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Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!

16 Mar 02 - 05:25 AM (#670101)
Subject: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: Knappo

Okay, I've got the bottle of Bass, I've got the bottle Guinness, I've got the silver Guinness spoon thing, I've got a pint mug and I've got quite a thrist. Well, I did last night and most likely will tonight too. First off, can this be done properly with bottles? I fill the glass about 1/2 to 3/4 with Bass then slowly pour the Guinness. Nope, Guinness went straight to the bottom. I've done the same and poured quickly. Again, nope. I've cooled down the Bass and left Guinness room temperature hoping for that cold sinks, warm rises deal. Nope. I've sung Irish and British songs while pouring. Nope. Could this be symbolic of the British/Irish probelms over the years. I'm not looking for political struggles in my drink now, I just want a pretty pint. Possibly, proper pouring should only be done by a trained professional and I should just go to the tavern and let them do it before someone gets hurt? Whadda think? All suggestions appreciated, especially ones that work. Cheers, Tom

16 Mar 02 - 05:58 AM (#670104)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!

Black and Tan FAQ

16 Mar 02 - 08:26 AM (#670129)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: RichM

Hey, keep trying...and while you do, sip from each bottle...

16 Mar 02 - 10:11 AM (#670166)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: gnu

...alternating between bottles, of course. Tradition, eh !

16 Mar 02 - 10:25 AM (#670170)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: Peg

Well, I am thinking using the Pub Draught can or bottle of Guinness might provide the necessary buoyancy for the Guinness to float to the top; the regular ole bottled Guinness is less effervescent, thus "heavier."

16 Mar 02 - 10:53 AM (#670185)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: Knappo

Keep 'em coming. I'm writing it all down. Tom

16 Mar 02 - 11:05 AM (#670197)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: catspaw49

If you have a good looking bargirl it doesn't really matter does it?


16 Mar 02 - 06:24 PM (#670395)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: RichM

Ack!! Spaw! That's a nightmare! But you proved one thing to me. I look at the face last....

Rich McCarthy

16 Mar 02 - 07:00 PM (#670413)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: gnu

Well, I look at the face first, so I am disgusted ! Good one Spaw ! Where do you find... nevermind. I don't want to know.

16 Mar 02 - 07:05 PM (#670416)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: Knappo

So, I ask for help. And all I get is Spaw flauntin' my true love all over the web. Makes me wish for a big 'ol Black & Tan to wash away my anger. So... Tom

16 Mar 02 - 07:10 PM (#670418)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: catspaw49

Actually I stole that from over at Tweed's place. [Tweed's Blues] He posted it today and it just cracked me up so it's on about 4 or 5 threads over here now too.


16 Mar 02 - 07:11 PM (#670419)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: michaelr

I saw a Black'n'Tan poured at my local the other night. They filled the glass half with ale. Then they put the special Guinness puring spoon (with hooks) over the rim of the glass and slowly poured the Guinness over the back of the spoon. Came out beautiful!

Peg may have a point: You might need draught beer to do it.


16 Mar 02 - 07:23 PM (#670426)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!


Ever thought of staying over at Tweed's place and not coming back?

...didn't think so...

16 Mar 02 - 07:52 PM (#670449)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: Little Hawk

You can only "pour" a Black & Tan if he's very relaxed. It helps to ply him liberally with food and drink first, till he's pretty well sated, then arrange for a nice sunbeam to play upon him for a half hour and further increase his sense of well-being. Tell him what a stupendously excellent specimen of canine pulchritude he is. They love that. He will now be very relaxed.

Lift him up carefully, aim him in the desired direction, and pour.

Works equally well on brown dachshunds.

- LH

16 Mar 02 - 09:25 PM (#670489)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: Noreen

Steve Glover, who has tended bar in Ireland, says that the layered Black and Tan is an American affectation that they were happy to do for extra money :-). Otherwise, both beers (they used Smithwicks and Guinness) were simply poured in the same glass fully mixed.(From the Black and Tan FAQ link above).

Ah, that explains it- never heard of it being layered. Very popular drink when I was in Liverpool, and it always got mixed!

Good luck, Tom- I think it would have to be draught Guinness to work, but enjoy every pint that doesn't work too!


17 Mar 02 - 07:59 AM (#670672)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: lady penelope

It's always delivered to the customer as half a pint of guiness in a pint glass and a bottle of light ale on the side for the customer to do with as they wish, round our way ( Kentish town - very high population of Irish in London ). Never heard of it being layered before! I should imagine you'd have to get an ale with a similar gravity to the guiness.

Have fun, nevetheless!

TTFN M'Lady P.

17 Mar 02 - 05:21 PM (#670923)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: Knappo

Thanks All, I'm beginning to work on them now. Dang! First one, failure. Yummm, back to the kitchen. I love research. Tom

17 Mar 02 - 07:09 PM (#670987)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!
From: SDShad

Jaysus, Spaw, I think I'm blinded for life! Now I'll never know if my Black and Tans are properly separated!

Beth's helpful advice is that the Guinness has to be the kind "with the miniature dildo in the bottle." I've tried twice today with Guinness Draught cans though, and can't get them to keep from mixing. Guess I'll go try to to a Yuri Geller thing with a spoon and try again. Have to try it with the Guinness warmer, too. Either that, or freeze the Harp first.


17 Mar 02 - 07:21 PM (#670997)
Subject: RE: Help: How to pour a decent Black & Tan!


This 'Black and Tan' is simply an American affectation.

No-one in Ireland does it, cares about it, or for the most part, even knows about it

We just drink it!

Forget the fact that you're 'Irish' because your great grandfather could point out Europe on a world map.

Grow up and get on with your own life