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BS: Your Nicknames

11 Jul 02 - 12:29 PM (#746589)
Subject: Your Nicknames
From: Lonesome EJ

The British-American names thread spawned a side discussion that went into nicknames, and I was wondering...what nicknames have you had? Now, be honest!

My first was based on the popularity of Tennessee Ernie Ford, and when I was about 9 a lot of my friends called me Tennessee Ernie. Later, Ernest T Bass was a character on The Andy Griffith Show, so I got called Ernest T quite a bit. Maybe my favorite was one I got from the coach on my football team when I was about 10...Tiger.

Later, I hosted parties where I would cook a big pot of Louisiana Gumbo for all my pals, and I got the moniker "Cajun Ern" or "Caje". My least favorite was "Rooney", a name I got when a fellow office-worker mispronounced my name while under the influence of several beers. Everyone cracked up, and I was Rooney for the rest of my time there. I actually got pissed about it once, which is NOT the way to get people to stop calling you by a nickname.

So, c'mon. Fess up!

11 Jul 02 - 12:37 PM (#746595)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: MMario

Lmpy; Lmp;

(no - those two are NOT mispelled - just difficult to pronounce correctly)

wop; Bear; Pillow-man; coca-pola; pepsi; sandwich; ham on rye; Ludolph

and a few more I was *called* but never answered to.

11 Jul 02 - 12:38 PM (#746597)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Deda

"Deda" is actually a childhood nickname that my mother dreamed up when I was a baby. So was Reba, and the ever-popular Princess (this was in the 50s, it didn't have any particular connotations). My husband calls me Fetchie because he thinks I'm so FETCHING. (I tell him he's pretty easily fetched.)

That's about it. Not too exciting.

11 Jul 02 - 12:44 PM (#746602)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Sorcha

My dad called me Cockroach from the time I was born. I was a night owl, and when mobile, skittered like a roach. Later he often called me Moira (after the wind).

11 Jul 02 - 12:49 PM (#746606)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: catspaw49

Well, I always refer to you as Leej, and whether you like it or not, it's the name I always think of you with! "Spaw" is about the only thing I've ever had actually as far as a nickname goes, and when talking to other 'Catters I find they use that more than my given name by about 50-1.

In 3D I never really had one that I recall except things I've called, "Fatboy" will fix it as soon as I can." I think part of that comes from the fact that my last name is Patterson and everyone calls people named Patterson, "Pat." So my parents, thinking ahead I suppose, simplified the issue by naming me Patrick. Boring ass story huh? Oh well...........I think it also has had the effect of me using a lot of names for people in conversation...."Slick" "Ace"...that sort of thing. The only person to ever use a name other than Pat is my friend Randy who always calls me "Loomis" old joke that we neither one can remeber the origins of...I think it started in jr. high when I started calling him "Ziffel."....also for reasons neither of us remember. That started it and it still goes on, more of a joke than a nickname though.


11 Jul 02 - 12:51 PM (#746611)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Clinton Hammond

Most of the names that people call me, are not to be repeated in polite company...

In a flash of inspiration on stage one day, I introduced a Zook player who was filling in for my lead guitar player as Bazoukie Joe.. He ran with it and pulled his shirt up to just under his nose... and well, it's stuck...

THAT'S him playing zook in his dads band... Cool pic eh!

When my lead guitar player had to drop out of the scene for a while (nervous breakdown) he started being referred to as The Diamond, as in "Shine on, you crazy..." And well, Dan The Diamond has a really cool "Snatch" kinda feel...

A year or 2 ago, a young guy named Chris Angel appeared on our local folk scene, and I had the pleasure of saddling him with the moniker Kid Folk... Well, now he's leaving town, and I'm taking his place in Mic And The Distractions... So Mic was kind enough to make it known that henceforth, I would be referred to as Old Folk... Not to be out-done by that geezer, I stamped "Grand Folk" across his forehead, now NO ONE has a real name anymore! LOL!!

