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BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST

14 Jul 02 - 06:57 PM (#747991)
Subject: Farewell to a GUEST

Due to a change in my ISP's policy, it would now be very easy to trace me (it wasn't before, despite any techno-babble Max might have tried to con you with)

I am therefore ending my days as a flamer. I expect that you are all pleased.

Mudcat might be the better for it.

I did post quite a lot of useful stuff too.

Bye then


14 Jul 02 - 07:01 PM (#747993)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST

Nasty ISP

14 Jul 02 - 07:06 PM (#747995)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Little Hawk


C'mon, GUEST, give us a few hints before you go as to just which particular GUEST you were, so we can mourn your departure properly.

- LH

14 Jul 02 - 07:20 PM (#747998)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST


A couple of hints:

Never been too keen on a certain country that feels it has a God given right to behave how it pleases

Never been too keen on Max taking the piss regarding the supposed 'Mudcat upgade'

Never been to keen on fat arsed girls (clue Sherlocks! He's British)

Never been to keen on bad punctuation and grammar

Enough clues?

14 Jul 02 - 07:31 PM (#748006)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Little Hawk

Ha! Ha! Great. I knew right away you were British when you said "taking the piss" actually...

I guesss you do not have a strong reaction one way or another toward threads featuring William Shatner, is that right?

- LH

14 Jul 02 - 07:38 PM (#748010)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

'never been to keen' should have been, 'too keen.' You got it right just above, so you know better. Just a bit sloppy I guess, on your grammar.

14 Jul 02 - 07:55 PM (#748014)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: GUEST,van lingle

Who was that masked man? I'd like to thank him.

14 Jul 02 - 08:15 PM (#748023)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: McGrath of Harlow

It's always easy enough to trace anybody, if you really obsessed with that kind of thing.

If anyone is into hairy scarey stuff that requires totally secrecy, posting on places like the Mudcat is not a good idea. Otherwise, who gives a monkeys anyway?

14 Jul 02 - 08:48 PM (#748030)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Nigel Parsons

Guest: "Never been to keen on bad punctuation and grammar" apart from the earlier correction of to/too, that sentence appears to lack a subject, as do the preceding three sentences.
Of course, your comment could be construed as meaning:
(I've) never been too keen on bad punctuation; and (I've) never been too keen on grammar.
The qualifier 'bad' might only relate to the one object noun. In which case I would agree that you've never been keen on grammar!


14 Jul 02 - 09:01 PM (#748038)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: khandu

A roaring standing ovation for Nigel!


14 Jul 02 - 09:04 PM (#748039)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Little Hawk

Who is obviously British...

- LH

14 Jul 02 - 09:05 PM (#748041)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Bill D

heck, I've said for quite awhile that one major 'guest' was UK located....its dislike of the USA is well documented.

I don't like certain things about the UK, either, but I don't paint everyone there with a broad brush.

I sincerely hope there is a drop in flames now....

14 Jul 02 - 09:06 PM (#748043)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Nigel Parsons

Thank you LH: At least you didn't 'say' English


14 Jul 02 - 09:18 PM (#748049)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: khandu

"Are you shaw?"

14 Jul 02 - 09:20 PM (#748050)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Nigel Parsons

Apart from the 'not-English' bit, you may be interested to look about 8 threads down (Cân y Melinydd), where we have been assidously preparing a singable translation of a Welsh song. Although my part could have been done by any English speaker, a feeling for the original helped. As Siân says, this is (or should be) what Mudcat is about.


14 Jul 02 - 09:32 PM (#748059)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: GUEST,Don Meixner

Wasn't proud enough of his own name before, I don't need it now.

Don Meixner

14 Jul 02 - 11:09 PM (#748090)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Who gives a flying fig - "if they can trace you? Obfusication is still possible!

What WAS your crime?

lycos, rag, and mud are ALL U.S.A. based - the European limitations of FREEDOM of EXPRESSION when it comes to written and spoken dialogue are differnet than the continent that embraced National Socialism.

Stick around GUEST - we make a good team - along with the legion of other GUESTS. Can the Kangaroo Court of the MC find you guiltier than several of the anointed ones whose log-in-their-eye, is bigger than the mote-in-your-eye?

Mournfully Missing You Already,

14 Jul 02 - 11:50 PM (#748102)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

,.gargoyle-You say that you are against "off topic" postings, yet if one looks at your postings they would see that a very high percentage of them are in non-music threads.I wonder if you could explain this.
John from Hull

15 Jul 02 - 02:11 AM (#748133)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Don Firth

Witless protection program?

