTS...nipples in armpits!! I nearly wet myself!...but am going to give it a try...but whatever the price no one will ever catch me in dental floss knickers!

stop fretting can't get too much of a good woman.

17 Feb 02 - 02:56 PM (#652243)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: wysiwyg

To JEM-Wales and any other new/newish members I may have missed-- welcome to Mudcat!

Some of the newer members are introducing themselves and their musical interests over HERE.


17 Feb 02 - 05:11 PM (#652292)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Murrey

Hi 17

I can only wonder if how you think and feel about yourself sets the tone for how your family and friends react. If they are all truly worried about specific health concerns your weight may be causing -they do so because they care . However , if it's strictly about weight then it might be their reaction to what seems to be front and center in your life your weight .God did not make you fat but He did give us free choice only we can determine how we use it . I won the battle with smoking 5 years ago and am heavier that I have ever been and for reasons of my own choosing I am ready to deal with that now.My life is and has always been so full of wonderful people and things to do I sometimes wonder how to manage it all but never has my weight been an constant or uncormfortable subject with my family and friends.Only you can create the life you want and you can do that fat or thin or somewhere in between-there is only one you and YOU can choose .Just keep in mind that if there is no joy or satisfaction in you life now losing weight won't fix it.Find that spirit that lives in you and let it shine girl--celebrate the good things you are and people will celebrate you !


17 Feb 02 - 05:11 PM (#652294)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Murrey

Hi 17

I can only wonder if how you think and feel about yourself sets the tone for how your family and friends react. If they are all truly worried about specific health concerns your weight may be causing -they do so because they care . However , if it's strictly about weight then it might be their reaction to what seems to be front and center in your life your weight .God did not make you fat but He did give us free choice only we can determine how we use it . I won the battle with smoking 5 years ago and am heavier that I have ever been and for reasons of my own choosing I am ready to deal with that now.My life is and has always been so full of wonderful people and things to do I sometimes wonder how to manage it all but never has my weight been an constant or uncormfortable subject with my family and friends.Only you can create the life you want and you can do that fat or thin or somewhere in between-there is only one you and YOU can choose .Just keep in mind that if there is no joy or satisfaction in you life now losing weight won't fix it.Find that spirit that lives in you and let it shine girl--celebrate the good things you are and people will celebrate you !


17 Feb 02 - 06:31 PM (#652331)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Joe_F


Hell, you just go and check your art history book:
Old Titian and Rubens, they knew how girls should look.
Well, the whole world's gone skinny, and it's just a big mess.
I say, Down with the girdle, and I'll do the rest.

-- "Fat Girls", as sung by Tim Henderson

17 Feb 02 - 09:28 PM (#652416)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Gypsy

Marilyn a size fourteen! I LOVE you for printing that! Godesses unite! We wanna be curvy, not boney!

17 Feb 02 - 10:19 PM (#652435)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Peg

I played Marilyn Monroe in a Shakespeare play; had to wear a tight silver lame evening gown and wig and tiara; and sing like her too! Though I am not proportioned like her (she had longer legs, though she was no taller than me) a lot of people said our bodies looked quite similar; go figure! I DID have to wear a weird undergarment thing to get that hourglass look...

She was always put into dance numbers with very short men who were well-proportioned (long-legged) like she was, so to TV and film watchers she looked quite tall and shapely; but she was actualy short and somewhat "chubby" by today's standards...

18 Feb 02 - 03:24 AM (#652513)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JudeL

I don't mean to be picky but how did Marilyn Monroe get into a Shakespear play?

18 Feb 02 - 05:48 AM (#652528)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Steve Parkes

I really can't believe that telling someone who feels bad about her size that big girls are more sexy is going to cheer her up; not only does she have an image problem, now she's attracting wierdos! Big girls are sexy, but you wouldn't be impressed if I told you "not to worry your pretty little head about it, my dear", I think. 17, you're OK (you must be, you're a Mudcatter!), but if you want to change the way you see yourself, that's OK too--you can change the way you look and at the same time change the way you perceive yourself, and when the two meet each other, you'll be perfect. (Am I still being patronising? I'll go and lie down for a bit.)


18 Feb 02 - 06:48 AM (#652542)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Steve Parkes

Hilary Spencer once told me God had given her chubby legs to stop her being cocky; I never had the nerve to ask her if it had worked ...

