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Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2

25 May 02 - 12:43 AM (#717139)
Subject: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Continuation of this thread

The basics:
July 13-14th and August 24-25th in Ellensburg, Washington, USA

Houseguests and campers are all accommodated, and if you don't happen to live in the Northwest, don't let that stop you (it hasn't stopped anyone so far!) If you want directions, drop me a PM.

Sing with you soon,

25 May 02 - 12:51 AM (#717141)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Sooz, sorry to hear the news, but I totally understand.

I'm thinking that a great fundraiser for next year is a version of the stepping stones I've made for my garden....except instead of the lame ol' handprint mosaic thing, we make prints of things that people might actually pay money for....Put them kissing booths right outta business....LOL...I'll probably have to get the cement by the truckload....

But THIS year (fingers crossed/knock wood/dance to spring) we may have a celebration of a very different sort, but I ain't lettin' the mudcat outta the bag just yet! *g*


25 May 02 - 01:55 AM (#717160)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Be afraid, be very afraid.



25 May 02 - 11:11 AM (#717194)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Áine

So Jen, how many folks are you expecting at this little get-together anyways?

-- Áine

25 May 02 - 11:49 AM (#717212)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Actually Sooz, the cement thing would work....
With some of us gals, the impressions would be big enough to fill with dirt and seeds..."im-planters" as it were...

Aine, it's looking like double-digits...yee-haw

25 May 02 - 01:52 PM (#717272)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

The Temple wishes to open negotiations for all the output you can manage; we recommend a parallel product line in injection-mold latex, if only to broaden the support from the market. If we're lucky we can get in just under the wire.

Brother Haptic C. Renody,
New Business of Development Department
Temple of the Golden Globes

25 May 02 - 01:59 PM (#717275)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Uh Jen, remember when you say "cement," I'm from Chicago....

Oh, and Amos, you'll see to it that the men participate as well? Since I can't be there to check up on that detail? (You know, let them see the ladies' entries first, so the fellas make a big impression with theirs....)


25 May 02 - 02:52 PM (#717292)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Oh stoooop!! LOL!!! You chicks are making me blush!! LOL!


25 May 02 - 03:28 PM (#717303)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Yeah, right, he wants us to stop.

OK! WOuld not want to force you or anything! *G*

Let us know when you want us to start up again!

(I do love a good allover blush tho)


28 May 02 - 09:41 PM (#719162)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Susan, In Part I you posted "... if I won the lottery ... I'd...maybe enter a boob-swinging contest...".

What kind of "boobs" we be talkin' 'bout here? (We're not talkin' 'bout pesky anonymous "guests," are we?)

And is this a standard part of Mudcat Gathering fare?

BTW, Susan, where is your mudcat photo?


28 May 02 - 10:01 PM (#719170)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Yezz ma'am, Miz Genie, I'm in there! Right next to Amos in a Mudcat Events photo, "WYSIWYG visits Amos and Barky," of course, and I am the bosomy one in the group, on the left, grinning back at a smiling Mrs. Amos (who is not IN the picture because she is taking it).

As regards your other question-- I suppose we each have to decide for ourselves whether, and what, to swing, eh? *G*


29 May 02 - 04:07 AM (#719303)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Guess so, Susan. (Isn't that why they invented sports bras--so we COULD decide for ourselves? *G*)

I'm not sure which Mudcat Events photo you're in, but, yeah, Daly (Jessup) seems to like being behind the camera (which is a pretty good way to keep an eye on hubby and collect evidence at the same time, don't ya think?). Kind of a shame, though, 'cuz she's a damn sight prettier than Amos!*

Genie §:- )

*That's just giving Daly her due, not an insult to you, Amos.

29 May 02 - 11:23 AM (#719520)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Francy

We will be there.....Frank and Nancy and the boys Colin &Casey...We have tents and equipment. So we just need camping space.....Will bring extra grub and instruments. Looking forward to meeting everybody....... Frank of Toledo

29 May 02 - 11:46 AM (#719547)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Genie, I never entered the contest in the pretty department; I tried but they said I wouldn't qualify for the initial trials. Well, what they _actually_ said was, "Faggeddaboudit..."

Now as to "swinging", us dangly-bit types have loads of experience in that department, and I am sure we would be willin' to offer instruction on an individual basis...


