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Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!

21 Mar 00 - 06:58 PM (#198920)
Subject: Sally Gee
From: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive)

Sally Gee

I'll tell you of a nice young lass and her name is Sally Gee,
I met her in the pub one night, it was down on the quay.
I says to her well I know your face but a divvent knaa from where.
So I asked where abouts she lived and she said down Carliol Square.

But never mind, the lass she's kind, I knaa she is good hearted,
and the cast in her eye makes her look shy and I wish we never had parted.
She's got a hump and she walks with stick and she's always good to me.
I'm fond of the lass that none can pass, the lass down on the quay.

Every neet I used to meet me Sally on the quay.
I asked her if she'd marry me if she'd be good to me.
How long it is since she washed herself well I'm sure I divvent knaa.
'Cos she's got a face like an old spice cake, as black as any craa.


Well it was all through her I went on the drink, I went headlong to the bad.
I pawned me watch and I pawned me chain, that was everything I had.
And then next morn the landlord appeared and he hoyed us through the door.
And I spent six months in Durham Gaol with me clothes put into store.^^

04 Mar 02 - 12:19 PM (#662514)
Subject: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: katlaughing

The previous thread, Kendall's biopsy was getting rather long, so here we go. Let's keep the positive thoughts, humour, love, and support going folks.



04 Mar 02 - 12:41 PM (#662540)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, Kendall!!

Your old buddy and mine, Gordon Bok, is coming over here to the Valley (not Silicone) for a visit on March 11. We'll sing a few songs for yah...


04 Mar 02 - 12:47 PM (#662546)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

Gordon will be here tonight, so, we, or I should say, he, will sing a song for both of us!

Lookie folks, someone mentioned in a PM about the cost of this operation; Don't worry about it, I believe I'm all set money wise.

04 Mar 02 - 01:04 PM (#662564)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Melani

Kendall, I'm pleased to see all the assorted medical opinions that it is curable. I'm sure it will get fixed and you'll be singing again in no time!

04 Mar 02 - 01:22 PM (#662575)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: GUEST,Joan Sprung

The worst--the AWFUL worst--is 1) not knowing and 2) not doing anything. So now you know what you're dealing with and taking steps to fixing a fixable problem. That in itself is good. If you're armed with information and good medical attention, not to mention a huge Mudcat cheering squad, you're well on the road to health. Full speed ahead...let's get the show on the road...onward and upward and all other such cliches that are hackneyed until they apply to you! CHARGE!!!.....>

04 Mar 02 - 03:13 PM (#662630)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Bobert

Hey, Kendall. Ol' hillbilly bobert just mailed out a Bobert sampler tape so you'll have something to grumble about in a couple of days.... %*&^&%%$#&*.... I told that Hillbilly I liked "traditonal" music, dang it! You wait until I get all over this crud...%$#^%*&^$*&^... Wait until I get my hands on that little Wes Ginny weisel... %$#^(&&%$(*^*.... Danged, buddy. I believe you're feeling better all ready... Jus' funnin with ya', Captain. Please don't duct tape my butt to nothin' nasty. I'll be good this time. You'll see...

04 Mar 02 - 03:50 PM (#662645)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

Mark says I may end up hoarse, but, thats better than silent.

04 Mar 02 - 03:56 PM (#662649)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: MMario

If you end up a horse - that will disprove the theory that folk music is sung by folk - because the horse will be singing...

never mind

04 Mar 02 - 04:13 PM (#662662)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Rick Fielding

Tell Gordon that he's still my hero, and that if he doesn't get to Toronto pretty damn soon, I'll be too OLD to go out and seem him!


Rick and Heather

04 Mar 02 - 04:13 PM (#662664)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: SharonA

If you end up hoarse, that's also better than ending up hors d'oeuvres!

04 Mar 02 - 04:19 PM (#662666)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: SharonA

(P.S. – If you end up hoarse, will they still release you from the hoarse-pital?)

(Okay, I'll stop now...)

04 Mar 02 - 04:21 PM (#662667)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: katlaughing

Oops said the flea, there's a horse on me!
Boom-boom ain't it great to be craaaazzzeeee....etc.

Okay, folks, think Patch Adams, let's get the Good Humour thing going here! As my favourite badge/button which I wear at Halloween says "Spirits lifted, no charge!"