Beats being called "Red" I guess...

11 Jul 02 - 12:58 PM (#746619)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

When I was little my parents called me things like Choochoo and Kimmy Susie Annie. I got called Feathers a lot, because that was my maiden name.

Kimba was one that stuck pretty well. Then there's Moon Pie (because I happen to like Moon Pies, thank you very much), Princess Svetlana (because I like it), Safira (belly dancing name), and of course, Fiddlebum (thanks to the fiddle tattoo on my bum, and Spaw, in a thread that had something to do with cats traveling at the speed of light, or such like).

Mister gets called... well, Mister. His uncle calls him Zan, as in Gitarzan. His aunt calls him PM, because those are his initials. :-)

11 Jul 02 - 01:21 PM (#746635)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: greg stephens

Tich, Little G and Stepney

11 Jul 02 - 01:23 PM (#746637)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Bee-dubya-ell

While in high-school German class, we were all given "German" names. I was given the name Berthold (as in Brecht). The class clown chimed in with, "What was that name again? Bird-Hole?" So, I got saddled with the name "Bird-Hole", mercifully shortened to just "Bird" for a number of years. I still have friends to whom I am "Bird" or "Birdman". In fact, I wanted to be "Birdman" when I first joined Mudcat, but somebody else already had it.

More recently, some folks have started referring to my wife an me (Bruce & Susan) as "Broozer & Soozer". They think it's cute - I wish they would grow up.


11 Jul 02 - 01:25 PM (#746638)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Nigel Parsons

Sorcha: The wind was "Moria" , not "Moira"! or are you referring to a different 'wind' ?


11 Jul 02 - 01:28 PM (#746643)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: MMario

I thought they called the wind "maria" (pronounced more-I-ah)

11 Jul 02 - 01:31 PM (#746645)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Edain

Being the youngest in my family I also got the name Titch, although only from my big brother. Edain is my most common nick-name although some ppl use derivatives of that, the most common being Ed or 'dain (pronounced dine).

The nick name I had through high school was Bowak (bo-wack) as it's a common mispronunciation of my surname although I think the oddest nick-name I've had from from a french horn player at band pratices who always called me Moose.

11 Jul 02 - 01:32 PM (#746646)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: catspaw49

I often have the winds and they are spelled f-a-r-t-s, which could be what Sorch meant.


11 Jul 02 - 01:38 PM (#746650)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Jerry Rasmussen

My Dad called me Slewfoot. All of his friends had nicknames... I included some of them in a song I wrote: Caroline, about going hunting for the first time:

"There'll be me and my Dad and Boo in the front seat
Bones and Skinner and Hump in the back

Also for the creatively challenged, I was occasionally called Rassie... my Father's nickname.


11 Jul 02 - 01:38 PM (#746651)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Nigel Parsons

Does Spaw sing flat ?

I don't know, but whenever he speaks he lowers the tone *BG*


11 Jul 02 - 01:43 PM (#746654)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Catherine Jayne

I progressed from Kitty to Cat.

When I was uni a group of us acqired nick names and Im not quite sure how they came about but it must have included alot of alcohol. I was Gertrude and my best friend was Ermantrude then there Doogle, Aunty James, Big Tits, Bigger Tits and Enormous Tits well that was all 7 of us. I still get postcards addressed to Gertrude from people from university. Bizarre!!!

I acn't tell you what my bloke calls me coz thats private!!!


11 Jul 02 - 01:45 PM (#746656)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: The Walrus at work

I've had all the usual names one gets called when fat.
In the last thirty years I've been "Wyatt", "Schmetterling" (It's a long-ish story), Fliegel (after one of the characters in the "Banana Splits Club"), "Q" and "Walrus".


11 Jul 02 - 01:47 PM (#746658)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: MMario

forgot "shadow" - but that was from only one person.

