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BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2

08 Apr 02 - 07:02 AM (#685385)
Subject: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Just thought I start a new thread as the last one was getting a bit big and had fallen off the edge.

08 Apr 02 - 07:57 AM (#685394)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Julie B

Part 1 at Peoples Voice Folk Festival-Beverley

Julie B

08 Apr 02 - 09:06 AM (#685425)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: nutty

Jim ..... How about putting a resume of all the relevant info (Dates, costs etc) at the start of this thread, so that people don't have to trawl through part one to discover it ????

08 Apr 02 - 11:13 AM (#685488)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat

The People's Voice Folk Festival will take place in Beverley Fri 21st, Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd of June 2002 at various venues throughout Beverley, East Yorkshire including: Hodgsons, Tiger Inn, Sun Inn/Tap & Spile, Mariners, Nellies, Oddfellows and others. Free Camping on Leisure Centre site. There will be Singaraounds, Musicians Sessions, Folk Club, Morris Dancing, Shanty Sessions, Fringe Club, Open Mike, Workshops, Late Night Extras, Acts Booked in Local Pubs plus lots lots more. All events are free

08 Apr 02 - 05:09 PM (#685705)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Hi Roger is the meeting still on for Hodgsons this thursday 11/4/02?? what time will it start?? What is the latest news/update??

08 Apr 02 - 06:14 PM (#685743)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: brid widder

the last meeting at Hodgsons was very worthwile & well attended the follow up to it is this Thursday at 8:30......anyone else who would like to be involved in any way come along

08 Apr 02 - 06:37 PM (#685761)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Willa

Please pass MCFat's message along; word of mouth is surprisingly effective, and the first priority now that things are shaping up so well is to get the news to as many people as possible, before they make other arrangements for that W/E. I think the flyers will be ready soon.

09 Apr 02 - 04:21 AM (#685982)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Yes, Thursday is on for 8.30. I am expecting some people from the shanty festival to come along so that we can co-ordinate what is happening. The ER Council have promised us some money providing we work together - I'll tell you how much on Thursday.


09 Apr 02 - 04:31 AM (#685988)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat

All sounds good news comrades. So long as we don't go down the road of Stalinist 5 Year Plans.

10 Apr 02 - 04:43 AM (#686849)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat


10 Apr 02 - 08:50 AM (#686931)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: smallpiper

appologies I'm in London so can't make the meeting please keep me informed of what happens how much council is making available and do we want workshops? oh and etc cheers John

10 Apr 02 - 10:45 AM (#687017)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat

At the moment as I understand it. Sam Pirt has agreed to do a workshop free but I'm sure others may come on board. I think workshops can be usefull for making the morning more bearable before the pub opens !!! Maybe we can organise some other morning activities like cricket !!!, naked mud wrestling, clay bodrhan shooting or perhaps Wawne Brewery will allow brewery trips !!

10 Apr 02 - 12:00 PM (#687090)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: smallpiper at work

wot about a dance or two? I'm sure we could con em I mean coax a dance band or two to play - just an idea as I'm too unfit/fat to dance and usualy to busy playing at sessions.

10 Apr 02 - 01:33 PM (#687167)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Paul from Hull

Wow! I'm amazed at how much this has snowballed! (Having been offline for a Month, & not seen the progress... or been to any of the meetings, partly because I cant make the PVFF anyway)

I can't think of any real contribution I can make -certainly not if Gary & Bron & the 'Scout-y lot' can be persuaded to man the 'Campsite'... they know the drill as well as I do, though if they can't do it, it has to be manned by someones - Campsites attract kids & other curious locals.

10 Apr 02 - 01:51 PM (#687188)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Ey up Paul, good to see you again, I wondered were you had got to!

10 Apr 02 - 02:22 PM (#687220)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Willa

Glad you're back, Paul; was just asking brid widder on Sunday if she knew where you'd disappeared to!