18 Feb 02 - 08:29 AM (#652573)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JudeL

Steve: If we were to tell 17 "not to worry her pretty little head" about her size that would indeed be patronising - but having read through the posts the general consensus appears to be that being big of itself does not mean unattractive, and losing weight does not automatically mean happiness (whatever the media would have you believe). Self image is a lot more complicated than body size and shape and to pretend anything else is is one of the biggest con-jobs the fashion industry has ever perpetrated. NOT trying to flame - just giving my honest opinion for what it's worth.

18 Feb 02 - 08:39 AM (#652577)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: John Gray

Fat people are happy people. You must be joking. Let's get a bit of frankness happening here.
1. Ever tried to sit for two hours in an economy-air seat at 15 stone plus? Sheer torture. 3. Just imagine the degree of difficulty that the surgeon confronts when operating. How many scalpels go blunt?
Several years ago I gave up smoking. Yeah, I started to put on weight but thought, one challenge at a time, right? Then one day, with toileet paper in hand, I found it difficult to reach the target area. I then realised that, as I was getting wider around the torso, my arms weren't growing any longer. If this trend continued I wouldn't be able to wipe my bum. It scared the shit out of me, so to speak. I quickly lost some weight so it wasn't a problem.
Some years ago at another job a fat lady had her employment terminated because of her terrible body odour. She suffered from the same short arm syndrome and tried to mask the smell by drenching herself in cheap perfume. The combination left us gagging.
So, fat people who can't reach their own bums happy - yeah, ecstatic.


18 Feb 02 - 09:13 AM (#652596)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: John Gray

I omitted 2. from above ; for fat people it's almost impossible to have sex. And absolutely impossible to have good sex.

18 Feb 02 - 09:14 AM (#652597)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Steve Parkes

JudeL: yes, I think that was what I was trying to say! It's not always easy to avoid being misunderstood when writing--there aren't the nuances and inflexions that speech has. I can usually take people as they are; if I can't then it's my problem and not theirs. I understand that big people can have other, simply physical, problems like those you describe, John.


18 Feb 02 - 09:55 AM (#652620)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Diva

"Absolutely impossible to have good sex" REALLY!!!!!! By no stretch of the imagination could I ever be classed as thin but I have to say I have not missed out on good sex..well apart from when I was married but that is another story!!!!!


18 Feb 02 - 10:04 AM (#652622)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Celtic Soul, sans cookies.

I apologise if what I say here is a repeat. I thought I must have been about done with reading and looked at the scroll bar, only to find that I was not even half way.

In any case, there's a lot of good advice here, but some things I did not read in the first 1/3 of the postings:

Weight is an issue in the world at large...the world that applauds women such as Kate Moss over those like Mother Theresa. But it will be much less of an issue when it is not an issue *for you*. Some of the most vivacious, well liked, and charismatic people I have ever known have been *very* overweight. There was a woman who used to perform one of the same venues as I who was part of 2 different bawdy singing groups. She had the time of her life playing a seductress, and very few people ever had issue with the fact that she was Queen sized. Those that did, she would say; "**They're** the ones with the problem, not me". I have another friend who is more than 6 foot, and clearly greater than 300Lbs (likely close to 400). He is one of the most well liked men I have ever known, and attracts women to him like bees to honey.

I have also personally come to the conclusion that, whatever I do where my appearance is concerned, has to be for me, not for the world at large. I joined a gym recently, not to make it to a certain size, but so I can feel better. If I start sleeping better, and not feeling as wonky mentally, that will be enough for me even if I lose not one inch to my size.

In the end, you'll have to find what works for you. It's not an easy road, what with all the media attention to the very thin. The world does judge womens worth on their beauty first and accomplishments second. But if your self worth is not tied to the worlds judgments, you *can* be happy.

Self assurance, self love, peace and joy are more attractive to the right people, and sometimes, can even win over those who are so obsessed with whatever the media is pumping out as the "ideal" that year.

I wish you joy, no matter the circumstances.

18 Feb 02 - 10:28 AM (#652641)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?

LTS - Silhouettes on line has reasonably priced Plus Sizes including bras and panties. I don't know if they ship overseas but I could forward anything you like on to you.
Big At has the greatest T-shirts for men and women starting at 3X. A little pricy for cotton tees but they go up to 12X and have quite a selection.
I have been working on losing some weight for health reasons. My doctor had me eliminate carbohydrates - no potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, cake, cookies, etc. and no Pepsi (my downfall). Everything else is virtually unlimited. When I stick to it, I average a 2 lb/week weight loss with no hunger pangs. I can have whole grains such as oatmeal. And there are some flour free breads on the market - very dense. Will I be able to go through life without ever again eating a potato chip? No. But at least I can control my weight to keep my cholesterol down. Interesting note: my cholesterol dropped 33 points in two months on this diet although I did not limit eggs, cheese, red meat, etc. Damned if I understand the science but it works.