04 Mar 02 - 04:23 PM (#662668)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Amergin

Jesus....I have no access to the Cat for a couple of days and come back to find this....jesus....Well, Captain, just think of this as a minor storm with just a few swells....that you can sail through one handed with both eyes shut to the nearest port.....I will not wish you good you do not need it....I know you will beat this...and send that cancer back to hell.

04 Mar 02 - 04:48 PM (#662691)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Naemanson

Yeah, Amergin, you and me too. I haven't been around much but this sucks!

Hey Kendall, call if you need help... oh, yeah, can't talk, well, send up some smoke signals or something.

(Not being cruel, just trying to keep things light.)

If you wind up hoarse and take up playing the pennywhistle does that make your whistle the hoarse's pe-TOOT?

04 Mar 02 - 04:50 PM (#662694)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: GUEST,DonMeixner

Kendall will be more like a pony.

Because he'll only be a little hoarse.


04 Mar 02 - 05:31 PM (#662725)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!

These puns are so awful, I am feeling a little sick. Try harder, people.
Meantime, despite or maybe because of Kendall's recent maladies, I am having my car serviced, collecting furniture at tag sales, and getting out for dinner regularly. Kendall is not one to sit home and feel sorry for himself.
Several of you have made kind offers of money. Fortunately, the Captain has first rate health insurance and is set. But keep the music and kind thoughts coming. We can all meet at the Getaway in October and hear Dani sing her miracle song about Catspaw, Barry Finn, and now Kendall.

04 Mar 02 - 05:39 PM (#662731)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: SharonA

In answer to Naemanson's question: No, I think it would just be hoarse-play.

(Oops, I said I was going to stop, didn't I? Oh well...)

04 Mar 02 - 05:46 PM (#662734)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Mark Cohen

You know, Kendall, Gordon probably didn't tell you this, but he went through a very similar kind of crisis many years ago, also had to have vocal cord surgery, and you see he's done pretty well since then. The only bad result, if you can call it that, was that he had to turn down the position he'd just been offered as lead tenor in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir...


04 Mar 02 - 06:13 PM (#662744)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: katlaughing

Hell, Mark, they coulda fixed that with another operation a little lower down! **BG** (trying to do a Spaw pro-tem and failing ain't I?)

04 Mar 02 - 06:26 PM (#662749)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Art Thieme

Kendall, all the folkies in the world are gravitating to your threads to send best wishes. Truly is a fine community. You go and bang-la-desh all you want.

Be well,


04 Mar 02 - 06:40 PM (#662755)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Gareth

Kendal - keep smiling butty, you have mt best wishes.


04 Mar 02 - 06:41 PM (#662756)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Ebbie

Being a horse shouldn't happen unless you first acquire a little colt.


04 Mar 02 - 06:46 PM (#662761)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Amergin got a chuckle from me....but Spaw's way is not your way.....He's a possum in his own league....

04 Mar 02 - 07:42 PM (#662806)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

So, where's Doug and his Llama remarks?

04 Mar 02 - 07:52 PM (#662813)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: katlaughing

Kendall, I just got off the phone with Spaw and he says to tell ya he "gives a shit!" Well...he said a lot more and he'll be in here in another couple of days or so. He's been a bit lonesome with one kid and wife off visiting relatives and been busy with a bunch of off-line 3D stuff, BUT he says he's been thinking about ya a lot. Now, I don't know how you'd wanna take that, knowing what a mind he's got, but maybe if you think of him on a porcelain pot, in the pose of the Thinker, you'll git an idee of just how I'd envision it! At least he's got a pot to piss in! And, you just know he and the Reg boys and even Cletus would share it with you anytime you might have a need, so you can just call out his name and he'll be there...when you need a friend.

Okay, okay...his is a humour all its own, I know, I know. Thanks, Amergin, I tried.

All the best from Spaw and Karen, Kendall, and from me,


04 Mar 02 - 07:54 PM (#662814)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Herga Kitty

Alpaca colt?

04 Mar 02 - 08:01 PM (#662824)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Noreen

See Good news


04 Mar 02 - 10:02 PM (#662889)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: DancingMom

Sending positive energies from Virginia. HANG ON to all these sweet friends. What a blessing. I'll be thinking of you. Sharon

04 Mar 02 - 10:19 PM (#662896)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Stilly River Sage

Great news Noreen linked to. Obviously not everyone on the list is horsing around! All of this helpful intervention will help Kendall get past this waking nightmare.