29 May 02 - 02:46 PM (#719656)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

A workshop, maybe...

; )

29 May 02 - 02:48 PM (#719657)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

One bee, many flowers.


29 May 02 - 03:09 PM (#719672)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: GUEST,Mudjack

Now that I know that July 13 and 14 are the actual dates, I do have somewhere else to be but should be able to sneak up the road a bit and meow with some cats. Have we forgotten that July 12 through 14 is Yakima Folk Life? That might work out better for me knowing I can trek up the road a few miles and be there. That is take a break from the festival. I usually get a Fri night or Sat night spot at Bob's Cork and Keg. See you.
Thanks JenEllen, for reminding me of the right dates.

29 May 02 - 03:21 PM (#719675)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Hi Jack, no, I didn't forget Folklife, it was just that that particular weekend was the one that rangeroger could attend. What's one folklife compared to a friend who keeps getting the fuzzy end of the gathering lollipop? *g* If I don't get down there friday, say hi to Bob for me?

29 May 02 - 07:43 PM (#719856)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: SandyBob

I'll try to attend also. No kids that weekend though.


30 May 02 - 02:33 AM (#719989)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Susan and Jen, I just checked out the previous troublesome boob threads to 'get' the boob jokes above.

All I can say (TREAD CREEP ALERT!) is that the looking-funny-or-conspicuous-with-the-guitar-being-a-"breast-rest"* problem is minor compared with boobs turning your amplifier up during a gig when you least expect it!
Some of my guitars are acoustic-electric with the controls on the side of the guitar (the side that's up, as I play). I'm not in the same cup league as Susan, Mrs. Duck, Liz the Squeak, and some others, but my boobs still have a bad habit of turning the volume controls when I'm not paying attention to the position of the instrument! I feel a bit of a boob (pun not entirely unintended) when I reach between me and the instrument to adjust the volume.
It occurred to me, though, that if they can turn the volume up, maybe I can train 'em to turn it down, too, eh? Wouldn't that be an interesting auxiliary talent--to be able to adjust my guitar amp volume without using my hands!?


*When I first got a guitar, as a teenager, my older brother asked if that was what the guitar was.

duplicate post deleted by mudelf ;-)

30 May 02 - 02:44 AM (#719992)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Makes sense she posted it twice. Left and right, ha ha.


30 May 02 - 03:17 AM (#720001)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: reggie miles

Jen, I presently have gigs on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so unless they get tired of me before then, it looks as though I won't be able to make it up for the weekend. Saw ya in the future I hope, Reg.

30 May 02 - 03:44 AM (#720009)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Susan, I "posted it twice" because the first TWO times I tried, I got an "error" message saying the site couldn't be accessed. Then I finally (an hour or two later) was able to log on to Mudcat, and I could swear my post was NOT there when I tried again. Now I've got TWO of 'em.

(Internet/computer gremlins and leprechauns really DO exist, don't they?)

Aw, Reg, I wuz lookin' forward to doin' "Aloha Oe" witcha. August, maybe?


30 May 02 - 01:13 PM (#720302)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Genie, that gives a whole new meaning to 'training bra'--- brilliant flash of inspiration, but what about making a bra for your guitar? Knock together some little dixie-cups or something to cover the knobs? Support and protect. Then again, with acoutsic/electric, you'd have to consider it underwire too I guess...*g*

Reggie, sorry to hear, and even more so that you and your saw won't be here. Congrats on the gigs though. Saw ya later is right, maybe August would work for you?


30 May 02 - 03:30 PM (#720389)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: GUEST,Mudjack

Sandy Bob........... OK, I'll bring my banjo and steal a few more licks. Wow, I sure hope the festival schedule is kind to me so I can spend some time with all you good folks.

01 Jun 02 - 10:11 PM (#721352)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amergin it big enough that we need to wear name tags yet?

01 Jun 02 - 10:24 PM (#721354)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Looks about a score of folks at this point -- but there will be popups and last minute dropouts, probably.

I dunno, Jen -- maybe you oughta charter the local KOA for overflow!!



01 Jun 02 - 11:04 PM (#721368)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg



01 Jun 02 - 11:19 PM (#721376)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Oh, Sooze, git yer mind outta the gutter!! I meant people showing up unexpectedly!! :>) LOL!!


