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Happy Fourth of July, USA

04 Jul 02 - 10:51 AM (#742219)
Subject: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Murray MacLeod

It would appear that nobody on the Forum has acknowledged America's Independence Day yet, so allow me to be the first.

I always enjoyed the celebrations during the four years I spent in the States, and was invariably made welcome despite being British.

Happy and peaceful Fourth of July to all in the USA !


04 Jul 02 - 10:54 AM (#742221)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: greg stephens

Here, here. Thank you for the music.

04 Jul 02 - 11:02 AM (#742230)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Amos

Well, Murray, that is decent of you. Thanks.

We've kind of gotten over our huff with you lot -- we understand you were just having a Bad King day at the time, and things turned out all right after all, generally. Actually, it wasn't the British per se we were mad at, but the British Gummint -- I am sure you can sympathize.

Anyway, thanks for the good wishes. I am sorry to say that this Fourth is a bit short in the balance sheet, so to speak -- the net force of freedom and independence as the first principle of human political life has taken a bit of a bashing here and there these last few years. I am not too proud of what this grand country has turned into lately. But that's perhaps a passing phase. The Great Experiment is still sound and worth a lot more effort and promotion. As me oul Da once said (in 1976) "After two hundred years, it's too soon to quit!".



04 Jul 02 - 11:03 AM (#742231)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: The Pooka

Thank you, Murray MacLeod. Very thoughtful indeed. / Yes, a happy & safe Independence Day to us. God bless the USA; and,

America, America, God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law.

04 Jul 02 - 11:13 AM (#742238)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: The Pooka

Amen & Omeyn, Amos. Spot on, right arm, etc. / MurrayMac, I bet you were made all the more welcome *because* you're British, not despite it. We love the British. We do. Even us Irish-Amurrricans. Hell, *especially* us mickyanks. / Happy 4th to all.

04 Jul 02 - 11:13 AM (#742239)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Steve Latimer

A Happy 4th of July to all you American 'Catters. This one from the Great White North.


04 Jul 02 - 11:14 AM (#742240)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Mikey joe

Happy 4th US

I think I'm becoming more and more of an internationalist as I get older.

Have a good one


04 Jul 02 - 11:16 AM (#742241)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: GUEST,Penny S.(elsewhere)

And a big happy Fourth from me, too. All you want of it, and nothing you don't.


04 Jul 02 - 11:23 AM (#742244)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Amos

Actually, we DO have something to celebrate besides Georgie's polyps, which turned out to be a huge disappointment.

An American adventurer, Steve Fossett, has just made a world record by flying his high-flying balloon completely around the world, starting in Australia and landing there again on the early morning of July 4th. He is the first person to circumnavigate the globe by balloon, which is quite a feat, as he had to try about six times.

His balloon, appropriately enough, eas called Spirit of Freedom.

Way to go, Yankee!


04 Jul 02 - 11:48 AM (#742263)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Wolfgang

He is the first person to circumnavigate the globe by balloon

No, the first were Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones in 1999.

Nevertheless, have a nice day.


04 Jul 02 - 12:04 PM (#742274)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Thanks, Mates! There's really a lot to celebrate over here, despite some recent stuff going on. There are many countries where, if you said the stuff about the government there that's said on Mudcat, they'd take your hands off at the wrists.


04 Jul 02 - 02:34 PM (#742350)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: InOBU

HEY FOlks, happy day to all, Genie and I are leaving the country tonight, just for the fireworks, we have an invitation to see the fireworks from up high in the UN with some pals from Oz who work there. I hope we can get through the security as I hear it is changing moment to moment. But, hopefully I will have storries to tell all tommorow of the fourth day of the seventh month from International Territory.
Mind your fingers with the fun in states that allow it!
Don't eat to much,
Cheers Larry

04 Jul 02 - 02:44 PM (#742354)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Amos

Freedom is certainly worth celebrating, isn't it; especially when it is real.

In this nation, there have been many encroachments, invasions, erosions, adulterations and plain suppressions of what we once thought of as our personal freedoms.

For one man's perspective on this sorry state of affairs, I invite you to read this brief article written by a Libertarian. While I am not a registered Libertarian, I am certainly sympathetic to their ideals.


