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Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington

28 Jun 02 - 02:40 PM (#738980)
Subject: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

There is going to be a Godless March on Washington in November. We need a rallying song... I like:

Godless America, land that I love
Stand beside her, and guide her
Through the night with a light from above
From the mountains, to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
Godless America, my home sweet home (bis)

But I think we need another one.

This is not just for atheists. This is for free thinkers and anyone else who doesn't want the gubmint dictating their beliefs. Join us!

28 Jun 02 - 02:45 PM (#738985)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

In fact, I think we should send a delegation. Anybody else want to march?

28 Jun 02 - 03:29 PM (#739003)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,irishajo

Wish I could go. Best I can do is sign my name as an endorser.

28 Jun 02 - 03:42 PM (#739011)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Thanks! Know any good marching songs?

28 Jun 02 - 04:08 PM (#739024)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,irishajo

You might want to ask on the Internet Infidels forum. They are promoting the march pretty heavily.

28 Jun 02 - 11:09 PM (#739233)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: wysiwyg

Mrr, who is it that is supposed to "Stand beside her, and guide her
through the night with a light from above"? Where's that light coming from? Not giving you sh*t-- really asking-- what is the thought there?


29 Jun 02 - 12:40 AM (#739270)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Haruo

Mrrzy and Susan,

that's the first thing I wondered, too. It does rather sound like a prayer directed, if not to God, at least to some larger-than-thou Being involved in keeping the sun properly situated relative to the USA. Of course, it has the advantage of being well known and sounding pretty patriotic. If the latter is an advantage.

Being a theist, I've always been a bit perplexed at how non-theists can, for example, "be grateful" for things that appear to me to be gifts of God, but I recognize that non-theists can and do have gratitude for things without necessarily positing a target for their gratitude (and that there are often other possible targets besides God), but these lyrics do look hard to explain in a satisfyingly non-theistic way. Mrrzy? (Or is this the reason you want an alternative song for the event?)


29 Jun 02 - 06:37 PM (#739557)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Joe_F

I suggest "Christians at War" (see the database).

29 Jun 02 - 06:48 PM (#739564)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Haruo

I think the last verse,
Onward, Christian soldiers! Blight all that you meet;
Trample human freedom under pious feet.
Praise the Lord whose dollar sign dupes his favored race!
Make the foreign trash respect your bullion brand of grace.
Trust in mock salvation, serve as tyrant's tools;
History will say of you: "That pack of G.. D.. fools"
is most apropos in the present crisis. The first verse is great, but only really pertinent when the strife is Christian against Christian. And thankfully it's been quite a few decades since that was significantly the case. The last verse, though, works for everything from the Pledge of Allegiance Wars to the Confrontation With Islamdom.


30 Jun 02 - 06:19 PM (#739921)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Charley Noble

Well, we could do "Step by step the longest march can be won!" I once did a rendition of "The Tenure Tango" which had the catchy chorus "One step forward, two steps back" with the whole marching line regressing towards the Math Department. Maybe in DC we should regress to the Justice Department, in our search for the mean.

I'd go to DC in a shot, as long as I can also dine at one of those fine Ethiopian restaurants.

Charley Noble

01 Jul 02 - 10:04 AM (#740093)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

OK, here we go:

Godless America, Land that I love (obvious)

Stand beside her, and guide her (speaking to the citizens, not to the supernatural)

through the night with a light from above (light = knowledge, which is in the head, the uppermost part of a biped)

From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam (obvious)

Godless America, my home sweet home (Obvious)

01 Jul 02 - 11:53 AM (#740130)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,irishajo

Sounds good to me, Mrrzy. Don't really care for the 'Onward Christian Soldiers' bit as I think it sounds antagonistic. The godless America verse is much more positive. You could change it to 'Let's stand beside her...' to remove confusion.

01 Jul 02 - 01:27 PM (#740164)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Yes, I like adding the "let's" - good idea. We are trying NOT to be confrontational, just folks.

01 Jul 02 - 02:50 PM (#740212)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: wysiwyg

Where'd my post go? I said:


Oh! I see! That makes sense!


01 Jul 02 - 05:51 PM (#740302)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Haruo

Yeah, that'll work. And I agree with irishajo that in the context the St. Gertrude bit won't fly, but there are other contexts where (Baptist though I be) I'd enjoy singing it. (All verses.)


02 Jul 02 - 01:54 PM (#740825)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Above, I've always been a bit perplexed at how non-theists can, for example, "be grateful" for things that appear to me to be gifts of God - asks Liland. My answer (and I speak only for myself, not all atheists) is that I am not "grateful" - I am bloody glad I was so lucky. The reason I don't use the term "grateful" is that there is no one to thank for the blessed luck that, for instance, had me born an American and not, say, an Afghan or other downtrodden person.

I do believe in forces which can be personified as Lady Luck and Mother Nature... both of whom are deaf to human voices!

02 Jul 02 - 02:29 PM (#740843)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: wysiwyg

Mrr, I guess it's a long story, but even the small amount of communication you and I have had has led me to much reflection on many issues, from many viewpoints. I don't think it's changed my mind about anything, but it has sure stretched it into areas I had not consciously examined.

