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MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02

02 Mar 02 - 11:40 AM (#661333)
Subject: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

This is a continuation of Spring '02 MudGather N. Ctrl PA, where it was decided there would be TWO Mudcat Gatherings-- one for May and one for June. (June will have its own thread.)

MAY 3 - 5

Near Wellsboro, PA

An hour north of Williamsport PA and an hour south of Elmira NY.


MAP & DRIVING DIRECTIONS to the general area.




AREA ACTIVITIES THAT WEEKEND: There is a dress-up swing dance at the Armory May 3, and a square dance at the Fairgrounds on May 4th.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Camping in the farmyard is still fine, more room than ever. The pop-up camper sleeps several, depending how friendly they are! In-house accommodations include two bedrooms and a "landing" room that will sleep at least three each, in beds varying from real to inflatable. Floor space and couch-recliner space downstairs as well. Semi-in-house: the addition on the back of the house (burned-out last spring), will have two large rooms, maybe not much heat, but very snug, and the upstairs room is non-allergenic. This will make a dorm room upstairs to sleep at least 8, plus a dorm/jam room downstairs. I have a large (double 9 x 13) screen room we can put up as well as the two porches for picking, if it's warm enough.

FOOD & BEVERAGE: As before, crockpot dinner (meat and vegetarian) will be waiting for Friday arrivals, and y'all can bring the rest. Using the real dishes worked amazingly well last year but we have trash pickup now so we will do paper (NOT plastic). Be helpful and bring your own silverware. There is a second fridge for beer, so fill it up. Bagged ice is appreciated as well. There will be a recycling area.

EXTENDED VISITS: This does not have to be just a weekend thing. If you can come earlier or stay later, that's great. You're on the crew.

REMINDER: Saturday night-- Hardi and I leave to do the Saturday night service at church, and someone who knows the place stays behind to host on our behalf. Last year several of you joined us and we had a great time. I hope more of you will join us this year, for a big gospel blowout during and maybe after the service.

FOR MORE INFORMATION E-MAIL ME: Use the words MUDCAT GATHERING in the subject line to get past the spam filters.


02 Mar 02 - 08:58 PM (#661597)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: MarkS

Still count me in, just tell me when

02 Mar 02 - 09:27 PM (#661619)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Oh goody! May 3-5, come when you can, and bring The Lady.

And oh-- everyone-- bring your favorite songsheets, binders full of treasures, etc. Have scanner, will share.


04 Mar 02 - 10:40 AM (#662426)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

E-mails are coming in nicely...



18 Mar 02 - 12:29 PM (#671357)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

So what delectable dishes are people bringing to this event?

How about sweet & spicy mustard-pickled eggs?


07 Apr 02 - 04:15 PM (#685076)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

It would be helpful to know how many to expect.... we have had some things going on around here and I am a little less ready than I had hoped..... still want to do this but need to know how big we are talking.


21 Apr 02 - 01:08 PM (#694919)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg



21 Apr 02 - 01:44 PM (#694944)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: Amos

Hiya, Sooz!

Well, the California contingent isn't gonna make it.

All in due time! :>()


27 Apr 02 - 12:33 AM (#699376)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Plans are coming together....

Some updates:

I have unexpectedly had two very small kids here full time for the last month, seriously attritting my prep time, but mi casa su casa, and we will have plenty of room for everyone indoors if it's too cold to sleep out. I am ready for some grownup time! Please come! *G*

There has been some talk of running the PortaStudio during some of the songswapping, or maybe setting it up for some serious track-catching. (Mudcat CD?)

There has been some talk about audiocasting live, via PalTalk, for some of the event.

There will be some extra inflatable beds coming if these are needed. But bring sleeping bags and pillows!

A road trip I had anticipated immediately following (or even DURING!) the Gathering has been postponed, so I am more mentally relaxed about this. I had been waiting to hear about my son's Navy leave, because right after we picked this date for the Gathering, he announced I could see him in Chicago anytime between APril 26 and May 9. (I have not seen him for several years.) First he thought his leave would be shortened, so I was going to leave you all in Hardi, Mmario & Dharmabum's hands, or at the least leave the Sunday AM of the Gathering to head west-- but his leave has been canceled. :~(

I was pretty sick last year, and I am much better now. I think that if you were here last year you will see some big changes in how much I participate.

It's been 20 degrees at night lately. But there is plenty of room indoors. If you need a real bed, let me know right away so I can plan accordingly.

