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BS: Ruins on Mars???

23 Mar 02 - 12:20 PM (#674822)
Subject: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

I'd like to hear what any of you know (or think you know) about this. I've heard a few things, but have no final opinion on the matter...just a sort of general feeling that there's probably something to it.

I know that some people categorically reject anything of this sort (Wolfgang?) while others go for it like bears for honey...depending on their basic psychological makeup...and that's okay with me...whichever way you like it.

So...anyone got info pro or con about Martian ruins, evidence of same, etc?

- LH

23 Mar 02 - 12:34 PM (#674832)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Fibula Mattock

They were probably built by the same lot that did Stonehenge. Elvis lives there too. And if you multiply the number of pyramids by pi and divide by the circumference of the Sphinx you'll end up with a number that's pretty close to the date of the foundation of the Knights Templar...

Sorry LH, just getting in before Wolfgang does, if I can type fast enough.

Yeah, there are shapes in photographs of Mars that look like ruins - and apparently a face and a pyramid. then again, the human visual system is pretty damn hot at object and pattern recognition (even where there's none) - and at projection of ideas. I'd guess that shadows and angle and range and scale all have a part to play too.

A Google search on "ruins" and "mars" brings up at least 25700 pages...
I liked this page, and here's the official one - but don't expect much - it's a conspiracy, remember!

23 Mar 02 - 12:39 PM (#674835)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: katlaughing

nasa mars news

23 Mar 02 - 12:45 PM (#674841)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I don't know about Mars, but it looks like the face of a man on the moon.


23 Mar 02 - 12:50 PM (#674844)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Clinton Hammond

There's NO face on Mars!

23 Mar 02 - 12:54 PM (#674846)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Celtic Soul

Here's what NASA has to say:

Go to:

There are a blue zillion sites out there, most of which are pro-intelligent design/consiracy theory in nature. Do a dogpile search ( using "mars face", "mars pyramids", "mars anomolies", "mars enigmas", or the like. You'll get more hits than a hippy at Woodstock.

23 Mar 02 - 12:54 PM (#674847)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: CarolC

But, Fibula, but... if there were ruins on Mars (and I have absolutely no opinions or ideas on the matter one way or the other), wouldn't you just love to be a part of the archaelogical team that goes there to check it out?

23 Mar 02 - 12:56 PM (#674849)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Fibula Mattock

You betcha! I would happily eat my words then...!

23 Mar 02 - 01:33 PM (#674866)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, I know there are a million sites out there about it, but I enjoy talking to people here about things cos I consider you people to be my friends, so why not start a thread about it?

I always find it fascinating with what absolute zeal people will instinctively take up one side or the other on these matters...and the real mystery in every case is...why?

Fibula - The Stonehenge link sounds just plausible...but I can't countenance the Elvis one at all! :-) I was never into Elvis bigtime anyway.

- LH

23 Mar 02 - 01:43 PM (#674872)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: InOBU

Ask Janet... see the last post on are you ashamed to be American. Cheers brother, Larry

23 Mar 02 - 01:47 PM (#674877)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: GUEST,Fortunato

My all time favorite Weekly World News Cover:


23 Mar 02 - 01:48 PM (#674878)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Lanfranc

If there are ruins on Mars, will Jet and Lemmy be able to get away before Whittaker catches up with them?

What happened to the sheep in the Argyre Desert?

(Questions for radio-listening Brits of a certain age!)

23 Mar 02 - 01:49 PM (#674880)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Amos

Well, that's where Elvis beats Shatner, man -- you don't have to be "into" the King to be influenced by his Infinite power. Whereas unless you're Canadian you're probably totally outside the tiny little field of power influenced by Shatner. I mean you never heard an answering machine message saying "William Shatner has lkeft the building", now didja? See???


As to Mars, I believe there is a great deal we leave out of our models of the cosmos and I would love to learn that someone had distinctly identified artifacts of any kind on Mars; it would completely revolutionizer our beliefs about our history, for one thing.