Yesterday, for example, at the end of one such reflection, I think I put my finger on what I can claim as my political orientation-- Christian Pluralist. Yes, I am a Christian. And, I do not think anyone can decide for anyone else, "what" someone ought to be.

I've always appreciated, about our communication, that if I ask you to think about something, you do-- you don't just let fly, you THINK. The fact that you do that encourages others to think, too.


02 Jul 02 - 04:10 PM (#740905)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Jack the Sailor

Just how are these Godless Americans being discriminated against? Do they want to work on Sundays? Certainly if one does not believe in a diety, someone else praying does one no harm.

Seems like a bunch of people who like to complain have simply found one more outlet.

02 Jul 02 - 06:07 PM (#740975)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Charley Noble


"Just how are these Godless Americans being discriminated against?"

I think the fear of "discrimination" is an all too real one, a fear that some of the "Godly" would harrass or even harm those that they knew or thought were atheists. And if we publically question the "under God" portion of the pledge of allegiance we are considered trouble makers at best, if not outright traitors. No one should be forced to pray, for god's sake!

Charley Noble

03 Jul 02 - 04:14 AM (#741228)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Hrothgar

If the "Godly" Americans can keep harassing the "ungodly" Americans, and vice versa, does that mean you can leave the rest of the world alone?

Or do you have some casual agnostics who will keep doing that?


03 Jul 02 - 10:28 AM (#741421)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

In many states, atheists are legally barred from holding certain positions, like judges, senators, representatives, and other government posts. That is discrimination as I know and loathe it.

While I'm at it, I'm going to try to rewrite another great song, This Land Is Your Land.

Original: This land is your land, this land is my land, from California, to the New York Island, from the redwood forests, to the Gulf Stream waters, this land was made for you and me.

I'm going to leave the Your Land part alone, even though I firmly believe you ought not to claim ownership of anything you haven't created. I'd rather think of us as stewards of the land than its owners. But it's the This land was made for you and me part I need a new line for. How about, This land is here for you and me?

Next verse: I roamed and rambled, and I followed my footsteps, to the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts, and all around me, a voice was singing.... I'd only change "a voice" to "my voice" or leave it alone, it could be a human singing. When you're out in the desert long enough you might not recognize your own voice...

Next: As I went walking that ribbon of highway I saw above me that endless skyway, I saw below me that golden valley - no changes.

What other great American songs are there that would adapt well?

And Praise/WYSIWYG, yes, my beliefs are thought through, glad you think so!

03 Jul 02 - 10:49 AM (#741436)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: wysiwyg

Mrr, I just don't understand-- why rewrite what was someone else's inspiration? Why not write new material from new inspiration? Why stay inside the box?


03 Jul 02 - 10:51 AM (#741438)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

First answer: So that people can sing along without having to learn too much new material.

Upon reflection: Because I have no original bones in my body? Good point! Lessee... I'd have to use an old tune... hmmm... I shall think!

03 Jul 02 - 11:31 AM (#741464)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: wysiwyg

Well, here's the thing. If you take something that is deeply woven into the culture's consciousness in the form you find problematic, and change it, you are giving people a momnet's feeling of power, to have reclaimed the song from the previous hurtful experiences of it. That can be a powerful tool in starting to reclaim power over something wrongful.

But every time you use a tool like that to reclaim power, you are also restimulating the hurt from the wrong that was done. It's power in relation to the other thing, instead of power as pure human wonderfulness.

So over time, using a tool like that gives less and less of the reclaimed-power effect, and more and more of the restimulation.... it may help people START to move forward from the wrong, but ultimately it keeps them from leaving it behind.... it keeps them tied to it long after they may have been ready to soar as if it had never happened.

It's the reason why you can sway people with a negative, but you can't keep them without a new inspiration-- an inspiration to something better than whatever the negative was fighting against.


03 Jul 02 - 11:41 AM (#741474)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Jack the Sailor

Mrzy, you said

In many states, atheists are legally barred from holding certain positions, like judges, senators, representatives, and other government posts.

Do you have documentation for this? Given the constitutional provision for seperation of church and state, It seems highly unlikey, I'd like to see examples. Is the March target to get specific discrimantory legislation off the books?

By the way, the original title of the song was "God Blessed America for me" and it was completely meant in a sarcastic way. It was a rebuttal of Irving Berlin's "God Bless America" I think "This Lands is Your Land" sung as Woody wrote it would be perfect for your March.

03 Jul 02 - 11:57 AM (#741492)
From: Joe Offer

I'm what they call a "liberal Catholic. I generally feel comfortable in the company of agnostics and uncomfortable with Falwell Christians. Those who call themselves atheists seem to be a bit closer to the Falwell people - there's a level of intolerance that makes me very uneasy. We sang Song of Peace (Finlandia) in church on Sunday, and I can't think of a better view of patriotism.
I realize a person who doesn't believe in God, might not be able to sing these lyrics comfortably. I sincerely hope, however, that they might be able to feel good to hear me sing them.

This is my song, O God of all the nations
A song of peace, for lands afar & mine
In another thread, Gargoyle posted a more inclusive version, and I like it very much. Gargoyle says it's from a Bill Staines recording.