10 Apr 02 - 02:25 PM (#687224)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Willa

btw, keep up to date with progress by visiting the PVFF website- go to CottinhamLive

10 Apr 02 - 03:11 PM (#687263)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Paul from Hull

Yeah, my 'net connection went down AGAIN....thats 3 times inb about 5 months, & offline for 3-4 weeks each time (this time was my 'fault' though... cash problems, so couldnt pay my phone bill, & they cut me off w/out warning!)

I bumped into Les yesterday, as I was on the way to pay the phone bill, & he was telling me about all the progress the PVFF was making, but as I say, its good to see everything really coming together as shown here....& that there is a 'Timetable' of stuff on CottinghamLive... I'd not seen that site before.

I need to get to a few sessions, etc, & keep in touch with people that way!

10 Apr 02 - 03:47 PM (#687284)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

That reminds me, i must pop in to telephone House tommorow and pay my phone bill, before they cut me off!

10 Apr 02 - 05:42 PM (#687363)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Matthew Edwards

Is the festival open only to citizens of the People's Republic of East Yorkshire? Can fraternal delegates from Merseyside attend, or even Lancastrians?

Provided that I can obtain a (doctored) certificate from the International Socialist Splinter (New PostModern Marxist Faction) Group I shall come as the Plenipotentary Delegate from the Port Sunlight Branch (membership=1).
Looking forward to this!

10 Apr 02 - 06:39 PM (#687411)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: brid widder

Well if we can cope with fat scotsmen I'm sure we could cope with a Plenipotentary International Socialist Sphincter --- Official Festival Faction (P.I.S.S. O.F.F.) even from the wrong side of the Pennines ...welcome aboard Matthew maybe you could join Jim for the Mud wrestling workshop!

10 Apr 02 - 06:49 PM (#687419)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Whats a plenipotentary?

10 Apr 02 - 07:09 PM (#687438)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: harpmaker

'Plenipotentiary'= Full power or authority. We would like to thank everybody who has contributed to the 'Beverley folks' page on the Dolphin harps site. John&Christine.

10 Apr 02 - 07:26 PM (#687453)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Thanks for explaining that John.john

11 Apr 02 - 04:42 AM (#687690)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I resemble that remark Janet. I like the plenipotentiary bit Matthew. I think letting the Port Sunlight branch in is OK but I draw the line at 'proper' Scousers I mean think of effect that could have on the hubcap poulation of Beverley !! Like the idea of a potential People's Ceilidh to add to the events !! If we're using words like plenipotentiary can I add my fave 'Hierachical Meritocracy'

11 Apr 02 - 07:48 AM (#687755)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Julie B

I have an aunt in Hull, and plan to stay with her for the weekend and then go to Filey for a day or two afterwards (where my parents happen to have fortuitously booked a caraven for the week!). Does anyone know how long it might take me to drive between Willerby and Beverley?

Julie B from Milton Keynes

11 Apr 02 - 08:45 AM (#687783)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Snuffy

In Chester, or in Lytham
You might do something wiv 'em
If it wasn't for the Scousers in between

(Sugden & Nudds)

11 Apr 02 - 09:10 AM (#687800)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Julie-if you drive fast, a couple of minutes! (Use the A164), the main road between the Humber bridge & Beverley.

11 Apr 02 - 09:15 AM (#687804)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: greg stephens

I contributed to the original thread, and then lost track when it got too long for me to read. Delighted to get back in touch and realise how things have progressed. I would love to come, but unfortunately I promised my grandmother on her deathbed that I would never cross the pennines into Yorkshire.

11 Apr 02 - 11:46 AM (#687912)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Speaking as a Yorkshireman married to a Lancastrian (from Blackburn)I am open minded about these things and the PVFF will be equally open I hope - we'll even allow Southerners in!


11 Apr 02 - 02:01 PM (#688007)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Willa

Takes me about 12 minutes, Julie. Whilst you're here you could go to sessions at
The Kingston in Hull on Friday,
The Sun (Tap and Spile)in Beverley on Sunday (4pm to 7pm)
The Tap and Spile on Spring Bank in Hull on Sunday evening, and
Nellie's in Beverley on Monday night! All good venues.