01 Jun 02 - 11:55 PM (#721393)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Gotcha BG! *G* I know whatcha meant! *G*


02 Jun 02 - 12:07 AM (#721397)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Lotsa folks, but there is also more room here than there is at the KOA in the summertime!!

LOL Was talking with a friend over dinner tonight and he said that the name-badge thing was OUT. Having our names on our shirts would only lend creedence to the "Mickey Mouse Operation" theory. So y'all will just have to do your best to be unforgettable.


02 Jun 02 - 12:13 AM (#721403)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amergin

so if i show up with a bag over my head...could I be known as the masked mudcatter?

02 Jun 02 - 12:16 AM (#721406)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

masked mudcateeeer....maybe.....

~aNNETTe (lol sooz)

03 Jun 02 - 04:23 PM (#722271)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Frank of Toledo mentioned in this thread that he might make the July gathering in Ellensburg. Still think you might make it, Frank?

03 Jun 02 - 07:32 PM (#722387)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: mousethief

I have a question about the July gathering. What times of day are involved? My wife is flying into SeaTac on Sunday afternoon (not sure exactly what time) and I shall have to go pick her up so I'll have to leave Sunday maybe noonish.


03 Jun 02 - 08:08 PM (#722408)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: reggie miles

Whoa! I just lost two shows that were suppose to be written in stone. It just shows to go ya. What a drag! Now it seems, for the present anyway, that I am officially unemployed on Friday and Saturday nights. What's goin' on here, the curse of the mudcat gatherin'? It's left me gigless in Seattle for most of the weekend except for Sunday eves. I spose one of you clever computer cats have preprogramed my auto's computer to drive up there on autopilot that weekend as well. Well, if nuthin else comes along.

gotta get my mudjo woikin' so's I kin git sum mo betta woik playin muzak.

03 Jun 02 - 09:15 PM (#722452)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: rangeroger

The fuzzy end of the lollypop? What if I like that end?

Well, I'm back from Strawberry only to find there have been globular consequences added to the gathering. Should be an interesting sight,though I'm not too sure about sticking things in cement.

I'm with Nathan, we all can wear bags over our heads and make everyone guess who we are. Except, I'll bet Angus will be able to tell some right away.

As for Yakima Folk Life, we could always take a group day trip to the festival as the Touring Mudcat Gathering Ensemble and Rabid Coyote Chorus.


03 Jun 02 - 10:08 PM (#722490)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Deda

If I come into a bunch of cash (not likely, but I can dream) I'll show up alongside brother Amos as his official chaperone, and alongside his nephew, my son Adam, who will then be just back from France, having sung & played in the local Irish pubs several nights a week since last September. Wishful thinking. Better than no thinking at all, I guess.

04 Jun 02 - 10:51 AM (#722795)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Chaperones have been proven time and again to have no known effect, sis -- since I was about 12. Besides, it is not that kind of a gathering, as I understand it! :>

THe kind of place this is, according to my intelligence, is reflected in the following story which actually happened right outside of Ellensburg:

A farmer got pulled over by the Ellensburg Police for illegal lane change, and the cop started to lecture the farmer about his speed, and in general began to throw his weight around to try to make the farmer uncomfortable. Finally, the officer got around to writing out the ticket, and as he was doing that he kept swatting at some flies that were buzzing around his head. The farmer said, "Having some problems with circle flies there, are ya?" The officer stopped writing the ticket and said-"Well yeah, if that's what they are. But I've never heard of circle flies". So the farmer says "Well, circle flies are common on farms. See, they're called circle flies because they're almost always found circling around the rear end of a horse." The policeman says, "Oh," and goes back to writing the ticket. Then after a minute he stops and says, "Hey...wait a minute. Are you trying to call me a horse's ass?" The farmer says, "Oh no, officer. I have too much respect for police officers to even think about calling you a horse's ass." The officer says, "Well, that's a good thing," and goes back to writing the ticket. After a long pause, the farmer says, "Hard to fool them flies though."