A SONG OF PEACE (Finlandia)
(Jean Sibelius, music - Lloyd Stone, words)
© 1934, Lorenz Publishing Co.

This is my song, oh people of all nations,
A song of peace for lands afar and mine.
This is my home, my country where my heart is,
Here are my hopes, my dreams, my truest shrine,
But other hearts in other lands are beating,
With hopes and dreams as high and true as mine

My country's skies are bluer than the ocean,
And sunlight falls on clover leaf and pine.
But the other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
And skies are everywhere as blue as mine.
So hear this song you people of all nations,
This song of peace for other lands and mine.
This song of peace for other lands and mine.

Definitive Lyrics (DT Correction):
I notice there are a couple of spelling errors in the Digital Tradition text. Here are the lyrics, as published in the Unitarian Universalist hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition:

(Words, Lloyd Stone; Music Jean Sibelius)

This is my song, O God of all the nations,
A song of peace, for lands afar and mine.
This is my home, the country where my heart is;
Here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine;
But other hearts in other lands are beating
With hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.

My country's skies are bluer than the ocean,
And sunlight beams on clover leaf and pine;
But other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
And skies are everywhere as blue as mine.
O hear my song, thou God of all the nations,
A song of peace for their land and for mine.

The lyrics were published in 1934, and appear in the hymnals of many different religious denominations. The author, Lloyd Stone, (1912-1993), lived in Hawaii. The music was composed by Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) as the chorale for his famous symphonic poem, Finlandia, which was published in 1900. The tune became strongly associated with the patriotic movement to free Finland from Russia.

performed by the Indigo Girls on their first self-titled EP.
filename[ FINLNDIA

03 Jul 02 - 01:11 PM (#741558)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Statutes on the books: MD state constitution says that the only requirement for serving is belief in God. PA state constitution says you can't serve on a jury if you're an atheist; and there are others, I'll keep ferretting. Look in Free Inquiry and the article on Herb Silberman trying to become a NOTARY PUBLIC for crying out loud, and they wouldn't let him for being an atheist.... OK, got some info: 7 states are AR (Article XIX, Section 1: Atheists disqualified from being witnesses (not competent to testify unless belief in God) or hold any state office); MD (article 37); NC (article VI section 8); PA (Article I Section 4); SC (article XVII section 4), TN (Article IX section 2); TX (Article 1 section 4); all state that without belief in god (some say Supreme Being, some also require life after death with punishment and rewards there too)... if you are an atheist, you are not *competent* to serve! Then they go on to say they don't discriminate as to WHICH God you believe in...

03 Jul 02 - 09:20 PM (#741879)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Bill D

"godless march on Washington"? gets sillier and sillier. We don't need more marches, we need the God-ly to stop marching and shouting and screaming!

A march for atheism is worse than the NAACP and CORE marching in Alabama--it will just bring the really extremist right-wing out to yell and throw things!..(and worse...remember abortion clinic shooting and bombings!)

...The thing is, people associate 'organized' non-belief with the Madeline Murray O'Hare nonsense and are afraid that it represents the beginning to take away their right to their religion......we need to KEEP the issue focused in the right place...

03 Jul 02 - 10:39 PM (#741899)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: wysiwyg

Oh chill out. It's too hot and muggy to get that riled up. Dang Bill, do you have AC? MAKE me come over there then....


04 Jul 02 - 06:32 AM (#742046)
From: Hrothgar

And there's this, to go with Joe's Offering above:

Cecil Spring-Rice 1874-1948

I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love;
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.

And there's another country, I've heard of long ago,
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;
We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are peace.

04 Jul 02 - 07:43 PM (#742534)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Haruo

I posted a link to this thread at BaptistLife to see if any Southern Baptists will come to the defense of the sort of legal theism Mrrzy decries (and which I agree is not good, not to mention unbaptistic). Maybe somebody will have a good song suggestion, too, y'never know.


05 Jul 02 - 11:27 AM (#742880)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

This just in - "through the night with a light from a bulb" was apparently how one of my kinfolk thought the song went anyway... LOL!

Happy Birthday America, by the way - Long Live Freedom of Religion!

05 Jul 02 - 03:27 PM (#743022)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Somebody at our Fourth celebration raised the question as to whether we'd be an Al Qaeda target, being ungodly. My take on that from growing up in Moslem countries is that Jews and Christians are a lot more infidel than the godless, since they follow a false prophet. I think we'd be in a lot more danger from the Christian right... What do y'all think?

05 Jul 02 - 04:00 PM (#743044)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Joe Offer

Well, Mrr, I would say that the vast majority of people who identify with the "Christian Right" pose no threat to anybody.
Need I say more?
-Joe Offer-

23 Jul 02 - 02:18 PM (#753186)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

The vast majority of the Christian Right pose a serious threat to anybody who isn't Christian.

Also, there is another thread on this, let's consolidate. This being the longer one, let's use this one.

23 Jul 02 - 02:21 PM (#753190)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

How about this one, it's kinda equal opportunity? Blicky to All Them Religions.

23 Jul 02 - 09:11 PM (#753442)
From: GUEST,Edmund

Mrrzy .. I started the other thread because I hadn't noticed this one.