18 Feb 02 - 10:31 AM (#652642)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?

Guest Seventeen: As an atheist, I can't blame god for my weight problem. I choose to take it out on Frito-Lay, Entenmann's, Hostess, Pepsi, and all those other purveyors of nutrition-free junk food. Nad my genes. I already feel responsible for half the world's problems, I am not about to take responsibilty for my big butt.

18 Feb 02 - 10:41 AM (#652648)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Little Hawk

Look, God didn't do it, okay? God just provided the means and the mechanisms for your soul to do exactly what it wanted to do, and for its own particular reasons. Now your conscious mind doesn't like what your soul did, so take it up with your soul. If you succeed in actually establishing communication, the answer might surprise you, and you might even lose weight...or you might decide to be happy the way you are. :-)

- LH

18 Feb 02 - 05:11 PM (#652889)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Liz the Squeak

"for fat people it's almost impossible to have sex. And absolutely impossible to have good sex."

Either you ain't getting out enough, or you ain't staying in with the right people!!!

There is such a thing as bad sex, but it is never impossible to have good sex. You just have to be a little more imaginative with your positioning. Even a skinny bod lying on top of you can hurt.... so experiment a little with X and Y formations and furniture supports..... go for it!!! And remember good sex doesn't have to be penatrative at all! Good sex isn't seeing who comes first or loudest, but who can give the most pleasure to the other. Good sex is about making your partner feel wanted and desired, and about feeling good and safe with each other.

The major hurdle to "fat sex" is trusting each other enough to take your clothes off. Once you have got over that, anything is possible. And presumably if you want to have sex with this person, you trust them. Go looking for a friend first, one who loves you and trusts you for what you are now, not who you could be, or who they think you ought to be. If you are embarassed, have the lighting low or stay under the sheets (that's sheets, not duvet and 6 blankets!). If you really don't want to be seen naked, get some seductive undies/night wear that can be 'worked around'. Even just 'going commando' can be naughty enough..... Lying down on your back whilst semi clothed can make your belly seem flatter, but the support is still there so you don't get the 'nipples in the armpits' scenario.... wear something silky or velvety that's nice to stroke and they might not even want to take it off....

Of course, this is from the female point of view... I can't presume to speak from the male point..... fat or otherwise....


18 Feb 02 - 05:27 PM (#652901)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JudeL

John, I'm sorry to hear that when you put on weight it affected your sex life but I guess it all depends on how flexible and imaginative you are in the first place. For an alternative view on skinny women please read kendall's post on 15th at 5.22 am.

18 Feb 02 - 06:18 PM (#652944)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Mad4Mud

What I want to know is how does Kendall know what it feels like to sleep with a bicycle? ;-)

18 Feb 02 - 06:48 PM (#652963)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: vectis

You're not overweight. You're probably just a bit on the short side for your mass.

18 Feb 02 - 08:56 PM (#653073)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,petr

well my 2cents, I lived in Japan for a year, and when I arrived I weighed approx 225. Although I would have preferred to be lighter, I didnt diet, or try to lose weight, but I ended up having to walk (briskly to work) 45 min to an hour each day. I ate as much as I wanted, although Ido have to say the Japanese diet is healthier in some ways, more vegetables & seafood, less meat, smaller portions in general. On the other it can be salty, and high in preservatives. Anyway I started losing weight within the first couple of months, without even being aware of it, and by the time I came back to Canada, i was 185. (of course I no longer did as much walking, as the transit system is useless here and unless I want to spend 2 1/2 hours going to work, I drive) so gradually over the years Ive gained it all back and then some. (the food here doesnt help either)

the point is do not underestimate the effectiveness of walking, one doesnt have to do strenuous exercise to lose weight. It is a matter of getting into the habit.