11 Apr 02 - 05:33 PM (#688142)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Matthew Edwards

greg, thanks to a happy concatenation of events you can come after all... (prophesied by Nostradamus, of course!- "In the year when the long-lived Queen of the bows and the lion dies, and the five wanderers meet in line, then the red rose shall briefly outshine the white and the mountains be swallowed by the sea while great music is made by the people )

As interpreted by neo-structuralist scholars of the University of Port Sunlight this means that after the death of Elizabeth the Queen Mother (born Bowes-Lyon) and following the planetary alignment, Lancaster will dominate York while the Pennines (thanks to the efforts of a team of Dutch tunnellers) are temporarily moved east into the North Sea for the duration of the People's Voice Folk Festival. However you should be aware that a 12th century byelaw still permits the killing by longbow and arrow of any Welch, Southron, or infidel of Cheshire on the third Sunday of the month.

For some up to date information about the Festival visit the Cottingham-live website at PVFF

11 Apr 02 - 05:49 PM (#688150)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Linda Kelly

I worry about Matthew...

12 Apr 02 - 04:34 AM (#688390)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Following the meeting last night, we have now taken delivery of 10,000 flyers (designed by Les from Hull). Anyone who feels that they could distribute some around clubs, festivals etc should pick them up from Hodgson's pub in Beverley(if you are local) or I will mail them if you send me your address and an indication of how many you want.

We are now working in co-operation with the Barge Preservation Society to incorporate a shanty event around the Beverley Beck and the East riding Council have given us some money towards printing advertising etc.

The next meeting will be at County Hall in Beverley on Thursday 25th April at 7pm when the cheque will be presented officially so that we can get a photo and story in the local paper.

See the website for regular updates as acts are booked into the venues - so far we have Banoffi on Saturday night and Dog House Skiffle Group on Sunday together with workshops from Sam Pirt(accordion), John Harrison(fiddle) and Gifford Rolfe(songwriting)and a folkclub run by Cottingham Live on Saturday afternoon. However, this is just the beginning and another 11 pubs have yet to fix up who is playing at their venue and when.


12 Apr 02 - 06:44 AM (#688429)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Roger, sterling work old boy !! Send us some over to the Sheffield Commune for distribution to the masses. I think e-mailed you my address

12 Apr 02 - 02:41 PM (#688693)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Willa

So do I, Linda; he's beginning to 'sound' like a Yorkshireman!

12 Apr 02 - 03:10 PM (#688701)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: harpmaker

We are talking to the landloard (Philip) of the Queens head pub(Beverley market) at the moment. He interested in Christine & I (and our friends) running some sessions. Maybe a harp workshop??? he's into folk and he's fallen for Chrisy's voice, and my harp! And he's heard our CD! If he pays us for sessions, (looking promising) We will donate it to PVFF. More as it progresses. 'Question', Would anybody be interested in a harp workshop???John&Christine.

13 Apr 02 - 01:57 PM (#689234)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Caz

Roger we'll take 100 flyers and hand them out at our gigs if you don't mind posting them to us. If you e-mail me at I'll forward my address to you and dish them out with pleasure. I've had so many people ask me about the festival and it's been great to be able to tell them what's been going on. Keep up the good work all of you, you are stars!

Carole Dalton - OUTSIDER

13 Apr 02 - 03:12 PM (#689283)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Cheers Carole

I've got your address from an earlier email. I'm hoping to get Outsider booked into one of the venues so watch this space.


14 Apr 02 - 02:47 AM (#689626)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Hi Roger. What are the thoughts ? (of all)!,about putting the fring onto the official web site,and or putting our own advertisment on to this site. this way it will be viewed by all not just mudcatters.

