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Beverley folk festival

01 Mar 02 - 04:11 PM (#660836)
Subject: Beverley folk festival
From: oombanjo

To all those who would have come!, The festival has been canceled for the first time in 20 years. 3 years after C. Wade premotions took over. (Its time she was canceled and a new management brought in.) YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME.

01 Mar 02 - 04:25 PM (#660845)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

Last year and the year before I stewarded at Beverley and had the unenviable task of walking along the queue waiting to get into the last night concert to tell anyone with a steward's or performers ticket that they would have to wait til paying punters were inside...if there was space they could come in. In 2000 this was for a Amazing Blondel concert which was never much more than half full (it's a large sports hall) Chris came on stage halfway through to thank them all for their participation.... it was VERY hot that weekend Morris men Mummers & other performers had certainly paid in full for their seats!!! unfortunately in recent years only MONEY matters....this is my local festival I am sad to hear this news...

sad but not surprised.

01 Mar 02 - 06:04 PM (#660918)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Paul from Hull

I had already heard it wasnt going to it known why?

I havent been since '99 (having Stewarded it since '85, only missing one year ('91, I think it was, though might have been '92) - Chris Wade's attidude towards me personally, being the biggest part of the reason for not going the last 2 years.

Its a great pity its not happening.

01 Mar 02 - 08:29 PM (#661033)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

Anyone there will remember that last year, on friday evening the food tent was CLOSED before the first concert finished!! the bloke running it said it had been quiet...he thought we'd finished....we hadn't even started!!

and who doesn't remember with fondness the old Marquee...scouts & scouts mums cooking bacon&burgers all night...and joining in the singing, sitting round on bails of straw that pricked your bum..til daylight returned.

02 Mar 02 - 08:55 AM (#661248)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Les from Hull

To be fair to Chris Wade, she only took over the running of the festival when other members of the organising committee wanted to have a break. Otherwise Beverley Folk Festival would have finished sooner. Perhaps residents (voters) in the East Riding could have a word with their elected representatives, or more effectively, with owners of businesses in Beverley who will miss the influx of trade.

02 Mar 02 - 09:20 AM (#661253)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Ritchie

I went to the Beverley folk festival for the 1st time last year and was eagerly looking forward to this year's.

The town of Beverley was indeed very nice and the pubs we visited very welcoming.

Like a lot of events perhaps sometimes it seems a little 'self indulgent' especially with the loads of stewards ( who did a tremendous job very well indeed ) and the 'paying punters' sometimes had to take a back seat.

my only gripe was that I had to pay for a programme.

How ever I was enriched by Les Barker, Jackie Leven and Black Umfalosi along with most other performers that we managed to see ...oh yes I smoked my 1st joint that weekend too.

Thanks Beverley , hope to see you again someday.

regards Ritchie

02 Mar 02 - 09:58 AM (#661279)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Mr Red

When I was last there ('97) there were a few retiring committee, they claimed they were moving on but I always felt there was a story untold. FWIW I have never had reason to be upset by Chris Wades company (or her) but then I was never that closer to the festival than "steward". Sad, since the originators had to busk to fund the first festivals!

02 Mar 02 - 11:12 AM (#661317)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Les from Hull

Not a story untold, basically Richard and Jean Wastling wanted a rest (they also had an aged parent to care for) and others on the Committee decided to have a rest too. All the people involved are still the best of friends as far as I know, and still involved in running Nellies Folk Club.

03 Mar 02 - 10:43 AM (#661809)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Mr Red

Yes I did see that there was no visible discomfort, I just read into it "ideological differences" about grants and size of the enterprise. In the light of the current status maybe the over-reaching was not a phantom concern.

04 Mar 02 - 04:19 AM (#662312)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I'm very very sad about this I've been to all bar the first Beverley and indeed Ray, Rich and co. have always been pals.Without Beverley I wouldn't have a number of really close chums: Les, Maggie, Jude and oodles more. I too have fond fond memories of the Scouts running the food tent (I knew the writing was on the wall when they put it out to tender). I remember one wacky year playing cricket with a used bread roll and my guitar case. Are folks still going to try and go and just have a singaround in the Tap ? or is it RIP Beverley ?

