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BS: Ibanez/Laney poll

23 Apr 02 - 03:23 AM (#696297)
Subject: Ibanez/Laney poll
From: C-flat

Found this on the net last night; "Eric Clapton has been named the worlds most over-rated guitarist. He came top of a poll of 1000 rock fans organised by guitar manufacturers Ibanez and the makers of Laney guitar amps. Jimi Hendrix was rated the best guitarist, with Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin named the best riff. Dave Gilmour's instrumental break on Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb was named the best guitar solo. Jimmy Page and Eddie Van Halen were second and third in the best guitarist category, with Mark Knopfler and Hank Marvin runners-up in the most over-rated section. The other guitarists included in the most over-rated category were Keith Richards, Pete Townsend, The Edge, Carlos Santana, Brian May, Noel Gallagher and Ronnie Wood." Whilst these surveys are always a nonsense regarding "best/worst" issues, I'm amazed at the names that appear here for whatever reason. Plenty of great musicians on show but you would need to introduce a foetus to the list to get the average age down to under 40! Do Ibanez and Laney only sell to the "mature" end of the market?

23 Apr 02 - 03:32 AM (#696301)
Subject: RE: BS: Ibanez/Laney poll
From: Marcus Black Wolf

I must say I find that list very rock biased - what no Jazz guitarists? No blues guitarists? No folk guitarists? Perhaps some guitarists could do with broadening their musical tastes a wee bit if that is any indication. I own a Laney Amp myself and I'm 29, I like it, but I don't particularly like Ibanez guitars which I have owned as well. Most of their models have too much of the widdly hard rock vibe about them, I had a RG570 at one stage simply cos I am left-handed and it is one of the more common guitars offered in a left-handed version.

23 Apr 02 - 08:10 PM (#696991)
Subject: RE: BS: Ibanez/Laney poll
From: Rolfyboy6

The poll covers the people who buy those brands. Ibanez guitars are very much medium level "Rock" guitars. Laney amps sell to higher end customers. I like Laney stuff more than most Ibanez stuff (exception: late 70s/early 80s "lawsuit" Gibson copies--better than the original). Laney amps sell to people with bucks and to musicians. all responses in the poll are from those who'd answer such things.

24 Apr 02 - 01:51 AM (#697208)
Subject: RE: BS: Ibanez/Laney poll
From: Marcus Black Wolf

True I suppose Rolf, and it's one reason I no longer buy or read guitar magazines much for example, they seem on the whole caught up in a very narrow musical world. Every one of them tends to be full of people going into orgasms over Les Pauls and Gibsons or vintage Fenders. My local guitar shop which is run by an owner with rather wider tastes than a lot of the music shops in London used to have a sign saying, "Anyone playing the riff from Smoke on The Water will be asked to leave". Nearly all the big music shops in West London seem to be populated by the ubiquitous heavy metal dudes sadly.