14 Apr 02 - 02:58 AM (#689628)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Me again.Do you think King Rollo will do a blues work shop on guitar. John Harrison and I are getting up a few shanty songs on fiddle and banjo to help out at the Beck , what about Les & Maggie or any others. I am also about to Email Saddleworth festival, as a contingent from that area come every year and some of them are shanty singers

14 Apr 02 - 05:51 AM (#689680)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

John - a respons to your two postings

I did suggest to Chris in an email early on that they could put a redirect on the official website but have had no response to that. Since I don't know Chris, perhaps someone that does could suggest it again.

I'm sure that Rollo would do something along those lines. At the moment I'm concentrating on getting the acts booked into the pubs and it would be great if others would run with the workshop arranging - what types, who to run them, where to run and at what times on what days.


14 Apr 02 - 01:04 PM (#689837)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Hi Roger Ihave dropped aline to Saddleworth and Cleethorpes have you contacted fRoots ? do you want me to do it.

15 Apr 02 - 04:25 AM (#690243)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

As I've just said to Roger in an e-mail. I think now is the time to shout out about the fest being 'on'. There are still a people telling me it's off. I've sias I'll prepare a basic Press Release and send it to a number of sources. I think some of the media should pick up on what we've done and may want to talk to some of us !! you never know.

15 Apr 02 - 08:54 AM (#690363)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Matthew Edwards

I saw a poster for the PVFF at the National at Sutton Bonington at the weekend so its on the map, so to speak. By the way Sue vG sang Linda's Sparehand in one of the informal sessions and it was well received - fame beckons!

I'm going to distribute a few posters locally in Liverpool and Wirral, but please don't blame me if a vanload of scousers turns up singing sea shanties.

Willa - I'm getting worried if you think I'm beginning to sound like a Yorkshireman. Most people comment that I take on a ditinctly Irish brogue - especially after a pint or three of the black stuff!

15 Apr 02 - 09:03 AM (#690369)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Great news about the poster being 'spotted'. In year to come are they going to say 'ah well I thought it were a Class 22 but in reality it were a PVFF poster circa 2002'

15 Apr 02 - 11:28 AM (#690503)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Peter Underwood


I have been talking to Peter Astell of the Beverley barge preservation society regarding the festival. I am a professional PR and assist the project with their PR. Could you e-mail me at asap so that we can get together to co-ordinate publicity for the event please?

15 Apr 02 - 01:03 PM (#690583)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley


I've made a note of you email address and will be in touch shortly


15 Apr 02 - 03:51 PM (#690713)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Well Matthew Edwards. If tha thinks tha's tunnin Yorkshire then tha'd best lern to do things rate an lern to speek proper like wat we does. An them bloomin scousers better turn up, so they can see wat good ale tast's like

15 Apr 02 - 04:02 PM (#690728)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

WELCOME BACK ON BOARD BILL. glad to see you escaped from the dungeons of York.

15 Apr 02 - 06:13 PM (#690780)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Willa

Matthew; I refer you to this thread - RE: BS: R all the Yorkshires Mad, or is it me? Your posting last Thursday makes me wonder if you forgot to get yourself inoculated before you came over the Pennines on your recent visit!

16 Apr 02 - 07:20 AM (#691150)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Have e-mailed the editor of Stirrings to inform him of the news. The next edition should come out just before the fest.

16 Apr 02 - 08:57 AM (#691192)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Good man MC. I did send an email to stirrings a while ago but things have moved on since then


16 Apr 02 - 09:54 AM (#691246)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Will try and e-mail F Roots and Living Tradition too !!

16 Apr 02 - 02:48 PM (#691372)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo


16 Apr 02 - 03:15 PM (#691399)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I have been interviewed today by both the Beverley Advertiser and the Beverley Guardian - in both I have emphasised that we are not the B&ERFF and that we are not seeking to supplant that. On the contrary our main aim is to provide continuity and that, perhaps, ourselves and chris Wade will be able to build on the future festival together.

Chris has been in touch and would like to meet to discuss the future- anyone else like to be part of that meeting?