Here's my stab at the songs you were mentioning:

 Godless America, land that I love
In this season use your reason
Do not pray for a light from above.
Don't be weary. Test each theory. From the hard facts never roam.
Godless America, my home sweet home
Godless America, my home sweet home.


IT'S NOT JUST YOUR LAND (Woody Guthrie might have approved)

It's not just your land, it's also my land
From the California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest, to the Gulf Stream waters – This land was made for you and me.

While you were praying, I heard you saying
That you were claiming the whole dang nation.
By stick or carrot, you'll have to share it --
This land belong to you and me.

As I went walking, I heard you talking.
You said the godless they just weren't welcome
Yet here there's room in, for the secular human
This land was made for you and me.

We've forsworn Islam and Shintoism
Escaped dominion by the Church of England
It is not treason to live by reason.
This land was made for you and me.

The Declaration of Independence
Was signed by many a godless patriot
So don't ignore us, join in the chorus –
This land was made for you and me.

It's not just your land, it's also my land
From the California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest, to the Gulf Stream waters –
This land was made for you and me.


24 Jul 02 - 10:41 AM (#753708)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Nice, Edmund, except I'd avoid the "made for" line, given that I don't think it was made at all...

24 Jul 02 - 06:43 PM (#754020)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Edmund

You're right ... 'belongs to' is better .. I don't think it was 'made for anyone either.

Now I have to figure out how to get back on this list. I havent posted for many months and seem to have been dropped the 2nd time. ........ Edmund

25 Jul 02 - 11:44 AM (#754414)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

We're marching today for our civil rights
Give us a song to cheer
Our weary hearts, a song of light
And friends we love so dear
Marching today, marching today, marching for our civil riiiiights (bis)


25 Jul 02 - 03:55 PM (#754552)
Subject: Lyr Add: THIS IS MY SONG (FINLANDIA) (adapted)
From: bill kennedy

Joe Offer -

The attribution to the "This Is My Song" version above is not exactly correct, in that it is Bill Staines' version called "A Song of Peace" of Lloyd Stone's lyric called "This Is My Song", indeed NOT Lloyd Stone's from 1934, but Bill Staines, ca. 198?. I mentioned this song in another thread (politically incorrect national anthems), which might be of interest to you, as might be the Sing Out! article that appeared in the spring. Lloyd was a hymn writer, and this is sung often in churches, though it is about the least offensive reference to a god I can think of in a hymn.

I don't really care for Bill Staines version, in that in many places he changes things unnecessarily, like "all the nations" to "other nations" in order to scan because he substitutes "people" for "God". It is just too politically correct not to have changed "God of all the nations" to "men of all the nations" using the all encompassing meaning of "men" for "people" but it sure would scan better and sing easier than "people of other nations". It is, as Lloyd Stone wrote it in 1939, and without the later added third verse by another hand that is VERY Christian sounding, as I have said elsewhere, the only real "Rational Anthem".

Sing it daily, and get everyone else to join.

AND appropriate to appropriate for a "Godless March" by just changing "God" to "Folk", if "Men" is just to sexist for most to use, "people" doesn't work for me. & Sunlight doesn't fall, I don't think, it does beam -
Here is what I would write -

(Jean Sibelius, music - Lloyd Stone, words © 1934, Lorenz Publishing Co.) Adapted by Bill Staines (& Bill Kennedy!)

This is my song, oh folk of all the nations,
A song of peace for lands afar and mine.
This is my home, the country where my heart is,
Here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine,
But other hearts in other lands are beating,
With hopes and dreams as true and high as mine

My country's skies are bluer than the ocean,
And sunlight beams on clover, leaf and pine.
But other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
And skies are everywhere as blue as mine.
Oh hear my song you folk of all the nations,
A song of peace for all lands and for mine.

26 Jul 02 - 09:54 AM (#754917)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

How about "both mine and thine" instead of "my holy shrine" - in keeping with godlessness? Nice!

26 Jul 02 - 04:32 PM (#755140)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

I'm back to the original: Godless America, land that I love, stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with a light from a bulb, from the mountains, through the prairies, to the oceans white with foam, godless America, my home, sweet home, godless America, my home, sweet home.

29 Jul 02 - 10:52 AM (#756383)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Having newly rediscovered Seals & Crofts, what about The Funny Little Man?

29 Jul 02 - 11:18 AM (#756394)
Subject: Lyr Add: FUNNY LITTLE MAN (Seals & Crofts)
From: Mrrzy

(had to go look them up)


(lyrics by James Seals; music by James Seals & Dash Crofts, 1971)
From the album SUMMER BREEZE (1972).

See the funny little man, huffing and puffing and digging the sand.
In his search for something to build, perhaps a church on the side of a hill.
Little does he know that he's working in vain.
When rain comes the hill will come sliding down and will not hold.

See the funny little man, running and hiding and flailing his hands.
Asking himself what could have gone wrong, for he has worked hard the whole day long.

See the funny little man, small in his size when compared to the land.
When will he grow up, can time wait until
The funny little man can see beyond the hill.

This seems to be to be a perfect metaphor for the reliance on religion instead of reality.

23 Sep 02 - 04:07 PM (#789802)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

We need more of these, Kirk... many more! The march is Nov. 2...