04 Jul 02 - 02:45 PM (#742355)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: artbrooks

Interestingly enough, I read an article in our local (Albuquerque) paper about a couple of New Mexican women who had been made members of the Daughters of the American Revolution (for our friends beyond the borders, the DAR is traditionally an organization that raises the hackles of anyone to the left of, say, Margaret Thatcher). Seems their ancestors, members of the Spanish Army garrison here in the 1780s, participated in a semi-voluntary contribution to the American revolutionary coffers. Inclusion is a wonderful thing...happy birthday to us (and US).

04 Jul 02 - 03:39 PM (#742377)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Deda

May this fourth be peaceful, the beginning of a wave of peace across the world. May the threats against innocents around the globe evaporate harmlessly. May the places suffering drought have rain, and may the places battling floods have sunshine. May America find ways to share generously her great luck and wealth with the luckless of the world. May the desire for vengeance in the world come to nothing, may it be replaced by forgivenenss and compassion.

There's a lot about being American that I've always treasured and still do, in theory, but there are days when I think, next lifetime I'd like to be Dutch, or Danish, or Finnish, or even Icelandic. America has never had any gift for humility, and this administration is a great embarrassment to me on all fronts. Still, America represents hope of better prospects to millions of people, and it still does hold out the very real possibility of better life to (and becuase of) the millions who continue to make their way here year after year after year, no matter how much some people and nations rail about how awful this place is.

04 Jul 02 - 03:50 PM (#742390)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: C-flat

Very nicely put Deda,
Happy 4th July from this part of the U.K.too!

04 Jul 02 - 09:35 PM (#742578)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: The Pooka

Amos - please be assured no offense is meant here, but: are you *sure* that feller's a Libertarian? He sounds, and the linked "Free Kentucky" site seems (at a glance, I admit), a bit more like yer average survivalist-militia-antigummint sort, than the Libertarians I've run into. (Granted, there's surely some overlap there.)

Here's the Libertian Party national website Click here. One notes they oppose pledge-of-allegiance in public schools, favor drug legalization, etc.

I admire the Libertarians for (usually) their intellect, and for an intellectual consistency all too rare these days. BUT, what sets them apart from most 'Catters I think, and most others too, is in a sense precisely that ideological rigor. They favor maximum individual freedom, hence minimal government power, in ALL areas of life -- political, social, personal, civic, *and economic*. IOW, they are purist civil libertarians *and uncompromising laissez-faire capitalists*. They oppose censorship, police-state "security" measures, drug laws, porn laws, the draft, foreign military adventures, foreign aid, public school prayer, public schools generally, guns laws, civil-rights laws affecting the private sector, regulation of business, the income tax, taxation generally, and so forth & so on---all for the same reason: these measures diminish individual liberty.

They aren't (quite) anarchists, but they'll do until anarchists come along :). They truly believe that that government is best which governs least---literally, in all sectors of society. A merry-hearted Libertarian once gave me their platform summarized tongue-in-cheek on a business card: "We favor abolition of nearly everything; we call for drastic cutbacks in everything else; and we refuse to pay for what's left." :)

The Libertarians I've talked to are very nice, bright, sane and sincere. I'd *like* to think that their consistent minimalist-government vision is right, true, attainable, and a blueprint for a better, freer, more prosperous world. / But I don't. I fear it's a never-never-land, a tir-na-nog, another gnostic dream of perfection on this earth, taking into account part, but not all, of our individualistic-but-also-tribal human nature. / Interesting, though. And a very valuable contribution to the debate. Let a hundred flowers bloom (as that great Libertarian icon, Chairman Mao, once said :).

Well, please forgive the foregoing disquisition; and Happy Fourth again to one & all, as the illegal unofficial fireworks--set off by instinctive Libertarians no doubt :)-- snap, crackle & pop outside along my street.

04 Jul 02 - 10:20 PM (#742593)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Genie

Thanks, Murray!  I just got through serenading the old folks with "Stars & Stripes Forever"  (the whole thing) on my kazoo, so I'm done performing for the day and settled in to watch the fireworks  on the TV and check out "A Capitol Fourth" and the ABC special to see if the 'controversial' C/W songs are missed.  Actually, we Yanks should thank ol' George the 3rd, because if he hadn't treated us so badly, we'd maybe still be part of the Empire, eh?  
And where would the NFL  and the NBA be??