04 Jun 02 - 11:21 AM (#722810)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Francy

Yes Genie, I will be there and am looking forward to playing a lot of music with you folks.....Frank of Toledo

04 Jun 02 - 12:24 PM (#722845)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Sounds good, Frank. I plan to be there from about 10:30 Saturday night until whenever things break up on Sunday. If I'm up to making the 2-hour-plus trip from Seattle three times in one day, I might even come over early Saturday morning (9-ish?) and then leave about 4:30 to get back to Seattle before 7:00. At any rate, if you guys don't hit the sack early Saturday night, I'll see you then.


04 Jun 02 - 05:09 PM (#723053)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Alex: The house is open Saturday and Sunday, revolving door, so if anyone has to leave at any certain time, that's fine.

Reggie: Even if that car-computer isn't already programmed (jeez, what am I paying you people for?) you can bring your mojo on over to this side of the mountains!

Roger: Rabid Coyote Chorus??? LMAO... Did I ever tell you the story of 'cajun night' at Folklife? It's a wonder they still even let me on the grounds...if we go to the festival, I'll need to put a bag over MY head..LOL


04 Jun 02 - 05:50 PM (#723075)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Steve in Idaho

It is VERY hard to fool those flies - Jan and I will most likely come over Friday and cruise out Saturday AM. We'll head for home on Sunday at some point in time. It's the last two days of my vacation - :-)


04 Jun 02 - 06:05 PM (#723085)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Deda

Time was, anyone trying to chaperone Amos was likely to get whiplash.
'Course he's growed up and slowed down a mite since then. *BG*

04 Jun 02 - 07:47 PM (#723160)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Hey! Keep them skeletons in that there closet, sis!! I never inhaled...well, I never inhaled the chaperones.... at least I don't think that's what happened to 'em!! :>)

Anyway, now, this is folk music, right? That's different. A whole different kinda thing.

Calm. Balanced. Thoughtful. Considerate. More my speed. Not hectic or rambunctious. Melodious and soothing and kinda gentle and respectable. That's why I like folk music. It's civilized.

(Any takers? :>))


04 Jun 02 - 08:07 PM (#723175)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Melodious and soothing and kinda gentle and respectable? What? No singing "The Ball at Kirimuir?* No Rugger songs? No bawdy chanteys?

§;- D

*How the heck DO you spell that?? I'm blanking on it.

04 Jun 02 - 08:28 PM (#723188)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amergin

No, Amos...this will be folk music...not Peter, Paul and Mary....

04 Jun 02 - 08:32 PM (#723191)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

I believe it's Kerriemuir, Genie. Lyrics for the rasty-minded can be found here.

Amergin -- start practicing "Four Strong Winds", I suggest!


04 Jun 02 - 09:34 PM (#723229)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Amos-- oh yah, sure... *G*

OK, here's the truth about Amos-- his behavior is impeccable. Lovely manners, courtly. But his mouth... varies. He's irrepressible! I know! I tried! *G* And he gets away with it, too! Those eyes!

You'll see!


04 Jun 02 - 09:48 PM (#723241)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Jeeezeeeus, Sooz!! Let's give this thread back now, okay?? I can't take this stuff!! LOL!!


04 Jun 02 - 10:08 PM (#723249)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

*G* Ah yuh knows Ah lubs ya.... you can tell on me, too, OK? *G*


05 Jun 02 - 12:49 AM (#723309)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: blt

I missed the first thread entirely, glad to hear that a weekend has been picked and gladder still that I might even be able to go--it's my grandson's 10th birthday on the 14th, is this a kid-friendly gathering?


05 Jun 02 - 08:51 PM (#723953)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amergin

Well..I can't speak for Amos or JE or Aine but I for one will refrain from getting too would be good to have you there, BLT! would be great to see you again!

05 Jun 02 - 09:21 PM (#723970)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Hey -- I don 't have to make any promises -- I'm on the record as having impeccable behavior! LOL!


05 Jun 02 - 10:41 PM (#724006)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Well, I can vouch for your gentlemanly conduct on the occasions when I've been around you, Amos. But, then, that was on your home turf with the wife and kid either there or not far away.

Does he behave (misbehave?) differently when on the road, folks? Or just on line, maybe?


