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San Diego Area Acoustic Jam

06 Jun 02 - 11:06 PM (#724933)
Subject: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Goodfellow

I'm planning on holding an acoustic jam once a month in a park in the Encinitas area. Probably the first Sunday of the Month, late afternoon or early evening. (Styles of music would include all kinds of traditional music, celtic, bluegrass etc) I am in the process of lining up some guest hosts who are good singers and musicians to help anchor the jams. Are there any mudcatters in the area who would be interested in participating

07 Jun 02 - 01:31 AM (#724994)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Amos

I might be, Goodfellow -- I'm about 20 miles south, in University City. I could swing once a month probably. I dunno about anchoring though -- haven't really done that bit before. But I reckon I could give it a go. Depends on what you mean by "good", too! :>)


07 Jun 02 - 04:22 AM (#725043)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Genie

Amos, how can you be posting at 1:31A on June 7, when it's now 1:20A here in SD? Are you in Albuquerque or sump'n'?

Goodfellow, I can't anchor, or even be there most of the time, but I get down to SD 5 or 6 times a year and would love to sit in if I'm in town. Just tell us how to keep abreast* of your times and places.


*Stop salivating, Amos!

07 Jun 02 - 08:22 PM (#725676)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: rangeroger

Genie, Mudcat time is Eastern Daylight Time even if it is early AM.

rr ( from North idaho, where the time is the same.It just passes differently)

07 Jun 02 - 10:59 PM (#725739)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Amos

Genie, just because I founded the Temple of the Golden Globes, doesn't mean I salivate at prepositions!! :>) In our religous pursuits we asre more interested in really getting in touch with the realities, staying a head of the curve and really getting the feeling of the thing, if you see what I mean. Our meditations are targeted and there is a real tip -- I mean point -- to them. We find the kneejerk reaction to mere words kind of false and flat, if you see what I mean. We seek a fuller experience.

We are also expert at the kind of meditation that keeps us abreast of the flow of time, with an ability to get in under the wire any time. So we can pretty much unhook it with one hand at will. But only those who have pursued our advanced courses in empathy, feeling, the "Discipline of Weightless Touch", and advanced "Tantric Braille".

Thank you for your continuing support.

May all your cups be overflowing ones.

Brother Amos

07 Jun 02 - 11:15 PM (#725756)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: wysiwyg

It's obviously a very powerful religion; just look how Amos' beard has grown since he began practicing it so brazenly!

It's all in the attitude of course-- he always sees the cup as half empty, instead of half full.


07 Jun 02 - 11:57 PM (#725789)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Amos

Well we start with that but gradually we realize that it is int he nature of things to cycle, and so we would say the cup is "now half full, but will soon be empty" -- it is a very liberating way of looking at things and adds both zest and bounce to the heart to do so.


08 Jun 02 - 12:10 AM (#725794)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: wysiwyg

Ah, a master! *G*


08 Jun 02 - 12:17 AM (#725801)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Genie

rangerover, I actually knew that (about the Mudcat time zone); my brain had just gone on break for a few.

Thanks for waxing so eruditely on the fine points of the Temple, Amos. Your, expositions are always so uplifting!

ยง;- )

08 Jun 02 - 01:35 AM (#725830)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: wysiwyg

Friends, I think some of the playful comments may have bothered Goodfellow-- chill, huh?


08 Jun 02 - 01:48 AM (#725833)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Genie

Goodfellow, sorry if anything I posted was out of line. In part, I was trying to keep the thread refreshed, so more West Coast folks would see it.

Why not come to the SD Folksong Society song circle tomorrow night, June 8, and spread the word there. I'll bet you'll find some of those pickers who would like to be involved with the jam you're proposing.

You can find the details on the SDFS website, or you can PM me and I'll send you directions. It's in La Mesa at a Lutheran church at Lake Murray Blvd. and Jackson St., starting at 7:00.

The SDFS website also has info on other jams, where you may want to spread the word.


08 Jun 02 - 11:52 PM (#726345)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: wysiwyg

Genie, I think sometimes Mudcat banter can be pretty confusing to newcomers, especially when the context is missing-- this stuff is from another thread, and it built there on a line of BS Amos has been kidding around with now for over a year. So by now it's pretty well-developed (ooops! *G*) Anyway, I am enjoying PMs with Goodfellow and you might, too.

I'm so jealous-- I wish I were in SD to jam with you guys! I'm in this rural, no-folk-music community, and I gotta grow me my own bunch of people to jam with. Be sure you appreciate what you have, huh!!!???


09 Jun 02 - 02:57 AM (#726384)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Genie

Yeah, Susan, Amos was telling me about your "Pennsyltucky" woes while we were en route to the SDFS jam. It was a great song circle/jam, and Amos quickly took right in. He and a couple of the other pickers got a great bluegrass/blues jam going during what was supposed to be a refreshment break.

Goodfellow, we announced at the song circle that there was someone wanting to organize a folk jam in the Encinitas area, and we directed anyone interested to check out Mudcat for more information. If you have a time and location, you can PM me and I'll pass the word on to the folks at the San Diego Folksong Society. [You could also go to their website and send a message to them that way.]

I do hope you get the jam going.


09 Jun 02 - 12:41 PM (#726565)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Amos

We had a grand time at the Song Circle -- many thanks, Genie!

Actually, Genie invited the whole lot of them to the JulyPNWG, and many of them --oh, twenty or so--accepted with pleasure. I am sure Jen will be grateful that the word of her kindness and generosity in the interest of folk music is being circulated far and wide! :>)

We also promoted the virtues of the 'Cat and many of them hadn't known about it and will be dropping by for a look-see.

We had some riproaring music and drank a lot of...water. :>)

Goodfellow, feel free to PM me if you want to talk about the Encinitas deal. Apologies if the banter in this thread has left you feeling a bit offput -- no offense intended and I hope none taken.



09 Jun 02 - 12:43 PM (#726567)
Subject: RE: San Diego Area Acoustic Jam
From: Amos

(Well, _actually_ we didn't promote the PNWG much, and no-one really said they would make it; I just thought it would be fun to show up in a chartered Greyhound!! LOL!)