04 Mar 02 - 12:19 PM (#662515)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: smallpiper

Bugger that! The festival might not be happening and since I never actually went to the festival but stayed on the fringe I say that the fringe goes on! (at least it will if we make it happen)any one interested in sorting something out?

04 Mar 02 - 12:50 PM (#662551)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

The bloke who runs the Grounds or is it called something else now?....Hodgsons or something?....formerly Flemingate House is very keen for folkies to go there was a venue for the official festival...I wonder if he has any ground.... if he might be willing to allow a few campers....might be worth investigating. Also we could probably use the Youth maybe a substantial fringe event is a possibility

05 Mar 02 - 10:17 AM (#663010)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

It is the camping thingy that's the problem. I too rarely attended anything 'official' but the Saturday and Sunday afternoon singarounds in the 'Tap' have always been special and an 'iced gems at teatime' for Hodgsons could be a poss. The fringe got betterer than the fest anyway over the years and with the demise of the scout tent. I don't perhaps interested parties could discuss it at Moor and Coast ?

05 Mar 02 - 12:19 PM (#663116)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

The Tap/Sun changes hands on Thursday of this week and the noises that I have heard about the new leaseholder/landlord aren't too good. I have been told that the plan is to carpet throughout and get rid of the "obscure beers" - it may just be scaremongering at this time but it doesn't sound too promising for us folkies if the rumours are true. Perhaps it would have been lost as a venue even if the Festival had gone ahead.


06 Mar 02 - 06:20 AM (#663527)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

That's sad Roger about Tap/Sun, however I think if we was determined enuff we could find venues i.e. back to Nellies ? Hodgsons ? That club near the station (a previous landlord of Tap has it !!) even the small Mansfield pub along from the Tap/Sun were all welcoming of folkies in the past. I can't believe that the Council can't see the economic benefit that the Fest brings to Beverley town as a whole (or more to the point I can believe it considering Beverley Council must be run by a bunch of Tory Tossers).The Festival itself tried to squeeze the fringe a few years ago by trying to stop camping for non ticket holders (I always managed to find a way to get on the site) so it would be ironic if we managed to continue a fringe when the main festival went tits up !!

06 Mar 02 - 06:54 AM (#663543)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I agree. I wasn't knocking the idea of putting something on - I'm up for that. It may well be that the Tap/Sun is still a possible venue. I need to talk to the new people about our regular Sunday and Tuesday sessions anyway to see if scruffy folkies are welcome or not - watch this space (but not for a few days as I am burying my Dad tomorrow!)


06 Mar 02 - 07:25 AM (#663553)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Sorry to hear your sad news Roger. I think the Hull crew would definately be up for it. I'll also have a talk to Padget & Co from Barnsley, Ken from Chesterfield and others I can think of. As I say they're are 'Folk Friendly' venues in the town. It's mainly accomodation etc that could be a problemo

06 Mar 02 - 08:15 AM (#663574)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Les from Hull

I agree Jim, but the accommodation is the main problem. There should be plenty of B and B available as the festival won't be using it all up, and there is a commercial campsite a couple of miles south of the festival site. We never had an accommodation problem as in recent years (since I stopped being the official photographer) we commuted.

Perhaps we borrow the idea of what happens at Robin Hoods Bay in June (a few pubs are happy to accommodate sessions, and people stay in available accommodation). I'm sure that the East Riding folkies would make a bit of floorspace available, if we can't find a field. One problem would be closing time, and missing the traditional late night/early morning session.

06 Mar 02 - 08:31 AM (#663580)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I think floor space idea may have to be one of the premier ideas. My son is in halls at Cottingham so I could at a pinch crash with him but as you so rightly say Les it was the after time sessions that were good (although last year they were shite I remember some fat Scots bloke making an arse of himself on the Friday night ha! ha!) but at the minimum we could have a Friday night venue (Hodgsons or that club), Sat lunch the Tap/Sun (if friendly) iced Gems at Hodgsons evening sesh at club; Sun lunch Tap/Sun, Iced Gems at Hodgsons leaving the evening free for Roger's usual sesh. If Tap not available we could really roll back the years and go back to Nellies and I'm forgetting about the Tiger but perhapd we could leave that for the Mussos. I think it could be done Les.