§;- )

05 Jun 02 - 11:46 PM (#724046)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Well, if I had any choices, which I didn't, they're evaporating rapidly anyway!! It's one thing to duck a chaperone, but another to break out of a goldfish bowl!! :>)


06 Jun 02 - 01:49 AM (#724079)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie


06 Jun 02 - 02:18 AM (#724087)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

***Note from Runamuck Staff***
If you are planning to escape your bowls, please bring paper towels for clean-up.
Anyone left on the floor with blue gills and bugged out eyes WILL be given a non-orthodox 'burial at sea' come Sunday night, unless previous arrangements have been made with camp management.

06 Jun 02 - 02:51 PM (#724538)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Well, ok...I can settle for that. I have always favored the unorthodox, you know, and burial at sea is urely fine, if there must be, especially if the staff are providing transport; and I come from a long line of blue-gills, I think -- my father used to complain about them when I was very least I think that's what he was talking about.. lemme think if I recall the exact words... hmmmm. MAybe he was talking about something else, but anyway I am sure I come from a long line of something-or-other!! LOL!

The appearance of official Camp Runamuch staff raises another issue, though. Obviously we are going to need an Official Camp Runamuck Song. "Dear Old Runamuck, mother of us all...." sort of thing.

I don't think we should include lines like "we will not forget thee...", though -- it's a little early to be confident that we could live up to it, all drinking out of the same goldfish bowl and all, like naughty housecats...!! :>_)

(Better than naughty housedogs, I guess, considering....)



07 Jun 02 - 10:19 AM (#725227)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Steve in Idaho

I think kids woull be welcome - I know Frank is bringing his -


07 Jun 02 - 12:15 PM (#725315)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: mousethief

Is it just me or is this thread drifting?


07 Jun 02 - 02:03 PM (#725378)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: katlaughing

Jenellen, I think the plank should be no more than an inch wide!

Yes, Alex...out to sea in a handbasket?:-)

07 Jun 02 - 03:01 PM (#725424)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Back to topic:

Those of you that are planning on camping out---remember to bring a flashlight! (keep in mind that this gem of wisdom did NOT come from very nearly killing myself on a walk to the lake last night...I'm just 'sayin')

I sent BLT a note, yes, kids are welcome. Lots of room to run and explore, and besides, we need someone around who'll keep us all in line.

kat: Plank? What plank?

07 Jun 02 - 03:03 PM (#725429)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: katlaughing

For the burial at sea...make 'em walk a plank before, if they misbehave:-)

07 Jun 02 - 08:01 PM (#725667)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: rangeroger

I, for one, plan to bring my own Personal Flotation Device.


07 Jun 02 - 10:17 PM (#725725)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Well, Roger, really, how could you not?


07 Jun 02 - 11:13 PM (#725753)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen a pair of them flotation thingies meself...LOL

kat, most goldfish burials at sea that I've been privy (ha) to have not had a plank, merely a prayer and a flush, not necessarily in that order...just how do YOU do it? *bg*

07 Jun 02 - 11:17 PM (#725758)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Hate to carp, but it all sounds rather fishy to me. Eel just have to manage though.


07 Jun 02 - 11:29 PM (#725764)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Well, I'll bring a pair of water wings, just for the halibut.

07 Jun 02 - 11:54 PM (#725787)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Not to burst anyone's synchronized swimming bubbles or anything, but with the way the weather has been here lately, you might think less about swimming and more about ice fishing...*g*

09 Jun 02 - 03:26 PM (#726651)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Well, folks, Amos and I spread the word about Mudcat and the PNW gathering when we were jamming with the San Diego Folksong Society folks last night.

click here for Amos's comments

While it's doubtful a bus will be charted from SD to Ellensburg, there actually was one of the SDFS women who is FROM Ellensburg and WILL be in Ellensburg that weekend. She has her own agenda for being there, so I doubt she'd have time to drop by even if she were [or becomes] a Mudcatter. I'm going to keep in touch with her, though, so who knows...?


09 Jun 02 - 03:38 PM (#726664)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Oh dear, yet another fantasy shattered on the hard shoals of pragmatic reality!! Ah, well, perhaps a herd of motorcycle? :>) A fleet of electric scooters? A Million-Mudcat March? Police Blotter, here we come! :>)


11 Jun 02 - 02:17 AM (#727320)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie


"The Million Mudcat March"

Now, there's an idea!