16 Apr 02 - 03:35 PM (#691419)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I am almost at the stage where I will be delivering our preferred list of performers to those pubs that need guidance on bookings. Please let me know asap of anyone that you think should be included - ideally include name, contact details and a short description of what they do.

Be sure to check out the website regularly for updates on the provisional programme - it is being added to almost daily. The easiest ways to access it are through the link on cottingham-live or John's harpmaster site.


17 Apr 02 - 04:09 AM (#691849)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Have received the flyers Roger and started to distribute them around the session pubs in Sheffield. Will e-mail the details as per flyer to any publication I can think of that are relevant including Embalmers Monthly

17 Apr 02 - 04:35 AM (#691863)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2

Are they connected to Stiff Records?

17 Apr 02 - 09:16 AM (#692017)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,John Rouse

I found this discussion after hearing from someone on the barge project that there was a festival happening after all this year. After reading all the information here, I e-mailed the "official" festival web site, asking if they would put a redirect on their site, as I am sure there are many other regular visitors to the Folk Festival who would like to know that there was something happening this year. I got a very terse response from someone called Helen who said "The alternative festival is nothing to do with us". I have written back saying that I appreciate that its nothing to do with them, but that a link from their home page might be nice as the PVFF people are doing them a favour by keeping the weekend warm for them. I await a response!

In the meantime, may I suggest someone does a web search for sites advertising BERFF and e-mail them with details of PVFF. I've done this with a few, but every search engine I use comes up with a different list. So far I've had a few encouraging responses, so (most) people are happy to help.

17 Apr 02 - 11:05 AM (#692129)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Sir Roger de Beverley

I have suggested to Chris Wade this week that it would make sense for each of us to have a link to the other on our websites. In that way we could avoid any confusion between the two events and publicise both more effectively.


17 Apr 02 - 05:32 PM (#692350)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: harpmaker


18 Apr 02 - 09:20 AM (#692758)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Just a note to the two websites the correct spelling of my name is Jim McDonald, pedantic I know but after 48 years it stills rile me if people put 'Mac'. You can also put my slogan after any by-line 'Singer, Guitarist, Fat Bastard'. There are some pics plus a profile on our website I'll get the webmaster to make sure you can download them. Ta muchly

18 Apr 02 - 02:29 PM (#693023)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Sorry Jim

That was my fault, the webmasters merely copied my error.

It's just my revenge on the world for being spelled Rodger as I often am!


18 Apr 02 - 03:06 PM (#693040)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Hi Roger, spelling ok??? I am awaiting a confermation call from a group called PIGJIG, AGAIN ONE OF THE ORIGINAL WARTERSONS who have offered their services free to help get this thing off the ground. I will Email you once confermation comes through.

18 Apr 02 - 03:50 PM (#693071)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Hi Rpger Book them in,confirmation was given a few minutes ago. If you are having some kind of a ceiligh, John at the leisure cntr says we can have the side room next to the bar, and three of the above came from a ceiligh band. Are things not progressing well! now all we need is a crowd. RPGER???

18 Apr 02 - 04:09 PM (#693083)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I have got a couple of hundred of the flyers advertising the PVFF, John the Harp has uploaded one to his new website, but if any local people without internet access want one just let me know, or pop round to 35 Chanterlands Ave, Hull.john

19 Apr 02 - 04:10 AM (#693494)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Or I will mail parcels of flyers out to anyone that wants some for distribution.


19 Apr 02 - 04:14 AM (#693496)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

The Pigjig news is good. I think that at the meeting next Thursday(25th in County Hall, Beverley at 7pm) we need to discuss the non -pub events and work out a programme for those.

At that meeting we are hoping that quite a few licensees will come and I propose that we discuss their bookings and anything else that they need to know at the beginning so that they can get back to running their pubs and we can then talk through the more folky stuff.


