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Banjo- help

21 Apr 02 - 01:57 AM (#694710)
Subject: Banjo- help
From: KT

Hey all you banjo players out there, what can ya tell me about the Deering Goodtime Special? And what's the best advice you have for a beginning banjo player? (Aside from the obvious-Buy earplugs for anyone within hearing range!) I'll be looking for some on line lessons. Thanks for any help you can give me! KT

21 Apr 02 - 02:53 AM (#694725)
Subject: RE: Banjo- help
From: BlueSage

I've been very impressed with the Deering Goodtime banjos. They sound great played as open backs for frailing/clawhammer. They have great necks and don't feel 'cheap' like other new instruments in that price range. I'm not thrilled with the look of the peg head, but who really cares about that if the sound and feel is right!

Good luck..... Mike Iverson

21 Apr 02 - 02:00 PM (#694951)
Subject: RE: Banjo- help
From: KT

Thanks, Mike. I know what you mean, about the look of the peg head. As far as feel and sound, both are great as far as I know. (Considering I know nothing about banjos.) I am a little surprised that the frets are raised off of the finger board more than on any of my guitars. Not so much that they are a hinderance, but noticable. Is this a normal feature of banjos?


21 Apr 02 - 03:59 PM (#695010)
Subject: RE: Banjo- help
From: Ebbie

MORE banjo players in North? (Bad joke)

location changed by request

21 Apr 02 - 04:14 PM (#695018)
Subject: RE: Banjo- help
From: catspaw49

You can read a lot of past posts on this one, but everyone felt pretty fair about it for the price. Lately though an awful lot of people here tend to agree that the Deering as taken a definite back seat to the Saga family of banjos in the same price range.

Blue Ridge (from Saga)

Saga-Intermediate Version

These are getting excellent reviews by some of the resident banjo heads! Definitely worth considering....lots of bang for the buck and more than the Deering.


21 Apr 02 - 05:49 PM (#695070)
Subject: RE: Banjo- help
From: GUEST,frailin Gill

Lots of links, lessons etc at (Sorry I havn't yet got the hang of sending these links ready for you to click on.) Enjoy your banjo.

Cheers, Gill

21 Apr 02 - 09:58 PM (#695252)
Subject: RE: Banjo- help
From: Steve Latimer


'Spaw is correct in saying that local banjo crowd favour the Saga. It seems that those who have bought them also looked at the Deering and found the Saga to be a better value.

If you are comparing the two models 'Spaw linked to, spend the extra money and get the intermediate one with the tone ring. It seems to be an exceptional value.

What style of music do you hope to play? If it's Bluegrass, you'll want a resonator banjo, if it's frailing you'll want an open back.

22 Apr 02 - 01:41 AM (#695360)
Subject: RE: Banjo- help
From: KT

Thanks for the tips, everyone! I know so little about banjos. This one, which was a gift, is the Deering Goodtime Special. From all that I'm reading, it's a good one to start with. Again, thanks everyone! I've got my work cut out for me! KT