11 Jul 02 - 01:49 PM (#746660)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Lonesome EJ

I had a buddy back in the hippy days named Bob Latter. He was a short, energetic, long-haired little rascal and his girlfriend began calling him Steplatter. He loved the name, and called his daughter "Steppany", and even purchased a Step Van to drive around in.

Step bought a Clown Costume at a yard sale and immediately put it on to ride home on his Triumph Cycle. He loved the astonished or outraged looks he got, and when he stopped for gasoline, the attendant was a redneck who gawked at him until Latter finally walked up to him, grinned, and said "excuse me, sir. Perhaps you could direct me to the Festival of the Clowns, which is being held somewhere near by?" The guy went in to ask his supervisor about it, and returned to say that this was the first they'd heard of it. Latter replied that it was going to be the largest festival of its kind, and that over 100,000 clowns were expected to attend, and he expected the entire neighborhood would be teeming with clowns camping, hitch-hiking, cooking out etc. Latter got a lot of satisfaction out of misleading straight people in this way.

11 Jul 02 - 02:11 PM (#746671)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Chip2447

Chip, obvisiously. a nick name given to me some forty odd years ago by my maternal grandmother; I'm also a Junior, so it wasnt too much of a stretch to get chip off of the old block. With Chip comes all the usual derivations; Chimp, Champ, Chump, Chippee, Chipster, Chip for brains, and for some unknown reason I get called Skip alot. Every girlfriend that I've ever had winds up being called Dale (it was funny the first few times, and no, we've never heard that before).
Bear, Gonzo, Ogre, Ogs, Oggie, Oggie doggie, Oggie bear. The ogre ones evolved from a "DALE" above calling me her significant ogre, and the fact that I use ogre as my screen name while online. I may have missed a few. Chip2447

11 Jul 02 - 02:41 PM (#746687)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: MudGuard

Some people called me "Zwerg" (which translates to "dwarf").
Might be because I am only 1.94m high (6'4" for those un-metric people)


11 Jul 02 - 03:21 PM (#746709)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Sorcha

Nigel, you are correct--I wasn't paying attention. Was it Moria or Moriah? (Can't even remember the film title--just "they call the wind Moria.......) Spaw, watch your mouth or you'll get Scorched.....(grin)

11 Jul 02 - 03:23 PM (#746712)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Firecat

I get called loads of things. I get Kat, Katy, Kate, Kathryn (my posh name), Firecat (obviously!), bodhranfire, Butterfly Girl (due to my obsession with butterflies), Sabrina (don't know why!), Oi, Thing, Girl and You. Mum's got loads of nicknames for me, most of which are embarrassing, so I'm not going to repeat them, and when I was in Russia, due to the fact that the girl I stayed with couldn't pronounce my name properly, I ended up being called Kitten. I'm an adult cat now though!

11 Jul 02 - 03:27 PM (#746715)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Mrrzy

Mrrzy (Mrr for short) is what 5, 6 and 7-year old sisters came up with to deal with the fact that the new baby had a three-syllable name. In college I was also called, for a while, Marty Feldman Eyes. I've had my, um, well, it, nicknamed Pointdexter... and, um, them, nicknamed Sharol and Janet (right to left from the onlooker's point of view). I have also been called the Fact Fountain, since I am whom my family consults when they need to know something.

11 Jul 02 - 04:58 PM (#746761)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: GUEST,wilco48

My grandchildren named me "who-do." Now everyone calls me either "who-do," or "granpappy who-do." Strangers introduce themselves to me with, "Mr. Who-do, I'm ....." Be very careful about letting your grandchildren name you. In the dictionary, a who-doo is the voodoo name for the devil!!

11 Jul 02 - 05:06 PM (#746764)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Jerry Rasmussen

"And the Devil would call my name
And I'd say Who-do, who do you think you're fooling.

Paul Simon


11 Jul 02 - 05:20 PM (#746773)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Lonesome EJ

LOL. That's good, Jerry.