Anyway, now that Im in a very happy relationship I no longer think about my weight, although I do focus on being active and healthy. Last summer I went on a hike almost every weekend and ran 2x a week, and really noticed the difference. I plan to make it a habit of going out and walking everyday.

one person above mentioned a Scandinavian study on the evolutionary advantage of fat storage. There was a similar study in the 90s on Pima indians in the US Southwest, who had extremely high incidence of diabetes 60% and other obesity related diseases. The highest in the country. IT turns out that they do have genes that help them store fat easily, which is a great survival technique. Store fat at times of plenty and use it when there is not enough. However in modern times that is a curse especially given the north american diet. Oddly enough, across border in MExico is another remnant of the same tribes that went south centuries ago, and yet there are no obesity problems at all. The differences are that the people are active, (working on the farm etc) and they eat a different diet, (low fat, hi fibre, etc).

the only other thing I would say is that whenever you are feeling down for some reason or other, think about the number of times a male ejaculates in his life and that in every ejaculation there are millions of sperm. (with probably no woman in sight half the time, much less an egg ready to be fertilized) And consider that of all those countless possibilities.. you made it!

19 Feb 02 - 07:08 AM (#653256)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: John Gray

My sex life started at 14 and it has certainly not been inhibited. Generally it has been great fun.
My sailor mates sold me to the girls of a Hong Kong bar when I was 16. And it was me at 17 who grabbed the hat full of money, and 22 stone Sheree, and high-tailed it out of the Blue Mirror bar on the Boston waterfront in 1965.
The experiences I've had have been wonderful and hopefully will continue. I didn't say sex between fat people was impossible, I said great sex was impossible. And I think I've got enough research behind me to add veracity to the view.


19 Feb 02 - 08:56 AM (#653297)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: wysiwyg

Guess we must be having us a miracle then. *G*

And we are blessed so OFTEN!


19 Feb 02 - 11:04 AM (#653379)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JudeL

I didn't say you were inhibited or that sex between fat people was merely possible. Sex can be great or it can be awful or anything in between no matter how fat or thin you or your partner is. You are not the only one who's been a variety of sizes, and I repeat the difference between good and great does not depend on whether your figure has more in common with Ruben's models or those of Lowrie it has far more to do with attitude both towards yourself and your partner. Jude

19 Feb 02 - 06:04 PM (#653631)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Liz the Squeak

"for fat people it's almost impossible to have sex. And absolutely impossible to have good sex."

Like I said, you are not staying in with the right people!


19 Feb 02 - 06:49 PM (#653664)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: 53

I think that my diet is full of shit, and that i'm going to join the wagon full of fat people and have fun, the hell with the diet, if i kick out out early then so be it.

19 Feb 02 - 06:54 PM (#653667)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Desdemona

I think our society's general view of what constitutes "fat" is pretty broad; it seems to me, as a woman, that anything more than actively THIN is now considered "fat". Hard to know what the truth is when talking about relative sizes of humans! I guess the intelligent outlook is to ask yourself if you're able to do the things you want to, that you need to, and that make you feel good, at your current weight & size. If the answer to those questions is "yes", and your health is good, then I guess you're all right. Barring major health-related issues that could impact on whether you're around to raise your kids, look after those you love, etc., the rest is pretty much a matter of aesthetics, and I can say from personal experience that Madison Avenue's been allowed to fuck around with waaaaaay too long already!

19 Feb 02 - 07:28 PM (#653689)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Herga Kitty

Everyone is entitled to their personal view about women's underwear. But the purveyors of same ought to cater adequately for different sizes and shapes. And they ought to realise that feeling good about how you look starts with your foundation garments. LtS, you might think that you have problems, but being a 32H /30HH in London really limits your choices to Selfridges, Rigby & Peller and DH Evans.

19 Feb 02 - 09:06 PM (#653734)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Art Thieme

Luck of the genetic draw made me fat so I'd float when the 747 goes down in the polluted brine called an ocean when it happens. I would be at least 105 years old then --- and travelling to get a Lifetime Achievement Award for never having had any other musician on any of my recordings except me and my guitar and/or banjo and/or jews harp --- from the Intergallactic Folk Alliance convention held on Venus that particular February.

Art Thieme

19 Feb 02 - 09:14 PM (#653738)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Bert

Every overweight woman should be checked for PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome). Many times this goes undiagnosed and dieting WON'T cure it.