But until there is some hard evidence, I'm afraid Fibula is right -- the desperate search for Patterns with Higher Meaning, the favorite indoor hobby of those uncomfortable with their present lives and fleeing from more immediate hard questions, will answer up to anything leading to higher powers, more ancient beginnings, cosmic interactions, or anything else that will provide a distraction from cleaning up the old living room!!


23 Mar 02 - 01:52 PM (#674882)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: The Pooka

Little Hawk - because "We *Want* To Believe". Or Disbelieve, as the case may be.

Me, I say the Martian ruins are the origination points of the allpowerful Cosmic Strings which I recently tried to Thread on here, with little success. The big question is, who's Pulling them Strings? I claim it's Clinton & Wolfgang. :)

23 Mar 02 - 01:53 PM (#674884)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: The Pooka

Oh yeah, I forgot: and Amos. :)

23 Mar 02 - 06:04 PM (#675008)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Amos - Aw, geez...

"the desperate search for Patterns with Higher Meaning, the favorite indoor hobby of those uncomfortable with their present lives and fleeing from more immediate hard questions, will answer up to anything leading to higher powers, more ancient beginnings, cosmic interactions, or anything else that will provide a distraction from cleaning up the old living room!!"

That's hitting pretty close to home, Amos! I've got this end of the year inventory sheet to do for the company tax return...and a whole whack of expense receipts to search through for my medical expenses...and I would much rather put it off and look for Patterns of Higher Meaning! (Argh! Whine! Snivel! &%*%**!!!) Here I am, wracking my brains trying to find a way to procrastinate and you have the gall

You are Soooo heartless! Phooey!

And those unconscionable remarks about William Shatner! They never announce HIM leaving a building because they're afraid it will start a riot or cause a stampede for the exits. Elvis is dead, but Shatner Lives! What more can I say?

The Pooka - You're absolutely right! It's because they WANT TO BELIEVE!!! I, for one, want to believe that there is life all over the Universe, not just here, and I'm always delighted to hear of anything suggesting it is so...

- LH

23 Mar 02 - 06:47 PM (#675027)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Clinton Hammond

"Elvis is dead, but Shatner Lives!"

Ya... and more's the pity...

23 Mar 02 - 07:17 PM (#675049)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Oh! The humanity...

I just gotta say there are some pretty barbarous attitudes out there. People who criticize la Shatner simply cannot be trusted! They are beyond the pale!

I'm glad this lazy but paranoid dachshund is here to sound the alarm and serve as a useful distraction when they come beating down the doors, whilst I load up the old blunderbuss, activate the hidden laser barrage, and...RELEASE THE HAMSTER!!!

- LH

23 Mar 02 - 07:20 PM (#675050)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Clinton Hammond

You either gotta cut the dose, or double it, LH...


23 Mar 02 - 07:28 PM (#675057)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Bev and Jerry

Before becoming full time folk musicians, one of us worked for NASA on the Viking project which was the first (and second) successful landing of a spacecraft on the planet Mars. We changed careers for the money!

With all the BS we hear about ancient civilizations on Mars, two points are always overlooked.

First, the Viking project involved literally thousands of individuals (most of whom worked for one of dozens of contractors) from top scientists to grunt labor. Keeping anything a secret would have been totally impossible. News of every event that occurred spread like wild fire throughout the project.

Second, why would NASA keep it a secret? If any sign of life, past or present, no matter how insignificant were to be discovered, NASA would broadcast it to the world as loudly as possible since this would increasd their funding immensely.

During the first few days after the first landing, one of the life detection (chemistry) experiments began to show positive results. In spite of efforts to keep this quiet for even a few days until further analysis could confirm the results (which it didn't) the media was claiming that life was discovered on Mars.

Bev and Jerry

23 Mar 02 - 07:28 PM (#675060)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Bill D

I'd give a buck or two towards having Shatner bronzed and SENDING him to Mars for future archeologists to puzzle over... ;>)

23 Mar 02 - 07:39 PM (#675065)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

That is a VERY cool idea, Bill, but we'll have to persuade his family to agree to it first. Given his space credentials, I think they just might...

