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ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!

16 Jul 02 - 12:49 AM (#748679)
Subject: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Acheiv. Award!!
From: katlaughing

I have the great honour and privilege of letting all and sundry know that our very own FINE ART THIEME is to receive the...oh heck, I'll let him say it in his own words...

Say, I'm getting a LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD from the Woodstock, Illinois Folk Festival next Sunday----July 21. So we'll be getting hauled up there for the big bash. I guess there are a few folks who still remember this old folksinger.

CONGRATULATIONS, ART!! You are unforgettable and will always be in our hearts.

love to you and Carol, both,

Kat & Rog

16 Jul 02 - 12:57 AM (#748684)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: GUEST,Alex

Yeah, I have a vague recollection of the old (f)Art. Of course, they say that pot screws up your memory! Congratulations, Art.

16 Jul 02 - 01:06 AM (#748688)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: wysiwyg

It's almost enough to make me regret moviong away from the town next to Woodstock! Aw gee Art! Congratulations!


16 Jul 02 - 01:08 AM (#748689)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Bert

Wahay!!! Of course we knew all along just how good he is.

16 Jul 02 - 01:09 AM (#748692)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Mudlark

Whoa-HO! Way to go, ART! Congratulations!!

16 Jul 02 - 01:26 AM (#748697)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Genie

Well, Art, I've yet to hear you, but some folks I respect think you're pretty damned good, and this award reinforces that judgment. Congratulations!

Hope I get to hear some of your music soon.


16 Jul 02 - 01:49 AM (#748705)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: GUEST,MichaelAnthony

Congrats, Art!

16 Jul 02 - 02:42 AM (#748721)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Mark Clark

Congratulations, Art! Wish I could be there to see it. I'll let my daughter in Mt. Prospect know. She has many fond memories of your performances and would probably like to be there too.

      - Mark

16 Jul 02 - 04:51 AM (#748741)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Wolfgang

Congratulations, I'm sure they did piack the right person.


16 Jul 02 - 05:50 AM (#748748)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

So what took them so long, Art? I don't know many people who have given so much of themselves over a lifetime, and had such a good time doing it. Enjoy the recognition. You sure deserve it!


Jerry and Ruth

16 Jul 02 - 06:01 AM (#748751)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!

And for anyone who doesn't know Art's music, there are some (short) audio samples on this page

16 Jul 02 - 06:47 AM (#748769)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: kendall

The truth will out! Good on you old friend!

16 Jul 02 - 06:57 AM (#748772)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Congratulations to a wonderful musician and wonderful guy!

16 Jul 02 - 07:00 AM (#748774)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: gnu

Well done ! I guess that makes you the Thieme of the festival.

16 Jul 02 - 07:08 AM (#748779)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Stephen L. Rich


16 Jul 02 - 08:13 AM (#748796)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: SharonA

Art who?

Kidding!! Just kidding!!! Congratulations, Art. What an honor it is to have you 'round the Forum here!

16 Jul 02 - 08:22 AM (#748804)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Nigel Parsons

"Woodstock", that's just outside Oxford isn't it ?


16 Jul 02 - 08:46 AM (#748817)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: MMario


*BIG Grin*


16 Jul 02 - 08:49 AM (#748819)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Catherine Jayne


16 Jul 02 - 09:17 AM (#748835)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: JedMarum

Good for you, Art. All the best

16 Jul 02 - 09:50 AM (#748848)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: bbc

Congratulations, Art! I am one of those folks who've made your acquaintance through the Mudcat, by Internet & email. We have 3 of your recordings & it's been my pleasure to catch of glimpse of a warm, caring man with a weakness for wordplay; that's my kind of guy!

best always,


16 Jul 02 - 09:54 AM (#748850)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: MAG

Congrats, Art, for this well-deserved honor. Your love and respect for the music are always in evidence, and your interpretations always honed and nuanced. -- Mary Ann

16 Jul 02 - 10:00 AM (#748853)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Steve Parkes

Q: "Have you been a folksinger all your life?"
A: "Not yet...!"

Well, they must have decided to give it you early!

Well done mate,

16 Jul 02 - 10:19 AM (#748862)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Big Mick

Congrats, my friend! I am so very proud to know you. Your contributions to the music, and to the scholarship, have certainly affected and impacted my music. Not to mention the puns.............LOL. I am so happy for you, and like some of the others, I wonder what took them so long.