06 Mar 02 - 08:45 AM (#663585)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Hamish

Here's what I have from Julia of Adastra who are the organisers:

The Beverley Folk Festival is taking a break this year in order to concentrate its efforts on re-structuring and to seek more supporters, enabling the creation of a more sustainable and thriving event for the future. With an already crowded calendar of National and International events taking place in June this year, festival directors decided that rather than put on a smaller and less exciting event than is normal for this leading festival, to start planning for an even better 2003.

As a consequence the organisers are now looking to develop its education and outreach work as well as building on the past success of the festival weekend, and will be planning events during the coming year to build up to a major festival weekend on 20 - 22nd June 2003.

It is an exciting time in the development of the festival and the break for one year is a positive step forward to the future sustainability of the festival. The festival organisation is looking to incorporate feedback it has received from its regular supporters, as well as those new to it, in order to produce an event that combines the most important elements of interest to all its followers.


06 Mar 02 - 08:48 AM (#663588)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Talk about putting a positive spin on something negative !!! Sound bollocks to me.

06 Mar 02 - 09:06 AM (#663595)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: greg stephens

I dont know anything whatsoever about Beverley Folk Festival's politics so i'll stay out of that(I'm a musician, I need bookings). What I doknow is that Middlewich Folk and Boat Festivalwas cancelled last year due to footnmouth (as were a lot of festivals). But theinteresting thing is that it just happened anyway, there were lots of people, music in all the pubs, loads of boats came etc etc. And a great time was had by all. So i would say to anyone who liked beverley folk festival, go anyway, and lo and behold there will be afolk festival. There's no organising committee in a beehive, but they seem to get the old honey together somehow.

06 Mar 02 - 10:46 AM (#663657)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Paul from Hull

It DOES sound like the sort of 'prepared statement' a bloody Politician would make, yes, but it does give a little glimmer of hope for next year & subsequent ones. I havent heard much at all other than what Ive read here (I'm very much 'out of the loop' anyway, & wasnt really ever anything above an ordinary Stewarding bod anyway, at least not for a good few years) So I didnt know whether they were even thinking of the Festival EVER running again....

I'd like to just point out, Jim, that as far as I'm aware, the Festival wasnt ever trying to 'squeeze' the Fringe (though wasnt there something around the same time kind of time where for some reason Ray & Johnny were 'uninvited' to not come & do their running singarounds thing, or is my memory at fault & that sitiation actually happened at Whitby not Beverley???) The stoping Camping for non-Season Ticket Holders was because of a potential slight reduction in the size of the Campsite, because of a road supposedly in the planning stage running along the Railway Line, & behind the Leisure Centre. I 'ran' the Campsite at that time, though wasnt ayt all involved with Festival 'planning' so the 'No Ticket, No Camping' situation was news to me to, at the time. I thought then that the decision was somewhat premature, & said so....& as far as I'm aware, there is STILL no road there, almost 10 years on, if memory serves... (It was certainly way back in the days of Ray, Richard & Jean, & co. bebing the Festival Committee/Organisers, so no 'anti-fringe' policy then, even if (& I dont know!) Chris Wade didnt value that as an aspect of the Festival (& IF not (& as I say, I dunno!) she was the ONLY person who didnt!)

07 Mar 02 - 12:02 AM (#664002)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Roger-Sorry to here about your dad.
MC Fat-hull University is not using Cleminson Hall this year, (Thaite Street, Cottingham), is it near enough to Beverley to be suitable for accomadation? I could try to find out if Hull Uni would be willing to hire the whole place out to a bunch of folkies for the weekend, & how much they would charge.It's a very big place, complete with full commercial kitchens & a huge dining hall.