04 Mar 02 - 10:43 PM (#662918)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Dani

Ah, quit your foalin' around. How can a guy hear with all this NAGgin'.


05 Mar 02 - 11:14 AM (#663060)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: SharonA

Such unbridled humor kendall is saddled with!

05 Mar 02 - 11:51 AM (#663092)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Dave Bryant

When I saw "Support for Kendall - continued" I thought you were talking about extending a truss - and I thought "Lucky Bugger, I should be that well endowed !".

05 Mar 02 - 02:58 PM (#663216)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: GUEST,kendall

I love the puns, and I appreciate the fact that the MANE idea is support. Keep them coming, I'll never say "neigh"

05 Mar 02 - 03:09 PM (#663220)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: katlaughing

Well, Dave, we could always ask Spaw's advice on getting him one of those fancy-dancy tripods to prop it up on. Spaw says his still gets muddy when he sets it up to pee over the side into a river! So, if Kendall does get hoarse does that include the "hung like a...!"**BG**

Ride 'em, Cowboy!!


05 Mar 02 - 05:37 PM (#663286)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

OK, I admit it; I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.

05 Mar 02 - 05:52 PM (#663293)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Big Mick

Yep...............I was there. Spaw and Captain Can-do Kendall were pissing off the bridge into the River Charles. Spaw gives a little shiver and sez, "Kendall, old man, that water is chilly", and Kendall replies, "ah yuh, but it ain't very deep".

05 Mar 02 - 07:15 PM (#663331)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

Oh, enough, enough!

05 Mar 02 - 07:49 PM (#663354)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Ebbie


05 Mar 02 - 11:08 PM (#663420)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Stilly River Sage

Cry foal! Kendall, you can't race hoarse from your surgery to the truss of a bridge to contemplate pricking the ice beneath it! You might catch a little colt.


06 Mar 02 - 12:19 AM (#663442)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Kaleea

Kendall, after perusing the above, I see that we are evidently all pulling for you to have some good news. You will be happy to know that after listening to the tape, I was successfully cheered into writing a whole new inspired show for my little ensemble I mentioned to you and we will be performing at our organizations' annual fund raiser coming up in a couple of Saturdays. With all the howls, laughs, jeers & tomatoes, I'll be thinking of you!

06 Mar 02 - 09:55 AM (#663628)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: SharonA

So was this bridge in southeastern Pennsylvania? ( Filly?)

10 Mar 02 - 12:57 PM (#666339)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall


10 Mar 02 - 08:11 PM (#666592)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Brían

Us Mane-iacs is neighin' for yuh!


10 Mar 02 - 08:12 PM (#666593)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Genie

Kendall, Let's hope that you'll be spurred to recovery and you'll be hoarse nae mair!

Genie §;-)

10 Mar 02 - 08:20 PM (#666601)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

I'm about to "bridle" at these awful puns!

11 Mar 02 - 12:00 AM (#666687)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Murrey

My dear friend --courage hugs love --with all the laughter that lives in your heart you will surely come through this just fine --tne power of all these collective thoughts for you !! On a lighter note -do remember the time you told that story ( yes that one ) and forgot to mention the cat and all those people didn't laugh -except the Maine contingent cause we knew the story ( yeah that one ) this will get some Mudcatters wondering huh. Just keep us posted Murrey

11 Mar 02 - 12:20 AM (#666699)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Stilly River Sage

All things being equus, I think people have done a great job of milking this one for all it is worth!


11 Mar 02 - 12:49 AM (#666710)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: catspaw49

Aw I dunno....Might be a few good bits left. I think there are still a few citations and foolish pleasures left to be affirmed here before this thread does a whirlaway off the board.


11 Mar 02 - 02:42 AM (#666728)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Ebbie

Spaw, if you're going to continue the thread, may I be the secretariat?

11 Mar 02 - 08:23 AM (#666829)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Big Mick

That Kendall, whinney don't do what the Doc tells 'im to do, then Sins will nag 'im till he do.........I am really reaching for them now....

11 Mar 02 - 08:30 AM (#666832)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

Murrey, when, where was that?

11 Mar 02 - 08:34 AM (#666833)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: MMario

You'll bay sorrel you said that!

11 Mar 02 - 08:43 AM (#666842)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

I'll "bit" I will.

11 Mar 02 - 08:48 AM (#666848)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Amos

Well, at the least the doctor isn't going to ask him to climb into the stirrups, so give him a coupla hands for that! I'd hate to be saddled with such a picture, but the hard copy would be worth its weight in geldings.