19 Apr 02 - 04:48 AM (#693509)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Beverley Tourist Information Centre are going to turn one of their windows into a display advertising PVFF. Does anyone have any old instruments or folk related items that could be used in such a display? they will look after them but I wouldn't offer anything that you value highly as it is bound to be exposed to sun and could be a temptation to thieves.

And before anyone suggests that I am an old folk related item, I'm not volunteerring to sit in a window for a month. :-)


19 Apr 02 - 04:51 AM (#693513)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Roger, if you ask Les and Richard Wastling. I'm sure they will have photographs of sessions/folk club/sing-a-rounds etc of previous years as they both were ofiicial photographers.

19 Apr 02 - 05:50 AM (#693535)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Cheers Jim - I saw Les yesterday and never thought to ask even though he showed me the poster master on which he has used some of those images - Doh!


19 Apr 02 - 12:42 PM (#693781)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Les from Hull

Actually, I only have one year's photos, which I did for myself. The others all belong to Beverley Folk Festival and are with Chris Wade (as are Richard's). Also they are mostly official events with performers on stage and not really appropriate for the Peoples Voice. I'll print one or two dance ones up to A4 and laminate them. If anybody has got general session or singaround shots, I can scan those and do the same.

20 Apr 02 - 05:02 AM (#694205)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Hi RRGRRR I have just got hold of a old Banjoleyle that is in need of minor repair . Any good

20 Apr 02 - 12:44 PM (#694394)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Mr Happy

dear Sir Roger de Beverly

could you send me some flyers/ fliers please: We are Chester Folk Explorers, c/o 88 Oldfield Crescent, Lache Lane, Chester CH4 7PF. I'll send you postage etc if necessary, Thanks,

Mr Happy

20 Apr 02 - 01:01 PM (#694402)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

The flyers are on their way to Mr Happiness (no charge. John and Les thanks and I'm sure that the banjolele would do fine.


If anyone can turn up at the Sun tomorrow it would be nice because Keith has just asked me to run his session from 4 - 7pm. I'll be running my usual last Sunday one, that a lot of you come to, next week as normal so please come to that anyway - but if you could fit in another that would be great.


22 Apr 02 - 04:28 AM (#695391)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Just thought I'd refresh. The word has got out on the streets in the People's Republic of South Yorkshire

22 Apr 02 - 05:27 AM (#695410)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Pete Dean

Howdy everyone. Been meaning to look at this for ages. Word does indeed seem to be spreading. Do we have an official opinion from Chris Wade yet?

With regard to photographs, I have quite a good collection of photies taken in previous years of long sunny saturday afternoons at my session in Nellies beer garden....showing large audiences and numerous musicians in varying states of disrepair. Somebody let me know if you want to borrow them?

I have not, as yet, had a chance to get involved properly with PVFF, however I am available if I can contribute in any way. Perhaps the Nellies sessions? Also I'm sure Me n Dave the fiddle would be open for a gig if you have an empty slot. Let me know when the next meeting is, please? Cheers.

22 Apr 02 - 08:24 AM (#695476)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Les from Hull

Pete - if you can lend me some photos at the next Nellies do I'll enlarge them for the Tourist Office window display.

Roger - Nikki (Niknak) has asked if we could include a 'fiddle club' on the programme list (possibly an afternoon 3-5pm. The idea is for fiddle players to get together and share tunes, techniques etc. We should be able to scape up enough fiddle players!

Also for the programme - a 'Poems and Pints' session for poets, monologists to get together.

22 Apr 02 - 02:45 PM (#695783)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Hi Pete,Les and everyone.

Ray Padgett has now officially agreed to run the Sun singaround on Saturday but we need someone(s) for Sunday - any suggestions or volunteers?

The meeting on Thursday will include quite a few licensees and I hope that we will make quite a bit of progress on what is happening where. I think that we need to get the programme pretty complete during the next couple of weeks so that Les can get the programme to the printers in order for it to be available by the end of May.


22 Apr 02 - 03:02 PM (#695799)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Linda Kelly

I should be up for Sunday if you are depserate Rog.