All the very best,


16 Jul 02 - 10:23 AM (#748863)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

(dang, I need to reset that thing...)

Congratulations Art! That's wonderful. :-)

16 Jul 02 - 10:48 AM (#748872)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Rick Fielding

Jeezus Art be careful!

Awards are one step before you become LEGENDARY.......and you know what comes after that!!



16 Jul 02 - 11:02 AM (#748880)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Ebbie

Congratulations, Art!

16 Jul 02 - 11:07 AM (#748883)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Naemanson

And I can say I've been in the same web site with THE Art Thieme. WOW!


By the way where are the honorary puns to celebrate this achievement? It seems that should be the theime of this thread. After all they will probably give him a plague for infesting folk music with his presents.

16 Jul 02 - 11:10 AM (#748888)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: katlaughing

Well done, Nice Mason!!!

16 Jul 02 - 01:10 PM (#748994)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Áine

Congratulations, Art!! Can't think of another person who deserves it more. And as for becoming legendary -- you're already legendary around here, don't ya know. ;-)

All the best, Áine

16 Jul 02 - 01:28 PM (#749013)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Dharmabum

Good on ya Art!

Well deserved!

Your CD's rarely make it back to the rack as there's always one in or near my cd player.


16 Jul 02 - 01:56 PM (#749034)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Amos

Yaaaayyyyy, ART!!! A lifetime of Art for Art's sake!! :>) Well-deserved and congrats!


16 Jul 02 - 02:29 PM (#749052)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Lonesome EJ

A Lifetime achievement award? Don't they know you're still just a kid?

16 Jul 02 - 04:07 PM (#749146)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: katlaughing

They've got High Hopes for him, LeeJ, just like the song says!

16 Jul 02 - 06:05 PM (#749246)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Susanne (skw)

Some good news do come around if you wait long enough ... Congratulations, Art, and enjoy the trip! You certainly deserve it.

16 Jul 02 - 06:45 PM (#749269)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Art, it's so good to be travelin the world with you, using the same bit of space, breathin the same air (coff, coff). But I'm sure you know you've had unofficial Awards from all of us, over the years...Love, Jean

16 Jul 02 - 06:46 PM (#749272)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Art Thieme

Thanks folks--This is a small 1-day festival. Not a huge deal. Very nice o' them to do this. I'll get to see some old friends--Ann Hills, Peter & Lu Berryman (and Berrywoman) Best of all we will hear some grand music. Again, thanks.


16 Jul 02 - 06:51 PM (#749282)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: artbrooks

Congratulations, Mr. Thieme


16 Jul 02 - 06:57 PM (#749287)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Abby Sale

No, I object to this award altogether. I mean, it's a fine thing to give one of folkdom's very finest an award but for me this is the wrong one. I said the same thing when Vermont gave one of these to Margaret Macarthur last month. Nope. Wrong award. Maybe money - (lots of it) - would be ok but not Lifetime Achievement. I expect Art to achieve a good deal more yet! Why should he have to stop now?

16 Jul 02 - 07:05 PM (#749296)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Celtic Soul

Wow and double wow. Congrats from here as well. When I grow up, I wanna be Art!

16 Jul 02 - 08:02 PM (#749337)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!

Congratulations, Art. Well deserved and long overdue.

16 Jul 02 - 11:19 PM (#749429)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: JenEllen

Such good news! Congratulations! I still can't thank you enough for the CD and note. I especially liked the "Doing Strange Things In The Name of Art" logo. I have it hanging above my desk and giggle every day. It's become a mantra, really. Where I use to be just an aimless weirdo, you have given me direction, and I thank you for that. *g* Have fun at the festival, and be sure to let us know how it went, okay?

17 Jul 02 - 03:52 PM (#749844)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Little Hawk

Way to go, Art! Funny thing about towns named "Woodstock", they seem to attract music for some reason.

Rick - What does come after legendary???

- LH

17 Jul 02 - 05:38 PM (#749918)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Bill D

after 'legendary' is 'apocryphal'...*grin*...

"yep, my daddy used to go to bars where folks claimed they actually heard Art Thieme sing songs and tell outrageous puns...but I expect it was kinda like Paul Bunyan and Dacy Crockett--just made up.."

but, with ALL of those puns in Mudcats archives(some 3 0r 4 times..*grin*) Art will not need to to move to 'apocryphal'....

have a great time at the festival, Art!