Ah, hell, p'raps it's time we walked this one down to a stand-still -- no more stalling -- and got on to more stable pursuits.


11 Mar 02 - 09:05 AM (#666858)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Dani

Kendall, it seems you've pasture penchant for puns to the rest of us. Herd the one about country cousin who couldn't figure out why her city cousin was always "exfoaliating?"


11 Mar 02 - 10:40 AM (#666933)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!

Saddle be the next foal who posts an awful pun like these, either because he cantor because he whinney resist.

(Withering away in shame...)


11 Mar 02 - 10:53 AM (#666934)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Mike Regenstreif


Not much I can add. But I'll join in the swelling chorus of well wishes. It looks to me like you're a fighter on the way to victory.

Mike Regenstreif

11 Mar 02 - 11:48 AM (#666983)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Stilly River Sage

We have ridden roughshod over those who simply want to offer good wishes--I hope Kendall's non-punning well-wishers understand that punning is worse than cancer--there is no cure. In our effort to not put the cart before the horse we're chomping at the bit with puns and good wishes rather than getting all lathered up over this potential horse race. We know the outcome will be a good one!


11 Mar 02 - 12:52 PM (#667027)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

Et Tu, Dani? Well, I'm well insured, so, I wont have to go into "hock" roflmao

11 Mar 02 - 01:29 PM (#667043)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Ebbie

Roll out the barrel, Kendall, and we will gather at your flanks.

11 Mar 02 - 01:34 PM (#667045)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Stilly River Sage

Er, I think you have introduced a segue to pork in the thread Kendall, or we've hit a verbal pig/horse dovetail. Gotta keep our barnyard in order! As ye sow and all of that. . . (wince)


11 Mar 02 - 03:24 PM (#667116)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: SharonA

SRS: Horses have hocks, so Kendall is still on "track", I'll wager!

11 Mar 02 - 03:36 PM (#667119)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: jeffp

Yes, but this may knock his jockeys off!

11 Mar 02 - 07:43 PM (#667324)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Stilly River Sage

Yeah, I figured they probably did, hence the "dovetail." The opportunity to branch out was irresistible. Now if I could just wedge a reference to a violin bow in there somewhere. But if these horse puns get too outlandish they could inspire violins. (Thanks, Gilda!) Hair of the horse that bit you?


11 Mar 02 - 07:50 PM (#667330)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Charley Noble

Sigh...Now, you can lead an old seahorse to water but I bet'cha can't grow moss on its back.

11 Mar 02 - 08:20 PM (#667350)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: McGrath of Harlow

I know two things about the horse;
and one of them is rather coarse.

(Naomi Royde-Smith, Weekend Book)

11 Mar 02 - 09:17 PM (#667383)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Ian Darby

Dear Kendall

The following has sustained me on many occasions and I'm more than happy to share it with you, even if it does come from one of Aleister Crowley's (better) mates.


"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.

Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.

Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

(Israel Regardie.)

Another piece of advice, from Wigan/Bolton is; "Keep goin' with yer ead down."

I quote this on a daily basis and would advise you to keep charging at the obstacle until something gives.

I read a 'self help' book a while ago which used the following as an example.

Foreign tourist in London unwittingly enters a one way street.

Policeman says "You can't go down there"

Foreign tourist says, "I think I can make it."

It behooves me to say that I'm only trying to stirrup positive thoughts and wishes.

11 Mar 02 - 09:37 PM (#667393)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Coyote Breath

Kendall; My SO, my mom and my dad are all three survivors of cancer. In all cases, the most repeated statement from the medicos was: "We discovered it in time." Early detection is paramount to kicking cancer's butt. So is prayer. I'm adding mine to the chorus. May God grant you long life!


11 Mar 02 - 10:29 PM (#667424)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Sandy Paton

Remember, Kendall. Lee Haggerty had cancers on his tongue and in his throat removed surgically, but the one on his larynx they chose to radiate, rather than do major damage to the larynx with surgery. It worked wonderfully well. The cancer there shrank and never grew again. Lee survived another dozen years, cancer free, until his continued smoking did him in. As others have pointed out, cancer can be beaten, especially when caught early, as you have done. You're gonna beat it, old buddy, and we're all gonna shout "We told ya so!"


11 Mar 02 - 10:48 PM (#667440)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: bfolkemer


Just another note of support--It be"hooves" me to let you know that prayers are being prayed for you in Gettysburg too!