11 Jul 02 - 05:31 PM (#746776)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: mack/misophist

Never been much of a nickname kind of person. That's too bad since I have the commonest male name in the US. In the 7th grade, one teacher called me Vampire. A good name likle that, naturally lasted a couple of years. In boot camp I was Noos. And that was that.

11 Jul 02 - 06:53 PM (#746824)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Dorrie

being called siobhan i have loads of really boring nicknames - shiv, shov, shav, shivs, shovs, shavs, shivvy, shovvy, shavvy you catch my drift. but i dont think of them as nicknames more like calling john johnathan. when i was little people used to call me shivvy-shavvy shoes laces and that made me cry! my actual nickname is beever i dunno why but it has been for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages!

dorrie x

11 Jul 02 - 07:27 PM (#746836)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Celtic Soul

"Trouble", "Dolly" (if you knew me, or have seen a pic of me, you'd know why, "Mommy", "Momy" "Dee", "Rhee", "Peg", and others that I can't write here.

11 Jul 02 - 07:33 PM (#746840)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames

coward,twat, troll, bugger off you sod,get a life,gutless freak

11 Jul 02 - 07:44 PM (#746849)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Tattie Bogle

Er, Tattie Bogle, shortened to Bogues (rhymes with Pogues) or Cadbury (owing to a penchant for a certain brand of chocolate!) At school, we all got into TS Eliot's "Cats" (long before it was made into a musical), but I can't remember who was "Mum Mum mum", "Weggy Weggy Weggy", "Orow" or "Ah Blurk"!

11 Jul 02 - 08:03 PM (#746859)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Blues=Life

In my far distant youth, when I was a 14 year old wrestler, I stood 5'10" and weighed a whopping 108 pounds. This amazing physique continued through high school when I stood 6'2" and 135 pounds at graduation. My wrestling nickname stuck for years..."Stickman". Now when my wife is ticked off with me, she calls me "L.A." ... short for Lard Ass. OK, so I grew 2" and added 100 pounds. LOL My favorite nicknames were "Coach", given when I was the Training Manager of a company, and "Pistol" or "Pistol Pete" (Pete Maravich was my basketball hero for years). My least favorite nickname was "Skippy", given to me by a drunken coworker. That one was rather quickly and suddenly changed to "Please stop beating me to a bloody pulp!"

But y'all can call me Blues!

11 Jul 02 - 08:30 PM (#746870)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

i werk in a take-away as driver/manager, one day a customer phoned up and said " I didn't get my rice" I said ok, no worries, who took your curry? she said " it was that jewish bloke", this suprised me as there are no "jewish blokes" working for us! then she said "it was him, with the hat" I then said "it was me, but, I am not a jewish blike".john

12 Jul 02 - 12:23 AM (#746949)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Escamillo

Many years ago when I was a kid, nicknames were rarely used, so I didn't get one (except that sweet Americanized teen girl who used to call me Andy), but when my sons were teenagers, nicknames were mandatory. My older son Mariano (who got the nickname Mortem for his abilities in football) had a friend whose nickname was SORETE (pronounced so as in SO, re as in RED, te as in TENDER). In the Buenos Aires slang, it means bung, or... ok, a piece of shit.We laughed very much at this name and when we asked Mariano why his friend was called so, he told us that it was simply funny.

One day this friend ringed at our door, and my wife went to the door, a little sleepy, and shouted "MARIANOOO.." - "who's it Mom ??" - "SOOOREEETEEE !!". The boy kept smiling while we all were running desperately for a place to hide in.

Un abrazo - Andrés

12 Jul 02 - 12:55 AM (#746954)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: DougR

My REALLY close friends call me ...Kendall.


12 Jul 02 - 01:49 AM (#746970)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Mudlark

Being accident prone, my husband used to call me Falling Bear.