17 Jul 02 - 06:03 PM (#749932)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: CarolC

Great news! Congratulations!

17 Jul 02 - 11:33 PM (#750114)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: raredance

Whoopi-ty-yi-yo, way to go old folkie
It's our good fortune ol' Art to have known.
Whoopi-ty-yi-yo, get along old folkie
You know that your words will make every one groan.

rich r

18 Jul 02 - 06:29 AM (#750257)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: GUEST,Roger the Skiffler at the public library

Well-deserved, hearty congats, mate.
(I'm still waiting for my lifetime non-achievement award!)

18 Jul 02 - 09:23 AM (#750352)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Fortunato

Congratulations, Art. I was telling my cousin Kyle about you and your music last night, your years on the riverboat. It's truly gratifying to have the opportunity to congratulate you and to "know" you in this setting. All the best, Chance Shiver

18 Jul 02 - 12:37 PM (#750515)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Art Thieme


I've been aware of you through Jerry &Ruth. The Feeling is mutual.


18 Jul 02 - 09:30 PM (#750793)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: katlaughing


22 Jul 02 - 11:20 AM (#752408)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: GUEST,Rex on the work 'puter

Congrats Art! Glad to see some "official" type folks have come to recognize your gifts as we already do. Good news.


22 Jul 02 - 11:31 AM (#752412)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Big Mick

Any reports back yet? I am dying to know how it went.


22 Jul 02 - 11:48 AM (#752423)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: catspaw49

Since I just got home and had missed this one, I'll reserve comment til we all hear back from Art........But just in case I get lazy.....



22 Jul 02 - 04:24 PM (#752593)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Art Thieme

It was a marvelous day----even if it was over 100 degrees F in the sun. Old friends hauled Carol and I & my w.chair up there and new friends brought us home as we ain't driving now. Had a fine time hearing Annie Hills and P. & L. Berryman and even an amazing Czech bluegrass band.

Also, be sure to look for the rise of a great young prodigy country/bluegrass singer named AMY FINDERS. Nobody's voice has grabbed me like her voice and style and phrasing did yesterday in a long time. --- And I never ever thought I'd say T.G.F.S. (thank God for Starbucks) but that airconditioning sure did feel fantastic. And it's cool as hell to be able to say I got an award from Woodstock. Amy Beth and all her cohorts did a fine job. They took the placque off of all their teeth, gave it to me and it's now hanging proudly on my wall. ;-)

If any of you are having a hard time picturing WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS, I can tell you that the town with it's picturesque town square, where this festival happened, is where BILL MURRAY's lovely film, GROUNDHOG DAY took place. (So I guess I ought to go back there today 'cause it's all gonna happen again and it'll be day job vu all over again.

Thanks again.

Art and Carol Thieme Peru, Illinois

22 Jul 02 - 04:26 PM (#752595)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Mrrzy

A little early, isn't it?

22 Jul 02 - 04:30 PM (#752599)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: catspaw49

Sounds great Art!!! And as your official chronicler of bad puns, I believe that you must have been refreshed and rejuvenated by all of this since I think that is a new one.

Again, my sincerest congratulations. Were it in my power I would grant you the same on behalf of Mudcat as you have taught so much to so many here, not the least of all me.


22 Jul 02 - 06:08 PM (#752665)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Big Mick

Slide over, Spaw. There is room for both of us on this bandwagon. I considered very strongly, just jumping in the car and making the trek. But my grandson decided he needed some spoiling time, and I had promised, so I couldn't. I am very proud to call this gentle man a friend.


23 Jul 02 - 12:21 AM (#752823)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Art Thieme

Pat, no, Carol tells me I've said that here at least twice before. ----- But maybe THAT is just day job vu all over again---and then all over again---and yet another time----
Thanks all,


23 Jul 02 - 12:50 AM (#752834)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: katlaughing

Could you repeat that, please?

23 Jul 02 - 01:49 AM (#752850)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: Francy

All the best my friend.....I am so happy for you.....Oregon and I miss you....Frank of Toledo

23 Jul 02 - 04:38 PM (#753271)
Subject: RE: ART THIEME gets LIFETIME Achievement Award!!
From: GUEST,Dan Keding

There is another thread on the Cat about what is a hero.

Look no farther, the answer is Art Thieme.

Love ya, Art,

Dan Keding