11 Mar 02 - 11:38 PM (#667470)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

Sandy old buddy, I have never regretted quiting smoking. I'll bet you havn't either. behooves, that's one I didn't think of!

12 Mar 02 - 07:27 PM (#667940)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Sandy Paton

Soon as you're ready, Kendall, let's get together for another "hobo song" swap. I've thought of a couple that didn't come to mind that night at the Getaway. Make it soon, okay?


12 Mar 02 - 07:35 PM (#667948)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

You have a date my friend.

I got a preliminary bit of info today. The Doctor's secretary e mailed me to say the CAT scan says the cancer is not outside the larynx, and, it is slow growing. It will take a few days to come up with the final results.

12 Mar 02 - 07:48 PM (#667957)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: katlaughing

YES!! That is good news, Kendall! Controllable, treatable, loveable YOU!! Er...the ca that is, not you, no, no, not trying to rein you in or anything!**BG**

Thanks for keeping us posted, darlin',


12 Mar 02 - 10:57 PM (#668062)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Mark Cohen

Far out! Er, that is, not far out at all. That's great news, Kendall...I think that makes you a stage I and puts you into the 90% cure bracket. But with all the support from your friends hither and yon (and all the other folks too), I think you're up to 100%.


Let me know if you're planning a Hawaiian vacation to recuperate--then you can bring Jeri's maple syrup personally and save her the postage. (Coffee's in a box ready to send, Jer!)

13 Mar 02 - 12:40 AM (#668099)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Stilly River Sage

Kendall, All things considered, that is Wonderful news!


13 Mar 02 - 07:43 AM (#668217)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: catspaw49

Hey-Hey-Hey!!!!!!!!! I'm with Doc Mark! Sounds like overall good news to me and from what I know I too think you're in good shape for a complete recovery. Now mind you, although Mark has a medical degree, I have been working on mine for the past few years at the "Yougotit Medical Institute" and I think I should have my degree quite soon! I'm currently completing my work in advanced studies of the digestive system which is chronicled on this thread here.

Seriously my friend, I continue to have none but the best thoughts about the overall outcome for you!


13 Mar 02 - 08:01 AM (#668226)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

I thought one had to have a job in order to have a vacation?

13 Mar 02 - 10:55 AM (#668335)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!

Usually, Kendall. But you have probably been working harder over the past few months than you ever have in your life. When this is over, a REAL vacation is in order. Hawaii, maybe? Or back to England where there are a few ladies ready, willing and able to care for you. No llamas this time. I am convinced this is all due to exposure to some alergenic spittle or fur. Or maybe a rest in the florida sunshine????

13 Mar 02 - 11:18 AM (#668343)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!


13 Mar 02 - 11:40 AM (#668355)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Jeri

Kendall, if you list your occupation as "retired," then you have one. A vacation for a retired person generally involves doing the same stuff they do at home somewhere else, and spending more money doing it.

Good news, Kendall!

(Will have syrup by end of week, Mark. Need to be physically capable of leaving house for longer than 10 minutes. I think it was the peanut butter. Motility vs. Mobility)

14 Mar 02 - 01:17 AM (#668828)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Murrey

It was at the Eisteddfod at Southestern Mass Univ in No Dartmouth --don't you remember --well it was a long long time ago -course I was quite young at the time --and since you're older - I can understand that you might forget --you were rather annoyed that no one laughed at the end -thought they were quite a stupid bunch till of course we informed you that you forgot to mention the cat --Sandy was there too -don't know if he remembers old folk fart that he is -- Glad to hear that good news has been added since my last post --do what you gotta do and get better OK Murrey

14 Mar 02 - 07:34 AM (#668934)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

Ah yes. The Eisteddfod. 1982. The one time I screw up a story, and they never forget.

14 Mar 02 - 02:03 PM (#669225)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: Sandy Paton

Hell, Kendall. It was unforgettable! Except for me -- I don't remember it at all. Usually, though, I miss the second and third stories you tell in a sequence because I'm still laughing so hard at the first one. You're the only person I know that, whenever you call, Caroline grabs for a pen and paper to make notes of some of your comments, observations, and quips. She keeps a file of "Kendallisms."


14 Mar 02 - 05:13 PM (#669365)
Subject: RE: Support for Kendall - continued - ayuh!
From: kendall

Man, I do love you folks! Check the "Good news" thread.