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BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming

14 Mar 02 - 11:11 AM (#669098)
Subject: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: katlaughing

Warning! The following is a Whinge!

About 5 inches of snow, yesterday, woke to over 6 inches more this morning and probably another 3 by noon. I know, I know, it's what can be expected in Wyoming in the Springtime, but does it have to try to make up for a dry winter, quite so much, all at once!!

Oh, yeah, we need the moisture! And, it is beautiful, unless you have to get out in it to trudge to work.

I want daffodils, croci, snowdrops, green buds and robin redbreast to come knocking at my door!

So, torture me and tell me how your Spring is a'cumming in?**BG**

Thanks, whinge off,


14 Mar 02 - 11:24 AM (#669108)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: wysiwyg

Winter-spread manure is.... fragrant.

Violets popping up by the back door.


14 Mar 02 - 11:26 AM (#669110)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: MMario

Stupid geese are STILL flying south-west.

14 Mar 02 - 11:26 AM (#669111)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Sorcha

About 12" here, kat and still coming down. Watching the dogs play in it is a riot! The Corgis are almost buried and Max the grand-dog does airs above ground.

14 Mar 02 - 11:28 AM (#669115)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: wysiwyg

Mmario, yer right! I am south of you, and I've have heard them migrating north a couple of times-- not just different waves but really going back and forth!


14 Mar 02 - 12:01 PM (#669141)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: JenEllen

Scene in a warm(ish) sunny pasture this morning:
"Hey Mom! Lookie what I can do!" Little calf gallops off and kicks into the air. Cow looks at me and shrugs "Calves, what canya do?"

Gorgeous sunny day, the snow is gone and the ground is dry enough to walk on. Angus has thoroughly inspected every square inch of ours and surrounding properties this morning. Ducks and geese are cruising the lake, and the frogs are back, I heard the first one last night. The deer are shedding winter fur in great clumps, and the elk are starting to think that high country might not be so bad after all.

~Jen(dodging snowballs)

14 Mar 02 - 12:01 PM (#669143)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Metchosin

About a foot last week; covered all the snowdrops, primulas and the blossoms on the flowering cherry; washed away by torrents of rain a couple of days later, but possibly more of the white stuff again on the weekend.

Really depressing, I too thought our short, mild winter this year was over and that spring had arrived early. Hope the adage about March coming in like a lion and out like a lamb holds true.

14 Mar 02 - 12:16 PM (#669154)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Leeder

Here in Calgary, we had highs in the minus 20s (Celsius) and lows in the minus 30s last week. It's moderated some this week (up to freezing one day) but is going back down for the weekend. Typical.

14 Mar 02 - 12:30 PM (#669163)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: VoxFox

Well, today the sun is shining and it is a balmy 8 Degrees Celcius, BUT, calling for 10 -15 cm of the white stuff on Saturday (of course I have a gig that night don'tcha know) Oh well, St Paddy doesn't want a dance in his honor I guess. Typical for March in New Brunswick! VF

14 Mar 02 - 01:23 PM (#669195)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Uncle_DaveO

Winter is icumen in
Lhude sing pen-guin!

Dave Oesterreich

14 Mar 02 - 01:32 PM (#669199)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: catspaw49

WE spent about two weeks alternating every few days between highs of 20 and highs of 60.......It seems to have stabilized at about the 55-35 hi/lo and Spring may indeed arrive.......just not on a weekend. It's always nasty on the's Ohio.


14 Mar 02 - 01:56 PM (#669216)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Amos

We're really suffering here -- the Pavific has been twisted up way out in the deeper waters West by some storm or other, and as a result we are being mercillessly lashed with towering bands of white surf up to, oh, five feet high, and bitter wintry winds that drop the ambient temperature from 75 down to 68 and force us all to wear little paper thing jackets to stay comfortable. We're tough by nature here in Southern California -- ya gotta be tough to stay crazy in the face of mass opinion -- but this terrible winter is taking it out of us, and people are dropping like flies, not reporting in on Mondays with awful tales of mild flu-like symptoms. They seem to show up okay on Tuesdays though.



14 Mar 02 - 03:54 PM (#669301)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Bobert

What the el nino's going on? Amos and Kat got all this glorious water and poor ol' gardener bobert getting down on his knees thanking the Lord for a 1/2 inch the we got in Wes Ginny yesterday. They say that we need about 40 inches over the next 90 days to be caught up. And MMario, at least your geese are going some place. We have this flock that won't leave. They live here year around and once a day they get their courage up to actually fly in a big circle and all the tourons think it's wonderful to see "migrating geese" and never figure out that these danged birds ain't leaving for nothin...

14 Mar 02 - 03:59 PM (#669305)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: katlaughing

If ya quit feeding 'em, they might figure it out and leave, Bobert!*bg*

14 Mar 02 - 04:05 PM (#669313)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Louie Roy

Kat it snowed a minus 12 inches here today.Absolutely beautiful peach apple plum apricot all in bloom can send a picture Louie

15 Mar 02 - 12:36 AM (#669582)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Coyote Breath

Who was it (Ezra Pound???) who wrote:

"Winter is a coming in Loud sing God Damn. Passeth bus and splasheth us Loud sing God Damn, God Damn, God Damn, etc."

or so I re-call. Today it was 74 F. Windy. The "Alberta Clipper" is going to show up this week-end. Lows back into the 20's. Snow? Who knows!