What you said, Jerry R.  And Deda.

BTW,  is McYank a term that reflects the worldwide spread of the Hamburglar and his buddies?

Pooka, what you said about "libertarians."  One area where I shudder to thinkg what would happen if they won out is that of environmental protection.  Another is that of food and drug quality regulation.

Anyway, you US fo'ks, go out and shoot a few (fireworks,that is)!  Happy Independence Day!

(not to be confused with InObu's Genie)

04 Jul 02 - 11:46 PM (#742618)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Celtic Soul

Thanks from me too, Murray!

I had a GREAT 4th! I did something to celebrate what I think was in the spirit of the holiday.

I did what I wanted to. If I wanna go to the movies instead of the traditional events, I can. So I did. And while I was there, I noticed folks who were originally from all over the world who came to do the same thing I did. It was wunnerful.

I hope all of the rest of you had a good time today as well. Holiday or no, I hope the day was grand for each and every one of you.

05 Jul 02 - 12:31 AM (#742636)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: The Pooka

Did just what yez damnwell pleased, eh, Celtic Soul? Whaddaya, unpatriotic? Don'tcha know we're all obliged to go out and roar like the divil at the fireworks, to show that we love our Freedom? :) Good fer you CS. Up the USA.

05 Jul 02 - 12:39 AM (#742638)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Art Thieme

Murray, thank you. We are celebrating the freedoms we have with more appreciation this year. Lately those freedoms are in better focus and seem more precious than in other years.
Jerry, I appreciate your comments. I had wondered why I couldn't pick any more. Now, I realize it's 'cause my hands are gone. ;-)


05 Jul 02 - 01:11 AM (#742644)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: GUEST,Genie (cookie disappeared again)

Pooka, "...we're all obliged to go out and roar like the divil at the fireworks, to show that we love our Freedom..."--not to mention get roaring drunk (also to show that we love our country).

ยค;- )

05 Jul 02 - 01:54 AM (#742662)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: GUEST,DW at work

"Thanks, Mates! There's really a lot to celebrate over here, despite some recent stuff going on. There are many countries where, if you said the stuff about the government there that's said on Mudcat, they'd take your hands off at the wrists." Jerry

And they'd throw away the wrong bit!

Spare a thought for all those poor guys in law enforcement and security who didn't get the holiday, didn't get to suck down some beer and had to go stamp on the fireworks. People are still out there picking up the pieces.

I'll get my holiday round about late September. Still, as long as no-one gets shot.


05 Jul 02 - 04:01 AM (#742712)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Peter Kasin

Thanks, Murray! A great 4th in San Francisco. Was singing chanteys with 'Catters Melani, Radriano, and later Riggy and other bandmates on the ships at Hyde Street Pier. A long work day - 12 hours, but it's hard to beat watching the fireworks from the deck of a square-rigger at the pier, and getting to play music on the job. I hope everyone's holiday was great and safe.

05 Jul 02 - 07:03 AM (#742780)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: InOBU

As promised...
The fourth from the UN was a blast!!! Funny though, the security was rather well, not libertarian... You know the sort of green blue cast of the building? It is because the windows are heavily tinted, but THEY OPEN! All the way, as modern buildings would not do! So, we lined up chairs in front of the windows, and opened them up wide, and in a few moments the anoucement came over the intercom, "All employees and their guests must close windows for the sake of fire security!" Fire security??????? Well, even through the blue green windows it was SPECTCAULAR! And Macy's did a grand job. Rattled the windows!

05 Jul 02 - 11:33 PM (#743215)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Celtic Soul

Pookah! Yup! Durn tootin' I was as unpatriotic as they come! But the constitution says I can, so what the hey!!

GuestDW, very good point! Where I work, we serve the financial needs of County Government employees, to include Police officers and Fire Fighters. I think I may just have to thank the next few I see. And thank *you* for the good idea.

05 Jul 02 - 11:36 PM (#743218)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: catspaw49




05 Jul 02 - 11:42 PM (#743219)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: The Pooka

Right on, CS, on both points.

05 Jul 02 - 11:44 PM (#743220)
Subject: RE: Happy Fourth of July, USA
From: Celtic Soul

What, Spaw? No "Bah-humbug"? What kind of curmudgeon are you if we can't have at least one? :D