19 Feb 02 - 09:25 PM (#653742)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,

Bert, why do you say dieting won't cure it. I have stumbled across their websites, and it seems to me that some do extremely well on a low-carb, insulin reducing diet...maybe cure is not the right word..but many go on to have is a factor in many cases of infertility... everyone, please do a web search if you are interested in health issues on high insulin seems to be the common factor behind so many can get your levels checked...and compare them to your blood sugar levels..blood sugar levels on their own are not as

20 Feb 02 - 02:18 AM (#653825)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Bert

You're right MG. A low carb diet will help. I was thinking about fad diets and starvation diets. A low carb diet doesn't mean eating less food, it means cutting down on carbohydrates. You can still eat until you are full, which is not what most people think of as a diet.

20 Feb 02 - 03:21 AM (#653842)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: technission

I saw a tee-shirt in a catalog years back that told it straight: "I came into this world fat and bald, and I'm going to leave it the same way!"

There wouldn't be so many blues songs lauding the larger ladies if they were really undesireable. 8>)#

20 Feb 02 - 05:00 AM (#653861)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Alio

Hi Seventeen Stone. I've just come into this discussion. It's great to see all the support for you. I was your weight (or more!) last September, and decided that for heaalth (and vanity!) reasons I needed to do something about it. What I found though is that I had to make that decision - it didn't make any difference what anyone else said ( in fact, at times it just made me ***** mad!!) I joined Weight Watchers, and so far I've lost just over 2 1/2/ stone. One tip I can give you if you decide you're going to lose weight is never to deny yourself anything, as if you do, you'll give up. If I'm eating the same meal as the rest of the family I just put mine on a smaller plate, and that way I'm not missing out.If we go out for a drink - I'm very partial to wine or Jamieson's! - I start off with diet cokes early on, and then move on to the alcohol later. You sound much more together than I was, and I have to admit that I'm now feeling much better about myself. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Ali

20 Feb 02 - 12:31 PM (#654060)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,AnnA

This is so true. Having spent years in the 'fat' category till finally I can stand it no longer. Getting the communication working and 'listening' to your inner self is the way to go. 'The real me' the one that has been in hiding all this time - is about to reveal herself. Unless you are content with yourself being overweight - the formula is quite simple - eat less and exercise more. Nothing to be frightened about - embrace it - have fun - open up a whole new world for yourself. Go for it.

20 Feb 02 - 04:50 PM (#654200)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Melani

Hey, 53, I have to say I think it's a lousy idea to just eat whatever junk you want and be "fat and happy." My mother made that decision about 25 years ago, and gained about 100 lbs. She is now almost totally disabled by weight-related medical conditions. I think a better idea is to splurge on whatever you want occasionally, but mostly try to eat good stuff, and not more of it than you need.

20 Feb 02 - 06:26 PM (#654256)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Naemanson

I haven't read all 136 posts. Did you ever get an answer? Can we apply your answer to a broad spectrum of huamnity (i.e., including me)?

20 Feb 02 - 06:29 PM (#654257)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: wysiwyg

Nae, read my posts, see links.


20 Feb 02 - 09:47 PM (#654378)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: CarolC

Re: the skinny bashing that seems to be a significant part of this thread...

People with genuinely healthy self-esteem don't feel a need to put others down, regardless of weight or any other considerations about appearances. So it looks to me like the heavier people who are putting skinny or thin people down maybe aren't quite as at ease with their apprearance as they are suggesting here on this thread.

And this statement...

My sister is much heavier than I am, is married to a guy with eye-popping surfer good looks

...suggests to me that appearances are a lot more important to some of the people on this thread than they are willing to admit.

And saying that skinny women are like bicycles is no less cruel than saying that heavy women are cows. This seems like quite a double standard to me.

20 Feb 02 - 10:22 PM (#654388)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Naemanson

Like I said, I didn't read the posts. If I'd known this was a bashing thread I would have avoided it like the plague, or a young Republican club meeting. They're about the same thing.

Oops, was that bashing? Sorry. I won't let it happen again.

Also, WYSIWYG, I don't think I'll read through this. I have little enough time these days to read anything that might upset my happy little world. In my world everyone is happy and smiles a lot. Or maybe that's my new perception.

Carol, non iligitimi corborundum. You have a lovely body and if I weren't so far away (and committed to another) I would pay court to you in a heartbeat because you have a pretty good personality and mind to go with that lovely body. Just remember the fable of the sour grapes.

20 Feb 02 - 10:29 PM (#654390)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: CarolC

Hi Brett. I hope you didn't think any part of my post was aimed at you, because it wasn't. I don't think I've ever heard or seen you engage in any sort of bashing behavior whatever.

