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BS: UK people only (Clocks)

31 Mar 02 - 08:34 AM (#680048)
Subject: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Did you remember to put your clock forward ? It is now 2.30 PM and in one hour it will be 3.30PM. I think changing clocks is stupid and a big waste of time, and I can't chang my video clock because I stood on the remote control, I might get one of them new ones when I get some money that change themselves.

31 Mar 02 - 08:40 AM (#680051)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Mrs.Duck

I'd like some money that changed itself - preferably from pennies to fifty pound notes:-)
Looking at the clocks it looks as if the US have also gone onto summer time or am I mistaken?

31 Mar 02 - 08:48 AM (#680056)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Roger in Sheffield

John some videos have a pull open panel on the front that hides some controls - you might be able to change the clock time from there (or not) future don't keep the remote on the floor :)


31 Mar 02 - 08:49 AM (#680059)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Keith A of Hertford

When this has been discussed in the past, it has always been the Scots who have insisted we keep the change. Now that they have their own parliament, perhaps the rest of us could now do what suits us.

31 Mar 02 - 08:52 AM (#680062)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Cheers Roger, there is only one button on the front and it says tracking. I'ts a crap video anyway so I'm not too bothered.

31 Mar 02 - 10:36 AM (#680128)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Giac

Hi Mrs. Duck,

No, we in the US haven't gone on summer time yet, but will next Sunday. Though I can't recall where they are, there are some places in the US which thumb their noses at the time change and stay on standard time, while the rest of the country speeds up and whirls around them on Daylight Saving Time.

Happy Spring!


31 Mar 02 - 10:37 AM (#680129)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland

A bit racist there I think, Keith A.

I'm a Scot and proud of it, we in Scotland are still being told what to do by Westminster, ie the Scottish secertry excuse the spelling, who gets told from Tony Blair what to tell the Scottish Parliment what they can and can't do.

So much for a parliment eh!

31 Mar 02 - 02:05 PM (#680232)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, if that's how the Scots want it, that's how it's going to stay.

Changing the clocks like this twice a year is a really daft idea anyway. If it's more convenient to have an extra hour at the start of the day, or the end of the day, at certain times of the year, you just get up earlier or lie in later, and change the times you do a few things. People who look after livestock have always done it that way, beccause cows and such don't do things by the clock.

31 Mar 02 - 02:24 PM (#680243)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)

"you just get up earlier or lie in later"

So speaketh the retired man...

31 Mar 02 - 02:35 PM (#680256)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Liz the Squeak

You don't get an extra anything.... it's just called a different name.

It does mean, though, that it will be light enough to ride to work without worrying about whether I will be seen on my bike or not.


31 Mar 02 - 03:18 PM (#680271)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: GUEST,Terry


It will be darker on Tuesday morning than it was last week...

It's the evenings that are longer.


31 Mar 02 - 03:27 PM (#680276)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: McGrath of Harlow

Shifting work hours to fit, according to the season, doesn't require everybody adjusting all the clocks.

Do they do this sort of thing all over the world?

31 Mar 02 - 03:33 PM (#680281)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: GUEST,Terry

Pretty much Kevin, yes.

It's not an ideal system, but it works pretty well.

I for one really like the clocks going forward at this time of year.

Suddenly, the evenings are much longer, and I think, "Hey! Spring is here!"

That makes me feel good.


31 Mar 02 - 03:59 PM (#680295)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Clinton Hammond

I like that my local, in the fall, stays open an hour extra when the clocks get set back... but doesn't close an hour early in the spring when we set 'em forward again...

That's about the only way the change affects me... so it's o.k. by me!


31 Mar 02 - 04:40 PM (#680313)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah, but Terry, I'm not going to work on Tuesday!! And it's light enough by the time I go to work that it doesn't matter.


31 Mar 02 - 04:58 PM (#680321)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: GUEST,Terry

I'm sorry, Liz,

But if that is the case, why did you say:

It does mean, though, that it will be light enough to ride to work without worrying about whether I will be seen on my bike or not.