Hardi has been on a cleaning kick. God help us all! *G*


Facilities for this and upcoming gatherings here would be greatly improved if you are interested in getting rid of any of the following:

Metal-frame hollywood bed frames
Futon frame
Pillows! Always pillows!
Clean room-size rugs, any old weird colors you are tired of!


30 Apr 02 - 09:59 AM (#701133)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Are the Woodchucks really coming? How many? Sleep in or out? Planning rooms now.....

Don't you need directions?


30 Apr 02 - 10:16 AM (#701145)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: MMario

So how many people are coming? should I Make a chocolate heffalump? I'm thinking of bringing some of Penn Yan's finest Buckwheat pancake mix, too... whatcha think?

Can we burn CD's from the porta studio?

got a new-to-me "pub-sing" type song for y'all to here, too

30 Apr 02 - 11:10 AM (#701182)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Burn CDs? I dunno, see if we have and know how to run the software to go from tape to CD? Did you remind Dharma to bring the thing back? We can send the tape to Amos I think, if there is a cut we want to recommend for the CD. Of course I recommend a gospel hoot....


WYS & Hardi, of course
Pete & Kellie (maybe with friend)
Hogeye (for Saturday only)
Mark S & friend

Mike, Bonita, folkbabies
... various 1-6 more?


I didn't bend over backwards promoting this one in e-mail this time-- with my son's leave being so up in the air, making it possible I'd have had to cancel this to go see him-- well, if any ONE of you came we'd be thrilled, so more than that will be just glorious!

We never turn down chocolate, either.


30 Apr 02 - 11:12 AM (#701185)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: MMario

Dang right!

30 Apr 02 - 11:22 AM (#701192)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Then there were the Maybe's and the Din'tanswers... you know them, right? Fine people, every one, and I hope to see a few of them as well.


30 Apr 02 - 11:23 AM (#701193)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Oh and we may be looking for a PalTalk admin for Friday and/or Saturday night....


30 Apr 02 - 11:54 AM (#701215)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Forgot to say, the "Pete" of Pete & Kellie is Pete Peterson, and they are definitely coming, arriving Saturday noonish I hope.


01 May 02 - 04:48 PM (#702355)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Eat your hearts out if you miss it.

Have not heard at all from some of the usual suspects. Hey, I ran out of carrier pigeons, OK!???


What, venison chili for Friday night? With the black beans and chipotles? Yeah? Any vegans coming?


02 May 02 - 08:53 AM (#702810)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson

Got a guitar & two banjos back from the repairman yesterday so we'll have something to play once there! (and a guitar and banjo went IN to same repairman now that we have the first line instruments back) looking forward to this-- see you around noon or early afternoon Saturday! Just two of us-- tried to talk our friend into it but she has a dance to play for on Saturday evening.

advance hugs! PETE(and Kellie)

02 May 02 - 09:00 AM (#702813)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: MMario

I've got some goodies in the fridge, buying some more tonight.

did we mention the food is as good as the music at mudgathers?

02 May 02 - 09:05 AM (#702823)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Pete, if you attract any others to come along, there's room.

MarkS-- I don't have your personal e-mail-- whassup? Could have caught a ride with Pete I think.... he seems to be on the road now so it would be tough to hook up-- maybe Dharmabum?

'Puder's been acting a little odd, so if I fall off the radar, check with Dharma or Mmario for directions and come ahead.


02 May 02 - 05:46 PM (#703198)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Dang, I wish that hunk of venison would THAW! May be stew, not chili!

You oughtta see the Louvin Brothers cleaning my house! Boy are they busy! Wotta team!

Not too late to sign up!

Special hugs for anyone bringing me an autoharp string--- number 12 or 13, wound C or C#.


02 May 02 - 06:43 PM (#703231)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Junebugs: June 7-9 we do this all over again.


03 May 02 - 11:04 AM (#703624)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Lest any of you who are starting out should feel discouraged about the weather.... well, there will be a Greek feast waiting for you when you get here. Fragrant Greek pot roast of venison, and home made hummus with a LOT of garlic....

Vegans beware.

And screw the housecleaning! It's clean enough! We need GROCERIES!


03 May 02 - 11:14 AM (#703632)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: catspaw49

Weather? You want weather? You got it!!! This is the craziest Spring I can remember. Night before last at 3 PM we had 68 degrees, major thunderstorms with lots of lightning and hail with 50mph winds and a half dozen tornado touchdowns (very unusual for middle of the night). Last night it was 29 degrees with frost. Today it is bright and blue with an expected high of 70..........Go figure.