Thanks for the kind words. And I think you're quite a fine looking fellow yourself. Rebecca is a very lucky woman.

20 Feb 02 - 10:49 PM (#654399)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Jolene

I'd like to put this thread to rest. To be honest, I'm a bit embarrassed about it now. I typed out the first post in a moment of internal chaos that I would much rather forget! :-)

Thanks for every post on this thread, positive, negative, and in between.

I am of the opinion that all input is valuable. Just because I don't like the response, doesn't mean I can't learn a great deal from it.

If anyone would like to give me further advice or criticism, I'd be happy to accept it via PM.

21 Feb 02 - 05:35 AM (#654509)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: JudeL

Carol C: Just for the record this thread was not "skinny bashing" if you read it all you would see that most of the posts were encouraging 17 to be what she and she alone choses to be, and to be happy with it. If that's, as one person put it "actively" thin, then this is going to take not just a diet, but a change of lifestyle, which she may or may not want to do. The bicycle comment was a joking (or so I believe) reaction to someone (male) suggesting that big was unattractive). The only truly nasty and prejudiced comment came from John Grey on 18th feb @8.39 (who I think must have shares in slimfast or something similar). As someone else pointed out just because you're big does not mean you eat lots or even eat the wrong sort of things. Some of us as someone pointed out have underlying reasons why we stay big even on a healthy diet.

Finally 17, it's your life, it's your body, it's your choice, do what will make you happiest. Jude

21 Feb 02 - 03:45 PM (#654819)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: CarolC

Hi JudeL. I agree that this thread is not entirely or even mostly about skinny bashing. But I disagree with your assessment that it's not a significant part of the thread. But that's ok, because we're all entitled to our own opinions.

25 Aug 03 - 03:09 PM (#1007893)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,becky

god made you that way so you wil actually find a husband with a heart instead of a jerk and he will appreciate and love you for who you are and not what your appearance is. everyone is BEAUTIFUL in their own way.

25 Aug 03 - 04:09 PM (#1007916)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: skarpi

Halló 17, I have a question, have been fat all your live? If not
do you have some proplems with your feelings?are you eating to foreget and feeling better? do not panic I was fat but I got over
it . I lost 52kg in two years it was hard but I did it and I am still working on my body my motto is " fit for live " I can do it so can you , but answear those questions first you should try to find out why you are eating so much ( if thats the proplem )
I´ll be back for those answears .
All the best Skarpi Iceland.

25 Aug 03 - 06:23 PM (#1007987)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Chubs

I am fat. Please don't say " don't say that!" because I AM fat. I don't mind the word. I appreciate the beauty in people whether they are fat or thin, and I am ok with calling myself fat.

I am also starting to notice birthdays, and to be honest I think ageing is worth than being fat. It also makes my fat go a bit lumpy, which I don't like.

Anyway, I have always regarded myself as attractive, and have never had any probs getting guys. Now the age thing has got me thinking so I have started to lose weight. I am eating loads, but I got myself a good book and I am making sure it's all healthy. Loads of fruit, veg & fish. The most difficult thing is being organised enough to buy all the right foods and plan how I am going to combine them. Loads of herbal teas really fill me up too.

I felt better immediately. I have more energy and I am not bloated, which made me look better straight away. That spurns you on. I may be wrong, but I feel I have changed my way of eating. The weight is coming off and everything feels so much better.

I don't think God made anybody fat. I think our figures are pretty much a result of our modern day lifestyles....the figures we see walking about didn't exist 50 years ago. Some people look great; I mean it can give you great boobs ! But I had had enough and after a few days reading up & getting organised I can honestly say I felt better as soon as I had ny first HUGE plate of fruit. Yum YUm !

25 Aug 03 - 07:49 PM (#1008020)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: skarpi

Way to go, and don´t give up you are gonna have some hard days
I´ve been there but what does the book says one special day every
week ( saturday ) maybe you have to have special day once a week or you blow, first 18 month I did not and there was no proplem
but my body was screaming for suger and stuff , I took everything
away .
I am proud for you go on girl.
All the best Skarpi Iceland.

25 Aug 03 - 08:16 PM (#1008031)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: TheBigPinkLad

To get to the other side.