11 Jun 02 - 03:55 AM (#727340)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Are you two tryin' ta give me a coronary? Believe me, this would be the way to do it....

11 Jun 02 - 03:43 PM (#727802)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Now, Jen, just chill and go with the flow -- it'll all be over by the following Wednesday or Friday, luck willin' and the creek don't rise! 'Course if it does rise, it'll save a lot of traveling back for August except for the cousins, in-laws, neighbors, and such...


12 Jun 02 - 01:03 AM (#728096)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: blt

OK, I got the message about kids being welcome but now I'm wondering how many priests will be there.

I mean you got everything else on the planet nicely arranged on JenEllen's patio, so as a grandmother, I'm a little hesitant to bring my very charming grandson, who, by the way, can look at any instrument and play it, when he's in the mood. Lately I've noticed that his tastes are wandering though--from Eileen Ivers to Rage Against the Machine.

On the other hand, maybe he'd fit right in.

It will be great to see you again, too, Amergin (I get so distracted by life I forget to check in here and see what's really going on)--if I go get my grandson, plus camping gear and guitar, I think I'll have to drive my own car. If not, it'll just be me and my stuff and carpooling might work. Do you still have room available in your car?


12 Jun 02 - 07:53 PM (#728775)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amergin

BLT...there is definately still room!

12 Jun 02 - 07:54 PM (#728777)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: mousethief

I'm not a priest, just a reader. Hope that doesn't put you off. I wasn't planning on wearing my robes.


12 Jun 02 - 08:51 PM (#728824)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2

I wish...I wish...I wish...

I'm still listening to last year's tape. There were definitely children there. "ABCD" in multiple harmonies proves it. Have fun guys. Maybe next year as part of the Million Mudcat March.

12 Jun 02 - 09:47 PM (#728871)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: MMario

That tape was a hoot and a half, wasn't it? AND good music!

12 Jun 02 - 11:14 PM (#728897)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Good music should rule the weekend, for sure.

blt....forgive me, but I've spent a solid day trying to figure out just WHY we might need a priest, and nothing I've come up with is even remotely attractive....PLEASE tell..*g*

Jen (who still has a faint hope of keeping this out of the police blotter)

12 Jun 02 - 11:40 PM (#728902)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

...but I was christened "Saint Shutyertrap" of the 'Holy Rolling Church of the Plastic Capo' once upon a time, if that will suit your religious needs....

GrinningJen (what I wear under my robe is nobody's business)

13 Jun 02 - 12:16 AM (#728919)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

And if any of you get real lucky, I do weddings...

LOL!! Actually, I'd like to add this benediction to my standard ceremony, if I can get permission: "Bless this couple in the name of Saint Shutyertrap, that she may intercede when they call her by Her Blessed Name...."

Which pope is in charge of licenses and royalties, then? Oh...all of them, eh? I see....hmmm. Maybe I better stick with the "if any man know good reason...speak now or forever hold his peace..." bit. I don't think anyone has trademarked it yet!!

I assume Jen has tacked down, .net, .org, and .biz.... LOL!


13 Jun 02 - 12:16 AM (#728920)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Well if I'm not coming I'll be damned if I'll let Hardi go!

Besides, Amos can be the priest. Ask him about it. He's already agreed to conduct my planting for me when the time comes.


13 Jun 02 - 01:04 AM (#728933)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Weird cross-posting!


13 Jun 02 - 12:39 PM (#729247)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: mousethief

At least it wasn't weird cross-dressing.


13 Jun 02 - 01:58 PM (#729324)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

I think that's been spoken for, Alex -- Nathan has made it clear to us all that he is actually a lesbian!! LOL!!

Ask me about that cowboy who went to NYC only to learn that he was one too!~LOL!


14 Jun 02 - 01:06 AM (#729717)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: GUEST,DW at work

Well if I don't pull crappy shifts again, I'll try and make this one. Should I bring any religious artefacts with me? And is there somewhere I can power up a keyboard?


14 Jun 02 - 01:19 AM (#729720)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Better define just 'how' the keyboard is powered up... This may be the 'House of the Inflamed Yang', but it's run by a Luddite fer shure.

14 Jun 02 - 01:31 AM (#729725)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Y'all do have 'lectricity in Ellensburg, dontcha, Jen?