15 Jul 02 - 02:52 AM (#748137)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: KingBrilliant

Love the type Gargoyle - surf that differnet!

Bye bye guestee. And btw my fat arse has never been too keen on flamers either(cue for a couple of fart-lighting jokes anyone?).


15 Jul 02 - 03:25 AM (#748141)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Clinton Hammond

Security is an illusion...

(That's one of the big lessons of 9-11, if nothng else...)

On the internet, it's doubly so...

If ya feel ya gotta go, then go... but own up to the fact that it's TOTALLY a personal choice...

Even better... just go...

15 Jul 02 - 04:54 AM (#748162)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Dave Bryant

I assume that you are the "Micro-penile Mouse" who was scared of larger ladies. Although I've crossed swords (or keyboards anyway) with you in the past, I have seen some postings (which I think were yours) which were erudite and constructive. Why not cease you GUESTing and just post as a member ?

15 Jul 02 - 07:18 AM (#748199)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: kendall

I expect there is something about EVERY country that I don't like; but, so what? (That includes my own)

15 Jul 02 - 07:54 AM (#748211)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Little Hawk

You know I'd have nightmares
And a guilty conscience, too,
If I kept you from anything
That you really wanted to do.

But if you got to go,
It's all right.
But if you got to go, go now,
Or else you gotta stay all night.

- Bob Dylan

15 Jul 02 - 08:18 AM (#748224)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: artbrooks

Hoo-hum. Looks like ANON.GUEST has started another thread that everyone will feel obligated to answer.

15 Jul 02 - 11:54 AM (#748348)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Mr Red

since we are being picky picky what is an upgade - who care apart from those who are "unkeen" on bad grammmmmmar and spooling?
well gone I say.

15 Jul 02 - 12:45 PM (#748382)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Mrrzy

How can you tell the size of any part of any body on the Internet, anyway? Sounds like gratuitous bigotry to meeeeeeeee....

15 Jul 02 - 01:03 PM (#748391)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: John MacKenzie

I'm not contributing to this thread. Don't believe it either.

15 Jul 02 - 03:13 PM (#748452)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Liz the Squeak

Mrrzy - let GUEST freely insult you over a public forum and see how gratuitously bigotted you feel....


15 Jul 02 - 03:34 PM (#748459)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: mousethief

Hey, speaking as a micro-penile mouse, I am insulted to have anonymous, flaming guests associated with my genre.


15 Jul 02 - 03:35 PM (#748461)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: allanwill

Good effing bloody riddance I say! And I'm bloody glad he/she/it didn't turn out to be an Aussie>


15 Jul 02 - 03:47 PM (#748468)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: McGrath of Harlow

Surely all mice are on the small side in any case.

I imagine there must be some reason why there are people who get all knotted up about an illusory search for anonymity. I must have a limited imagination, because I can't imagine what they are in this kind of case.

I suppose he might be worried about someone turning up on his doorstep feeling insulted and vengeful. Hardly very likely though. And I imagine that now's a bit late to worry about that kind of thing.

15 Jul 02 - 04:22 PM (#748477)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Perhaps his name is Edward A. Guest? Just guessing..:-)


15 Jul 02 - 09:26 PM (#748592)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: kendall

or, maybe Beau?

15 Jul 02 - 10:02 PM (#748609)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: GUEST,Edward A.

no, couldn't be me--I never post here.

15 Jul 02 - 11:31 PM (#748632)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: DonMeixner

I get it Ken.

16 Jul 02 - 12:38 AM (#748672)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: GUEST,Tam

Just a comment on Nigel's parsing of GUEST's post. "to" instead of "too" could be simply construed as a typo. Nigel resolves "Never been to keen on bad punctuation and grammar" into "(I've) never been too keen on bad punctuation; and (I've) never been too keen on grammar." The English language allows for "I've" to be understood, the semi-colon is unnecessary after the "and" conjunction and the figure-of-speech zeugma (or syllepsis) allows the qualifier "bad" to relate to all objective nouns. It's a funny old language, ain't it!

16 Jul 02 - 12:45 AM (#748676)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: GUEST,James J. Joyner

Whoopdy friggin' doo! Glad you are gone.