Doesn't make a deal of sense

"Ooops I made a mistake," would be more honest and dignified


31 Mar 02 - 05:47 PM (#680346)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Liz the Squeak

Cos I didn't say when I was going to work!!

I did mean from work though, so yeah, OK, got me there....

But then again, evenings aren't getting longer, they just stay lighter.


31 Mar 02 - 06:05 PM (#680359)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: McGrath of Harlow

So how do they do it in places where the nights and the days are each six months long? Or down in the tropics?

I think it's clumsy, meself. I'm for one universal time round the planet. How people fit their working and non-working life around that will vary from place to place and time to time.

31 Mar 02 - 07:39 PM (#680411)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Susanne (skw)

John, and what makes you think the UK is the only place to change clocks? Doesn't the whole of Europe? Germany does, anyway, which is why I'm tired now, I suppose. I'm all for keeping summer time throughout the year!

31 Mar 02 - 08:26 PM (#680437)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: greg stephens

Its not true that only the Scots like the clock changing idea. Basically, the further north you go in the UK, the more people are happy with theidea.Its nothng to do with Scots/English,its north v south really. I'm 100% pro clock changing for all the usual reasons.People in Harlow may disagree, but we're all entitled to our opinions ; I may live south of the Scottish/English border but I still like light mornings in the winter

31 Mar 02 - 08:29 PM (#680438)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

I spent some time near the Arctic Circle one summer. We were camped on a cliff with swallows. They sang their wake-up call 24 hours a day. Drove us crazy. A small Indian village was near us. The kids were playing games at 3AM by the clock. Everybody, including ourselves, soon got to working or loafing when we felt like it. I would hate the winters, though. The only games then are poker and sex, and pokher er poker soon gets boring.

01 Apr 02 - 03:20 AM (#680573)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Cappuccino

Tam, I don't think the racist comment in Keith's post was any reference to the clocks.

It was the remarkable phrase: 'the Scots insisted we keep the change...'

Bang goes another national stereotype!

- Ian B

01 Apr 02 - 03:27 AM (#680575)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland

I never said it was a racist about the clocks, it was about the Scots.

01 Apr 02 - 07:47 AM (#680636)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Keith A of Hertford

Sorry. Really, no offence meant.

01 Apr 02 - 02:54 PM (#680868)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: SharonA

For more on the changing of the clocks, see this thread: Mysteries of Daylight Time Revealed

02 Apr 02 - 02:09 AM (#681283)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: alison

ours went back in Oz... so I either left the session at 4am or 5am.... *grin*



02 Apr 02 - 06:19 AM (#681345)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland

They don't have day light saving in Western Australia, or have they came in line with the rest of Australia.

02 Apr 02 - 07:17 AM (#681373)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Dave the Gnome

And have you noticed that since we put the clocks forward the sky has stayed light for longer! I mean to say - how does it know??? Clever or what...;-)


02 Apr 02 - 07:20 AM (#681374)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: McGrath of Harlow

"I may live south of the Scottish/English border but I still like light mornings in the winter".

So does it need everyone to chang all the clocks to let you get up later and stop up later? We've been doing that for thousands of years without the need of summer time and winter time and all thta. Changing the hands on the clock ot the numbers on the digital read out doesn't change the amount of daylight there is.

It isn't changing the timepieces as such that's the problem - it's all those other devices you have to change as well, computers, phones, thermostats.

My grandfather clock it has died on the shelf
The hours of its chiming now are sped
With the hour going forward and the hour going back
All these changes have killed it stone dead.
No more will we hear in every season of the year
That cry of confusion and of doubt
"Is it back that I have to turn the clock,
Or is it the other way about?"

02 Apr 02 - 07:32 AM (#681382)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: GUEST,stringman

As long as you keep on playing\singing, who cares if it's back or forward, just keep on smiling.

02 Apr 02 - 07:58 AM (#681405)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: KingBrilliant

MMMmmmmmm - I love that extra hour sleep you get in October sometime.
But I hate that hour I just lost. I could have done without losing an hour's sleep this past weekend as I was nackered already from being at Gosport Festival.
More lucky by far was the chap at work who just realised his watch was wrong. Now, he has just lost an hour of WORK time.