07 Mar 02 - 06:13 AM (#664095)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Paul, with regards to your earlier comments about the committee trying to 'squeeze' the fringe. I did hear the 'paty line' about the camp site being decimated by road development but when that development didn't happen it just looked like an excuse that coupled with the problems at Nellies that occurred around the same time Ray & Johnny being marginalised (if that's possible) the Scouts being ousted from the food tent all gives creedence to the'conspiracy theory' agin the fringe. With regard to the hall at Cottingham sounds a good idea!! Shall I ask the boychild of my loins to find out as he's at halls there (Fearons) or would you be able to find out availability and cost Paul ? An alternative is a local (Beverley) school they usually would welcome the dosh. Perhaps via this medium we could come up with a list of potential attendees. Who needs Adastra anyway roll on the revolution.......

07 Mar 02 - 01:01 PM (#664300)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

Like I said earlier we could use the Youth hostel...probably exclusively... and I wonder if we could maybe persuade a church or scout hut to allow indoor camping?...the scouts have always had a soft spot for us!I'll ask around see if I can come up with something. We should certainly give it a try.

as for the announcement from Adastra...well have they only just realised it's the Jubilee thingy this year?

07 Mar 02 - 01:13 PM (#664309)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: selby

At the end of this year The World Jamboree for Scouts takes place in Thailand each scout who is going has to raise £2500 I think armed with that knowledge for a donation most scout troops will be prepared to help.Hire Marquees,cook food, steward,etc. Keith

07 Mar 02 - 02:43 PM (#664382)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Perhaps we could persuade the Beverley Chanber of Trade to make a modest contribution - say a tenner per shop and pub in the town. Attracting a festival crowd must be worth at least that to them!

Also, unless they were tipped off ahead of time, won't the council have automatically put in a reserved booking for the camping field for that weekend when they opened their accounts for the year. It is unlikely that they would have let it to anyone else is it? In which case it should be available for camping as per usual.

Perhaps we need to have a face-to-face meeting about all this and thrash out what we think may be possible.


07 Mar 02 - 06:58 PM (#664648)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

Name the day Roger....and if you give us all a week or so maybe we could all look into our own suggestions and bring that info together....I dont mind speaking to the landlord at Hodgsons and trying to contact scout groups and churches in the area...the idea of the campsite still being available is one I hadn't thought of....might insurance be a problem?

07 Mar 02 - 09:14 PM (#664748)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: harpmaker

Insurance a problem, You bet. Best off going with Greg Stephens experience, That it will happen anyhow. So every body, just be there anyhow/anyway.

08 Mar 02 - 02:21 AM (#664861)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: SarahC

I like the sound of an 'official' fringe festival. I'm sure the musicians who normally just like to do the sessions are up for this - I certainly would be.

Go for it.

Cheers Sarah Cheffins

08 Mar 02 - 06:04 AM (#664916)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Another thought:

There are several pubs in Beverley which regularly book acoustic acts - the Forresters, the Sun, the Mariners, Hodgsons to name but four. If we talked to them is it not possible that between them they could each book an act so that there is someone playing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night and we have free entry entertainment for those that don't want to be playing in sessions all the time and it won't cost us anything to put on! Add that to the sessions in those pubs and clubs mentioned in earlier messages and we've got a back to basics festival.


08 Mar 02 - 06:18 AM (#664920)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Skipjack K8

Roger, what dates are we looking at. I will try and get a posse from the south bank together.


08 Mar 02 - 08:22 AM (#664967)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Roger, I'm up for offering myself (or with others) as someone to play at any of the above pubs. Perhaps I could do a duo/trio with Les & Maggie maybe it could be the first 'official' gig of my new occasional band 'THE TWO RHETTS' who will have the slogan 'F*CK ME IT'S THE TWO RHETTS'. Float the idea Roger I know we'll all be up for it.

08 Mar 02 - 11:28 AM (#665091)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Sir Roger de Beverley


I'm not sure whether the weekend of the 15th or the 22nd June corresponds most closely to what has gone before.