Bev and Jerry - Well, that sounds reasonably convincing to me. I remember the brouhaha in the press that you are referring to, and you are right that it would help NASA with funding all right, if they announced major new discoveries on the Red Planet. Thanks for the contribution. I had feared that this discussion would veer off into nothing but humorous asides on William Shatner. :-)

The interesting thing about "life" is...spiritual philosophy as I know it maintains that everything is alive (though not in a biological sense, as we usually think of life). That is to say...atomic structures and energy waveforms are alive. But that's a whole other area of discussion. The question is, is there or has there been biological life on Mars? Better yet, intelligent biological life?

- LH

23 Mar 02 - 07:50 PM (#675076)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Bev and Jerry


That's a good point. In the years leading up to the Mars landing, life detection experiments had to be designed and then carried to Mars and executed. It didn't take long for the question of "What is life?" to rear its ugly head. The decision was you scoop up a sample of the soil, feed it some kind of organic soup and, if it metabolizes it in some way, we'll call it life. On that basis, no life was found.

Bev and Jerry

23 Mar 02 - 08:15 PM (#675091)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Amos

I think LH is selling on the other side of the street -- talking about elan vital as the life force outside of physical structures and behaviors which, who knows, might be at the root nature of every particle in space. But it is not a scientific question, nor will be for quite a long time, I'm sure! :>)


23 Mar 02 - 08:45 PM (#675102)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: greg stephens

As I understand it, the ruins on Mars were originally folk clubs which fell into disuse after the arrival of tribes of singer-songwriters. This caused the original users to leave, and eventually the newcomers bored each other to death and that was that.

23 Mar 02 - 09:06 PM (#675107)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I dunno about Mars, but I worked at a reputable Observatory and much to my surprise discovered that one of the astronomers believed that the moon was inhabited by a race of moon men who live inside the moon. And only come out when you're not looking. He was dead serious about it. Of course, I noticed that at about the time he developed this theory he started wearing his pants backward. The man wanted to do a public planetarium show exposing the inner core of the moon. Ya never know. Don't you just hate aliens that only come out when you're not looking?


23 Mar 02 - 09:44 PM (#675126)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Ah well, the ones I saw in the late 60's made a mistake then! I haven't seen any of the ones that only come out when you're not looking...

I have seen Richard Nixon though, and that was the next best thing, I figure.

- LH

23 Mar 02 - 10:04 PM (#675144)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Art Thieme

And then there's Alien Gonzales. He's gone too.

What you don't see is what you don't get.


23 Mar 02 - 10:15 PM (#675154)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Yeah. Too bad Joan Rivers isn't invisible, eh?

- LH

23 Mar 02 - 10:44 PM (#675175)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: The Pooka

LH - Have you seen Nixon *lately*? This worries me y'see. Not about you; about him. Now this may be a side-effect of reading the "Thatcher Speaks No More" thread where our more-civilized cousins the Brits are hollering about interment at the crossroads with stakes through the heart. But if anybody spots a shifty-eyed ski-nosed visage embedded in the Martian mountains, be very afraid. Of course NASA probably wouldn't acknowledge the discovery. All those smart-ass scientists are Jews y'know, Billy.

Greg Stephens - *LOL*!

Amos - seriously now - structures & behaviors, or whatever they are, which might be at the root nature of all matter is *not yet a scientific question*?? Are you Stringing us along, here? Granted that the Last Word is not Witten, but does he know about this? And if LH is selling on the opposite side, who's Hawking on this one? OK OK, yes I'm bluffing & trying to provoke you; but it's in a Good Cause. Teach us. Really.

24 Mar 02 - 04:07 AM (#675251)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Hrothgar

Maybe the ruins on Mars are the remains of buildings constructed by Shatner in a previous existence.

How far fetched does a yarn have to be?

24 Mar 02 - 07:42 AM (#675305)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: GUEST,fortunato

How disappointing if I shuffle off this mortal coil before intelligent life is discovered in the universe.