And have a great time folks!!!!!!


03 May 02 - 11:30 AM (#703645)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Spaw, you mean you and the gang aren't coming??? Crap! Then who's gonna run the Fart Booth? (Buck a blow?) (Yeah, I know, I know! *G*)


03 May 02 - 06:25 PM (#703922)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: GUEST,MMario - at the mudgather

Well, I'm here and Dharmabum is here - the greek food is ready - groceries bought - dog at the kennel, new instuments admired - ready for some serious music.

03 May 02 - 09:36 PM (#704035)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: GUEST,Susan, who sacrificed her cookie for love!

No kids here this time-- so Mmario is singing all KINDS of dirty things! *G*

Makes a mean mustard pickled egg, too, lovely color.


04 May 02 - 09:22 PM (#704502)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Well, let's see, sitting among the food crumbs we have a bunch of people picking their way down a Green Rocky Road to the St. James Infirmary, and a few others seem to be goin' Fishin' too, and dang if it ain't as sweet and tangy as the roasted red peppers!

Satiddy Night Service... well Kellie sorta blew the roof off, but it ain't my story to tell!


04 May 02 - 09:58 PM (#704513)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02

I lost track of this one. Have fun guys and take pictures.

04 May 02 - 11:13 PM (#704541)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

MMario here - actually - don't feel like messing with cookies again - great day of music - from 1 to about 5, then more at the saturday service - and more again from about 8 to now.

05 May 02 - 12:20 AM (#704558)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Lot of variety too. Yes, there was a big gospel hoot in the afternoon to get ready for the service, but then after the service a lot of pub songs, murders, wry bluesy funny numbers, fiddle tunes.... I lost track!

It was so warm and sunny this afternoon that I couldn't believe I had worried about the weather. But at night it's been 30 degrees.

Everyone went to bed already, wore out! We have one out in a heated van, one up in an unheated (by his preference) attic bedroom, and two snug in a guest room. (The rest were local folks or day-trippers.)

Breakfast is all set up for whoever is up first to start cooking. Buckwheat pancakes, and pepper-cheese omelets I think, plus sausage or scrapple.

If we are going to do this again in June, I need a better sense, ahead of time, of who is coming. It isn't just the numbers-- small is great, as far as I am concerned. But you are each individuals to me-- I want to plan well for you to be comfortable and to set aside just the right spot for YOU. It's a unique setting.... people seem to find something here, that they have been needing. Peace of some sort, I think.

Anyway June, if we do it, will be done a little differently. Please let me know ASAP if you plan on coming.


05 May 02 - 01:07 AM (#704579)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: hesperis

Ooooh, gotta talk to Hawk and see if he can drive me down for the June one! Wish I could be there now... give EVERYBODY hugs for me, ok?

Another friend may be able to bring me, but he's not a musician... so Hawk would be better. We'll see.


05 May 02 - 10:22 AM (#704712)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Hess, I have a pretty allergy-free room waiting for you. Freshly remodeled, and no animals have been let up there, no feathers, and so forth. We can pick up there too. I WILL need to know if you are coming, so I can work on getting rid of construction dust on the bare wood floor and get it aired out from having done that, well before you come. Get any ride you can! Get as far as Jande's and bring her too!

A note to people who want to come: it isn't about "IF" you can come. It is, "I am coming," and then figure out HOW. See?


05 May 02 - 12:12 PM (#704761)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: Susan of DT

Sounds like it was fun. Sorry we couldn't make it, but the past 2 weekends pretty much wore us down.

05 May 02 - 03:31 PM (#704838)
Subject: RE: MudGather N Ctrl PA May 3-5 '02
From: wysiwyg

Quoting another thread:

It was indeed a sunny clearing today, here at the N Central PA MudGather. Last gab, out front on the summer porch. Last tune, an impromptu duet of a Psalm we had just discovered set to music. Last hug, out back by the spring/fall porch where the sun is strongest. Last guest, just left-- it's a price we pay, giving up the best part of the music day, for the long drive home. For morning, and the "day job," come all too soon, and silly guests did not realize they could OF COURSE bring their laundry to do while here!

All that, AND sweet mustard pickled eggs!

MudGathers are.... all that you secretly) most long for them to be, and are not sure they can be.... and more.