23 Sep 02 - 05:23 PM (#789833)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: RichM

Instead of trying to thumb your nose at "religionists" why not accept that all beliefs (or non-beliefs) have a place in society ,as long as they respect each other's right to exist?
Live and let live.....

24 Sep 02 - 10:05 AM (#790247)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Taliesn

( Mrzzy quote) "Statutes on the books: MD state constitution says that the only requirement for serving is belief in God. PA state constitution says you can't serve on a jury if you're an atheist; and there are others, I'll keep ferretting. "

Man, you really are *obsessed* with this to the point of being paranoid over "States rights". ( All statutes that you've anally "ferreted" out are by State governments ). Future plans dashed for running for judge in the above mentioned states? Poor Spunky. ;-)

Get a grip , will ya please. There are far more important & "worthy" causes to rally for than this navel-gazer's pastime of truly pointless indignation. You'll be calling for "reparations" next. Call it the Ayn Rand Fund.

One would suggest that if you feel that your are genuinely "suffering" under just the fear of discrimination ,Nay outright oppression, from a so-called religionist regime then you might wish to relocate to a regime where atheism is *the" coin of the realm and "enforced" by the state....Beijing-ruled China.

Get real will ya please.

25 Sep 02 - 09:04 AM (#790925)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

The point, dear, is that the state here shouldn't be enforcing anything, but hey, I remember you from some other thread, so I'm not surprised at this posting once I saw who'd posted it. Has your president told *you* that you definitely aren't a patriot and that s/he isn't even sure that you're a citizen?

25 Sep 02 - 09:43 AM (#790942)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Taliesn

(quote) "The point, dear, is that the state here shouldn't be enforcing anything, "

Which state is "here" and ,until there some aetheists *make* a federal cae of it why should an "Atheist's March on Washington" be expected to acheive anything of worth? Was wondering why you never bothered to answer that question instead of dodge it outright by just commenting on the messenger instead of the message.

(quote) but hey, I remember you from some other thread, so I'm not surprised at this posting once I saw who'd posted it. "

How tiresomely typical.

(quote) " Has your president told *you* that you definitely aren't a patriot and that s/he isn't even sure that you're a citizen? "

Earth to Mrzzy. Message unclear. Non-sequitur distortion field may be the cause. Try again please?"

30 Sep 02 - 12:12 PM (#794033)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

(sigh) I'll try one last time: *Pres. Bush was quoted as saying that atheists certainly aren't patriots, and he isn't even sure they're citizens. As he is the president of the country of which I am a citizen, that does speak directly to me. Sorry you couldn't follow the logic.

**Which state is "here" is the USA, with State to mean Government.

***and ,until there some aetheists *make* a federal cae of it why should an "Atheist's March on Washington" be expected to acheive anything of worth? Was wondering why you never bothered to answer that question instead of dodge it outright by just commenting on the messenger instead of the message.... what was the question?

01 Oct 02 - 09:34 AM (#794719)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Bill Kennedy

I added a thread of Lyrics of Schooner Fare's 'We the People' which I think is a pretty good song all around for these times, useful at any protest or demonstration or social gathering.

30 Oct 02 - 01:15 PM (#814536)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Refreshing because it's THIS WEEKEND, folks, be there if you can since there is no current sniper!

02 Nov 02 - 05:41 PM (#817080)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

You all missed a GREAT rally. We even had counter-demonstrators! And I got some new lyrics, but I don't know them yet, will post as soon as learned. All I can recall is something where the chorus to Godless America went something like My mind's my own.

03 Nov 02 - 10:48 PM (#817860)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Bill Russell

Please contact me as I copied your phone number wrong.

04 Nov 02 - 04:50 PM (#818401)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

There you are! I've been looking for you all over those bloody chat rooms you told me about, and via email. No, you have the right phone #, it's just having trouble. JOIN US, do!

(Everybody else, this is a great person who would be valued here, great insights, great musical tastes even if not too folksy...)

08 Nov 02 - 01:51 PM (#821621)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

OK, this is what was on a card someone wasn't handing out, so I'm not sure of one line:

Godless America, land that I love
Stand beside her, and guide her
With no need of a light from above
Free from any superstition
(?Between oceans white with foam?)
Godless America, my mind's my own
Godless America, my home, sweet home.

Libertarian, you said you had more?

08 Nov 02 - 02:05 PM (#821636)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Bill Kennedy

haven't seen an iota of coverage of the event, what happened?, how did it go? talked to my daughters in Baltimore & DC, and they hadn't heard anything about it before or after.

08 Nov 02 - 06:59 PM (#821850)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: libertarian

Godless America

God-less America
Land that we love.
Standing by her, we'll guide her
Living life without help from above
Free from every superstition
Free from masters on their throne.
God-less America,
My mind's my own,
God-less America,
My home sweet home.

There this is the rewritten one I have, the original just says free from bible superstitions, but I feel godlessness is free from every superstition. Also there is another thread about the good the march did, if nothing else it made us who attended the event feel good and after all isn't that all that matters, is that the persons who attended the event feel good about themselves? If we all took the attitude that what we do does no good, nothing would ever get done. I for one am looking forward to the next godless march, as it will be even bigger than this one. I am also hoping to help create a true godless America, because a belief in a superior being only hurts!!!! Let's hear it for godlessness.