Present company excepted, of course.

Little Hawk, I fear there are no ruins on Mars or Men in the Moon. But even more I fear that there is life out there, but we're too fucked up to reach it.

If you took the all the bodies of all those slaughtered in the name of fanaticism, religious or otherwise, in the twentieth century and layed them end to end the bloody chain would reach the moons of Jupiter and beyond. IMAGINE.

24 Mar 02 - 07:57 AM (#675310)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Rollo

This is no question of science, but of religion. Mars is God His "rorschach"-test for mankind. He shows us some blobs of colour and we see faces and butterflies. God invented this kind of test after he started to doubt our sanity when he saw the first tv talkshow.

24 Mar 02 - 10:13 AM (#675360)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: GUEST,Jaze

Why not? there's a theory that the asteroid belt that orbits just beyond Mars is the remnants of an exploded planet. Some beleive that a part of this struck the earth 10,000 years a go causing worldwide devastaion and extinction(Biblical flood?) It would stand to reason that Mars being closer would have suffered a worse fate. I know, you all think I'm crazy,(share those pills,Little Hawk), but the possibilities ARE fascinating.

24 Mar 02 - 11:45 AM (#675390)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Clinton Hammond

Good one, greg!


24 Mar 02 - 01:16 PM (#675416)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

For sure, Jaze...I don't think you're crazy at all. There have clearly been a number of huge past events in our solar system which have seriously affected this planet and its neighbours. Such an event caused the Great Flood. Another probably wiped out the dinosaurs. Another occured around the time of Exodus and the plagues in Egypt.

There have been numerous reversals of the magnetic pole of the Earth, caused by some factor as yet unexplained. There may also have been physical shifts of the planet on its axis, causing the poles to be relocated, old icecaps to melt, and new ones to form. There is your ice age...a result of a physical planetary shift rather than a slow change in the weather.

At least one very good film was made around a huge planetary event...Deep Impact. Things like this have almost certainly happened in the past and will again in the future.

They may even happen on a regular, cyclical nature, if there is a body, such as a comet or other large object, which has a long elliptical orbit and returns to our solar system periodically.

In fact, that could be Nature's way of cleaning itself up every few thousand years, if all else fails! We certainly don't appear to be willing to do it on our own.

All this is worthy of investigation, through science and every other means at hand. Forewarned is forearmed.

My feeling about Mars is that it was once a planet with much water, a healthy atmosphere, and abundant life. Some of our own people may have come from it to Earth a very long time ago (when even the continents here were quite different in shape and position than they are now). I can't prove it, it's just a gut feeling.

- LH

24 Mar 02 - 01:22 PM (#675419)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Peter T.

Of course there are ruins. Where do you think Deja Thoris lives, she of the Great Barsooms? (a Deja one would like to vu again for the first time). yours, Peter T.

24 Mar 02 - 01:43 PM (#675428)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Funny, Peter, I was just thinking about you and Deja Thoris yesterday...I'm not kidding! I too found her downright irresistible in my impressionable teen years...

Those John Carter of Mars books had to be the best thing Edgar Rice Burroughs ever came up with. He wrote pure melodrama, but what an imagination!

- LH

24 Mar 02 - 02:24 PM (#675447)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Clinton Hammond

With a gut feeling like that LH, you should probably see a doctor...


24 Mar 02 - 03:34 PM (#675485)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Amos


All I meant was that there is a cosmology which believes that life is not created by matter (a product of structures somehow developing behavior) but rather the other way around -- that Bergson's elan vital is somehow the organizing influence which makes the leap from chaos to order and from stimulus-response to understanding and intent happen.

However, our scientific legacy steers unly to the materially reproducible construct as ameans to knowing, and life being what it is according to this ontology, it is doubtful whether it will ever consent to act as compliasnt, consistant and reproducible under study as material science expects it to.

This is one of the methodological hurdles that are faced by experiments like Puthoffs at SRI, and Rhine at Duke -- they are constrained by a matter-based methodology, but trying to measure (theoretically) the very source of qualitas, which is like trying to force clear mountain spring water into a toothpaste tube.