I have talked to Mark who runs the Dog and Duck next to the playhouse (apparently he used to run the bar at the playhouse during the festivals before Barry took over). He is friends with the people that run the racecourse and has offered to investigate whether the racecourse facilities could be made available for camping and caravans - he feels that it is a distinct possibility since there are no races on those dates. He also offered the D&D as avenue for sessions.


08 Mar 02 - 11:52 AM (#665106)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Roger I suggest it's best to stick to where the (official)festival should have been placed. The offer from the Dog sounds good. Perhaps they (and other hostelries) may be able to screw some dosh from their suppliers ? If we got some money it could go to helping get people backwards and forwards to Racecourse or Cottingham (or wherever)and maybe help with a bit of publicity/posters once we know things are firmed up. I'd be happy to help with any Desk Top Publishing as I'm sure Les would as well !!!So is it looking like interested pubs as ? Dog, Tap/Sun (?), Nellies (?), Tiger (?), Hodgsons (?) suppose there would be the usual split of the mussos etc they're used to using the Tiger or rooms at Nellies. God it nearly sounds like an organising committee !!!

08 Mar 02 - 01:50 PM (#665199)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

MC Fat-Your son will probably know exactly who to ask.
brid widder-There was a suggestion of using Beverley Youth Hostel for a gathering venue, but if I remember correctly there was some problem with this, they don't hire it to non-members or it was fully booked or something.
Sir Roger of Beverley-I think the idea of getting pubs to book folk acts is really good, it would be really good if they could book some Mudcat acts like 442 and The Pack as well.Is your beginers session still on for Tuesday? I went last week and it was really good.Maybe people could share their ideas there if it is still on.

08 Mar 02 - 02:00 PM (#665207)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: greg stephens

dropping in on this discussion, what you're talking about is what happened in Middlewich Landlords quickly picked up on the buzz that people were coming anyway, so booked various local folkies for odd nights, and deals were being struck with arriving musicians as to wherethey would play and for what, more or less as they arrived. The sessions developed in the usual way in the pubs without acts, or in the gaps between acts, and hey presto its a folk festival. no insurance, no marquees,no stewards, no committees,no budget, no regional arts boards,...just a festival, really. remember the 60's?

08 Mar 02 - 02:16 PM (#665225)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Les from Hull

Yes I'll go along with all this, even with Jim offering my services in a duo/trio and the DTP thing. So we are looking for: accommodation, venues and dates. Just give me a s shout and tell me what to do.

Les (aka Rhett Oktober)

08 Mar 02 - 02:30 PM (#665233)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Les-What's your DTP thing?

08 Mar 02 - 02:53 PM (#665248)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Les from Hull

Publishing stuff using the computer - if we need any posters, leaflets or anything like that. It would be nice if we had a tiny budget for this. I'm happy to give my time for nothing (and I've plenty of that since I retired), but I don't want to get stuck with too much cost.

Incidentally, I did want to help when the organising committee retired and I was offered the job of producing the official programme. Richard used to sweat blood over this (and he's a DTP professional) so in the end I declined their offer.

We also do need to assure Chris Wade and the good burghers of Beverley (can you get a good burgher in Beverley?) that we are not taking over the Beverley Folk Festival, we are only marking time till they can get their act together again.

08 Mar 02 - 02:58 PM (#665252)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I agree with Jim that if we could have "official" sessions in the Tap/Sun and the Tiger as normal that would be the basis of the whole thing(did you say that you would try out Johnny and Ray about running that, Jim?).

Other folk friendly pubs would offer the fringe of the fringe on an ad hoc basis and then if, say, three or four pubs would put on a paid act by adjusting their normal policy to cover each evening of the weekend we don't need anything else.

I'll approach the new people at the Sun and /Brid Widder offered to talk to Hodgsons - anyone know the management of the Tiger/Nellies/Forresters/Mariners?

Could we then approach the Chamber of Trade and/or the Licensed Victuallers to pay for printing and distributing leaflets and posters around the clubs? We need to tell people that something is going on because the message will have gone out that it is all off. Anyone have a contact in folk radio? Anyone know the copy date for the next Tykes News etc?