26 Aug 03 - 12:51 AM (#1008144)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: LadyJean

I look like my great grandmother. She was not what you'd call slender. Neither was her father. The family home was a station on the underground railroad. Her father risked his life to help slaves become free. Great grandmother carried food to the slaves, and helped her father. People figured that a little girl was less likely to be suspected.
She went on to become the first college graduate in my father's family. If I have to look like an ugly relative, I'm glad it was her.
The diet industry doesn't want you to get thin. They want you to diet. They want you to obsess over food, and spend a small fortune on diet cookies, and health club memberships. They want you to binge eat. Some diet gurus even reccomend it. Get a new doctor. Dump the diet industry.

26 Aug 03 - 02:29 PM (#1008496)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Chubs

Lady Jean,

Could you promise me you will never call your grandmother ugly again ?

No people are ugly ! Your grandmother must have been a wonderful person.

You can still call me fat though !
Thanks !

26 Aug 03 - 04:42 PM (#1008558)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Ribkie

Not meaning to cause any more hurt guest, however your genes from your mother and father most probably contributed to making you fat or overweight. This idea that god makes us this and that, causes conflict, provides miracles etc., is not very scientific. The inability of your body's system/metabolism to burn fat probably has a lot to do with it as does the consumption of foodstuffs which exasperate this process, along with lack of excercise through one reason or another. People must take more responsibility for their actions, health, low self esteem etc., however sometimes circumstances do not permit this. Can you explain the inclusion of the WORD god in this question?, as I am completely perplexed as to the participation of a WORD (imaginary being), in this predicament.
Although medical conditions play a significant part in obesity, consumables are the only substances which enable humans to put weight on as lack of consumables lead to starvation, weight loss, ect. It also puzzles me why god never made the skeletal figures of Ethiopia obese or overweight, or maybe he took pity upon them!

27 Aug 03 - 08:20 AM (#1008867)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Janice in NJ

"God" becomes an easy-to-use shorthand for "that which I do not understand or which I choose not to understand or which cannot be understood." I'm a free-thinker, but I often use the word "God" in expressions like "Thank God you weren't killed!" to "I'll be there tomorrow, God willing!" or in songs like God Save Ireland and God Bless America. Sometimes even in questions like "Why did God make me a fat, bi, commie, mick, atheist who at age 57 still has trouble barring an A three frets up to play a C chord?"

27 Aug 03 - 08:44 AM (#1008874)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Amos




27 Aug 03 - 11:55 AM (#1009005)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Little Hawk

Well said, Janis. That is indeed what many people mean when they say the word "God".

Still, I think the person who launched this thread should really think about launching another one under the title "Why did god make me stupid?"

- LH

27 Aug 03 - 12:05 PM (#1009015)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Thread Launcher

Why is that, Little Hawk?

27 Aug 03 - 03:40 PM (#1009168)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Little Hawk

It would be an equally futile and meaningless question, but would get more to the crux of the basic issue at hand...the habit of blaming some mysterious "other" for one's own innate (and probably self-created) qualities/weaknesses/shortcomings/etc.

Of course, I shouldn't overlook the possibility that the poster was merely being humorous, should I?

27 Aug 03 - 04:20 PM (#1009184)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: GUEST,Thread Launcher

I would have to argue that one's innate intelligence is not something that one has a whole lot of control over. You can do the best with what you're given, however. A similar argument can be made in regards to body type.

I suppose that's what I was bemoaning in my initial post. Although it's hard to remember what I was thinking at the moment I hit submit, it was a long time ago.

27 Aug 03 - 04:25 PM (#1009188)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?

I agree with your point Janice (to a certain extent). Yes, the word GOD is used as a manner of expression as some of your examples suggest, however in this particular case I do not think it applies as guest seems to be suggesting that there is some other power causing this affliction other than the reasons I suggested which surely to most rational people would appear to be nearer the truth.

28 Aug 03 - 12:48 PM (#1009676)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Little Hawk

Well, I suppose another viable approach would be to be happy with yourself and accept the way you are, if you feel you can't change it. But most things actually can be changed. Even what is termed "stupidity" is most often simply a lazy mental habit...lack of focus. It's surprising sometimes how apparently stupid people can, so to speak, smarten up and pay attention and take appropriate action when circumstances absolutely demand it. Suddenly they become smarter.

Granted, there probably are exceptions to that. :-)

29 Aug 03 - 12:35 AM (#1010020)
Subject: RE: BS: Why did god make me fat?
From: Art Thieme

It has always been an asset for me. People in my audiences can SEE ME BETTER !!

Art Thieme