Therefore it will take a long period of evolution before the twain ever meet with some sort of competency in measuring or understanding.

End of burble....



24 Mar 02 - 08:23 PM (#675611)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Good summation, Amos. Indeed my belief is that the material world issues directly from the world of Spirit, not the other way around.

Material existence, essentially, is a stepping-down of frequency. If you slow a vortex of spiritual intelligence down enough, it then manifests as a finite and limited mind. If you slow it down still further it takes form (gradually, through nature's mechanisms) as a physical structure.

It is then simultaneously existing in three generalized realities...physical, mental, and spiritual.

Conventional science recognizes only the lower two realities, because it is itself limited to them and has arisen out of those levels of consciousness...which are predicated on division, not Unity. What distinguishes the physical and the mental is that they see themselves as limited and finite...separate from all the other limited and finite things around them. This is also the origin of fear and all attack and defense modes of behaviour.

Spirit sees itself as one single Unity of conscious being, expressing itself in an infinite number of apparently separate forms...which are in sum nevertheless one undivided Unity. Spirit is the origin of unconditional Love, because it is all things and fears nothing.

You can use the analogy of water vapour, water, and ice to demonstrate the point. The most physical,static, slowed down form of H2O is ice. It's the most limited in terms of its outer form and definition and it can easily be physically the human body.

The next higher form is the mind it is far more flexible...being able to flow freely into any available space...and it's not subject to physical damage, but it can be polluted by toxic substances! (like hate, fear, jealousy, greed, etc.)

The next higher form is water vapour. Like Spirit it is absolutely impervious to any form of damage, and it naturally expands to FILL all the space available to it. It is also H2O at the highest energetic level, so to speak. It cannot be polluted either, although the air or space it may be occupying certainly can be. The Spirit, which is entirely pure at all times, can freely occupy a seriously polluted mind and a sick body, both of which are generally quite unaware of its presence.

The purpose of meditation, contemplation, prayer, and all spiritual endeavour is to become consciously aware of its presence...and then act from its perspective rather than from fear.

This ice/water/water vapour story is just an analogy, but one that serves rather well to demonstrate the general idea, I think.

Clinton - Ohhhh, some people are Soooo funny around here! :-) I think you said that about me one time too a while back, did't you?

- LH

24 Mar 02 - 08:27 PM (#675616)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Nigel Parsons

It is certain that there are ruins on Mars.
Unfortunately they're mainly failed U.S. probes !!

24 Mar 02 - 08:46 PM (#675624)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, they tried to probe Spaw once, and that one got completely ruined too, I heard... :-)

- LH

25 Mar 02 - 03:06 AM (#675753)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Hrothgar

Maybe people from Earth migrated to Mars a long time ago, and did to Mars what we're doing to Earth, only more quickly.

PS - I hadn't even thought about Burroughs' books for 35 years till now!

25 Mar 02 - 06:31 AM (#675808)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Wolfgang

There is a Mars-ic fringe of the UFO-scene. They scan all the pictures published by NASA, enlarge them, enhance them, mirror them and do all other kinds of processing searching for signs of intelligence. For instance see this picute of a city on Mars. They (both the people and the pictures) are not very convincing to others outside of that scene.

I'm with Sagan on this question who once said regarding the now much less popular canals on the Mars:

Lowell always said that the regularity of the canals was an unmistakable sign that they were of intelligent origin. This is certainly true. The only unresolved question was which side of the telescope the intelligence was on.


25 Mar 02 - 11:25 AM (#675938)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

LOL! A little intelligence is a dangerous thing, isn't it, Wolfgang?

- LH

26 Mar 02 - 12:20 AM (#676356)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: The Pooka

Amos - I just saw your answering post now; been away from the 'Cat a bit - but belatedly, Thank you! More food for thought. / See, I'm grappling with cosmologies which suggest that matter doesn't matter, because we're really just vibrations emanating from teenytinylittle strings, and/or holographic projections on a brane. Me, I don't have the branes for it. My son gave me Hawking's latest book for Christmas so it's all his fault, the punk. My kid's I mean, not Hawking's. On the other hand, for a physically-helpless genius that Hawking is pretty damn funny, especilly when he gets going on the Russians and the French. But I digress.