12 Jul 02 - 07:16 AM (#747069)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Gervase

Used to be called Biffo (because of a ludicrous handlebar moustache I once affected), and for years I was known as Barmy (in the way the short men are called Lofty, black guys get called Chalky and red-heads Blue).
It didn't both me much, but my ex did get pissed off at being called "Mrs Barmy"!
The name still gets used by former colleagues and guys on my shoot - those who can't get their heads around my given name.

12 Jul 02 - 07:21 AM (#747071)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: gnu

"gnu" is to define my being a docile and gentle creature until provoked, whereupon I am suddenly transformed into a Wildebeest. Of course, the transformation can be initiated by alcohol but I prefer the former explanation, as it is less embarrassing than the latter. My cousins, who named me gnu, would have others believe the latter.

There was also "Banana" in my university days, which was to define my being the same mannerly creature who could "go bananas" without notice. Yes, I was asked by many young ladies about the origins of the nickname and never lied.... never had to.... they wouldn't buy it until they had checked for themselves.

Lastly, "Captain Kmart", superhero, fighter of evil, defender of the meek, would appear suddenly in my university residence and dispense justice with a water pistol. For three years, many residents – as many as a score at a time – would chase this phantom throughout the residence and surrounding campus late at night, attempting to steal his power by relieving him of his flowing cape before he could return to his lair or hide the cape for later retrieval. Yes, anyone who could get the Kmart flag from around his neck would be immortalized. None succeeded, for such is the power of the cape. Too bad twenty-five years of smoking have robbed that power. Nowadays, my idea of exercise is a brisk sit; but I still have the cape… and the memories.

12 Jul 02 - 08:47 AM (#747100)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: GUEST,eoin o' buadhaigh

'upsidedown head' as I am ging bald and have a beard. 'Foggy' I guess after Fozzy Bear. One guy in work calls me Frank, because one day said to him" To be frank, I don't-blaa-blaa-blaa!" and one I don't wish to remember is --------, oop's I've forfotten!!

12 Jul 02 - 10:16 AM (#747135)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

They call the wind MARIAH.

How do I get a German nickname?

12 Jul 02 - 12:37 PM (#747225)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: katlaughing

Grade school, bright red hair in a ponytail, freckles everywhere...the kids called me "Woody Woodpecker..."

first ex called me "Hey You" (no one in his family was called by their name...his mom was spider!)

In my come-of-legal-drinking-age days, hair still red, going through a divorce and having a temper, they all dubbed me "Irish."

First real professional job, I became "Katey" or "KateyKat" which stuck until I came to the Mudcat where I became kat/katlaughing along with katma, katsagewalker, and bunch of other kat-whatever-action/emotion I'm feeling. One dear friend answered the phone recently with, "Hello, my Psychic Friend!" *bg*

LeeJ, you forgot "Blondie!"

12 Jul 02 - 01:14 PM (#747240)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Lonesome EJ

Oh...yeah. I miss that 'vette, too. Only one I ever had.

12 Jul 02 - 01:28 PM (#747247)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: katlaughing

Imagine you in that 'vette with the sex change and your hands all over the place....ooooooooBlondie!

12 Jul 02 - 02:02 PM (#747270)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Lonesome EJ

Makes it tough to keep her on the road, y'know!

12 Jul 02 - 02:07 PM (#747272)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Jimmy C

Never had a real "nick-name" but school friends called me (Shamey Bug), taken from the Irish " Seamus Beag" - Wee Jimmy. very few of them are still alive so I guess the name died with the last of them.

Nicknames of people I knew are

Ruadh Convery - never knew his real first name. Liberace(John) O'Reilly - he took piano lessons Gas Meter(Peter) McGuinness Blocker McAllister don't know his first name either Diddle(Tommy) Baxter Sambo (Jimmy) Boyle

The strangest nickname I know of was one "Cork McGonigal". he and 2 of his friends were in a boat fishing many years ago, the boat was swamped by a lerge wave, his two friends could swim but both were drowned. He could not swim but was somehow washed ashore, thus he was known locally for the rest of his life as " The Cork".

