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mad cheshire

18 Apr 02 - 05:42 PM (#693147)
Subject: mad cheshire
From: GUEST,jamesp

after living and playing music for over 30 years in the south and south west of england and visiting many venues and pubs in both the 'rich' and 'poor' areas nothing could have prepared me for my visit to the north of england. it all started well and i was due to play in a local pub in a place called Timperley, actually its called Timperley 'village'.. don't know where they get the village from though cause believe me its NOTHING like a village. anyway to cut a long story short i had only been in the area for 2 hours and in that time i was mugged (my instrument was taken from me) and to top it all off my car had been broken into as well. is this typical of the north?? you hear about these things on the television and you think that it couldn't be as bad as they state...believe me it is. i've played in some rough areas before but timperley, manchester tops it off. we could do with a list of places NOT to visit.

18 Apr 02 - 05:52 PM (#693154)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire

What a dreadful experience. Although I have not lived in the north for many years I would never have believed it was as bad as that. There is obviously something to be said of living in the rural south-west. Did you get any joy in recovering your instrument

Hope you are feeling a bit better now.


18 Apr 02 - 05:54 PM (#693158)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: John Routledge

Sorry to hear about your mugging and your car.

This problem occurs with varying degrees of frequency in many many urban areas throughout the UK.

I am afraid any list of places to avoid on your basis would leave almost nowhere to perform that was readily accessible. Sorry I can't be more positive.

18 Apr 02 - 05:55 PM (#693159)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: harpmaker

We could do with a list of places NOT to visit. Any why. I think that is a good idea Jamesp. Why not start here. Or a new thread? maybe. John.

18 Apr 02 - 06:14 PM (#693176)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: Noreen

You ask is this typical of the north??

No, it's not, as I'm sure you know.

Sorry to hear of the hard time you've had, but don't tar everyone with the same brush, eh?


in Bury, Lancs

18 Apr 02 - 06:17 PM (#693179)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: Emma B

Sorry to hear about your experience but to defend Cheshire I would like to point out Timperley is in Gtr Manchester. Want to meet real nice Cheshire Folk? Come to Chester Folk Festival Jubilee Weekend (See Website) Incidently Chester Festival is in Kelsal - perhaps we are all slightly mad

18 Apr 02 - 07:00 PM (#693213)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: catspaw49

Well, I suppose you could come to Cheshire, Ohio but you need to do it quick! The Power Plant next to the town has been spewing sulfur dioxide lately and the power company in order to bypass the lawsuits bought the entire town instead...population 221. The people who live there are all bitching but every last one of them took the money! Big Business triumphs again.


18 Apr 02 - 07:02 PM (#693217)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: Brakn


What was the name of the place where you had the gig?

18 Apr 02 - 07:15 PM (#693227)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: Brakn

I think this is a wind(wynd) up!

19 Apr 02 - 05:27 AM (#693527)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: Alio

Have to agree with Noreen - there are lots of nice places, and lovely people, in the North West. So please give us another chance! If you're in the Oldham area there's a wonderful old pub called the Cross Keys which offers guest and singers nights - that's in Uppermill. Then there are loads in the Manchester area we could recommend to you. Ali

19 Apr 02 - 04:05 PM (#693926)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: GUEST,jamesp

Brakn i can assure you that this was no windup-the pub in which the 'gig' was being held was the quarry bank. also i don't tarnish everyone with the same brush although when things like this happen it has a lasting effect and i can imagine that it will take a while to get over it. anyway its nice to see such possitive feedback from everyone and hopefully the next thread i start will be a possitive one.

20 Apr 02 - 03:50 AM (#694193)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: Les Jones

A truly dreadful story and not typical. Before you set off for the Chester Folk festival, a truly great event on a great site miles from Chester, perhaps Little Mo could explain why Delemeer Forest has 'Homewatch' posters on the trees.

As for Oldham, tough, tough times. The BNP are evil and I guess all good people will be doing something to see they do not get elected and that calm and justice prevail.

20 Apr 02 - 04:58 AM (#694203)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: Emma B

Delamere Forest, I can only assume it's something to do with the people (no names, no pack drill) who have been known to wander around armed only with a handy spade in the depths of night two or so weeks before Christmas. Thanks for the remarks about Chester Festival - the Community Centre venue also has Weetwood beers, a terrific 'real ale' brewed only 2 miles away in an old stable on Weetwood common

20 Apr 02 - 12:57 PM (#694399)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: GUEST,Les B (UK)

Hi I have to say Chester Fest is a nice festival and I will be back again this year, despite the fact that on the Fri night a crowd of youths from Chester were making a lot of noise in the car park and generally getting aggressive(they can't hold their drink these kids), after the stewards and others were getting nowhere keeping them quiet, one festival goer remonstrated with them and got a bottle in his face for his trouble.
Trouble seems endemic with youth culture these days, and comes in the most unlikely places. I live in Southport a gentele seaside town you might think but I am told it is more dangerous to go out on a Sat night here than in Liverpool. Still on the assumption that lightning doesn't strike twice I shall be at Chester fest. Les B

20 Apr 02 - 05:29 PM (#694524)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: Emma B

Dear Les See you there Shall I carry a rolled up Folk Roots? Hope to see you too Jamesp - while I have confessed to 'mugging' the odd tree (I do have gleaning rights in Delamere) I have never hugged a tree! Conversley, I have never mugged a musician although I have hugged a few odd ones Sorry for being a self appointed publicist for Cheshire; for all you non-locals out there, a small shire in Middle England famous for grinning moggies (Lewis Carrol) and some very tasty Cheeses.

20 Apr 02 - 05:45 PM (#694528)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: Tig

Since Rincewynds have a stall at Chester Folk Festival Badger and I will be there. Find us in the Craft marquee.

We'll start a Mudcat 'sheet' like we had at Alcester and Warwick so Mudcats can find out who else is there.

21 Apr 02 - 07:58 AM (#694791)
Subject: RE: mad cheshire
From: GUEST,Les B

Little Mo,
Not Froots please,(what a daft name). I won't have a magnifying glass to find the folk content. A rolled up copy of Living Tradition would be more appropriate. Les B