LH, d'y'know, I think some of these far-out Theory-of-Everything physicists are riding their fookin' equations right around to yer very point of view? / I think maybe I'm getting there too. Even if I am a P-brane.

26 Mar 02 - 01:08 AM (#676378)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Bert

Right on the button there Wolfgang!

LH, I'm VERY disappointed in you, Don't think much of Elvis indeed;-) I know he was just an ol' country hick, but he sure could SING. I'd give my left nut to be able to sing like that; and, of course, to have the success it brought him.


26 Mar 02 - 10:57 PM (#677111)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: GUEST,dh

please send left nut to: 2817 Mostow st. Silver spring 20902 MD....meanwhile the unwashed yahoos that frequent this forum have ignored or are ignorant of the convincing evidence regarding forest formations and tube structures on Mars

26 Mar 02 - 11:04 PM (#677113)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Elvis was a marvelous singer, Bert! And in the early days he was an incredible live performer, but dinna fergit, Ah grew up oan folk music not rock 'n roll. It was the lyrical aspect of Elvis that left me uninterested. Musically he was superb, but if the song lyrics do not grab me I can hardly be bothered.

Elvis sang silly rock songs. Dylan sings songs that mean a whole lot on a whole bunch of different levels. Elvis's body language was revolutionary, but Dylan's thoughts were revolutionary. That's the dividing line for me. I am not into music just for fun, I'm into it for transformation.

But what puzzles me is...why are people always willing to give their "left" nut? What is it about the "right" nut that makes it totally indispensable? Answer me that? :-)

- LH

27 Mar 02 - 10:08 AM (#677353)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???

They could not print it - if it was not true.

27 Mar 02 - 10:17 AM (#677367)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: MMario

yeah - right, guest.

27 Mar 02 - 01:26 PM (#677481)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

And you wouldn't believe it even if it was true...

I mean, hell, 99% of the doctors in the USA around 1989 to the early 1900's heaped ridicule on the one military doctor who suggested that mosquito bites were causing yellow fever in Cuba. They knew better, and he was a quack...a charlatan...a fool.

Guess what? The quack turned out to be right.

Now all doctors are proud that they, brilliant men that they are, know exactly how mosquitos infect people with yellow fever. Meanwhile, they are no doubt denying about 1,001 other discoveries in the alternative health field, and protecting their holy turf and the drug companies who pay them off to maintain it.

GUEST, dh - Yeah, I've seen the stuff on the tube structures...very interesting! I was wondering if anyone would mention that. I don't recall seeing anything about "forest formations".

- LH

27 Mar 02 - 01:37 PM (#677492)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Grab

LH and Amos, it's a sweet idea. Trouble is, it's no more than pretty words unless there's any evidence to back it up. During the course of history, there's been many times where pretty words and deep philosophy have been favoured over the cause-and-effect which can be observed. At no point have the pretty words contributed to human happiness (in fact they've more frequently been the cause of much unhappiness and wars), whereas the cause-and-effect experimentation has contributed significantly to human happiness.

My point is that theorising about the meaning of existence teaches no-one anything about existence, all it does is teach us about the person theorising. Truth is that which can be demonstrated. You can believe what you want and say "I _think_ this is the case", but until you can demonstrate that your belief is actually the case then you shouldn't be criticising others who don't share your belief. In Amos's examples, possibly these guys are failing by trying to measure something which ain't there - this is an equally valid answer until Rhine or someone does come up with the goods.


27 Mar 02 - 01:38 PM (#677494)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: MMario

LH there are days I don't even believe my own existance - why shouldn't I doubt other stuff?

27 Mar 02 - 02:23 PM (#677534)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

That date was supposed to be 1898, by the way...(Spanish American War).