PS. please don't point out any illogic in this post as I'm just not up to it at the minute.

02 Apr 02 - 09:49 AM (#681475)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: SharonA

Kris: LOL! When the clocks were turned back in October, I left my automobile clock alone (it's such a pain to change the time on it, and I figured it would be accurate again soon enough), so I've been enjoying the illusion that I'm not driving in to work quite so early each day!

02 Apr 02 - 10:21 AM (#681498)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: KingBrilliant

Hey SharonA - I did that too! Its been driving Mark mad all winter. Amoret & I got used to just subtracting an hour.
Mark heaved a sigh of relief on Sunday when it finally read right again - but Amo & I are having a devil of a time because we are now automotively an hour behind where we should be. Do you think I should maybe set it another hour in advance?


02 Apr 02 - 10:55 AM (#681522)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: SharonA

Kris: Absolutely! (...especially if your workplace has "summer hours" as mine does: an earlier start-time Monday-Friday, plus longer hours Monday-Thursday, so that employees can leave at noon on Friday and head for the seashore or the mountains for a slightly longer weekend!)

02 Apr 02 - 11:08 AM (#681528)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: KingBrilliant

Oh migawd!! so you have summer time AND summer hours. Does that mean you have to get up TWO hours earlier than in winter?

Kris (who finds it very hard to drag herself out of bed of a morning).

02 Apr 02 - 12:53 PM (#681605)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: swirlygirl

Well I forgot and me and English Jon were an hour late for the cinema on Sunday...



02 Apr 02 - 01:28 PM (#681639)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: lady penelope

See, I'm confused. I start work at 8.30am. In the winter, even once we put the clocks back, I still go to work in the dark and I still come home in the dark.

I live in London and I don't start anywhere near as early as a lot of people including farmers etc.

So if the time change doesn't benefit me living in the south and starting not particularly early, how does it benifit those who live much further north and / or start much earlier than I?

Other than that, I find it merely annoying.

TTFN M'lady P.

02 Apr 02 - 05:20 PM (#681814)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: SharonA

Kris: Yes, in fact, I do have to get up two hours earlier in summer. I hate summer hours.

The thing that's a REAL pain is resetting my cat's sleeping schedule BACK those same two hours in the autumn!!!

02 Apr 02 - 05:50 PM (#681829)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: SharonA

By that, I mean: When summer hours are over and the nation's clocks are turned back for the winter, my cat's biological clock still says it's 6:30 a.m. (time to wake up and jump all over my bed to wake me up so I can give him his breakfast) when the bedside clock says it's 4:30 a.m.!!! *groannnn*

Problem is, resetting the cat takes a lot longer than resetting the clock... usually a couple of weeks.

03 Apr 02 - 06:02 PM (#682327)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Gareth

There was an experiment, it lasted 3 years in the UK in the very early 70's to keep summer time all the year round. Statistically the Road Causulties in the Morning went up - the experiment was deemed a failure.

My aged mother, an ex Land Girl during the War, remembers the Double Summer time ( 2 hours on ) sufferd then, whilst she was working on farms in East Anglia. It was a way of life - you endured it. The major problem was that you would work till 11.00, and the Pubs still closed at 10.00 pm. Not that they could afford to drink, unless the 8th USAAF was buying. I haven't questioned her any further !!!!


03 Apr 02 - 06:08 PM (#682330)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)

Sharon A,

If you're stupid enough to allow your cat to jump on you at 4:30am, then that's your problem.

Ever heard of doors? They are a fairly recent invention, and offer the ability of being closed

03 Apr 02 - 06:42 PM (#682353)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Mrs.Duck

Gareth, ROSPA maintain that during the three year experiment road casualties as a whole were reduced as people travelling TO work in the dark were more alert than those who travel home in the dark after a day's work. They campaign every year for the clocks not to be put back in Autumn. As Liz says most of us end up travelling to work in the dark anyway so why not give some of us the chance to come home in the light at least.