12 Jul 02 - 02:46 PM (#747296)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: MudGuard

Kim C, for getting a German nickname it helps a lot if you are German or are living in Germany... ;-)


12 Jul 02 - 02:46 PM (#747297)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Bill D

had VERY few nicknames (Bill is short & easy) lady from my home town called me Willie....then Alison of OZ started calling me 'hunky' during the Mudcat radio chats..*grin*....I defer to her expertise!

12 Jul 02 - 03:38 PM (#747325)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Amergin

oh i don't know....when i was growing up and even today my mom and gramma alot of times call me Nathan Isaac!!!

usually with three or more exclamation points after my second idea why...was such an angel....

then during junior high things like nutcase....satanist...and some kids...and even the principal and so called counselor at junior high...but that is because I started looking into alternative paths...(never satanism..but things like wiccan...and druidism)...

anymore it is things like grinchy...or sexy grinch....because of my sig tag at the ezboards....

and alot of times I get called asshole and dickhead...and other flatteries...

12 Jul 02 - 03:50 PM (#747341)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Deckman

If the truth be known, one usually aquires a variety of nicknames throughout their life. One nickname I aquired is still a source of personal embarrassment. It was my first day on a new job. My first command was to jump into a ten ton dump truck, back it out of where it was parked, and park it, and come back and speak to the BOSS. I'd never in my life been in such a HUGE truck before. I managed to start it somehow, found reverse, tooted the horn, and floorboarded it! Whoever had parked it the night before had swung in at a steep angle, had left the wheels cocked at a sharp angle, and sure enough ... I smashed the staff car sitting beside me. After the mess was cleaned up, I had the thrill of walking into the BOSSES' office and inform him that I had just remodeled HIS CAR. From that day forward, and for the next six months, my name was ... "CRASH NELSON!" (the next nickname I earned while there was ... "THE MAD FINN!" CHEERS, bob

12 Jul 02 - 04:06 PM (#747358)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Deckman

By the way, "MADD FINN" was meant as "That Crazy Finn!" I rather enjoyed living up to that nickname! bob

13 Jul 02 - 06:14 AM (#747625)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Banjer

Well, while in the service in Korea with the US Army I was known as Butterball....after I got out of the service my future brother in law and his dad called me Sarge, based on the Beetle Bailey comic strip. Nowadays I sometimes get called Poppa Smurf at work. One of my friends sometimes calls me Lizard Lips....don't even remember how that got started.

13 Jul 02 - 12:55 PM (#747697)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Ironmule

Sorcha, it's nice as a rare poster to be able to find something for a longtimer. My brother, WesleyS told me to look in Google when I couldn't find a tune on the digitrad. I put in a few words I remember from the song, and the first google entry has the music playing in the background, as well as all the words. I can't do the blue clicky but here's the URL "They Call the Wind Mariah" (Lerner and Lowe)

I got my nickname by riding a mountainbike all over a historical re-enacment camp wearing a breechcloth defending my choice of mount as "an easy to feed, well behaved mule". No, my "clout" never got caught in the spokes....they just said it did when tall tale telling time came around the campfire. Jeff Smith

13 Jul 02 - 05:55 PM (#747775)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: GUEST,Leadfingers

What about my mate who got the nickname Sledge cos he'd been pulled by so many dogs,

15 Jul 02 - 07:13 PM (#748544)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Art Thieme

The year I was at the University of Illinois, '59-'60, I was called NEMO by folks in Champaign. I left there after one year and the name stayed behind me. Just as well. If I am ever greeted by someone who uses that name, I automatically know where and when I knew them.

Art Thieme

15 Jul 02 - 07:55 PM (#748555)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: GUEST,Just Amy

Everyone in my family has weird nicknames. My Uncle was Tuffy, my cousin Alice was Tooty (as in tooty-fruity). My dad was Punky (as in little Pumpkin boy). My great aunt was (I kid you not) Dumpy.