Grab - Fair enough. But, hey, believing there is (or was) life on Mars does make me happy! Therefore it has "contributed to human happiness"! :-) Well, on a small scale...

There may or may not be solid evidence available at present, and we may or may not have been provided access to it. All of that remains speculative at this point.

The only way you or I will know for absolute certain sure is if we go to Mars ourselves, given the nature of human beings and society, which can blithely and officially endorse complete untruths and vigorously deny truths and vice versa, and have done so on a pretty regular basis throughout history...usually in order to serve some temporary agenda involving power or money.

I am not filled with confidence in the authority figures (scientists, politicians, religious leaders, and generals) of my day. History has already proven them wrong many, many times.

Whether it will prove them wrong in regards to Mars remains to be seen.

- LH

27 Mar 02 - 02:32 PM (#677539)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: GUEST,Wolfgang

Little Hawk, this is not the alternative health thread, but if you mean Walter Reed, he's a brilliant example. This man within a few years convinced his colleagues that a once minority position was actually correct. He did this by experimentation and carefully chosen controls. He also tested the alternative theories and made tests that were crucial for his theory for they easily could have shown it wrong. He convinced by evidence. That's the only way.

But the structure of your implicit argument is unconvincing. You know of a lone man who turned out to be correct. The ruins-on-the-Mars men are also lone men. Therefore...?

Well, I know many minority positions that turned out to be wrong. What follows from that? Nothing.

The fact that someone can think up a fancy idea or theory says nothing yet about it being right or wrong. Show me good and convincing evidence (and the bolder the claim, the stronger I like the evidence to be) and then I love to change my mind.


27 Mar 02 - 04:52 PM (#677634)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Rollo

About the tube structures: I remember having seen high altitude photographs of sand dunes in the sahara looking exactly the same.

27 Mar 02 - 05:19 PM (#677652)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: GUEST,old head

yes. it's all in the bible

27 Mar 02 - 06:12 PM (#677681)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Amos


If ny the pretty idea commenty you mean the notion that matter and space time are derived from the intentionality of something we refer to as spiritual, I would suggest that the fact that you can and do post as you do is pretty strong evidence. Ain't no structure can argue itself out of existence! :>) It seems that the most common event of the spirit -- for example receiving a communication accurately, or understanding something --is highly underestimated as to its qualitative difference from all the serial relays, stimulus response interactions, and so on, which might also be involved.

But I am simply describing one cosmology, an alternative to the "more and more complex arrangements of inanimate objects become mysteriously conscious" school of thought which strikes me as ridiculously disingenuous.


28 Mar 02 - 06:00 AM (#677972)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???

A planet like Mars has vortex like those we find on earth in Egypt, Peru, Florida. At the vortex we will find gates.

28 Mar 02 - 06:50 AM (#677982)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: GUEST,Jack the Sailor

Little Hawk, you've come up with some crazy ideas, but this one takes the cake!!!!

Deep Impact a very good Movie??????

Tea Leone was so lame in it I was relieved to see her character die!!! Now if they'd only killed off de crappio in the first reel of Titanic!!!

28 Mar 02 - 09:21 AM (#678063)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Les from Hull

MMmario: I don't think much - therefore I might not be!

28 Mar 02 - 09:30 AM (#678072)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: MMario

my point exactly - or so I'm told.

28 Mar 02 - 05:37 PM (#678497)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Penny S.

Any chance of a link to those forest and tube structures - I mean sites on them, not transport portals? A scientist friend points out that Lowell was surrounded by a landscape not unlike that of Mars, complete with canals, which may have influnced his perceptions somewhat.


29 Mar 02 - 12:41 PM (#678888)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???

As we find out more we will find that South America and Eygpt had trade and the mysteries of both are related to the structures on Mars.

29 Mar 02 - 03:35 PM (#678987)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

You're dropping some intriguing hints, DH. Got any websites you can direct me to?

Wolfgang - Of course, what you say is completely reasonable. I'm not really making an argument for or against the matter of life on Mars, because I'm not in a position to gather the necessary evidence. It's just a subject I'm curious about, and I thought if I started a thread that something interesting might come up.