04 Apr 02 - 06:51 AM (#682670)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: GUEST,

ROSPA ...campaign every year for the clocks not to be put back in Autumn.

Mrs Duck,

I have never heard of this campaign. Searches for 'time' 'daylight' 'GMT' 'BST' on the ROSPA website all come up blank.

If there is a campaign, it's not very well pubicised.

Do you have any more information?


04 Apr 02 - 06:59 AM (#682675)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Maybe it's asecret campaign!
This place is crazy! I started a thread to remind people to put their clocks forward, and it turns into this! (accusations of racism etc!) At this rate, this thread will still be here when it's time to put them back!

04 Apr 02 - 07:12 AM (#682680)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: GUEST,


Just because you're too dim to realise that some people have strong opinions about this doesn't mean it's "a secret campaign"

Besides, your initial comment of "I think changing clocks is stupid and a big waste of time" was somewhat loaded, was it not?


04 Apr 02 - 07:45 AM (#682697)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Watson

Please, GUEST,t kingston, is there any need to get so shirty.
You say that people have strong opinions, but John's opinion that "changing clocks is stupid and a big waste of time" is for some reason wrong?
What has he done to upset you?

04 Apr 02 - 07:47 AM (#682699)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: KingBrilliant

Shut a cat out of the bedroom Guest? No!!!!
Luckily my remaining cat is set to 90% kip - so I don't have your problem SharonA.
Offset this, however, against the long-clawed elderly fat hound whose bladder wakes her up early, and who has to cross acres of hard-floor before reaching the dog-flap. Clip clop clip clop clatter - its a good thing for her that she's deaf.


04 Apr 02 - 08:10 AM (#682716)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: GUEST,



When did I say that John's opinion was wrong? Please point it out.

As far as I am aware, I merely said that some people had strong opinions. I didn't venture mine.

Regarding 'being shirty' I was simply responding to John's post where he said that he was only reminding people to change their clocks. He clearly wasn't.

I pointed that out.

I'm such a bastard....


04 Apr 02 - 08:27 AM (#682723)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Watson

So are you saying that your word "loaded is a positive comment?
I see no evidence here that John is being dim. I don't know the man - he may be a complete idiot, but there is surely no evidence of it here.
Perhaps he should have started one thread with the altruistic aim of reminding his friends in Mudcat about BST, and another to voice his opinion.

04 Apr 02 - 08:37 AM (#682729)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: GUEST,

I'm sorry Watson, but if you want an arguement, go somewhere else (or of course email me).

I for one am bored of you.


04 Apr 02 - 07:10 PM (#683240)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: SharonA

GUEST and Kris (re shutting the cat out of the bedroom): As much as I hated to do it, I have tried resorting to that, but the only result is that the cat yowls outside the door in ever-increasing volume. If I leave him alone long enough, he gives up and walks away, but by that time I'm wide awake anyway... and so are all my neighbors in the apartment building.

No, GUEST, I'm not stupid; I let the cat jump all over the bed because it's better than being evicted!!!!!!!!!

04 Apr 02 - 07:19 PM (#683251)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: SharonA

BTW, in addition to the canned food a couple of times a day, my cat always has a bowl of dry food at the ready, but he doesn't care. He knows that if Mom doesn't get up and go to work and make money, she won't keep bringing home cat food. Hence the "alarm cat" routine.

The concept of "weekends" is still a mystery to him, however.

04 Apr 02 - 07:30 PM (#683260)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: McGrath of Harlow

Our cats organise these kinds of things for themselves. Eat when they're hungry, drink when they're dry, and sleep whenever they feel like it. And they can of course walk through doors.

"if you want an arguement, go somewhere else" That's rich!

05 Apr 02 - 04:51 AM (#683501)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Watson

On the subject of cats and bedroom doors - if you have a siamese cat shouting at you from the other side of a closed bedroom door, you're much more likely to be able to get to sleep if you open the door and let it in!
...but I wouldn't want to start an argument.