11 Nov 02 - 12:14 PM (#823427)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: libertarian

Go to and you will see what happened, it was the most wonderful event of my life. I am hoping for another one next year 'cause if there is one, I am there, and all godless people should be also.

11 Nov 02 - 04:30 PM (#823602)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Bill, the only coverage I saw post-gathering was in the Washington Post, where we got the half of p. 3 in Metro, above the fold. We were not relegated to the Religion section nor was there any commentary therein thereupon, unfortunately.

Despite no media pre-gathering paper anything, only Internet, we got about 2-3000 demonstrators/marchers and, they said, about 60 people brandishing what seemed to me to be mostly my-god-hates-you banners. Their banners were big, and they looked way more organized than we were.

The Atheist Alliance was handing out signs so I got one that said E Pluribus Unum, which I traded with a comarcher for Uppity Atheists Unite, as the spirit struck each of us. My favorite sign: What our schools need is a moment of SCIENCE. Other good ones included Don't Pray In My School And I Won't Think In Your Church, One Nation Under God = Afghanistan/Iran etc., Falwell=Taliban... Libertarian, you were there, what else was there?

We had some very good speakers. There was the woman running the show who said it was high time to form some kind of political action thingie and get our voices out there, after all there are approx. 10x as many atheists/people of no religion as there are jewish people in this country, not to mention (naming all the protestants we outnumber, like Episcopalians), as well as the Wiccans and others whom the right doesn't consider religious enough anyway... there was a pediatrician who was tired of his patients dying while their parents prayed. There was a soldier who was tired of hearing about their being no atheists in foxholes (which I think is taken out of context here) and who asked for thoughts but please no prayers for our wo/men in uniform today. There was a woman whose sister preferred trying to live a secular, intelligent life in a theocracy rather than emigrating and, after beating her head against that particular brick wall, immolated herself. Burned herself to death while conscious. I am not that political, but then again, I'm already here.

The general points that seemed to need to be made were made: There are a lot of us (aka there are a lot more of us than you think), We should not put up with the denial of that any longer / We should come out of the closet, and We are not by definition immoral. Those are the positive points.

The negative points about the dangers of religion were also made, but fittingly, were not stressed: failure to believe in the supernatural is not unintelligent in the face of modern knowledge, that the name of gods more horrors are committed upon people who speak the names of other gods than have hitherto been attempted in human history, and so on.

Why do I say that it was fitting? This was the march of the godless, not the anti-god-brandishing.

Plus, it was so much FUN! We had a beautiful day, we were reasoned and interested in each other and argued from the brain, and it was uplifting as all getout. Thousands of like-minded intelligent and, unfortunately I thought, lilywhite group. Diverse we were not, unless you count age, socioeconomic status, and gender. There were people from 5 months to what looked like 500 years old, with and without piercings, with and without unusual length/amount of hair, with and without makeup or jewelry or ironing... but I saw hardly anybody whose main continent of ancestry wasn't Europe.

12 Nov 02 - 04:39 PM (#824521)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: libertarian

Again it was the most fun to be had by godless people anywhere, and I had more fun there than I have had in a long, long, long, long time, and if another one is held next year or whenever, I will be there. Loved it, wouldn't have missed it for all the money owed by governments.

13 Nov 02 - 04:29 PM (#825528)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: denise:^)

Regarding the first post in this discussion--
Uh, didn't *Irving Berlin* write 'God Bless America?'
Where does "the gubmint" figure into it?
Why does changing Berlin's lyrics help "the cause?" Isn't it the Pledge of Allegiance they're after?

BTW, I don't particularly think of myself as an overt ANYTHING--and I'm not trying to pick a fight--just wondering if you're going after the wrong guy...

14 Nov 02 - 01:56 PM (#826040)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: libertarian

Since we know there is no god, and that song is ingrained into American soil, it had to be changed as well as the pledge. God has to be taken out of America since all religions are myth information.

15 Nov 02 - 02:39 PM (#827120)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Denise - I don't know if Berlin wrote God Bless America. I know he wrote America, which is the title of a song more commonly referred to by its opening line, My Country 'tis of thee.

And yes, the cause is secularization, not only of the Pledge. Which some of us would like changed to the Constitution not to the Flag, but hey, that's a whole 'nuther argument.

The Gubmint originally had E Pluribus Unum as our national motto. It was changed to In God We Trust to keep the "godless commie pinkoes" out in the 50's, and should revert back to E Pluribus Unum as soon as possible. Get the phrase In God We Trust off the currency, out of our schools, etc. We were founded as a secular nation to free ourselves from religious bigotry, let's not forget that.

15 Nov 02 - 04:22 PM (#827220)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: denise:^)

Irving Berlin wrote "God Bless America" in 1918, and, of course, it was well within his rights of free speech to do so. (Sorry--it was a rhetorical question--)

Samuel Francis Smith wrote "America" (My Country 'Tis of Thee) in 1832.

Katharine Lee Bates wrote "America the Beautiful" in 1893.