So Kat! Tired of Wyoming? I heard your Govenor declared some sort of drought emergency for the whole state. Fires this summer? Boy the Shoshone National Forest was dry LAST summer too. Do we dare plan on camping there?


15 Mar 02 - 12:49 AM (#669588)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Harold W

81 degrees F. and Wyoming like wind of 45 mph in Southern New Mexico.

15 Mar 02 - 11:57 PM (#670010)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming


16 Mar 02 - 12:02 AM (#670013)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: GUEST,gargoyle

You truly are as ignorant as you appear. It IS STILL WINTER!!!

The Vernal Equinox is one of the two points where the Ecliptic crosses the Celestial Equator. At the Vernal Equinox the sun appears to be moving across the equator from the Southern Celestial Hemisphere to the Northern Celestial Hemisphere. The arrival of the sun at the Vernal Equinox on or about March 21 marks the beginning of Spring.

Have patience pussy, have patience, Spring WILL arrive.

16 Mar 02 - 12:06 AM (#670018)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: katlaughing

Louie, would love to see the pix, darlin'!

CB, it is terribly dry here; I don't know how safe the Shoshone will be. I am sure they will have rstrictions, but that's been the norm for the past few years, so if you are prepared, no prob.? You know I am leaving Wyoming, though, right? What am I going to do without Wyoming weather to gripe about, eh?**BG** I should be in the banana belt of Colorado by mid-April; lots of great camping there, too! Oh, love the song, too!

Bobert - watch out for your geese. I just heard on NPR, today, that the *gubmint*, in its inestimable brilliance has decided to massacre one million Canada geese 'cause the pesky critters are just doing what comes natural and how dare they! Damn idiots! And, I am not takling about the birds!

Thanks for sharing, ya'll. Enjoy your posies.:-)


16 Mar 02 - 03:13 AM (#670079)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: katlaughing

Ah, the ignorance is all yours, garg, as you've aptly portrayed, with ceaseless repetition. I wouldn't presume to encroach in that area.

16 Mar 02 - 06:26 AM (#670109)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: gnu

I have never seen a winter like this one. We always get a "January thaw" here in southern New Brunswick, Canada, but not one that lasts over a month. We went from three feet of snow in open ground to none, even where it was piled up along driveways to five or six feet. Of course, in preparation for St. Pat's festivities, starting at 2PM today, we got snow last night and expect freezing rain and flurries all weekend.

16 Mar 02 - 09:37 AM (#670146)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: MAG

Woke up to snow this morning -- I TOLD those daffs they were too early, but we always get a long thaw here, too. Hope the hyacinths, in full bloom, make it.

17 Mar 02 - 12:04 AM (#670562)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: GUEST,gargoyle

How, Now - my little laugh-kat?

It is your claim that "Winter is a'cumming" when all of the Good Lord's creation awaiting the Vernal Equinox.

Go curl up, and awake another noon, in a better spirit....or perhaps, another incantation which can drive the dark dragon of winter away.

17 Mar 02 - 12:07 AM (#670567)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: katlaughing

Good thing the rest of us don't take you as literally as you seem to take some of us, garg. How about taking yer own advice, "darlin'?" And, how does one wake in another incantation? Give it a rest, eh?

17 Mar 02 - 03:31 AM (#670608)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Lonesome EJ

Fox family has returned to den under our shed. I hear the vixen barking through the trees at night, and she has kicked out fresh dirt from the two entrance holes. The magic time of early April approaches, when the little blackish kits may be seen rolling and tumbling, momentarily alert all together like a school of fish, then back to their fuss and nonsense. The quaking Aspen trees still slumber, and have not yet taken on the faint rose glow that says their fire is rekindled. Winter still hangs here, and we are cabin-feverish and vaguely unsatisfied. The pond is frozen and layered in snow, and the early Spring sun is still too weak to cut the ice away. But I know that, beneath the white shroud, the Pasque Flowers have already been born, although they will show no color until April.

Here in the mountains, Spring is always a confusion of nature. Winter holds tight within her last fortifications. It is only a few clues that present: The Foxes, a certain new slant in the sunlight that wakes us one hour earlier, and a peculiar anxiousness that inhabits the soul.

17 Mar 02 - 03:46 AM (#670611)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: Hrothgar

It's actually Autumn here. Temperature range about 18 - 28 degrees Celsius (about 64 - 82 Fahrenheit), clear sunny days....

But we struggle through, somehow. Wouldn't mind a bit of rain, though.


17 Mar 02 - 11:05 AM (#670728)
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is a'cumming in -good ole Wyoming
From: katlaughing

Ah, LeeJ, beautifully described, thank you for that picture, darlin'.

Hrothgar, sorry, we do tend to be northern hemisphere-centric sometimes! How long will autumn last?