05 Apr 02 - 05:11 AM (#683509)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland

Tank God I don't a cat, but has this got to do with changing clocks,

05 Apr 02 - 05:20 AM (#683520)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Watson

Bugger all Tam, except you can't reset cats' clocks. don't have a cat? Want a few of ours?

05 Apr 02 - 06:48 AM (#683564)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Hrothgar

If it makes you any happier, daylight saving in Eastern Australia ended over the Easter weekend, and I managed to turn up an hour early for the first workshop of the Sunday at the National Folk Festival in Canberra.

Believe me, getting up an hour early is not something i need to do at the National.

Gee, it was a great festival, though.

08 Apr 02 - 06:36 AM (#685374)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)

The state of Arizona does not change time. The rest of the U.S.A. has gone through the ritual.

08 Apr 02 - 08:09 AM (#685398)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)

For those of you who find a one-hour advance on solar time difficult to live with, think of those of us in France who are obliged to put up with a TWO-hour advance on solar time from the end of March to the end of October!



08 Apr 02 - 11:56 PM (#685886)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: JohnInKansas

From The Wichita Eagle (Kansas) newspaper, April 8, 2002:

"MEXICO CITY -- For the first time since it was imported from the United States in 1996, daylight-saving time went into effect in Mexico without political battles or court challenges -- but not without grumbling...."


09 Apr 02 - 07:49 PM (#686625)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: Col K

If you dont want to change your clocks then dont see where it will get you,One hour diff to everyone else, great fun at first but gets boring eventually, I know I tried it once, bosses dont like it.

10 Apr 02 - 04:13 PM (#687310)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: DaveJ

The State of Indiana doesn't change either.


10 Apr 02 - 05:06 PM (#687345)
Subject: RE: BS: UK people only (Clocks)
From: SharonA

DaveJ: Most of the state of Indiana doesn't change; however, some parts of the state do change because they're near major metropolitan areas in other states with other time-zone habits. Here are the details, copied from this page (scroll down to see the map and chart at the bottom of this page as well); this oughta make it as clear as mud:

By State Law, most of Indiana is on Eastern Standard Time (EST) all year long.

The statute creates three different time arrangements in the Hoosier State:
1. 77 counties (including state capital Indianapolis) are in the Eastern Time Zone but do not change to Daylight time in April; instead they remain on Standard Time all year long; [yellow on map and chart]
2. 10 counties -- five near Chicago, IL, and five near Evansville, IN, are in the Central Time Zone and use both Central Standard and Central Daylight; [green on map and chart] and
3. Five other counties -- two near Cincinnati, OH, and three near Louisville, KY -- are in the Eastern Time Zone but use both Eastern Standard and Eastern Daylight. [pink on map and chart]

What Time Is It When It's Noon in Indiana's Capital?

1. Central Indiana (Indianapolis, and most of Indiana, including Bloomington) = Noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) all year

2. Western portions of Indiana (near Chicago, IL – Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, and Porter counties; also Evansville, IN and Gibson, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh, and Warrick counties) = 11:00 AM, Central Standard Time (CST) during US standard time; Noon, Central Daylight Time (CDT) during US Daylight Saving Time

3. Eastern portions of Indiana (near Cincinnati, OH – Dearborn and Ohio counties; and near Louisville, KY – Clark, Floyd and Harrison counties) = Noon, EST; 1:00 PM EDT


Many believe that Indiana changes time zones in the Summer. Part of the confusion stems from the fact that in the Winter, most of Indiana is the same time as New York (which is also Eastern), and in the Summer, Indiana is the same time as Chicago (which is Central).

Actually, by going to Daylight time in April, the Central Zone Springs ahead from Central Standard (CST) to Central Daylight (CDT), which is the same as Eastern Standard (EST) (Indiana time). By switching from Eastern Daylight (EDT) to Standard in October, the rest of the Eastern Zone falls back to EST (Indiana time). [The rest of] Indiana, [plus] Arizona and Hawaii are constants -- always Standard time.

Courtesy the Monroe County Community School Corporation, Bloomington, IN 47401. Please send questions or comments specifically about Indiana to