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BS: Look your flies are open

31 Mar 02 - 08:38 PM (#680442)
Subject: BS Look your flies are open
From: greg stephens

This may not be quite relevant yet in America, but it is (just) in the UK

31 Mar 02 - 08:40 PM (#680443)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Amergin

uh ok,..,...

31 Mar 02 - 08:45 PM (#680446)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Brakn


31 Mar 02 - 11:33 PM (#680514)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: reggie miles

we're waiting....

01 Apr 02 - 01:10 AM (#680550)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: catspaw49

I assume you are wishing us a Happy April Fool's Day.........So bite me right back atcha'.


01 Apr 02 - 01:47 AM (#680557)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: reggie miles

Got me!

01 Apr 02 - 07:04 AM (#680631)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland

your flies, for our Amercan friends, is over here your zip on your trousers, or as you say pants.

So in other words what he is saying, your zip is down

01 Apr 02 - 07:12 AM (#680635)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hi, Greg: Over here we only have one fly per pants. What kind of people are you over there? We would say XYZ... examine your zipper.


01 Apr 02 - 07:49 AM (#680637)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Les from Hull

Well you didn't get me 'cos it's after twelve now (BST). So now it's officially legging down day. Anybody want to fall over my virtual leg?

01 Apr 02 - 08:15 AM (#680644)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: gnomad

I'll fall, first time in yonks, but I don't think you will have many takers Les.

I have asked around over several years and I think legging down is a very localised custom.

Former Hull school kids of the world, stand up to be recognised (and legged down of course)!

01 Apr 02 - 08:22 AM (#680645)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: gnu

And, if you're a Canuck, it's, "What's the score ?", ie, your net is open.... yes, and beer. Hockey and beer is all we ever think about.

01 Apr 02 - 12:06 PM (#680756)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: McGrath of Harlow

So you don't say "flies" in the States? You only learn that kind of stuff in the Mudcat.

So what would you say if it wasn't a zipper on the flies (or whatever you call them), but buttons? What do you call that particular aperture on the trousers? "Flap" maybe?

01 Apr 02 - 12:07 PM (#680758)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Mrrzy

OK, somebody explain this thread to clueless me, thanks!

01 Apr 02 - 12:36 PM (#680781)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Les from Hull

OK here goes, Mrrzy!

In England, possibly elsewhere, April 1st is April Fool's Day, when (mostly young) people play April Fool jokes on each other, mostly harmless little jokes like 'your shoelace is undone!'. If the unfortunate actually looks towards his shoes, he/she is an 'April Fool', and the subject of some derision.

Still awake? OK. 'flies' is a UK expression for the zipper or buttons designed to give easy access to a gentleman's nether reasons. So your 'flies are undone' is a practical joke designed to make you look and so be an April Fool.

Now this is where the story really gets interesting. April Fools Day in Hull (Yorkshire, England), and possibly other places, only lasts until 12 noon. After that it's Legging Down Day, when children endeavour to trip each other up (called 'legging down') by thrusting an ankle, often your own, in the way of someone elses. It's a tradition, of sorts

End of long boring explanation in the interests of improved intercourse between nations.

01 Apr 02 - 12:38 PM (#680783)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: MMario

"fly" - singular in the US. Other expressions might be "barn door's open"

mrzzy - it's an april's fool joke of the "made ya look!" type.

01 Apr 02 - 12:51 PM (#680799)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: CapriUni

For a moment, I misread the title of this thread as "Your files are open!

Um... Misspellers of the world untie!

And for you Pagans out there who are celebrating the ressurection of Attis:

Happy Hilaria Day!

01 Apr 02 - 01:52 PM (#680822)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: GUEST,amergin

another shining example of some of the bullshit going on here...

01 Apr 02 - 02:06 PM (#680832)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: catspaw49

Hey 'Gin Boy! Close your compact before your lipstick pops out.


01 Apr 02 - 02:23 PM (#680847)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: SharonA

Yeah, over here in the US you only get one fly per pair of pants. More often we'll say "your fly is down" rather than "your fly is open". Cutely oblique phrases such as "XYZ" are commonly used by those who don't wish to embarrass their friends by announcing the faux pas to the world.

But when your flies are "open" in the UK, do you "close" them or"shut" them?

01 Apr 02 - 02:29 PM (#680849)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Steve in Idaho

Ahhhh - fun Bullshit without rancor or major division - I always asked, "You trolling for a friend?" With a glance in the direction indicated (the crotch har har har)!

And as for flies - I believe the correct English would be "Fly's open" indicating a conjunctive ( is that really a word?) of "Fly is open."! And a great April Fools to you all!!!


01 Apr 02 - 03:15 PM (#680891)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: SharonA

Steve: Yes, there's such a word as "conjunctive", but it's the wrong word! "Fly's" is a contraction of "fly is". And that is an open-and-shut case!

01 Apr 02 - 03:25 PM (#680905)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: MMario

shakes head

Takes second look

yup! That *is* what she said, isn't it?

01 Apr 02 - 03:56 PM (#680926)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: SharonA

Maaaaaaaaax! MMario keeps hittin' meeeeeeee!

01 Apr 02 - 06:16 PM (#681027)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: katlaughing

We used to say to other girls that it was "snowing down south" so they'd look to see if their slip was showing. Does anyone wear a slip anymore?

The best prank of all, that we mercilessly carried out, every year and every year our dad fell for it, was to fill the sugar bowl with salt. He used to have a little coffee with his sugar so you can imagine how that must have hit the taste pallets.

I think "fly's open" is what I hear the most over here and maybe that is the origin of you UKers thinking you have multiple flies!?**BG**


01 Apr 02 - 06:22 PM (#681030)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: catspaw49

Kat, I think slips are about as outdated as compacts that I mentioned above. That line (Close your compact before your lipstick pops out) was one of the Old Man's favorites along with "Your barn door's open." And being a rairoad engineer there was, "You got an open block and a fast freight comin'."


01 Apr 02 - 07:31 PM (#681071)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Please adjust your dress before leaving" is the rather strange way the notices in public bogs in England put it, in a way to avoid this little local difficulty.

I remember a song contest at a festival in Ireland where the chief adjudicator sprawled there, behind his table up on the stage, giving forth at length his gems of wisdom and disapprobation. And all the while his flies were gaping wide open for the rapt audience, with their attention fixed on him throughout. He thought we were all ears, but in fact we were all eyes.

01 Apr 02 - 07:55 PM (#681095)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Big John

I heard a guy praising a motor mechanic as follows, "He could pull a cat's tail through a dog's arse and make it run". No relevance whatsoever to this thread but what the hell.

02 Apr 02 - 05:22 PM (#681816)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: Mrs.Duck

No Norton the correct word was 'flies' which over here are plural as are trousers. So we say flies ARE open and then just for Sharon we would neither close nor shut them but simply 'do them up'!
Never come across legging down Les but I agree that April fooling has to take place before noon.

03 Apr 02 - 04:26 PM (#682283)
Subject: RE: BS Look your flies are open
From: GUEST,fb

the punk scene has pants with multiple (12 or more) zippers that are called "bondage pants"