Are we looking at the weekend of the 14/15/16th June as that is the equivalent to last years dates?

So what do we call what we have created here? "Not the Beverley Folk Festival", "Beverley Fringe Festival", "Beverley - Back to Basics"?

John - yes the Tuesdays are still happening at the Sun and we should be there this coming Tuesday: I missed the last one because of my father but they managed without me.


08 Mar 02 - 02:58 PM (#665253)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

John the 'problem' with the Beverley Hostel was only that we wanted it during the winter when it's closed. Hostel B&Bs floorspace...there's lots of accomodation available although a campsite would still be brill...we could well have the possibility of an excellent festival here!!!

08 Mar 02 - 03:08 PM (#665255)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Les from Hull

Sir Roger - about the radio thing, you need to talk to Radio Humberside who co-ordinate the folk programme for the whole area. Henry Ayrton is the presenter/producer and Brian Swinton does the diary. They don't go to the same sessions I go to very often, but the office will give you a contact.

Brid Widd - I did mention the commercial site earlier on in this thread. I presume it's still there? About two miles south on the Hull road. That means that there's a bus an hour, for those who don't want to drive in.

08 Mar 02 - 03:17 PM (#665261)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Les-If you need any paper just let me know, I will nick some from work.

08 Mar 02 - 03:22 PM (#665266)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Linda Kelly

I'm sure this is a storyline from an old Hollywood movie! Any help required you know where I am!

08 Mar 02 - 03:40 PM (#665274)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

so you did Les sorry First comittee meeting in 1 hour at the Kingston?

09 Mar 02 - 09:45 AM (#665686)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Les from Hull

Yes Linda, this old barn could be a theatre - let's do the show RIGHT HERE!

09 Mar 02 - 11:12 AM (#665733)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I have been in to the Sun(Tap&Spile) and the new people are very into live music. So, we are on for the usual singaround in there on Saturday and Sunday - beer and food supplied for whoever runs it.


09 Mar 02 - 12:33 PM (#665773)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: oombanjo

Iwas talking to Bill Sables on Friday, He says that the mudcatters may be looking for a new venue for their annual gathering maybe we could join the two ???

09 Mar 02 - 12:37 PM (#665775)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: oombanjo

Just as a ps I have asked for a meeting with the liesure cntr manager on monday. Iwill keep you updated

09 Mar 02 - 04:30 PM (#665890)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

I've spoken to the landlord at Hodgsons...he'd considered his upstairs room booked for the festival and turned down other bookings, he was planning to put food on and only found out it was cancelled in the press. He has already approached other local publicans to consider going ahead with the festival anyway and said if necessary he would book acts (although he admitted he would need advice on that)...he also suggested he ask about allowing camping on the raised area alongside the pub...council property not the pubs....he suggested a donation of say £5 a night to a council approved charity.

He also has a Brewery....Wawne...and it does a more than decent pint!!

10 Mar 02 - 04:52 AM (#666138)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

something else Mike (Hodgson's Landlord) said was that lots of B&Bs and pubs with B&B rooms save them exclusively for the festival....for artists B&B accomodation will be much easier to find than usual that weekend

10 Mar 02 - 05:32 AM (#666150)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: SarahC

I'm pretty sure we have no engagements on the two weekends in question so Kinin will be available as a band if needed. I've been a regular Beverley attender for a few years now and the loss of this year's festival was going to be a hole in my session calendar.

Cheers Sarah Cheffins Kinin

10 Mar 02 - 03:39 PM (#666422)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Willa

Some workshops are normally held in rooms in the Friary; they may still be expecting them to be used for the festival. Much publicity material will already include the dates of the Festival, and I doubt if the authorities will bother to reprint it, so there will be visitors who expect to find events going on as usual.

11 Mar 02 - 07:06 AM (#666807)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,SarahC

I've just found my copy of Tykes News and the deadline for the June edition is April 20.