Just a lurker,

16 Jul 02 - 08:11 AM (#748795)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Little Hawk

Oh, James! You are so callous... :-)

- LH

16 Jul 02 - 08:33 AM (#748807)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: greg stephens

Beware the Greek bearing gifts,. And even more beware the departing GUEST: they come , as dogs return to their vomit.
And guestTam: i don't think zeugma or syllepsis come into the punctuation/grammar bit.Nigel Parsons was taking advantage of an unintended ambiguity (virtually unavoidable when non-professional writers try to type out stuff which is basically spoken-word without the inflections). Zeugma and/or syllepsis (not synonymous) don't come into bad punctuation and bad grammar. They would come into bad punctuation and baaaad music.(hope that works typed).

16 Jul 02 - 03:48 PM (#749123)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Little Hawk

Concerning the baaaaad music...have you listened to the Great W.S. doing "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" lately?

Then there's baaaaad acting. Really no end to it.

- LH

16 Jul 02 - 09:13 PM (#749376)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: artbrooks

Too bad ANON.GUEST changed his/her/its mind...

16 Jul 02 - 09:43 PM (#749388)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST

Too bad some members here are obsessed with anon posting in a chat room, and just can't seem to get a life beyond that.

16 Jul 02 - 11:05 PM (#749422)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: DonMeixner

Thought you were leaving? What's keeping you?

17 Jul 02 - 12:32 AM (#749450)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Stilly River Sage

Kids, kids. . .

18 Jul 02 - 12:56 AM (#750144)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: GUEST,Tam

To Greg Stephens: Unfortunately, I have no idea what point you are trying to make. I simply tried to point out that Nigel's unwarranted attack on Guest's grammar could be explained within the common rules of English usage. I would fault your "Zeugma and/or syllepsis (not synonymous) don't come into bad punctuation and bad grammar" statement. For a start, "DON'T" should be "DOESN'T". I don't understand why you consider Zeugma and Syllepsis to be not synonymous as they both refer to the ability of a verb or an adjective to modify more than one noun. Look it up in your Funk and Wagnalls.

18 Jul 02 - 01:27 AM (#750151)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Little Hawk

Picky, picky, picky...

What I want to know is, is there any connection between Syllepsis and solipsism? And have I spelled solipsism correctly this time?

I was having serious problems with spelling "allegiance" for awhile there, but have now got it straightened out...

Yes, I know I could just look it up in the dictionary, but it's more fun asking people like you, and giving you a chance to flex your mental muscles and bask in the glory of it all. - LH

18 Jul 02 - 05:51 AM (#750244)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Nigel Parsons

Guest,Tam: The problem with taking the high ground is that it makes you a target.
"I don't understand why you consider Zeugma and Syllepsis to be not synonymous as they both refer to the ability of a verb or an adjective to modify more than one noun."
The two terms have almost no similarity. And a verb does not "modify" a noun any more than a noun modifies a verb. Modification is done by adjectives(for nouns) and adverbs (for verbs).If the two terms were synonomous they would be interchangeable, which a quick reading of the dictionary will show is not the case.
My original point was that his sentence was capable of two different readings depending on whether the "Bad" was intended to categorise one, or two, nouns.


18 Jul 02 - 11:18 AM (#750451)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: McGrath of Harlow

How do you tune a Zeugma anyway?

18 Jul 02 - 11:33 AM (#750461)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: IanC


Hit it with a hammer.


19 Jul 02 - 08:08 AM (#750998)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Bullfrog Jones

Kevin -- what's a Zeug? And stop calling me 'ma'!

19 Jul 02 - 09:50 AM (#751046)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: Bill D


MORE zeug

(zeug & zeugma seem to be German for 'things' or 'stuff') I don't understand the finer points, but I like some of the pictures I find on an image search for 'zeug'..*grin*

19 Jul 02 - 11:50 AM (#751100)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: EBarnacle1

Key of H minor.

It was long ago and far away. Besides the wench is dead. If, as Guest has stated, he is no longer logging on, there is no further possibility of dialog. Therefore it is no longer possible to talk to h(im)(er).

19 Jul 02 - 12:07 PM (#751110)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: An Pluiméir Ceolmhar

If only that were true!

19 Jul 02 - 01:52 PM (#751159)
Subject: RE: BS: OBIT: Farewell to a GUEST
From: JudeL

Why look up English in "Funk and Wagnells" ... isn't that an American dictionary? ( ducks and runs for cover )