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BS: Corrupt General Practitioner

30 Apr 02 - 09:10 AM (#701107)
Subject: Corrupt General Practitioner
From: Fiolar

An article in the Guardian of Monday April 29th gave details of a GP who spent 20 years indecently assaulting female patients. He was jailed in December 2000. However the trial failed to answer why he wasn't stopped years ago. Reading on I came to a paragraph the gist of which is as follows. He was interviewed in 1993 by the clinical director who told him that patients had complained that he had rubbed himself against their thighs and got an errection. The GP claimed that it was not his penis but a large bunch of keys which he then produced from his pocket. Although disgusted at the man's behaviour, God forgive me, I couldn't help but laugh as the famous quotation from Mae West popped into my mind, "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?" now updated for the 21st century as "Is that a bunch of keys in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?"

30 Apr 02 - 02:11 PM (#701299)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner
From: SharonA

Oh, yeah, right... keys... cylindrical, puffy keys...

Or perhaps the poor fellow has a birth defect, and has several small, flat, jagged penises... Could be quite nasty when he has to pee!

Jeez, how naive (or how deeply involved with the GP) was this clinical director, anyway??

30 Apr 02 - 07:29 PM (#701568)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner
From: Crane Driver

Unfortunately the medical profession comes second only to the Catholic priesthood when it comes to looking after each other. I work for a charity assisting disabled people to access the benefits to which they're entitled, and the lies I've seen from allegedly qualified doctors working for the benfits agency just beggar belief, but no-one does anything, they just close ranks and deny it. Look how long it took to stop Shipman!


30 Apr 02 - 11:59 PM (#701752)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner
From: Les B

Ah you're just sucumbing to Doctors' own egocentric concept that they are Gods, and can do no wrong. Of course they're human and are going to have their percentage of perverts and criminals -- and yes, Virginia, probably even some brain surgeons who cheated their way through medical school! Unfortunately we don't usually find out until after the fact.

Sorry, cynical mood tonight.

01 May 02 - 11:43 PM (#702566)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner

Then there's the guy who saved Spaw's life. And Karen's. And the one who made Aine's life bearable. And the one who got my brother's pemphagus in remission when the all the books said he wouldn't survive two years. And the one who...

02 May 02 - 01:18 AM (#702603)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner
From: Troll

Don't badmouth Memsahibs doctors. Thanks to them, we just learned today (wed) that she DOESN"T have cancer again.
If they hadn't perservered, she'd be back in chemo. Instead, we finally found out that she has something called "Sarcoidoma" or something like that. Best damn anniversary present I ever got!


02 May 02 - 09:52 AM (#702857)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner
From: SharonA

Troll: Is that "sarcoidosis"? If so, join the club; I have it too! And the doctor suspected it to be lung cancer till he did a biopsy!

Not that sarcoidosis is a picnic in the park or anything, but it's a damned sight better than cancer!!!

02 May 02 - 10:27 AM (#702872)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner

My wife would have smacked the shit out of him (or asked me to talk to him nicely, in the left ear!!!!)

02 May 02 - 11:29 AM (#702910)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner
From: little john cameron

Then there wis the man playin wi' his Rubics Cube under the sheet as there hairdresser did his hair. ljc

02 May 02 - 01:38 PM (#702992)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner
From: C-flat

Excuse me for straying of topic a little, but I must just tell you this one......... My ex-wife used to run a hairdressing salon and noticed a man who appeared to be masturbating under the gown as one of her staff was cutting his hair. Taking great offence at this mans shocking behaviour, she challenged him (giving him a not inconsiderable peice of her mind as she did so). The stunned and embarressed client drew the gown away to reveal his spectacles in one hand and a cleaning cloth in the other!

02 May 02 - 02:03 PM (#703019)
Subject: RE: BS: Corrupt General Practitioner
From: Troll

Yep! Sharon. That's the stuff all right. Do you know of a web site where I can get some info on it?


02 May 02 - 03:43 PM (#703117)
Subject: Sarcoidosis websites & resources
From: SharonA

Troll: Please tell your Memsahib that I'm sorry to hear of her diagnosis of sarcoidosis, but happy to hear that it wasn't a diagnosis of cancer. If either she or you need to talk about it, commiserate, rant or whatever, please PM me (I'll pass along my e-mail address, too, in a PM to you).

Okay, so you want websites? Cool; you may have noticed that I love to post links!!! Here goes...

WebMD is a great place to start – good overview articles and other info. Go here and search for "sarcoidosis" (I got 38 hits):

Here's a site, with a wealthof links, that says it "sorts through sarcoid related web pages to compile what we consider to be the best sources for accurate information":

Also see the homepage of that sarcoidosis site:

A site "hosted by a pulmonologist with a specific interest in sarcoidosis":

Worldwide support group:

World Sarcoidosis Society:

Several articles from various medical institutes and associations are linked from this site:

That'll give you a good start! These and many more sites (about 57.800 in all) came up when I searched on – here is the complete list of Google search results for "sarcoidosis":

Just in case these sites don't cover this point right off the bat, my pulmonologist told me to notify my eye doctor and to have my eyes checked for nodules once a year, so I'd advise your Memsahib to speak to her doctors about this if they haven't mentioned it to her already (that reminds me; I need to make an appointment with the eye doctor, too!).

Please keep in touch and let me know how your lady is doing. Sending out hugs and good thoughts,