Cheers Sarah Cheffins

11 Mar 02 - 08:12 AM (#666826)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Sorry just back into work and picked up these threads. Roger I will give Padgett & Co a ring. Seems good news from Hodgsons especially if we can swing camping and a 'showcase' concert type thingy would be great there. Just a thought with Chris Sherburn living in Hull how about seeing if they'd (Chris & Denny) do us a 'freebie' ? for the Sat night. Les I offered 'your' services cos I know you've got a flair for the auld DTP. I can if you e-mail any stuff get photocopying done here at my new employ , thanks for being Rhett Oktober i shall hunt you down ha ! I think I'll be Rhett Tha'knows (very South Yorkshire) by the sound of it we've come a long way in a short time and things are looking hopefull. By the way the official date for the cancelled fest was the weekend of 21st or that's what I've got in my diary

11 Mar 02 - 08:49 AM (#666849)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Paul from Hull

Good point about the printed advertising, Willa!

Well it looks like we really have the makings of something here.

As far as I can recall, its always been held the same w/end....the w/end that Fathers Day falls.

....& sorry to keep harping on about the old Committee & the 'Fringe', you say, Ray, Rich & Jean, etc, were always pals of yours, & I myself dont think there was much chance that they would use the plans for the road as an excuse to 'squeeze' the Fringe. Things do seem to have got a little heavy-handed since they went though, & elbowing out Gary & Bron & the 'Scouts' STUNK, quite frankly... & I dunno why it happened that Ray P & Johnny B got 'elbowed out' that made no sense, & that WAS back in the days of the old Committee, wasnt it.

Anyway, here's to this years 'Beverley 'Fringe' Festival'!!!

11 Mar 02 - 09:19 AM (#666871)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I think you're 'spot on' Paul about the old committee. Ray, Rich & Jean were and still are pals. I mean the first few years at Bverley I actually stayed at Ray's house over the weekend.I think the Ray and Johnny 'incident' had more to with them upstairs in the Folk Club room putting their oar in that coupled with a prat of a landlord and some beligerent locals at Nellies. I think since the new 'Adastra PLC' mangement have taken over it's gone along a singulary too commercial route for my liking. However 'Son of Beverley Folk Festival' or as you have very succinctly put Beverley 'Fringe' Folk Festival looks as if it's ready to rumble.

11 Mar 02 - 09:40 AM (#666889)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Paul from Hull

It certainly does!

11 Mar 02 - 11:16 AM (#666954)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

Janet...the Landlord's wife at Hodgson's suggests 'The Peoples Voice Beverley folk Festival' Good eh?

11 Mar 02 - 11:26 AM (#666962)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Some a bit prloletarian come the revolution if so can I be Karl Marx !! I like the 'peoples voice' bit, but I think the copyright police (aka Adastra Enterprises International PLC) may object Janet. The People's Voice - Fringe Folk Festival of Beverley or how about The Beverley Folk Festival Popular Front (are you the Popular Front for Beverley Folk Festival- Nah f*ck off that's him over there). The Peoples Voice-Folk around Beverley how about that one ?

11 Mar 02 - 11:28 AM (#666964)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

About the suggestion that we invite Chris & Denny...well Last Night's Fun are on at Nellies next anyone going?

11 Mar 02 - 11:33 AM (#666972)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Things do seem to be moving - sorry of I keep dipping in and out but I am pretty busy sorting out my Dad's estate at the moment.

Anyway, it seems to me that this conference thread has served a very good purpose in getting us all fired up but that it is a quite cumbersome mechanism for actually organising any detail. Perhaps those that are keen to proceed should get together(at Hodgson's, widder?)and thrash things out more fully with all interested parties. At the very least we should exchange contact details with each other so that we can talk directly.

Another thought - I'm sure that, from some of the sentiments expressed here, not many people want the "old management" involved in this. However, it might be worthwhile pointing out to Barry at the Playhouse that, should he happen to book a folk act into the Playhouse that weekend, he would get a pretty good audience!


11 Mar 02 - 11:35 AM (#666974)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I just thought that Chris and Denny are mates and may do us a favour if they can. If one of the 'ull lot are going could they bend an ear

11 Mar 02 - 11:51 AM (#666987)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

Roger ...a good idea I think...I'll PM you with my details and with Mike's from Hodgsons. Up the revolution eh Jim!....Though cowards flinch....