I don't think that altering the work of deceased persons is the best way to further your cause. Generally, these alterations are seen as parodies, at best, and are laughed at by the majority of the public. Few people ever take them seriously. (Even when one alters them oneself--ask Elton John, who did such an amusing job altering "Candle in the Wind...")

It's always best to compose your own, original songs. Yeah, it takes awhile for them to catch on, maybe, but at least you're not a laughingstock in the meantime. And, in the end, you have your own works to claim!

Still, do you really think you have the right to take all references to God out of all popular music, poetry, etc.? Why is your right bigger than the rights of the people who put it there in the first place? You certainly have the right to control your own input to society, but not everyone's--and certainly not the right to reach backwards and change historical works...

Check out (believe it or not) Lou & Peter Berryman's song "Glorious Prediction" (from their 1998 recording, 'Some Kinda Funny') to get an amusing picture of what happens when everyone thinks that THEIR wishes/wants/needs should come first. Obviously, no ONE THING is the best thing for everybody. And no ONE THING will make everybody happy. God's already been removed from some stuff; He's still in some others--everybody's happy a little and dissatisfied a little. It's called life!


20 Nov 02 - 03:04 PM (#830968)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: libertarian

Denise, Since this was supposed to beio free godless (secular) nation in the first place, and since the xians want to shove god down the throats of anyone who doesn't believe, what do you expect? You see when this nation was founded, it was founded by people who had a state religion which was expected of everyone to believe the same.

Thomas Paine was a well known Atheist who was one of the founding fathers, and most of the others were diests.

While we don't have the right to take the reference to a superior being out of poetry or popular music, we do have the right not to listen to anything that offends us, and if the word god offends us then we have the right not to have that word used in conjunction with the government.

You see, in popular music, U2, Petra, Jars of Clay, and especially Creed are popular Rock bands, but those of us in the know don't have to listen to them, and most of us don't due to our non-belief.

I for one am hoping the godless people of the country will make a re-appearance next year so our cause won't die.

You see our leaders make statements that the press take as the truth, and the press then has to be set straight, and most of the time the setting straight doesn't have the impact the lies told by our leaders do.

Here's hoping to furthering this.

28 Dec 11 - 07:10 AM (#3280950)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Kendall

I was a Christian until I got into real history.

28 Dec 11 - 11:08 AM (#3281032)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Bob Coltman

Good work, Kendall. This thread deserves revival. Looking back at the interest and excitement over the Godless march on Washington of '02 is sobering ... how long and dry a march it has been since.

How heartening it would be to see another Godless march in this coming election year.

That wouldn't be too unrealistic as a political lever. Since this thread was begun there have been interesting figures showing that the proportion of atheists in the US population (one of the last of the civilized nations to be sunk in the Dark Ages re religious credulity and lack of true spirituality) is growing. I can''t recall the exact figure, but don't our major numbers make us something like the second largest "religious" group in the US?

I wouldn't be surprised if more and more people are taking to atheism in disgust at what passes for religion in the popular mind. When did religion stop being a matter between oneself and one's conscience and start being a bludgeon?

Yeah. I know. Long, long ago, as the song says.

28 Dec 11 - 02:30 PM (#3281136)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: kendall

Thanks, Bob. I was expecting some flak from the myth lovers.

28 Dec 11 - 02:40 PM (#3281147)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,999

Funny this thread popped up, because I'd just finished posting the following on another thread:

'I have asked people to leave my place when they argue about religion. Your--whoever 'you' is--have a right to your opinion, and along with that goes the right to keep it to yourself. In my place you abide by that rule or bugger off. That rule applies to all my friends regardless their religious beliefs or lack thereof. Basically, my religious beliefs are none of anyone's business, and anyone's beliefs to do with religion are none of mine. The single exception I make is for people who say grace before meals. If no one or anyone wants to say a blessing that's ok with me. The one proviso is that it be short/brief. You can offer prayers to God, Allah, The Great Spirit, etc. I'm a very simple guy. But NO editorializing in the name of your particular Kahuna. Un point c'est tout[.]'

28 Dec 11 - 03:15 PM (#3281162)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Ebbie

World English Dictionary
secular (ˈsɛkjʊlə)
— adj
1.         of or relating to worldly as opposed to sacred things; temporal
2.         not concerned with or related to religion
3.         not within the control of the Church
4         a. having no particular religious affinities
        b. not including compulsory religious studies or services

FWIW, I do not like the word 'godless'. I am aware that it is literally saying 'without a god' and that is fine. However the undertone, imo, is in actuality a slam against those who espouse a belief in a god.

I much prefer the term 'secular'. It stands alone and uncompromising but it makes no judg(e)ment against others. Why is it necessary for me/us to try to abolish what I/we consider mythical?

I do not particularly like encouraging a child's belief in Santa Claus but I do not find it necessary or desirable to disabuse a three-year-old of the notion.

Why the venom?

09 Jan 21 - 03:23 AM (#4087175)
Subject: ADD: We Would Be One (Finlandia)
From: Joe Offer

Here's another song set to the tune of "Finlandia"

(Words by Samuel Anthony Wright, music by Sibelius)

We would be one as now we join in singing
our hymn of love, to pledge ourselves anew
to that high cause of greater understanding
of who we are, and what in us is true.
We would be one in living for each other
to show to all a new community.