I have been called Tank, Sherman (as in Sherman Tank) and Sherm (high school). Also, I was Twinkle Toes in H.S. One of my best friends was Frog Prince.

When I sang in a punk band in the 70's, I was Amy T. Singer (T stands for the). My current pirate name is Barracuda d'Morte.

15 Jul 02 - 08:08 PM (#748560)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Steve Latimer

Well, I answer to the obvious "Lats", the variation "Slats", and Stevo. However, the one that has really stuck is "Gump". A buddy hung that one me about ten years ago. I'm a former Hockey goalie who is a bit roly poly, and it's after the less than Adonis like NHL Hall of Fame Goalie Gump Worsley.

15 Jul 02 - 11:55 PM (#748643)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: GUEST,Jim

I am the Lizard King. I can do anything.

16 Jul 02 - 12:05 AM (#748651)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Coyote Breath

Well Coyote Breath is a name given me at rendezvous (buckskinner gatherings, mountain man re-enactments etc.) but my high school nick name (earned a couple of days before the summer before my freshman year) is both, ah "scary" and misleading. Old high school chums call be "tombstone". Now the REASON they call me that is slightly embarrassing. I had been picked on by a bully all through my 7th and 8th grade years. I was an awkward, overweight geek. A couple of days before school let out this jerk started in on me again and I just "lost" it. He grabbed me from behind as I was ascending a rise in the sidewalk and I jumped backwards slamming him into the pavement with my considerable weight (about 200 pounds!) on top of him. He gasped and gasped trying to get his wind back and I strolled away, never to be bothered by him again. A friend who saw all this said in awe; "Wow you fell on him just like a tombstone!" I'm not sure why he thought of a tombstone but the name stuck until I left Milwaukee for the Air Force.


16 Jul 02 - 12:11 AM (#748656)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Bull Am

Not anything too exciting... In high school, for obvious reasons, I had many colorful appelations based on my hair do (or don't): 'fro, 'fro boy, 'fro man (rarely, I was only 14!), etc. More recently, during my stay in France, I had a nickname based upon the language and my religious/family background. In French, 'jeu de mot' means literally 'game of word', or, more accurately translated, 'word play'... When spoken, the phrase sounds like Jew de moh...My father, although non-practicing, is officially Jewish (his mother is jewish) and my mother is not at all, so although I bear proudly the last name Goldstein, I am not officially Jewish, despite everyone's assumptions. Thus, in France, my friends would tease, saying, "you're not really Jewish, you're only a Jeu de Mot...The name stuck.

16 Jul 02 - 11:17 AM (#748894)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: Deda

How could I forget? My grandson gave me the best nickname I could hope for, which is Jamma -- based on his toddler-aged efforts at Grandma. His earlier version was Dramma, and I was willing to accept that, but when it evolved to Jamma, I said, "Whoa, stop the tape, that's a keeper!" When he later, pretty quickly actually, became able to say Grandma he was a little confused at my insisting on being called Jamma. It's way cooler, imho.

(I think "jeu de mot" is great! It's actually very funny and clever -- even after being explained.)

16 Jul 02 - 11:22 AM (#748899)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: GUEST,Passia

There was an old woman who lived in the woods down by the river Sallia.

16 Jul 02 - 05:41 PM (#749236)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

Well I am learning to speak German, does that count for anything? I once looked up the words for fire goat (my Chinese horoscope) but now I don't remember what they were. Feuer something or other. It didn't have quite the zap I had hoped for.

I did find out that Popo, which is what I call Mister at home, is a quaint German expression for butt. Not arse/ass, but butt/bum/bottom. Sorta reminds me of that Far Side cartoon where the Lone Ranger finds out what Kemosabe means.... :-D

16 Jul 02 - 06:28 PM (#749260)
Subject: RE: BS: Your Nicknames