22 Apr 02 - 05:06 PM (#695912)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Caz

Hi Roger

Received the flyers last week and have started distributing them with pleasure!


22 Apr 02 - 08:14 PM (#696057)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: harpmaker

Many recruits for the harp workshop,{to be held at the Queens Head,Wednesday Mkt.} have agreed to participate.Additional harpists are most welcome. WE will see you on Thursday,Phill the Landlord of the Queens Head will be joining us. Christine.

23 Apr 02 - 04:22 AM (#696309)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Roger, I don't think the running of the Sunday sing-a-round will be a problem. I can do it if you want but there should be Les, Maggie and others around too. from past year's experiences the Sunday sesh usually is the 'cracker'

23 Apr 02 - 04:40 AM (#696314)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

For those interested in real ale - the new Landlord at the Sun is going to put on a beer festival during the folk weekend(there was one planned by the old regime)even though he hasn't done one before. He is taking advice from the local CAMRA branch is open to suggestions for beers to be included.

I've also made an approach to the guy who organises historical walks around Beverley to see if he would like to offer one on, say, Sunday morning - some people might appreciate a quiet stroll as a start to the day and T think that it would fit in with the general ethos of folk music.


23 Apr 02 - 04:50 AM (#696321)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Sounds a bit like 'Jogging with Jesus' Roger !! A few years ago the Luton Folk Festival sold limited editions of a bottled Festival Ale perhaps Wawne Brewery might do that too...

23 Apr 02 - 05:54 AM (#696339)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Well, he does offer a pub walks of Beverley if that's more to your taste Jim.

Wawne Brewery is already producing a festival ale but I don't think that Mike is up to bottling yet.


23 Apr 02 - 06:20 AM (#696342)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Have just spoken to Paul Licence at the Sheffield Star and the info re PVFF will be going into his Folk Column so that will cover South Yorks , North Derbyshire(Barnsley,Chesterfield,Doncaster,Sheffield and Rotherham edition) will try and contact Yorkshire Post next.

23 Apr 02 - 04:27 PM (#696795)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Sorry, put my last message on the Free ale in Beverley site. Just shows you where my mind is. Ps. any one found any marbles.

24 Apr 02 - 05:28 AM (#697290)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Does anyone out there read the Yorkshire Post and can provide me the name of the correspondent who does the Folk Column for their what's on and/or an e-mail address

24 Apr 02 - 06:02 AM (#697307)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Linda Kelly

Jim -nobody reads the Yorkshire Post. I suggest that we make up some salacious gossip in order to hit the Sun and Daily Star readership -i.e Morris dancing vicar stole my wife (ate my hamster) that type of thing. Seriously though -are we able to get any radio spots on Radio Humberside or Viking FM?

24 Apr 02 - 06:45 AM (#697321)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: GUEST,Comrade MC Fat

Au contraire Madame, It was in fact the landlord of my local who read about the cancellation of BERFF in the said journal. It's just I know there is a folk column once per week. Perhaps we could encourage the proletariat to riot in the streets of Beverley saying 'Le Pen is not welcome at the People's Voice'

24 Apr 02 - 03:00 PM (#697662)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Col K

Count me in to help if you want. Im an exiled Yorkie living in L......but I am willing to help in any way you want legal that is

24 Apr 02 - 03:04 PM (#697663)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Col K

Whoops, silly me, this weekend clashes with a prior booking so I cant help after all, still good luck with the festival and all who sail in her

24 Apr 02 - 04:10 PM (#697714)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: oombanjo

Linda Check my last add on the free ale in Beverley site. and HOW ARE YOU have not run into you for a while

25 Apr 02 - 06:52 AM (#698142)
Subject: RE: BS: PVFF - Beverley Part 2
From: Mr Happy

to his grace, sir roger de beverley,

thanks ever so much for the fliers

we [chester folk explorers] are distributing them all over and there is much interest in our area- so there could be a goodly number of attenders from cheshire

thanks once more

mr happy