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morris on tv

12 May 02 - 05:49 AM (#709378)
Subject: morris on tv now
From: GUEST,philh (whos cookie won't reset!)

BBC1 (UK) country file 11:30 (45 mins from now) was filming at Rochester Sweeps Festival last weekend they bill it as the biggest gathering of morris dancers in the world. I might be on with the Witchmen. I'll be looking for my 6 yr old son William playing a drum in our band.


12 May 02 - 06:12 AM (#709394)
Subject: RE: morris on tv
From: katlaughing

Kewl! Wish I got it over here!

12 May 02 - 08:09 AM (#709411)
Subject: RE: morris on tv
From: Noreen

Shame I missed it- did they do a good piece about it? I should think it wouldn't be the normal 'mickey taking' on Country File, it's usually a good prog.

There was a short mention on Teletext, with morris contact details.

12 May 02 - 12:49 PM (#709520)
Subject: RE: morris on tv
From: Dead Horse

It was an interview with Gordon Newton (Festival Director) in his Fez Head kit, with Fezzies in background, and also showing Jack In The Green + Motley MM and the backs of my old side, Bishop Gundulfs Morris. Apart from interviewer wearing Top Hat & feathers, it was tastefully done. A first for TV ?

12 May 02 - 03:30 PM (#709610)
Subject: RE: morris on tv
From: Mrs.Duck

Damn I missed it and I usually watch it for the weather!

13 May 02 - 06:05 AM (#710030)
Subject: RE: morris on tv
From: Dave Bryant

Was Gordon busy explaining how he doesn't like pub singarounds at "The Sweeps" and his policy of getting the Fezzies to kill them off ?