I am in no position whatsoever to provide conclusive evidence about anything on Mars, and I know it.

I just react strongly against kneejerk reactions of the conventional mind, which tends to ridicule anything new which it considers unusual without giving it any consideration at all. That is prejudgement, based on an existing prejudice or inclination, not on evidence or lack thereof.

When I see such unthinking ridicule of any unusual idea, I tend to respond with a certain measure of ridicule in return...

Open minds are more likely to make new discoveries than closed ones, but the conventional mind is seldom very open, I find. It delights in maintaining and defending the past.

- LH

30 Mar 02 - 01:39 AM (#679313)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???

Most is common knowledge from "Art Bell's Open Mind" radio program he really makes you think about the government and the coverups

But try these sites, I've told them about the MudCat Cafe.

30 Mar 02 - 07:09 AM (#679387)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: sophocleese

I guess, Little Hawk, I have a kneejerk reaction to the term "conventional mind". What does a conventional mind look like? Where can I find one? In my experience the more I talk to different people the less I"m able to pigeonhole them and say that because such and such does A then they will also believe B. I don't ask every person on the street what they think of the possibility of life on Mars, I really shouldn't assume I know what they think.

30 Mar 02 - 07:21 PM (#679761)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

It's easy, Soph...just go to any university and sit in on a meeting of the engineers' society! :-)

I could also point you in the direction of several likely people in the Orillia area who will repeat to you every common notion and cliche you've ever heard and bore you to tears while they obsess over the "fact" that hundreds of perverts deserving execution are living a cushy life in a palatial jail cell somewhere, and bemoan the "fact" that turban-wearing immigrants are taking over our society and destroying our churches...

I am, of course, being somewhat flippant. The conventional mind exists in the mind's eye of the beholder. Some people are more obviously rigid than others when it comes to considering new (new to them, that is) ideas...and it's clear that their rigidity is based mostly on a desire for psychological security in an ever-changing world.

DH - thanks for the links...

- LH

31 Mar 02 - 01:30 PM (#680210)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: GUEST,Wa BanZhou

I suggest checking out "Saul-Paul Sirag" on your search engine for crazy ideas,well told, about the faces on Mars.

13 Apr 02 - 02:06 AM (#688991)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???

I have seen them

13 Apr 02 - 02:04 PM (#689239)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Bill D need to either double those medications, of halve them

13 Apr 02 - 04:15 PM (#689326)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

Yes, Bill, but what if GUEST has been astral-travelling?

How come so many old threads have been revived in the last 24 hours? Is it some kind of conspiracy? :-)

- LH

16 Apr 02 - 04:45 AM (#691072)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Wolfgang

If GUEST believes he has been astral-travelling? Same advice, of course.


16 Apr 02 - 06:41 AM (#691128)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Stephen L. Rich

How can anyone tell if there are ruins on Mars? It looks pretty well ruined already. *********************************************************

Elvis has left the building! He has taken the parking lot with him. But, he has left the building.


16 Apr 02 - 04:02 PM (#691441)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Paul from Hull

They cant be ruins...the Mysterons would have restored any damaged buildings to their original state...

(I'm assuming that you in the Colonies did get to see the Gerry Anderson puppet series Captain Scarlet & the Mysterons in the 60's & 70's?)

& no, Little Hawk....there has to be more than 1 person for it to be a conspiracy...& all these particular 'Guests' are VERY MUCH loners....


16 Apr 02 - 04:05 PM (#691446)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Paul from Hull didnt put that well....but we all know the kind of 'Guests' I'm meaning...rather than simply Non-Members....

16 Apr 02 - 05:36 PM (#691501)
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
From: Little Hawk

No, no, Wolfgang, you are not paying close attention to what I said... :-)

I didn't say "what if GUEST believes he has been astral traveling?"...I said "what if GUEST has been astral-travelling?"

Big difference there. You can't depend much on people who merely believe something for any final answers to the really tricky questions.

- LH