24 Jul 02 - 08:19 PM (#754090)
Subject: RE: BS: do computers take summer holidays?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
There are long lists of abusers - these are collected and filtered out of the net-trafic. The perpetrators are contacted again and again and requested to stop their abuse of the net. If the continue: they MAY become a "black-hole."
There are a lot of international politics wrapped up in the web and CERN - a few of the agencies which can block useage over their area of the net are:Checking VISI.com Relay Stop List (RSL), Osirus Relays List (OSIRUS), Dorkslayers ORBS-clone (DORKS), Dorkslayers Zero Tolerance List (DORKZTL), Open Relay Database (ORDB), Arbitrary Blackhole List (ABL), DevNull (DEVNULL), Five Ten (FIVETEN), ORBZ Inputs (ORBZIN), ORBZ Outputs (ORBZOUT), SpamCop Blacklist (SPAMCOP), Intersil (INTERSIL), Compunet (COMPU), FloNetworks List (FLOWGO), Summit Blocking List (SBL), Spam Prevention Early Warning System (SPEWS), Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor (BOPM), Spamhaus Block List (SBL)
Servers like SPAM as much as you do....and for the same reason...it anonyingly consumes resources, bandwidth, space and time.
Give yourself a few weeks, and some more porn sites and your box will be filled again. It is only a matter of changing a single charactor in the address for the SPAMers get past some filters.
Sincerely, Gargoyle