We would be one in building for tomorrow
a nobler world than we have known today.
We would be one in searching for that meaning
which bends our hearts and points us on our way.
As one, we pledge ourselves to greater service,
with love and justice, strive to make us free.

#318 in Singing the Living Tradition, published by the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1993

Samuel Anthony Wright was the minister emeritus of the Marin Fellowship of Unitarians in San Rafael, California. He wrote this text for Unitarian and Universalist youth at their Continental Convention of 1953-54 (Source: Between the Lines: Sources for Singing the Living Tradition

09 Jan 21 - 10:45 AM (#4087229)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Hey old friend, long time no see! [I talk to threads, not just to myself.]

Shocked, shocked that march was so long ago.

Answering Denise from that long ago:

Still, do you really think you have the right to take all references to God out of all popular music, poetry, etc.? Why is your right bigger than the rights of the people who put it there in the first place? You certainly have the right to control your own input to society, but not everyone's--and certainly not the right to reach backwards and change historical works...

Boy does *that* comment entirely and completely miss the point.

We are only trying to get god stuff out of the USGubmint, where it wasn't originally, not out of the universe.

No child in public school should have to recite a pledge into which under god was added *specifically to keep atheists* out. Take those 2 words back out of the pledge. Or don't *have* the pledge at all.

No child in public school should have to spend their school days walking under signs saying In god we trust. Put E pluribus unum back up, if you want the national motto on your school walls.

No child in public schools should have to sing god songs, and especially not *only xian hymns*, in chorus or music class.

All of the above were inflicted not only on my atheist kids. There were jewish, moslem, wiccan, and polytheistic families sending their kids to public schools in my theoretically oh-so-progressive Charlottesville.

Where, I might add, the AP history high school text said, in so many words, that while islam and judaism were religions, the new testament was history. I mean really.

Nobody, adult or child, should have to pay private or public debts with currency claiming respect for any deity in a secular society. Put e pluribus unum on the money if you want a motto there.

And in response to another comment:

I like singing the old songs with new words way more than having to write my own. My rendition of PP&M's The Magi into something secular and gender-free has been well-received, for example.

There is a great deal of linguistic evidence that repurposing old terms works much better than inventing new ones. Look at the evolution of You, or They, to mean a singular in addition to a plural. None of the invented new pronouns worked.

10 Jan 21 - 03:58 AM (#4087337)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington

How about Dumb all over by Zappa, wonder what he would have made of the recent events?.

Mind you marching in the middle of the pandemic, Darwin Award candidates

10 Jan 21 - 12:06 PM (#4087394)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: cnd

GUEST above, this event was organized in 2002 -- nearly two decades before the current pandemic. Now it just exists as a repository of songs for a similar event.

10 Jan 21 - 01:32 PM (#4087402)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mo the caller

When I opened the (resurrescted) thread I thought it might be about the recent marchers, so yes, Darwin Award candidates. Using the term 'godless' in it's derogatory sense rather than literally.

10 Jan 21 - 05:23 PM (#4087421)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

The Godless March On Washington was an atheist thing. Two, actually. We got Tim Minchin at the first one!

12 Jan 21 - 05:18 AM (#4087585)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mo the caller

Yes I gathered from reading the thread. But in my Sunday school days 'godless' was a term synonymous with 'wicked'. Interesting choice of name for the march.

12 Jan 21 - 10:03 AM (#4087614)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Why the venom? Because of the harm.

Not that I agree with the questioner that the term godless implies anything negative about the godful. No venom in the terms speechless, for instance. It just means Without Speech.

13 Jan 21 - 05:37 PM (#4087809)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mo the caller

But the godly regard (or used to) the ungodly in a very negative light.

14 Jan 21 - 02:59 AM (#4087859)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

E pluribus unum – There are two sides to everything. In this case: Annuit cœptis & Novus ordo seclorum. But wait! There's more...

"So help me God" in Yank oaths of office dates back to the Second Continental Congress (1776.) Local atheists, agnostics or whatever make “affirmations.” Each their own.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Episcopalian/Anglican (57.1%)
Congregationalist (23.2%)
Presbyterian (21.4%)
Quaker (3.6%)
Unitarian or Universalist (3.6%)
Catholic (1.8%)

Godless is, as Godless does.

16 Jan 21 - 12:12 PM (#4088311)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: Mrrzy

Well the godful can be bigoted if they want to, but the term godless or atheist just means Without gods or Without god beliefs. Respectively.

I have been using the word atheist for decades in an attempt to take the hoodoo off the term, then atheists like Neil deGrasse Tyson just put it right back. The hoodoo, I mean. Sigh.

And sure the founders has their personal religions. But what they founded was, deliberately, not supposed to have a public one.

16 Jan 21 - 02:38 PM (#4088330)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: For the Godless March on Washington
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

And sure the founders has their personal religions. But what they founded was, deliberately, not supposed to have a public one.

God is God. Religion is religion. Open expression of trust in God is optional, eg: an oath of public office.

For some Christians, the oath is blasphemy, so they join with the so-called godless in affirmation.

The State is neither for it nor against it. It can handle either with a crappe tonne of diplomacy and mutual respect... if one lets it.