§;- )

14 Jun 02 - 04:19 AM (#729755)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: JenEllen

Oh crap, 'lectrickery?...we just got whatchamacallit....uh, 'fire'....and I heard on the drums tonight about this crazy thing called a 'wheel'...will wonders never cease? (could I possibly be more embarassed?)

DW, bring what you have to and we'll figure something out, okay? Hamsters, anyone?

14 Jun 02 - 01:17 PM (#730020)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: mousethief

See the Song Challenge! 84. The story is about a couple who live in Ellensburg (or just outside).

Jen, did they name the town after you, or vice versa?


14 Jun 02 - 09:42 PM (#730320)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: blt

Nathan is a lesbian?

14 Jun 02 - 09:55 PM (#730325)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: rangeroger

So am I.

I love women.


18 Jun 02 - 02:12 AM (#732003)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

I can help out with carpooling on Saturday, and Sunday, in case anyone needs a ride.

Looks like I'll be making the following trips:

Ellensburg to Seattle at about 4:00 or 4:30 PM on Saturday, July 13.

Seattle to Ellensburg at about 8:15 PM on Saturday, July 13.

Ellensburg to Seattle [or to Portland, if I have a PDX rider] on Sunday, July 14 [schedule flexible].

If anyone would like to ride with me on one or more of those trips, please PM me.


edited by hostess' request
by a joeclone

18 Jun 02 - 02:14 PM (#732344)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amergin

I will be going from Portland straight to Ellensburg on saturday morning...and will be going back to portland sunday midafternoon to evening....

(i have a docs appointment that monday)

28 Jun 02 - 11:38 PM (#739247)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

Still not too late to "sign up," is it, Jen? (In case anyone may not have seen this thread earlier this summer.)


28 Jun 02 - 11:56 PM (#739257)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: rangeroger

Well, I'm bound for Oregon the next few weeks. The contractor I'm working for now has a job going in Salem. I will be flying out of Spokane headed for Portland on Monday AMs and returning on Thursday PMs.

I will know better what my actual working schedule will be and where I will be staying after next week. With the 4th holiday next week it could get real crazy as far as working hours so I don't think I'll be able to see anyone until the week after if at all possible.

I will keep you updated.


05 Jul 02 - 05:09 PM (#743081)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

I think it's refreshing that so many catters will be going to Jen's for the gathering next weekend.

05 Jul 02 - 05:30 PM (#743090)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos

Genie, are sure it isn't the new strawberries -- I mean, just in case you want to re-fraise your post?



05 Jul 02 - 05:51 PM (#743100)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: mousethief


See y'all there Saturday midmorningish.

Jen -- driving directions?


05 Jul 02 - 08:40 PM (#743144)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Amos


Jen's home machine is having snits at the moment so she may not get this; if you'll give me your email address by PM I will forward what she sent out earlier to you.



05 Jul 02 - 09:38 PM (#743167)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: GUEST,Genie

How do you say "g-r-o-a-n" en Francaise, Amos?

Alex, you, most of all, will understand why Jen's not posting directions here. ¤;-)

08 Jul 02 - 03:01 PM (#744512)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Genie

5 days and counting

08 Jul 02 - 04:46 PM (#744588)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Amos hit the road today....


08 Jul 02 - 10:19 PM (#744795)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: MMario

I hope he didn't hurt himself - roadbeds tend to be hard and dense.

08 Jul 02 - 10:57 PM (#744811)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: wysiwyg

Ah, he's so light and airy I am sure he sails along from bounce to bounce.

Miz JenEllen doan post purty soon somebuddy goan hafta make another part for this-here thread. Ah heerd her puder ain't so peart.


09 Jul 02 - 12:33 AM (#744857)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: Lonesome EJ

Wow! Mousethief! Amos! Jenellen! Amergin! Genie! Maybe Rangeroger! blt! This is gonna be one for the eternal annals of the Mudcat. Maybe Jen will do a tapestry depicting it, kinda like that Bayeaux deal, and we can hang it on the Tavern wall.

09 Jul 02 - 12:38 AM (#744860)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW Catter Gathers Part 2
From: GUEST,Genie

Mebbe çine, too, LEJ! You comin', too? Got plenty o' room.


Part 3