11 Mar 02 - 11:58 AM (#666995)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

.....and traitors fear. Keep me informed don't know if I can get over for any meetings although I will try but my unswerving support (or truss) is here for you. have left a message with Padget will let you know his reply. We'll sing the Red Flag once a year

11 Mar 02 - 02:14 PM (#667082)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I liked the people's suggestions but perhaps it should be:

"The People's Voice Folk Festival, Beverley" so that we aren't seen to be pinching the title of the official one.


11 Mar 02 - 03:37 PM (#667123)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: oombanjo

Latest update. Monday 11/3/02. I had a meeting with the liesure cntr manager this morning. As some of you are aware I get the fields prapared prior to the festival,and sorted out after. John the manager is not apposed to opening the field/facilities for the festival fringe, so he put me in contact with Alan Menzies. The single problem I have, is that the two football fields are to be upgraded mid April this year, (so I suggested that we close off the top half of the field). This approach was accepted and the half field by the grounds can be offered (from the edge of the cricket wicket to the Grounds) What the council would require from the fringe is, responsible management consisting of two or three people and, if poss, a meeting with same and maybe a landlord or two. If you are interested contact me on my email for Alan Menzies number and any other detail. Oombanjo.

11 Mar 02 - 07:08 PM (#667296)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Paul from Hull

Widder....well this whole thing sounds like a go-er....

Whats happening with everyone getting together to discuss stuff? Do we invite folks down to the Kingston on Friday?

11 Mar 02 - 07:11 PM (#667300)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: brid widder

now there's a thought....but I might be elsewhere on friday!...shouldn't we do as Roger suggests & meet at one of the Beverley pubs...Hodgsons?

11 Mar 02 - 07:15 PM (#667305)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: Paul from Hull

Thats prob a better idea, yes.... I was just thinking that as the Kingston is (presumably) happening anyway & w/out sounding 'mercenary', the Beverley-dwelling chaps presumably have cars, wheras none of us THIS end (I'm thinking yourself, Les&Maggie & myself) have...

Just a thought...

12 Mar 02 - 04:35 AM (#667517)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Good news about the Leisure Centre side, however if the council are involved we may get into the realms of Liability Insurance so be prepared (though perhaps as the main fest will still have this we can pinch it for a year ?) but it's a positive response. I like the idea of 'the People's Voice Folk Festival, Beverley'. I've spoken to Padgett he informs me that Booker wasn't going to come this year (he's wants to spend some time at his caravan and is watching his pennies) I don't think Nigel ever bothered about Beverley. Ray had only just found out, I think reading between the lines he wants to come and has certainly asked me to keep him informed I think knowing Ray he would like to be 'invited' formally and could I suggest that when we know definites 'we' do that. I said that it wouldn't be Beverley without the little dwarf and I know most folk would agree. He did come out with a statement that I liked, he said that doing the 'Fringe' would be Beverley going back to it's 'Roots' and that the Festival had rather lost it's way, again I think he's spot on. So how about The People's Voice Folk Festival - Beverley with the slogan 'Back to it's Roots' ? I as you know offer any help I can, will be involved in any committee or at least you can put my name down but living in Sheffield attendance is the problem

13 Mar 02 - 03:46 PM (#668508)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: oombanjo


16 Mar 02 - 01:06 PM (#670247)
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
From: GUEST,Carole Dalton

I've only just picked up on this thread and there are so many that I haven't the time, just yet, to finish reading them all. However, I play in a three-part harmony Folk/Rock band and from time to time we play at The East Yorkshire pub in Beverley. For those of you who know it, yes it's modern, it's carpeted and it's an eating house. But, Harry the landlord is very pro live music and I know that if you need another venue he would host one. If any of you are interested get in touch with him. I won't post the number here because I'm not sure if it's the done thing or not but it is in the Yellow Pages. If something does come of this OUTSIDER wouldn't mind a mention!